My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year. We have a house together. When we first got together, he never really said much about my kids or how I raised them or anything about it, really. He won’t mind if we had to spend time together with a child or children now if I ask to tag along with him, its a huge deal. If a child is coming, it’s even worse. He’ll get mad if my kids make a mess and tell me," it’s not my place to clean up after them." Also, he doesn’t really help with housework… I’m at a loss of what to think anymore, let alone feel about the situation… What would you do?
Dump him. He doesn’t sound good for your kids and it’ll only get worse. You need a man who’s going to love your kids and treat them as your own
Leave him. Like yesterday. If he can’t accept you as well as your children, he’s not the right man for you. I can only imagine how it makes the kids feel being treated like a burden by him.
Put that fella on the curb and move on.
If he truly loves you, unconditionally, he should love those babies (a part of you) the same.
It will only get worse. Why waste your time with someone like that?
He sick of your kids basically. Move on
Throw the whole fucking man away and find you a new one
Doesn’t sound like your match
time for him to leave…
Leave. If he can’t accept your kids, which are apart of you, then he isn’t really in it.
Its not your place to be their mother? I’d leave
dump his ass ! sounds like a total loser to me
First of all, shouldn’t be living with him, that early WITH KIDS. I’ve been with my bf for 3 yrs and we still only see each other on the weekends. With that being said, he LOVES my daughter and treats her great and is always open and accepting of her joining us, even if we’re dying for alone time. If we lived together he would be helping me raise her and that includes cleaning up after her and anything else. He needs to go, you can do better for your kids.
If i was with someone who didn’t accept my babe 100% it would be a massive deal breaker.
I don’t think that situation is ever going to get better so If it were me I would leave.
Well, I wouldn’t put up with it. I’m a package deal. And if your gonna sign up for it, you ain’t gonna do it half ass. My kids are first. This shouldn’t be a question. Think how it is gonna be in a year or two down the road.
Dump him if can’t except you children he is not worthy
Honestly he’s gotta realize it takes a family to make a home and a family to help keep a family going if he’s not willing to help out or do this part then he’s not mature enough to be in a relationship with someone who’s already got a family because you and your children were a family and he walked into a family
Clearly he doesn’t accept your child. Leave.
Just throw the whole man away. His place is the bottom of the barrel where you found him
While they aren’t technically his children nor his responsibility it is completely unfair for all parties involved to stay in a situation where ALL parties, children included, aren’t getting what they need or deserve… Leave him and focus on you and your kids until a MAN who wants to help in your responsibility comes along…
Throw the whole man away immediately
Run…your kids come first!
Dump him. If it’s not his job to help clean then he has no right to live there. Kids are messy. He can deal with it or pack his things.
He may get worse, probably time for him to go
Your kids come first girl, if he’s bothered by them then he ain’t the one…
Dump him quickly. Abuse will come next
Leave now, before you are all miserable
Yuck, throw him in the bin.
A man that doesn’t accept your children 100% is not the man for you
I think he’s over “family” meaning you and your kids.
Put your children first before anything and if hes not feelin it u nd ur kids should keep it moving until u find someone who is happy to have all of u!
Run and run fast!!! This is nothing more than a disaster waiting to happen! He knew you had a kid when he met you!!!
Your kid your responsibility he owes them nothing he does not have to like them maybe you should quit trying to shove them in his face try spending time with him with out the kids he owes your kids nothing he doesn’t have to like them or love them that’s his choice you can’t force someone to love your kids
Its going to get worst if you stay honestly.
What’s your priority? Him or your kids?
He doesn’t like them, it’s obvious.
You need to get on mutual ground. Although what he says is somewhat true, he needs to understand that being in a relationship with you he has chosen to take on your children as well.
You both need to sit down as adults and discuss. If you can’t do this then there really isn’t much hope and things will only escalate. You need to say something to him.
Gross. Get rid of him
Throw him in the trash
You are a package deal, it’s all or nothing !! Sounds like you are a single parent, he’s not ready for a family, better to end it now !!
The first sentence is the only thing I needed to answer your question, I don’t even need the rest lmao. Leave.
You haven’t known him a ywar and moved you and your son in… there was your first problem.
Just reread what you’ve written about the situation. I think if you take the time, you’ll see you’ve already answered your own question. And thank you for thinking of how important being a mom to your kids rather than a girlfriend to an undeserving man.
First and foremost he knew you had kids and still got involved so he chose to be there for you and the children. That isn’t a man as that’s a boy so leave his a** and find a real man and always choose them kids over any man.
Its a package deal! If he cant accept your kids being there and going places with the 2 of you then you dont need to be with him. Your kids come first
Throw the boyfriend away. Your a packaged deal!!!
I’d leave without another thought!
Your kids deserve better and so do you!
How can you even justify still being there? If anyone and I mean anyone made me and my children feel less than worth it or as a hindrance of some sort you best believe there’s no way they would be in my children’s lives let alone my bed
I think you should end it. I stayed it was horrible. It will just get worse from there.
Your children first… Obviously. Why would you want to be with someone who doesn’t love your children?
Get rid of him. Your kids come first.
My ex was like this. Get out as soon as u can
Leave, you are a package deal now. No man is worth your kids
Oh girl throw him out. He should know that kids are a big part of you and if he can’t accept that, he can move the fuck out
Not the one for you!!
Always do what’s best for your kids!! He sounds like a man child. Move out! Is my advice.
Leave him, your kids are more important than a man point blank period. Men are replaceable you can find one who will love you and those babies and doesn’t just lay around for you to pick up after him like you’re his momma
He isn’t a real man!
If he has beef with your kids that’s a bigger problem then just a few messes. Your children deserve to be around someone that’s kind and patient with them not someone that seems them as a pain or nuisance. He needs to go!
(In my opinion) DUMP HIM! Babies come first!!
Girl through the whole man away! Just absolute trash
While you can’t force someone to love your kids like they love you… you should also recognize that a person who doesn’t love your children is not the person for you. Your kids are your kids and they aren’t going anywhere. If he cannot commit to family life then you are walking a dead end road. You cannot have a functioning relationship keeping you and your kids separate from your significant other. He is clearly a selfish person and it only gets worse from there.
If he can’t accept your children as part of the deal, it’s not gonna last. It’ll only get worse, and you’ll have to make a choice between him and your kids. Here’s hoping you make the right decision.
Kids come first no matter what!
Bye bye baby good bye !
Your kids should come first with that being said does anyone really have to tell you what to do ?
You definitely need to leave. You don’t get with a person that has children if you’re not prepared to treat them as if they were your own!
First mistake moving in so quickly. Because it takes a good year to actually know someone’s true colors.
He’s showing you, he can’t stand your kids. It’s your responsibility to get him out of your lives. And sooner before things turn from bad to worse.
All of your choices reflect their future.with or without him.they will imitate what they see if you cant look at your kid envision them being treated the same way you are right now and be happy for them youve got big choices.
IMHO get out now. I just left a guy I’d been with for five years bcuz he decided doing anything for me or my daughter was a burden. It didn’t happen suddenly it was slow over time like he just got sick of us but I knew I couldn’t let her be raised by someone that made her feel that she was a burden or a problem or “work”. Get out now.
Idk why yall are living together that soon, especially with kiddos. True colors start to show real quick. Id get out and get out quick. Your kids will catch on to him being displeased with their existence
Your children are a part of you and if he can’t accept them then he doesn’t accept you.
How old are your kids!
It sounds like a long miserable life, if you stay with him
Just leave! Thats unacceptable!! First off you are with someone that dont acccept your child! And love as his own. WHY are you still with the guy especially after treating your child badly. My kids come FIRST! Always.
I have a house with my boyfriend I have kids he doesn’t we don’t have any together…
Now my point kids makes mess all the time I have 3 girls a 19 ( who really don’t do any cleaning around the house between school work and help me with my 2 little one ) I have a 10 and & 8 years old they make they own mess and they clean it up they have a space with all the toy a desk for the homework and they room i clean the room they clean the messes they make with toys and stuff
Me and my boyfriend both work I clean almost every day he cleans once a week I do the laundry for all the family he vacuum the all house I clean the kitchen he do the yard work he never once complain about my kids he knows how a works it’s a 50/50 relationship so if you help around the house and clean up after your kids he should shut up or leave
I just read the first line and that’s all I needed to read remember your child comes before your boyfriend… get rid of the bf … because guys that love you don’t complain about your child they don’t put you in a position where you have to choose…dump him
Bye. Get the fuck out or leave!
he is useless, walk away
Me and my ol man has been talking 10 months ! He has stepped up and took the dad roll for my sons I respect that don’t let a man say anything about your kids !
Why would you move in with a boyfriend so early? Whats the rush? Now you are seeing his true colors and got your kids involved
Get rid of him! It will get to a point where he makes you choose between him and them and you’ll regret it for the rest of your life if you make the wrong decision. He met someone with kids…they didn’t magically show up after. Seriously, run!
If he can’t accept your kids then he doesn’t need you.
You know what to do. You just dont want to accept it. Or you dont know how to. That’s okay. You are human. But you need to find a way to. Find the strength to. That little boy deserves a man in his life that loves him. Not one he has to fight for attention from and feel neglected by. It will do damage that you cannot imagine. Or maybe you can. But if you can, you wouldnt have asked that question.
He sounds selfish on a big scale. He may be a lot of really good things for you in other ways. But it isnt just you that he is with.
If he is not willing to compromise and share responsibility, GET RID OF HIM!
Kick him out ! Your kids are way more important than a guy !
Moved in together to quickly
Easy. Leave his dumbass.
Run, it does NOT get any better… RUN
A boyfriend comes and goes, but your babies will live in your heart forever, even after they go their separate ways
Get rid of him or leave
#boybye #ThankyouNext
Kick him to the kerb. He is not good for you or your child.
This is why its so important to get to know someone longer than years time before moving in with them When you have kids! I hope you leave him. Being a mom means putting our childrens needs and comfort before our own! You are a mother first and a woman second. I hope you leave this asshole
He has to go…not gonna get better
He’s made it obvious that he don’t want anything to do with your kids, Your kids must come 1st before a man,
Get out before you have anymore time invested
Ya leave his ass sis.
Dump him he sounds like an idiot no offense but you come with kids and he knew that he’s replaceable you’re children aren’t
I think u should get a new boyfriend if ur not cool with my kids u can get the f*$# from around me…PERIOD🤷♀️
Girl bye you don’t need to be asking us, the answer should be obvious! Leave him your kids should always come first
Same situation but i am married now… dont know what to do… if i only knew…
He will only get worse…