My boyfriend asked for another girls only fans

High school shit, know you’re worth more than that and move on, you deserve better.

Him being concerned how she feels with it “being rude” vs being concerned that this upsets you is really all you know need to know.

Only needed to read the first sentence. Next, move on

12 years?! Let that man go he’s no the one! No commitment in the relationship plus you deserve to be happy

Boot him to the curb

Tell him to go live with her the kick his butt out

Leave. You got this!

He surely wouldn’t be living with me. Tell him to go live with the other one. Know ur worth and move on. U deserve so much better.

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Throw the whole man away. If he won’t get rid of her, you get rid of him.


If he’s more concerned with her feelings let her have him tf? He sounds like a dick and not that into u and he wasted 12years… ik that sucks I’m in a 12yr relationship myself but better 12 then 22

Honestly I never understand these.
:triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:
What do I do?!
LEAVE. Ignore what society has told you. We do NOT need to stick by :wastebasket:. People learn to treat you how you let them, and if you never set your boundaries and follow through, they will continue to do so.


RUN … don’t look back

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He should put your feelings over hers. Definitely break up.

This really is a no brainer :woman_shrugging:


He’s gaslighting you and what he is doing is still a form of cheating . Please try and take this as a huge :triangular_flag_on_post: and get out of that manipulative situation


He doesn’t truly love you or respect you. You have to find it in yourself to pick yourself up and carry on without him. Which I know will be very hard since you’ve been together so long. Trust me. You will feel so much better once you’re able to break free from him and his lies and deceit.


Your Never Stuck !!
You have choices.
Obviously he cares more about the other female than he does you.
If you get a gut feeling & go looking for confirmation You’ll find your answers!! The writing is in black & white on His computer.
What are you waiting for? Move on!!

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Run for your life! Take it from someone who has been through it. They don’t change. If your man is seeking pics from other females he doesn’t respect his relationship or your feelings. Kick that dude to the curb and move on!

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How did ANYONE survive a relationship before FB? Jesus H!


Kick him to the curb and move on. What a waste of time he sounds like.
Or become swingers.

He’s cheating. What he’s doing is definitely cheating. And his response is such a red flag. If he just moved in with you he can just move out too

He’s made his decision which is not in your favor. Now you need to make yours. :triangular_flag_on_post: :running_woman:


Chile he is for the streetz let him go back :sneezing_face:😮‍💨


…rude to delete her.
What the fxk

Not sure what sign you need but THIS IS IT!


Ahhhhhhhhhhh why are you torturing yourself with that bum??


He’s in love with the only fans girl but likes the stability of you! Definitely kick his ass to the curb . He won’t stop

Please tell me this is a joke.
This is a joke right?!?
(You never know today)

If not…
Who owns the home?
If you… go in and pack his ish and put it to the left of the front yard today.
If him… pack your stuff, load whatever needed, and DRIVE :woman_shrugging:t2:
He isn’t full of red flags, he’s THE flag.

Honestly I hope that one day, very soon you will wake up and decide today is the day…
Today is the day I will love myself more.
And you will know it’s time to go.


Girlll, no. You deserve better & u know better. He’s guilty & gaslighting u. He’s immature & u will not have peace. A guy who is nice, calls u his gf, move in with u, marry u Doesn’t mean anything; A man who’s willing to change his behavior, make sure you feel the love & respect u deserve coz he love you, that’s everything. You don’t even have to ask for it, he will show u & u’ll know every day that u r the one for him. Pls choose urself & love yourself more. You needed it.


Leave him, if he wasn’t doing anything wrong he would have no issue kicking her out of his life.


Get out now before you sink

Get rid of him now! He does not care about you if he acts this way don’t listen to his lies just be DONE

You answered your own question with the question…
Why does he care what she thinks or might feel as opposed to what you’re feeling… I’m really sorry to say this, but you’re obviously not his number 1 or only 1 for that matter

That thing - turning what HE did around on you. That’s called gaslighting, a common practice of narcissists. Speaking from experience, narcissists only care about themselves. Run. Run fast, and don’t look back!


The feeling of knowing he wants to cheat on you and be elsewhere can be just as hurtful as the action itself. So yes. Be angry if he crossed obvious boundaries with you

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You know the answer to this.
Kick :clap: Him :clap: Out :clap:
You deserve better than that.


Bye Felicia. He’s doing shady shit and by not deleting her he’s saying he doesn’t give a crap how you feel.

Kick him out of your house!

Who would want a man like that? Run!

Please, just go. Take it from someone who put up with this BS for 18 years. It’s really not worth it, if it makes you feel this bad now imagine how bad it’s going to make you feel in a year…5 years…it’s degrading and the only one hurting is you.


Leave. You should never have to deal with that.


You know exactly what he’s doing sweetheart, he wants his cake and eat it too, get out of this relationship real fast, he clearly doesn’t have the balls

You lost me at your “boyfriend of 12 years”.
He’s a fuck boy.
Dump him.

Hes trying to cheat. Be done with him.


Let them girls have his sneaky ass!!! He made the effort to make a fake account to talk to them girls!!! Smh you’d be foolish to stay girlfriend!! :wave:

This is so fucking sad. And I can never understand how women accept this behavior without any strings even attached to the man (such as kids). YOU ARE WORTHY!!! This is what you need to focus on and give energy to right now, not This f*** boy. You literally can block and delete his number and never have to hear from him again!

Huge red flag. If u let this slide what else will u let slide. Girl move on!! How disrespectful!!

Break up with him, you can find so much better. The longer you stay with him the longer it will be until you find the someone that will treat you right :heart: don’t ever settle for less than what makes you genuinely happy. You shouldn’t ever have to question your relationship

Kick him out why are you allowing him to put you through this
In YOUR apartment
You don’t need that

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If he refuses to delete her? You already know what to do because I bet if she gave him a chance he would drop you


Kick his ass to the curb. Ain’t no fucking way

Girl, if you don’t leave this man child!


Oh my, bye :wave: get him so far to fuck x

I would call that cheating, just because he didnt put his dick in someone else, doesnt mean he is innocent, and then to turn it on you…get out now

Sorry girl, he’d be gone! If I were in your shoes! Pos it’s rude of him , not considering your feelings…

He’s cheating leave dear save urself the heartache

Kick him to the curb… You deserve better…

You deserve better than this…
Let go and move on

Why do you all ask stupid fucking questions when you yourself no the answer

Kick him to the curb. Save yourself the heartache later.

Really? Your actions say you’ve not trusted him for a long time. If you trusted him, you wouldn’t have been on his computer in the first place… Do both of you a favor & be done. If there’s no trust in relationship, what’s the point?


Get rid of him. He’s cheating and is gas lighting you. I think you already know you need to leave him!!

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Dump him he’s trying to cheat you can do better. There are nothing but red flags here. You will be better off with out him. Because I would bet if he’s doing this behind your back he’s probably not that good to you anyway.


🏃‍♂ :running_woman: 🏃‍♂ :running_woman: 🏃‍♂ run

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He’s a keeper.

Of old Girl Friends….


Kick him out right on his ass. :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: Red flags for days, sis!

He got mad because he’s guilty girl. You deserve better. Real men don’t do that shit!

If he isn’t cheating on you, it’s not for lack of trying. He’s obviously trying to cheat.


I think you already know the answer

Come on…tell him ADIOS!

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aventualy he will cheat tell him to get his shit rite or take a walk

HE IS CHEATING!!! He is making you think you are crazy that is gaslighting. He is toxic you should leave now.


This is not ok. You need to leave him.

You are insecure in your relationship and that’s because he’s given you ample reason to be. OF isn’t like regular p&rn because (in this case specifically) it’s people you already know. He has a choice be with you and stop harassing people he’s been with in the past to show him their naked bodies, or be a desperate loser who harasses people he’s hooked up with for nudes. He made his choice very clear. You do what you want with that, but I’d have been gone the first time there was another person that was an issue in my relationship.

If she’s been a problem before and it’s happening he’s the problem :upside_down_face:

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Run! It’s all a game, and if he doesn’t respect you if he’s asking her that or talking to her at that. This is not the man you want to marry and possibly have kids with.

You clearly dont trust him or you wouldnt have done so much “research”. If you dont have trust you dont have a relationship. Hes already told you hes not going to change. If you stay then you have to accept this is how life is going to be. If you cant tolerate it, then leave.

Boyfriend of 12yrs? Just recently moving in? And proof of him begging other women for attention? Ofc you should leave lol should’ve done that probably 10yrs ago!


Put it to him simply… Would he want you doing these types of things to other men? No. He’d flip script if it were the other way around. My ex was the same way.

Leave, yesterday. He’s trying to manipulate you. Know your worth and tell him to go Fuck himself!

You need to leave his ass

If he hasn’t cheated then he might in the future based on what you said and the fact that he won’t delete her says more than his words do. Why is she so important over you? Begging a girl he knows to get her OF back up so he can see it while he’s with you is a huge disrespect to you. Leave him and don’t look back.


Get out now!! :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

WHY ARE YOU STILL THERE??!! He’s a piece of shit!

Leave him he’s being plain disrespectful towards you and your feelings sorry but if my man was looking at girls on only fans it be over bye Felicia

You know the answer to this already babe.

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Kick him to the curb sis. You don’t deserve that disrespect.

I mean……he won’t change. You will look like a fool if you stay with him.


Yeah I would be gone. It is cheating if he had to hide it. Obviously he won’t ever leave the other girl alone either

Some of these comments make me sad!!!

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If you’re “hacking and searching” it’s already over. Can’t trust him, just cut your losses and move on.


He is disrespecting you. Kick him out!!!

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Leave him he is trash

I had this and he was cheating it eats you up I did it for 11 yrs never again I now a single mum with 6 children get out your worth more I speak to her me and ask her not him abet alot of messages have been deleted what u cant see if he looking else where no trust the relationship is dead and u deserve better chin up x

He’s cheating, leave him. He’s a narcissist and gaslighting you. You’ll find someone way better


Girl leave his ass!!! He is not worth it you deserve so much better than that!

Absolutely :100: leave! That is called gaslighting dear. He is trying to make you feel bad for bringing up your feeling towards his bad behavior. Fk that.


Obviously you know the answer. You just need to courage.


Kick him to the curb you don’t deserve that!

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If you don’t trust him then you really don’t have a relationship. I went through 15 years of marriage to someone I did not trust, and finally woke up and saw that all the abuse I had put up with was not worth it because I would never be able to trust him. My fiancé was the same with his marriage, except that he knew his wife did not trust him, and she had no reason to not trust him. We both made a rule for our relationship if we ever felt like we were losing faith or trust in the other then we would immediately talk to each other and figure it out. Because honestly if you don’t have trust you have nothing.

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