My Boyfriend Accidentally Sent Me a Text Meant for His Guy Group Chat

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"My boyfriend recently went on a trip with his friends and accidentally sent a me a message that was intended for the group guy chat. He claims they were talking about how beautiful women can get whatever they want simply by posting or flaunting themselves online. He sent me the picture with a text underneath "trying to grab them DMS" he claims it was guy banter about how she puts a filter on and everyone is grabbing her DMS and nothing more but I can’t help but think he’s cheating. I’ve confronted him and he says it was a honest mistake and he’s sorry but it was nothing more than banter between men about women. He’s never given me a reason to think he’s unfaithful until this moment. Do I just believe his word?"

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"I would trust him if he’s never given you a reason not to trust him. Guys gossip and banter with the guys like we do with our girl friends."

"Sounds like he’s telling the truth and you’re overreacting…"

"I don’t think he’s cheating. I think they’re just discussing women in general & oops it went to you!"

"I’d base this on how your relationship is. Has he cheated in the past? Has he ever given you reason to not trust him? Women do this all the time. If you don’t, good for you but every woman that I’ve met, checks men out and talks about attractive men with friends."

"I wouldn’t read that much into it if he’s never given you any reason. This isn’t even considered a reason in my book. This is typical guy conversation just like women have with their girls."

"What he is saying sounds legit."

"Have you never listened to how guys gossip? It’s literally no different than how we gossip with our friends. How are you getting cheating at all from that?"

"Trust actions not words"

"Yes. Believe him. If he’s given you no reason not to trust him. I would be inclined to trust what he’s saying and let it go."

"If he’s never given you a reason to doubt him then why are you now? It’s the way guys talk"

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