My 6-week-old always seems hungry: Advice?

I know not everyone will agree with this, but try having him sleep on his back elevated on a pillow. I used my boppy. Really helps my two month old with reflux issues and sleep better. Also, you can try the podee hands free bottle so he can feed completely upright.

They do have growth spurts love. He will let you know when he is full. Just talk to his doctor just to be safe.

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Try using a slow flow nipple as long as he doesn’t get too frustrated. Burp at least every 2 oz and off more until he gives cues he is done. If he isn’t throwing up slot he isn’t overfeeding just having a growth spurt.

This is definitely normal. Talk to a doctor if you’re concerned and while I’m sure advice from internet moms is helping you worry I really would just ask the doctor. Some people on here are not giving good advice and could hurt your kid. I’d trust google more tbh LOL

My 3rd baby was like that too, don’t worry too much it will eventually be ok. Sometimes baby’s are like that they’re constantly hungry and then they throw up. Always let him burp after each feed.

It could be anything from a growth spurt, maybe and ear infection or acid reflux (he will want to eat more to soothe the acid for a while). Talk to your pediatrician and see what they say.

Feed them. They still cluster feed even if you dont breast feed it’s a growth spurt


My 6 week old cluster feeds. I’m constantly having to make bottles. They get over it as it’s just a phase. Try a nuk to hold him over if it really bothers you. That worked for 4 of my 5 kids.

Growth spurt and cluster feeding is normal . A lot harder to please with a bottle . Try doing baths before bed if u can see if that tires him put

As babies grow they tend to eat more. They need the energy so their little bodies start growing. Feed him until he is satisfied, a baby knows when he/she is full. They will stop nursing or let go of the bottle.
If you are ever doubtful call your pediatrician.

His milk isn’t satisfying him. Change formulas.

100 years ago the “cure” was all the warm mashed potato that could be held on a fingertip, let baby suck it with his bottle. Amazing what they survived!

Download wonder weeks! It’s a wonderful app

Slow flow nipple and feed him when he’s hungry. He feels ravenous because you wait to feed him as a last resort. This is called cluster feeding. It’s totally normal it typically helps establish breast milk production as he grows and needs more to be made. Take a deep breath and then go and feed that babe of yours! I know it’s easier said than done but enjoy these moments instead of stressing about it. I used to feel very frustrated as I exclusively pumped breast milk and my son’s cluster feedings not only drove me up the wall with worry but I actually couldnt keep up. I did what I could and then gave him formula. Even though I felt defeated my baby was happily fed and growing well. Now he’s a year and half and I’m just trying to enjoy these moments before they’re gone. Just breath you’re doing alright mama. See a doctor about the reflux just in case

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He is growing and when they got a spurt they eat non stop and at 6 weeks they usually hit there first big one. Feed him when he’s hungry and get ready for the next size in cloths.

Please fact check what some of the ladies are suggesting. Formula fed babies CAN overeat. And there may be a reason other than hunger,causing him to cry. He may have a little reflux. The sucking could be soothing to him and it may make him feel a bit better but only while he’s eating and shortly after. 5 oz every single hour is way way too much mama.


I put cereal n my daughters bottle… It helped her alot she was not hungry as often. And she slept all night


at that age my son was eating 6-7 oz. per feeding my girls were 4-6 oz.

My 6 week old grandson is eating 5 oz every 3 to 4 hours.

Why do,these parents that do this not just call there dr or health visitor for advice ,


Probably a growth spurt !

Some babies are just hungrier then others. Not all babies are the same. Make an appointment and go ask your doctor what to do. Ask if a tablespoon of rice cereal in the bottle is okay. If your baby had reflux the doctor may recommend it. It’s ok, you are going great. Being a mom is stressful for all of us. Talk to people, ask questions. There is no “right” way or perfect mom. We all try our best and feel lost some times.

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Every 2 weeks babies go through a growth spurt for the first few months

Try upping the amount you give per feeding or talk to your doctor about trying a thicker formula. DO NOT ADD CEREAL TO HIS BOTTLE.


As i first time mum its supper hard to know whats best and what you should do but your doing a great job just remeber that, maybe try going up to the next level per feed for a couple days and see how bubba goes every babie is different the formula feeding guide is just that a guide

Rather than giving a bottle every hr. Up his bottles every 3 hours.

If not. He might have reflux and you’ll need to buy a thicker formula xx

Talk to your doctor.

Feed that baby some cereal and fruit, what is wrong with these new mothers

Be sure to pace feed! That sometimes is the issue. It’s super important to pace feed with a bottle fed baby. But it could very well be a growth spurt.

Grow spurt! Happens at 6weeks

Put cercle in his malk