My baby doesn't like sleeping on her back: Advice?

I have a question well more like seeking advice… My little one has not long started rolling over onto her front, and she also does it in her sleep,and when I’m trying to settle her in her cot the problem is she does not like sleeping on her front and wakes up when she does this, has anyone had a similar situation that can offer any advice, we are both not getting near enough sleep, and I work late evenings to early mornings


My daughter always slept on her stomach from the day I brought her home.


Mine started to roll to her stomach at 6 months I think. It was about this time I transitioned her to the crib. I honestly just kept checking on her.

If she’s rolling around it’s not a big deal!

They only stress sleeping in their backs when young because they can’t roll!

Try rolled up blankets either side so she can’t roll over not near her face but under her ribs you can buy them but I am not sure what they are called! Have you tried sleeping bags that keep her arms in or even wrapping her up tight! All of these helped with my two !!

3 of my 4 were tummy sleepers from a few weeks on

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If she can roll on her own then let her sleep on her tummy. My son is 10 months old and is a tummy sleeper and has been since he could roll on his own, I always lay him down on his back and he rolls/moves to the position he’s comfortable in.

I placed my boppy in my bassinet so it would feel like my baby was still being held.

My brother only slept on his stomach from day 1 and the doctor just said to let him. Its a lot more common than you’d think. And if she can roll already than she should be fine

My boy has slept on his stomach since he was 1 month old and had a strong neck, he has always been fine and started sleeping way better.

I would use blankets or pillows on either side to stop her from rolling. My son would do same thing and hated sleeping on stomach

I’m in this with you :joy: my baby is almost three weeks old and won’t sleep on his back if he’s in the crib. He tries so hard to roll over and falls back onto his back then screams lol

My 3 month old son is the same way and it makes me nervous too. However, he does just fine and keeps his head turned so he can breathe so I allow it and keep a close eye on him. The only time I dont let him is if I’m sleeping too but if he wakes I let him sleep on my chest so we can both get some rest. If your baby does alright then let them sleep how they’re comfy momma :sleeping:

My son figured out how to roll onto his belly at 3 months, nothing you can do. If that is where your baby is comfortable that is where they will stay.

If they can roll themselves they can belly sleep. I’d still lay her on her back but if she rolls on her own she is fine :wink:

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If they roll on their own, it’s fine. I lay my 10 month old on her back and she immediately rolls to her belly. Just lay her on her back and let her get comfortable.

Both of my kids slept on their stomach from the day they came home from the hospital and we all slept great! They still do and are 2&4 now

As others have said, once they can roll on their own it’s ok to let them sleep how they want. My 2 year old sleeps face down, booty up. He has since he was about 5 months old

Mine never ever slept on her back. She refused

As soon as my daughter could roll onto her stomach she started sleeping in that position. It made me nervous at first and I talked to her pediatrician about it soon after, he said as long as they put themselves in that position they’re fine to sleep that way. Just be sure to do a lot of tummy time during the day to strengthen his neck and back muscles

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if a baby can roll or move, they can sleep in what ever position they want

My 3 kids all slept on tummy then flipped on own. They say if they can roll over its ok. Its when they are smaller and cant flip thats the problem.

According to my pediatrician if they do it themselves they are fine. If you do it it’s not. My son is 8 months old and since 3 months he refuses to sleep on his back.

My baby has preferred to sleep on her tummy since she was like 4 or 5 months old and she sleeps with her butt in the air😂 kiddos will be kiddos lol

If she’s rolling on her own then she’s okay to sleep on her belly. Many babies prefer theor belly though.

As soon as babies are able to roll sleeping on back is not a problem

My son is 6 months old and still refuses to sleep on his back. When we brought him home from the NICU he would only sleep in his swing, then when we put him in his crib he would only sleep on his belly. I did not get much sleep knowing he was on his belly, but he slept great :laughing:

My daughter hated sleep on her back, so she would end up rolling over to her side or tummy. She had amazing head control by 3weeks.

It’s fine if they roll over in their sleep. When my 1st two were born ( now 39 & 38 ) their pediatrician said to put them down ON their bellies to sleep so…

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Belly sleeping has a higher rate of sids that’s why they say back is best but your question… Talk to the ped. My daughter would do this and I put rolls on both sides so she couldn’t roll over to her tummy. It was ok’ed by her ped. My little was higher needs though🤷 your ped might have some good suggestions

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Mine always slept on their sides with one of Thoes triangle things that were adjustable I was afraid to let them sleep on their backs in case they threw up and on the stomachs to suffocate. They both still are side sleepers

My son did this at first too. He’d roll over on his belly and scream. So I’d roll him back and set him up the way he was most comfortable and then he’d do it again and scream. It wasn’t too long before he got a good enough grasp on rolling and head positioning that he found a position he liked and he was good to go. He actually wanted to be on his side I think, but would fall on his belly. Once or twice I put a folded blanket on one side and smooshed his back against the side of the cot and let him fall asleep propped on his side, and then I’d take the blanket away and roll him on his back and he’d stay asleep. Regardless, she’ll figure it out soon. Don’t worry. It’ll cost a little sleep and some patience, but it will pass.

My doctor told us that once you can roll on their own they are ok to sleep on their stomach. We also had this happened and were constantly worried and would roll her over. It’s been months now and after the doctor told us that it’s been great and she’s completely fine.