My babysitter doesn't claim daycare on taxes: Advice?

Dont fuck her over now. Thats on you for not discussing it.
You’re going to lose your provider if you do that bc youre going to screw a lot up.for her if you claim and she doesnt.

She’s talking about a babysitter not a daycare. These things should be discussed ahead of time. Don’t put the blame on the babysitter. You should probably eat this one this year and if she doesn’t want to next year find a new babysitter that will or send the child to daycare.


I really depends on what they charge. If you’re paying $100/wk for her but a licensed daycare charges $150/wk you have to think about what you’re saving throughout the year vs. The amount you’ll get back on your taxes. $100x52 weeks in a year - $5200/year vs $150x52 weeks - $7800/year – thats a savings of $2600 throughout the year. You MIGHT get back $500 if you payed the higher daycare price and claim it.


Lots of parents get upset about this but you have to look at the WHOLE picture. Now if she’s charging the same as a licensed center then thats a different story.


When my daughter was babysat i never claimed it as a write off bc of the fact she told me up front how she did babysitting. Now that my daughter is in a daycare i can file it, but i never messed with the hassle and paperwork of a babysitter. Wasnt worth mine or their time to be honest. I paid 100/week for 5 days/8 hours a day. Daycare is 172/week 5 days/8 hours a day. I saved quite a bit and considered that my “tax break”. She saved me almost 3700/yr at that point.


You don’t have a right to claim daycare if she isn’t running a daycare. You can babysit without claiming a business as long as the number of kids you are watching at any one time is under a certain amount.


P.s also if its that big of a deal take the difference as in my case 72/wk and put it in a savings account. By the end of the year (x52 weeks) you should have saved around 3744$. Use that as your “tax write off”, and youd be surprised at what youd save! Just food for thought! Texas is 1200/mo for daycare and Oklahoma daycare is around 1000/mo. So if youre paying 500/mo youre doing great!

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Can’t force her. Find a new daycare/dayhome that will do this with you.

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Are you going through an accountant? I always go through an accountant and I believe they can file paperwork with the IRS as long as you have her name and address. If you give someone $600 or more for a service technically they are suppose to report it. Just because they aren’t a daycare doesn’t mean they aren’t providing the service. The reason she doesnt want to claim the money I’d because it’s a 1099 service and she would have to get taxes taken out of the money she received from you.

Send your child to to a state ran facility. That’s the price you pay for someone you trust. Just be thankful you’re lucky enough to have someone that actually cares.

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Should’ve discussed when your sitter started watching your child/children… you can’t force someone to give them their social security number… if you’re paying less than regular daycare- be grateful that your sitter isn’t charging more- if it’s that big of a issue consider changing sitters this year and talk ahead about concerns


Could file with daycare anyway . You wint get in trouble. She doesn’t want to pay taxes on her income

It’s prolly so she doesn’t have to pay taxes on the money she’s been paid. I don’t even know if there is a legal recourse for this … I’m sorry

You can file without their social. The IRS will expect what you put down as paid on hers as income listed. If she doesnt, they can audit her. I’m a HHA and I get 1099’d by my client. You just do it…idk y the sitter thinks it’s an issue. That’s fraudulent on their part anyway if they are earning a substantial amount and not claiming it

It def should have been discussed prior to your child or children starting…she doesnt have to claim…


Ok she may just have said babysitter but if it’s at the home of the sitter and she has several kids in her home you can claim but it may come back to bite you in the butt because she didn’t claim her earnings. If you use her daily and pay her let’s say $100/weekly. Then she’s more than just a babysitter. Unfortunately a lot of people won’t claim this income. And if you wrote her checks down the road it will come back to her with the irs. But you will get nothing. I had a woman ask us not to write her checks anymore for the house we rented from her and for child care. She doesn’t pay taxes for any of those. I thought it was wrong but she helped us out a lot! Depending on your personal circumstances it may not be something you can claim if she doesn’t want you to. And no one is just going to hand over their social security number.

write off as “entertainment”

When i filed i was told i couldnt claim child care cause i didnt have some tax form that they now require from a daycare saying how much i paid all year.

It has the option on the taxes “you hit provider refused” you will have to still provide her name and address but you also works have to do more paperwork. But if you paid a lot than I would. You can put the daycares name or you can put an individuals name. Also for future also all for a receipt of how much you paid in babysitting

Umm it’s non of their business if you claim it. The reason they don’t want you to is because they are not which is illegal.

You can claim it rather or not she does… I babysit and I keep receipts… The people I baby sit for can choose rather or not to use them… When i paid a sitter. I used the money as a tax write off rather or not they did… Its your money… Claim it.

Next time go with licensed daycare :ok_hand:

So she is trying to not pay taxes on her income…chances are it wont matter to your bottom line unless you have a ton of deductions

However that is on HER if she chooses not to claim income and cheat the system. Still your right to claim your expenses.


If she not allowing you to claim then you should find one who does and yes it make a difference she should have a tax ID number could be bc she is not a registered daycare provider by the state which means no background check or FBI prints anything income you earn should be filed

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If you have receipts then you should still be able to claim it and it’s on your babysitter if they don’t file those payments as income. You wouldn’t get in trouble.


She can’t “let” or not “let” you, just file it. Whatever she does is her choice. It also doesn’t mean you should go find another provider. If you like her stay with her.


If shes giving you good price (less then out of home day care providers) dont worry about it. Because it’s not going to impact your taxes as much as you think. Weather you get lessnor more.


I am a babysitter and have been for a long time. There have been years I’ve filed and years I haven’t due to the amount I’ve made that year. Please don’t jump to conclusions and assume the worst. Talk with your sitter and see what the reasons are. If you have a good relationship with your sitter, which you should if they are keeping your child, you should have no concerns. Most sitters don’t make enough to file it. Brittany L Byrd, Kayla Byrd insight or opinions on this for this mama??

File the child care form anyways. It doesn’t matter if paid to a business or individual.

It’s your child so you claim him/her!

Find another daycare provider


It’s on her not you.

It depends, are you paying at least minimum wage? Do you pay cash? Did you fill a tax form before paying her? I don’t know how employers do it, I’m not an employer, so maybe do some research and find out, you have the right to include it on your taxes.

Well. She doesn’t really have a choice. It’s her income, which she is supposed pay taxes on. Because that’s technically illegal if she doesn’t. Report her I guess, if it comes to that :woman_shrugging:


If she didn’t make 10,000 she couldn’t file anyway. It’ll hold up your taxes but you will get a write off. She must be giving you a deal on childcare expenses if she don’t want to claim it.

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Hmmm Questions you didn’t ask yourself when you were trying to save a few bucks so you thought let me get a sitter instead of signing up for a legitimate child care program, we all know grew up knowing the babysitter got paid cash no questions asked, just cause you used him or her as your full time drop off don’t F them over because now you want a tax break , if y’all didn’t discuss this situation prior to you using them for your benefit then don’t stab them in the back now, next time you’ll think long term . #Honesttruth #truthhurts #bedecent


You report it to the IRS. That is money that benefits you. She is making money and it’s not fair that she doesn’t have to pay taxes. She’ll get a 1099. I wouldn’t have my kid in a daycare that unprofessional


You don’t want that kind of trouble from the IRS. Claim it anyway. She will have to be accountable for her own income.


You have proof u pay her ie…cashed checks , receipts ?then You claim it on yours
She doesn’t divulge her income that’s her problem

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If it’s just a person idk how u would claim it. I had to have my babysitters social and personal info. Unless u already know it, if u do claim it.

Report it claim it and give her a ten minty nine form keep good records please

Claim it anyway. She doesn’t want to pay taxes on the money she worked for.


That’s a write off for you that will bump up your tax return. CLAIM IT!

She has to or she’ll get in trouble.

No paper no problem? Only claim if your a real day care provider! Occasional sitting I see no harm!

Possible that shes running daycare unlicensed/illegally?

claim it anyway its on her if she dont pay taxes on her income .

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You have to 1099 tax form her to make her

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Get a new babysitter