My boyfriend is a heavy equipment operator. He comes home filthy but always takes his clothes off outside and showers before getting into bed… but I smelled his pillow this morning cause I thought I smelled diesel… and I did. It’s like it soaks into his skin. Are there any shower products that would get this smell off him? I think he’s nose blind to it now and I might be a little too
Lava bar soap. Or maybe the charcoal ones
What my husband uses (he has a similar job) he uses the scent neutralizing shampoo, conditioner and soap that you can usually find the the hunting department, it seems to work
Dr squash line is good and heavy duty without the bad chemicals
Charcoal soap with eucalyptus or cedar works well, and the hunter’s soap in sporting goods.
Dawn works but can be drying. Look in the hunting section & grab scent neutralizing options.
Also, grab baking soda, Lysol & Dawn for his laundry. Wash on hot, by itself.
It gets my husband’s clothes clean.
Sounds like it might be his hair. Have him wash his hair with dish soap(it won’t harm his hair) then shampoo
I would say dr teals epson salt to help get the toxins out his body
Head and shoulders body wash. Nee product and works great
My brothers a mechanic and started working with gloves because the fluids and crap was soaking in to and destroying his skin.
The old school soaps like sunlight soap I know tend to break down oils better than most things though. He will need a good moisturiser though.