My 9 month old cries over everything: Advice?

My nine-month-old cries for literally everything. He tries to bite his three-year-old sibling. He cries if he doesn’t have the same snack as his sibling. He cries to walk; he can’t even walk. He cries to have the same cup as his sibling. Anything he can’t reach, he’ll cry. It isn’t a small baby cry. It’s a full-blown purple face, nonstop psycho scream crazy cry. He’ll do it maybe 1-3 minutes. Make himself tired and then want to get something else. His sibling doesn’t listen to this cry when he wants to take something from him. But how can I get this to pass quicker? What do I do when it’s happening? Anyone else’s baby ever do this? He isn’t a tiny little nine-month-old. He’s using 2T-3T, nearly 3 feet long, and just a baby still.


Sounds like you need a little break. Also babies cry that is their only way to communicate with you. He seems eager to learn how to do everything. Remember he not manipulating you he just wants to be just like his siblings. I have a 8 month old who trys to do everything the two older ones are doing. Maybe take him to the doctor and see if it isnt anything further


My daughter is 13 months old. Tiny though only 16.5 lbs. She does things like this often with my 5 year old son. If I can, I just grab her and take her to my bed to do play time or another fun activity. Can be exhausting but it works. Itll pass with age but I know what you mean.

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Babies and small children often behave this way when they are over tired. Is your baby getting enough rest? Do you have him on a sleep and bap schedule? If not, I would definitely look into this.


You said it already. He’s just a baby.

Crying is a form of communication. He’s probably frustrated because he can’t keep up with his sibling yet.

Hang in there :purple_heart:


Distraction and nap time.


Sounds like y’all tired and everyone needs a bit more sleep


Try a walker if he want to try and walk some baby are advanced and just need little push my son started walking at 9 months know he trying to run with my bigger son.


Scheduled naps and outside time always makes mine hapoy


He is biting , because he is in pain from teething and crabby because he is not sure why he is hurting. Give him Tylenol and naps


My baby is 9 months old and does the same thing but usually it’s because hes over stimulated, il take him to a different room or outside and he will change his mood.


Try distracting him by removing him from the situation and offering an alternative, Try saying “Stop, my turn, and cry back at him.

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Cause that’s how he can communicate…
At this point in time

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He is a baby. Babies cry. If he is biting, redirect his behaviors. Don’t wish your baby time away, you will want it back.

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Planned ignoring is the only thing that stopped my son from whining about everything. I would either walk into the next room after calmly explaining “when you are ready to talk like a big boy we can get what you want” or I would say nothing until he got the hint that I wasn’t listening to a whiny voice

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People seem to overlook the fact that babies and small children can get over stimulated which is the equivalent to being overwhelmed amd this is how they will react. He needs to be distracted by something else and allowed to calm. I do walks with my 8 month old twins because allow my daughter is very calm, my son gets like this often. I also ensure he gets his naps in which helps.


My 9 month old cries over frustration or when he wants me. Other than that it will eventually pass. He’s going through the stage of not getting his way all the time so it hurts his feelings. He’ll be okay just give him toys he can have or ditract him with playing or some small snacks he can have.

Best parenting advice I was ever given … Get them out or get them wet! Go outside even just to the kirb to look at passing cars or play with water even if its a soggy sponge in a cup. Completely changes their moods and will work for years and years! :+1:


He’s doing those things because he wants to belike his bigger sibling and do what they do

Ignore the cry unless something serious is going on. Then when he is calmer and willing to engage, talk slowly and calmly to him and use sign language or hand signals to reinforce that you understand what he needs and then move his hands/arms in the same way with yours and repeat his demand or want. Maybe he will then realize that the loud cry isn’t what works to get attention after all but using his “new language” with you is what gives him positive reinforcement and your attention instead.

Try distracting him! I always use OH! My (verd) word! Let’s see who is here! Then go walk to the front door window!

He is a baby!!!
I have two boys one almost two and one will be four and I buy the same snacks for them so there is no issues… He is 9 months both my kiddos where eating the same food by that time. Also you said he can’t walk but he wants to, maybe start teaching him how to walk.


Hes 9 months old hun that’s what babies do bc they can communicate in any other way!! My daughter is almost 2 and still will scream and cry till she is blue in the face of I dont understand what she is saying and asking me for!


My eldest was like this - just cried at everything. It was frustrating and upsetting. It’ll get easier the older he gets as he’ll be able to communicate more. Try distracting him. Hope it gets easier soon and don’t forget everyone struggles at time and it’s nothing you’re doing wrong, just babies being babies :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

He’s 9 months old. Crying is his communication right now. You’d cry too if you were teething and cranky.


He’s crabby bc he might be teething. It’s his only form of communication atm. Hes frustrated and doesn’t know why he’s treated different and for obvious age appropriate reasons. But don’t thing the same color cup end there. Mine still bicker even when I buy 2 of the same. Ugh lol but it gets better. My oldest is 15 and most complaining with the older onesis the 15 yr old will take 13 yr olds guitar bc 15 yr olds guitar needs fixed. 4 and 6 yr old still fight like this though. But the biting I think is between communication and teething.

Redirection! Look it up and do some research! It is great all the way into the toddler years!!


OK - no advice but hang in there mom. I love your way with words “It’s a full-blown purple face, nonstop psycho scream crazy cry” That should be the opening sentence of either a mystery story, horror story, or child rearing manual. Write it mama!


Welcome to raising siblings :exploding_head:

I have one of those :heart::heart::heart: high maintenance children. You can try EVERYTHING under the sun to get them to stop. Some kids are just whiny. My son pouts and cries about EVERYTHING! It drives me bonkers. It’s usually a sensory issue and one day when they are able to communicate much better it usually evens itself out. But sometimes you just have an emotional kid :heart::heart::heart:

Good luck my almost 9 year old still does

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My son is like this. Little over a year I feel your pain. I know babies do that but all the xtra banshee screaming temper tantrums are too much hopefully they will grow out of it soon I know my daughter wasn’t like this :joy:

Babies cry :woman_shrugging:t2: Pick up and don’t put down for approximately 5 years, my son was a high needs baby! Baby wear if you need to, was a life saver x


Mine is teething… She literally cries for everything right now. All she wants is held. It’s exhausting but it will pass.


Crying is communicating. Can’t expect a 9 month old to get on a soap box and list all their problems :woman_shrugging: You just have to work on redirection.


Sounds like my 4yr old and 3 yr old.

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Go to church and sing worship songs , read stories and find Jesus.


Maybe a mixture of teething and normal baby behavior :woman_shrugging:t3:


his way of communicating since he can’t talk. Good luck my son is 2 and still does it

When my son was 2 he cried because he never woke up in time to see the trash men dump the cans, he couldn’t cut his own fingernails, the tv didn’t put on the show when he wanted it to, when the sun would shine and he didn’t like it, and COUNTLESS other little things. He was just frustrated. It’ll get better. It won’t go away, but it’ll get better. They’ll use words more instead of just crying.

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Sounds like he’s teething and also probably overstimulated


That’s their only form of communication. Maybe try picking him up faster and reassuring him that you hear him and you are reacting to comfort him as soon as possible. I mean that in the nicest way. Good luck!


It’s a phase. A very very sucky phase, but a phase none the less. My 10month old is doing it too. Not all kids do it, but some do. He’s finding his voice and realizing it’s his only way to communicate. Best advice is say “oh would you like … (insert item he’s screaming/crying for)” and then act like he is talking back to you even though he’s not. Try to get him to say the words, say them slowly and clearly for him and see how he reacts.

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Teach him sign language, point, gesture, some form of communication. Talk to pediatrician in case he has hear problems. Should go away with formal means of communication. Keep pediatrician up to date in case it turns out to be something more.

Work on signing what he needs. sign for cup, help, milk,eat


How do you know those are the things he is crying for? You don’t. Discipline him for biting. Just a light pop on the diaper will fix that. Seriously. If you don’t get it under control now it’ll be worse when he’s older.


Babies will be babies.
It’ll pass

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Emotions are big and even tho his body is big he’s little still and there just too big for him to handle. My 2 year old does this

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Boys !!! Lol my younger boy is the same… he is 9 now still screams bloody murder over nothing :rofl::exploding_head::exploding_head::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:

My youngest was the same. He’s 8 and still a very emotional, sensitive dude.

I had to read the age like 3 times because I could not believe you were talking about a 9 month old :joy: he’s a baby ffs they cry lol


Ignore it! Reacting to his tantrums will only make them get worse.


Hes smart!!! lol u jump when he screams why would he stop that lol it works for him!


Validate his feelings by saying something like “it seems like you’re feeling frustrated, it’s ok to feel that way”, and teach him to take some deep breaths. Offer love and support while he’s frustrated. It’s ok for him to feel that way, best thing you can do is be there for him when he does


That’s the only way he knows how to communicate, he’s frustrated. Try to help him more?

We put our kids in their beds when they cry for not getting their way. We are trying to teach them self control. We go to our room to breathe when we are upset too.

Also respond calmly but don’t react.

I always tried to validate their feelings, while also making it clear that I “will not” tolerate tantrums (I use quotes bc I obviously know they are little still trying to understand big feelings and that there WILL BE tantrums, but that it’s not appropriate to handle them that way). “Wow buddy, I understand you are _____ (feeling word) but this is not how we handle this…When you are ready to calm down we will try again at ____ (whatever it was they wanted)”

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When my son was 9 months old he was very very needy, nobody ever wanted to watch him cause he would just cry the whole time lol he’s a momma’s boy :woman_shrugging:t2: I would baby wear him around the house so I could get stuff done and he would nap. Him and my middle daughter have always fought over me. If one comes to me then the other does and they start fighting. They’ll figure it out eventually I hope lol my son will be 2 in September and my middle with be 4 in October. They are much much better now than they were when he was younger.