My boyfriend asked my kids if they liked him more than my exes

I can see why he would want their approval but he shouldn’t put them on the spot like that.

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I think you’re looking for any excuse to dump him. He’s just being a bit childish to see who the kids like better. Its not a dumpable offence lol. Close your legs though love. How many “daddys” do your poor kids have?


Depends on what other stuff your talking about that you say you dont like or are questioning but it seems like a harmless question but it also depends on how long you’ve been together and how long he has known your child


I probably wouldn’t get upset about that comment, if it’s messing with you though show him the door. Life’s to short to fluff around with someone your not happy with.

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You don’t need our opinion. You’re doing what’s best for you and your child. Don’t second guess yourself. :heart:


is the kid’s dad dead?


That’s a stupid reason to break up… And if you really think that’s a reason… really shouldn’t be with him


I would talk to him about boundaries like an adult before just calling it quits. He may have been hurt in the past by a woman he loved going back to an ex…js you are not the only one with feelings and if you have already had him around your children enough for then to form that opinion theirs matters also…


Overreacting. I just entered a relationship where we openly talk in our household. I have personally asked myself if my oldest likes my boyfriend the best because of past trauma and abuse I and her have endured. I want my children to feel safe and comfortable to let us know if there is something we need to adjust or change. The first year of blending a family is the hardest. And it will never be easy.


Maybe you should stop bringing so many men around your kids that there’s so many for them to choose from


Tell us you have a revolving door and bad taste in men without saying you have a revolving door and bad taste in men.

And out yourself :man_facepalming:t3:

It’s definitely weird, I’d have to know the personality type but I would say red flag. Not enough to end a relationship over but something to be mindful of.

If there are already other negatives adding up and if you’re keeping count then he sounds like a fuck up.

Kick him to the curb.

He might just be nervous that they don’t like him. I think if he asked something then jumped your guns about their response then I’d be worried about it


Maybe you shouldn’t bring so many men around your children


You aren’t wrong. Those are weird questions to ask a child. Eww

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Let NO MAN question your child.


I think it was harmless and that he didn’t really mean any harm by it but it does show that he needs validation. Validation made be one of his love languages. I don’t know if you know what that means or not but there is a book called The 5 Love Languages. Does he continue to validate you as well? It’s hard to determine the answer to this question with out knowing all 3 sides…yours, his, and the truth.


I mean, I don’t really understand why your mad. I’m sure he was curious if all his hardworking and effort with children he didn’t raise or make if they liked him the most. Validation and words of affirmation is a thing. I guess I could see if it’s was like (your mom’s been with a lot of men, so do you at least like me the most). Like saying it in a insulting way. Also give him credit for being honest and telling you the truth. He didn’t lie or accuse your kid of lying. That’s rare to happen.


Maybe don’t let the kid(s) meet people you date unless you are really, really in a serious relationship.


I mean, I would use the words “immature” and “insecure” to describe it, not necessarily super weird or a break up worthy issue.

I would just ask him not to say that to them again because it could be them in an uncomfortable position.

I definitely wouldn’t dump someone over it. But you said there are other issues too? Idk sounds like you’re just trying to find an excuse to leave him. :woman_shrugging:t3:


How many ex’s have you had around your kids and how old are they :joy: and what was the kids answer :rofl: it’s a harmless question. And I find it funny.
You’re looking for anything to use and a reason to get out of the relationship. Just leave the poor dude


And this is why you don’t bring a man around your children until you are for sure happy and now your going to be with the person long term. Kids don’t need to be meeting boyfriends until they become a serious part of your life.


I dont know what other things he’s done to lead to the breakup but this alone I would have a talk with him about. Let him know as an adult and as a man there are boundaries and questioning kids in that manner is not okay with you. Tell him your concerns. If this is the only thing I would give him a chance to prove himself. Not sure how old your kids are either. Mine are older and my husband never questioned my kids he didn’t need confirmation he built his own relationship and is making his own memories with them.


That’s a silly reason to break up with someone


Who the heck ask a child that wtf :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: dump him


You should ask yourself first, why do I have so many exes and do I really have to introduce them to my kids??? After you dump him I’m sure they will meet another one lol .


Get rid of him. An adult should know better than to have adult conversations with children.

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Adults who question kids, putting them in adult situations are very low human beings. I’m glad you’re going to end it. He should not be doing that to your kids.


Wow you going to break up over a question like that. Girl bye.


Maybe he is trying to get a feel if hes wasting his time with u


Is there something wrong with wanting to be the favorite? Maybe he has plans to be around long term and wants to know how he can improve his relationship with them? Maybe he worded it incorrectly? Was he probing for answers like “Bob used to play football with us…… or Steve took us fishing a lot and I liked that…” If it was a genuine question, why fault a man who is making an effort in making sure the children enjoy his presence? Does he have children of his own? Would you rather he didn’t care at all if your children like him or not? I don’t know the guy, but at least he asked the kids how they feel. Did you?


I would be ending things also those are red flags


I just take it as him being insecure and hoping they like him, you obviously are important to him,


Well the kids have to put up with his crazy ways too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::crazy_face:

Umm… your kids should not have been exposed to that many of your boyfriends


This will be a major issue later on if it’s not fixed right away.

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That’s a silly reason to break up I’d think. It seems like he’s wanting to be the favorite, which means he probably wants to stick around for a while.


Haha you have major problems


It was immature of him for sure but maybe you need to think of how many men you a cycling through your children’s lives


Well I guess it’s like a door knob everyone’s getting a turn! This is why you shouldn’t bring boy friends or whatever they are over to meet children until you’re serious! And since it looks like you won’t be settling down anytime soon I’d say their going to be seeing a lot of men coming and going. Sad really


How many " EXES" Did you kids meet?? Let’s start there :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Honestly your kids shouldn’t be around multiple “boyfriends” I don’t understand why women do that. It’s a no brainer that it’s so unhealthy


Maybe you just shouldn’t date. Sounds like you have commitment issues and you are just fishing for a reason to break it off. This dude deserves better than you.


Meanwhile a scag of Karen’s are walking around with sticks up their butts. :woman_facepalming: Sounds like he was just being amusing and if you didn’t find it amusing see my first comment. :point_up_2:


Out of all of these types of posts, your is by far the most intelligent one!!! You know what you don’t want to put up with, and obviously have established yourself enough to get out!!! Kudos to you and best of luck.

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I’d break up. He is looking to get info from your kids about you. I had an ex do that. He bonded so well with my 1 son that even after we broke up. He would text my son if I was home. If I was out with friends he would tell him I was out with friends. The ex boyfriend would try to poison my son’s mind by saying I bet she’s out on a date and lieing to you about being out with friends. Ughhh…my son is still messed up about that


I mean how many different men have you exposed your kids to? That’s the real question here


How old are the kids? How long have you been dating him?

Why bring guys around your kids? How many guys have been around your kids?

You do realize that relationships take work? Like, maybe let him know you didn’t find it appropriate and that next time it won’t be tolerated.

Personally, I don’t see the problem with him asking that. He wants to make sure they are happy too…it’s hard being a bonus parent or atleast the prospect of one.

Instead of seeing his behavior as a negative, isn’t it nice that he wanted to talk with your kids? If he’s asking if he’s liked or who they liked better, then maybe that means he really really likes you and wants it to work but doesn’t want your kids hurt or feel like he has to be there. It’s important to know where he stands too. He sounds like he’s more of a responsible one in this situation.

Have you ever stopped to think about how your kids feel when you bring different guys home? The message you’re sending?

But still, if it’s a deal breaker and you don’t want to date him, maybe it’s for the best to leave him. Him and your kids deserve better.


No grown adult should be asking children question’s period don’t involve them in your BS and of course there going to say yeah being put on the spot no it’s not ok for him to do that NO your not being to much!!! I also agree don’t bring them around your kids unless you know 100 he’s the one


It was immature of him but damn…. how many exes do you have that your kids met?

A bit drastic to leave him over that. Maybe talk to him about it.


Honestly I’m more concerned with how many exes your kids have met. What is the other nonsense you refuse to put up with?


Clearly you’re looking for reasons to end it. Exactly how many exes are there :thinking: It’s not a bad question just maybe asked wrong. I’d want to know if the dude I’m seeing kids liked me. I wouldn’t put it the way he did but you sound more immature than his question.


Well , to be honest I’m more concerned about you and all your exes , you can have as many boyfriends as you please but your kids should not be introduced to all of them :woman_facepalming:t2:.
And I do think that you are absolutely too much and immature for thinking of breaking up a relationship over a silly question, if he is asking your kids about it is probably because he wants to know if he is doing a good job in getting them to like him


Wait… what…
Your going end things cause he wanted to make sure your kids like him :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Honey your being too much :100:
If he’s a great guy who gives a crap about you and the kids and treats yall right helps out when he can . Not sure on your living situations but if all you have on him is he wanted to see where he rated… thats sad ! Also How many men have you introduced to your kids :flushed:


He’s immature and you… exactly how many men have you exposed your children too :grimacing:


How about stop introducing them to everyone u date. I don’t care how many people u date just don’t introduce them to the kids. Plus, why are u leaving this dude alone with the kids? Especially since u aren’t even serious about him?


Idk, seems to me like you’re just looking for a reason to break up with him. I really don’t think he meant any harm by asking. I don’t see this as an issue :woman_shrugging:


I don’t see a problem with him wanting to be liked more then exs, I was happy to know my fiancés family hated his exs and love me. I didn’t question them or ask or anything they said it themselves and are grown adults. But I do see a problem with asking kids, esp if they DID like a ex better then him, or if he’s trying to get other info. That being said every relationship has ups and downs, and it sounds like maybe you’ve had multiple guys around your kids which isn’t fair to them. So maybe focus on yourself and your kids for awhile before dating again. Being a bonus parent can be hard, and if he doesn’t have any kids of his own or they are not baby age then it’s a lot to take on at first. My fiancé is great with my kids, but he still messes up at times, since they are school age and he didn’t know them from birth he has to learn their personalities and boundaries etc just like you would when going into a relationship with the parent.

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Hell no not if it is kids father

I don’t really see an issue. Dude wants your kids to like him, which isn’t a bad thing. If my kid didn’t like my boyfriend, it wouldn’t have lasted. If he didn’t treat her right, he’d have been gone. Whomever you’re dating and you’re kiddo need to have a good relationship as well for your relationship to work.


The judgements on this post. Wow.
How long have you two been together?
I do think the question was inappropriate. Let’s not forget, a lot of men do not typically see things as a problem like we do. So he may not have understood why it wasn’t a good question to ask.
You said there are other issues as to why you want to break up. At this point, stop prolonging the break up, you’re just fishing at this point looking for other reasons to do it. You’re clearly not happy.
The question was inappropriate but I don’t think it’s enough for a break up if you two have a good relationship. However, that’s obviously not the case sense you said there are other issues.


Gee these comments are so judgemental.
If there are other serious issues then break up with the dude but why does he care about your ex’s? That’s some serious insecurity issues there.
I dated a lot but my kids never met someone unless it was serious. So one guy asked my teen about a previous bf but my teen had no idea who he was talking about cos I’d never introduced them.
Trust your gut - break up with him cos he’s not right for you.
Good luck/

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You sound toxic asf sis. Yea your doing WAY TOO MUCH


As a man he should’nt be around your daughter alone to be able to ask her questions without you.
People cannot be trusted around Our kids.
I am definitely not judging You!!
We all have exes…Some Of us ALOT!
It’s just too many weirdos and pedos.
I warned my daughter that There is no way a man should be around her daughter alone at All!
No matter how You feel about him.
Wait a looooong time before they even meet him.
Because You never know.


How is what is said weird??? Im more concern of how many men has been around your babies!!!


He sounds insecure but Idk if I’d put it on a list of reasons to break up with him.

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You are wayyyyy toooooo much! He’s trying to bond ! Why is that so wrong ?


You both sound insecure, shame he ask that question but he may have doubts about you too. If you have a reputation of taking some your male friends home be careful as your children already going to be affected on how to handle their relationships… in my opinion stop going out and having fun when you can be with your kids and get their respect as a good mother and friend. It’s not fair on them seeing their mum with different men,

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I actually think you might be over reacting. Sounds like he likes you enough to care if he is your childrens favorite


Well do your kids like him most? I mean it’s something as a man to be proud of. If he is asking them that, then maybe her really likes you and your children


Girl that’s just cute and funny, you are definitely over reacting, of coarse we don’t don’t know what the other “nonsense” is, but this is too much lol, I’d think it was super sweet and funny that he did that, and he should want the kids to like him most if he wants to stay in their lives long term, I just think it’s cute lol


Yeah I dnt see an issue with this :woman_shrugging:t2:


You have answered your own question

Dude cut that man loose for his own good. You sound toxic.


You’d be doing the man a favor by dumping him.


That means he wants to make sure he’s good to them tahts honestly so sweet lol


That’s absolutely childish af to involve children In adult affairs. Yet it’s even more stupid to end things on that note


That’s too funny. :joy::joy::joy:
First he’s needing acceptance.
Second. He’s not getting it.
Makes you wonder who’s failing who. Right.
If you love him. Talk about it. If you want to make it work. Talk to him.
How about YOU let HIM know YOU accept him.
Apparently he’s not getting the love.


Seriously?? You’re worried about the question? The more pressing question is how many men have you had around that this is even an issue?


Sounds like you’re looking for an excuse to break up? I don’t know all of the details tho. If you’re not happy then yeah maybe breaking up would be a good idea. Best of luck🖤


I never Even introduced my kid to Any man I was dating until I Knew everything about him and we were very serious about our relationship, and that takes 6 months or more


Just communicate your concerns to him. I think you are wayyy overreacting, it’s not that serious.


Soooooo, he wants your kids to like him and this is a problem? Ooooook.


Wooow. I don’t really see anything wrong with asking that tbh. A little odd, sure. But you’re overreacting and I can only imagine all of the small things you throw fits over.

I think slot of people are over reacting he shouldn’t be around your kid? If he asked a question with you not around you trust him
Cause you were not there msybe you are not making it clear snd he was just asking a question I wouldn’t really find this weird

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Wooow. I don’t really see anything wrong with asking that tbh. A little odd, sure. But you’re overreacting and I can only imagine all of the small things you throw fits over.

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Wooow. I don’t really see anything wrong with asking that tbh. A little odd, sure. But you’re overreacting and I can only imagine all of the small things you throw fits over.


Be glad he’s trying to bond momma maybe he was trying to find out if there’s something he could improve sounds like you got the wrong impression however none of us know what else is going on but maybe try and relax and have a talk with him just sounds like he got a little excited about being in their life


Lol, how does it go…“My kids are a package deal”, proceeds to treat them well. Can’t win :thinking:.


I’m just wondering why every single person on here is asking the same exact question?? Maybe it was only 2 exes? Maybe they were long term relationships that didn’t work out???

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I’d say he is just curious to see if they like him he might be about to propose or something you would want the general consensus of the kids befor you ask to be there step dad :man_shrugging:


You’re right. Cut him loose. He doesn’t deserve your level of extreme.
Girl, an adult convo goes a long way. He cares what your kids think of him. His approach may not of been the one you wanted him to take and perhaps he should’ve asked you first… But I think you’re getting carried away with this and if this is how you react to everything, let the poor guy find somebody who isn’t so over the top. You are really blowing this out of proportion


Tell him bye. He should not be putting your kids in that position

I think you are overreacting for sure.


Yeah, you’re definitely being “too much.” At least he cares what your kids think of him.


I mean if there’s legit other reasons to end it then crackdown and do it but if it’s stupid shit like this then, you got some issues to resolve within yourself. Your boyfriend is a little immature for that but honestly I’d just laugh it off :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

You’re not being too much, you’re being an idiot


I think seeking out other opinions is going to confuse you. You are mom, you are the girlfriend, you know what’s best.

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So. Oh no he asked a question. Ooo


You’re over reacting