My boyfriend complains about my kid: Advice?

Run!!! And dont look back

He is making it clear he does not want to responsibility of your kids. You already know what to do.

I don’t think a man (or woman) has to instantly become their SOs kid’s parent because they’re together. But when living together you’ve agreed to take on the responsibility of living with small children so you should be helping out. Mom and kids should be a package deal.
I totally get him wanting alone time, it’s a lot to take on someone elses kids but he shouldn’t be a jerk about it if he needs alone time.


"What would you do? "
Seriously…? Dump the douche bag!!!

Why is this even a question? Obviously your children come first, they didnt choose to be born and they sure as hell arent choosing to deal with someone who doesnt want them around :roll_eyes:


Run run run!!! He’s gonna hurt them

Please do not subject your children to this type of environment. Those are your babies. They will always come first. The boyfriend obviously doesn’t love you.
You need to leave him asap for the sake of your kids


Don’t wait until it’s too late!

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As soon as you get a bad feeling about how somebody is treating your child, you leave. Sooner than later.

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He doesn’t like the idea of raising someone else’s kids so just break up with him first :100: save the delay

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Free maid service. You cook and clean for him but he doesn’t want you doing that for your kids…

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I mean kids are part of the deal he cant handle that tell him to kick rocks

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Leave. You come as a package deal with your child(ren) he knew that coming into this and imo he should raise them like his own. Your kids should always come first.
My husband said: to try to talk to him first because he may not realize what he is doing. But he also took on my 3 kids and raised them as his own with no questions asked. And he definitely said that you are not a maid and if he doesn’t change then it sounds like he wants something completely different than you do and not to waste anymore of your time

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First and foremost, why would you buy a home with this guy and live with him after only being together a year???


If someone doesnt like my kids or want them around they got to go.


Leave you don’t need this bull from an idiot!!!


Do whatever you want to do! Let him keep mistreating you and your babies

He sucks find someone else


I dealt with the same thing and my question to him was always would you treat your own blood that way? In reality he knew what that you had kids when you meant if it’s not a relationship he wants for the long hall then he shouldn’t be there. We now have a daughter together and don’t get me wrong he is better but it took YEARS and even now the way he parents and the way I do are two totally different ways that I’m not always okay with so pay attention to those red flags and run while you can if that’s what continues.

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Get rid of him. Why settle for someone who will never see/treat them decently.


I had an ex like that in the end it was the worse mistake I ever made was even dating him. And he admitted that he lied about liking my kid just cuz he wanted to get with me and said we weren’t a packed deal since we were two different ppl.

Maybe you do wait on the children to much? Dunno I’m not there. At any age chores are needed. Even at 1yo they can start helping put away toys. BUT!!! he’s overwhelmed & you gotta look at it from all sides. Does he just want out? Does he make a point? He knew you were a package deal and maybe he needs to reevaluate his own future and if you & the kids are in it. Y’all need to talk get to what’s going on… My kids can be too much for me at times. Talk to him not argue.

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You always pick your child over a man…period! Get your shit get your child and get out :roll_eyes:

Throw the man in the trash :wastebasket: Your kids come before any man


Your child comes first in your life. You are a package deal! If this man doesn’t love your child and want to be truly a parent to him - he’s gotta go!!


Your kids should be your number one priority! Point. Blank. Period! There’s plenty of fish in the sea so to speak, but your kids cannot be replaced!


Kids should always come before a man


Bounce. Sorry not sorry. Kids are the package deal. You want to be with me let’s see how you are with my kids? When I met my husband I told him she is my #1 period. They are not my baggage they are my world. You need to find someone who loves you and your kids.


Yeah, he needs to kick rocks. :walking_woman::running_woman::speaking_head:

When one door closes another one opens!!! Move on to better things!!! I promise there is a guy out there that would be more than happy to love your children like his own!!!

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I would have left him the first minute he showed any disinterest in my children.


Find someone that accepts you AND your kids.

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If he’s not prepared to love them like they’re his own, personally I would be reconsidering that relationship.

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Don’t put your kids through this, throw out the whole dude


Either leave or tell him he better step up cause you and your kids are a package deal. I can’t stand seeing boyfriend’s wanting the girl but not even willing to step up to the table to be a parent. I get if you haven’t been together for long but it’s been at least a year

And don’t kid yourself if you don’t think they’ve not noticed! If he’s got your guts twisted, imagine how uncomfortable they likely feel in their own home. :fearful:


You have to realize that if any man you date does not accept/respect your child as he does you you don’t need to keep him around… Your kid(s) should always come first no matter what…be strong mama

Sounds like a lazy ass hole who just showed his true colors after time. 🤷

Omg!! Read the book ‘12 Stupid Things Women do to Screw up Their Lifes’ By Doctor Laura Schlesinger . It has it all. Your kids come first! You had them get them raised right and then worry about your sex life


Kick him to the curb! Put your kids first…Always!

I’d sit down with him and try to see where these things are coming from , first. Try to get him to at least be respectful and kind to them like if they were a friend’s kid or family members. If you don’t see improvement or if he’s unwilling id leave.

You already know the answer you just want confirmation so here it is sis… GET THE HELL OUT NOW! HE DOESNT WANT YOUR KIDS!!! Now you know what to do!

Be done. You and your children are a package. If he cant see or respect that, then that’s his issue that you and your kids dont need.

He is hiding something

LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE. Your kids come first.

Men are selfish…most of them dont like other men’s children…think of the wild…Male lions will kill cubs in order to mate with lioness and have his own offspring.

Leave. He’s obviously not the one for u and ur kids

He’s showing you that he is not invested in your children … End it !

Your child is your number 1. Get rid of him

Get rid of him! Sounds like a douche!!!

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My kid(s) come first.


Leave, been there done that. I’m sorry but you’re a mom and you don’t have time for crap like this. Just say goodbye, your kids are the only ones who matter.


I hate to tell you, but he doesn’t want a relationship with your kids and sounds like he no longer wants one with you. It’s hard to split up after so long and after living together, but I think the best move for you and your kids is to end it now before it gets worse.


You had the children before , you had him . They should be your first priority .
He doesn’t sound to me like he is interested anymore

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He sounds like a piece of shit. The only advice I can muster up is to run as soon as you can.

Wow… Sounds like you’d rather make your boyfriend happy, than take care of your kids and their well-being.

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Ur kids come first, well atleast mine do, forever is a long time to deal with bs

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Not gonna talk shit on your life choices like others are (meaning moving in with him or introducing him to your kids) but if he can’t accept your kids throw him out no one and I mean no one comes before my daughter and they have to respect that I’m a mother first. And I’ll be damned if a man is living in my house and not contributing to hoshold chores. Maybe I’m just lucky but my man give so much effort to this area I’ve never had to complain. If anything I’m the slacker lol

The guy doesn’t deserve to be around your kids, I’m sorry but the guy doesn’t like your kids, do yourself and your kids a big favor, and get away from him now.

Smh why are these women with men who can’t stand their kids?Stop putting your kids through that shit,and leave them.You’re the parent,it’s your fucking job to protect your kids,not have them around assholes who are mean to them,or verbally,mentally,or physically abusive to them.

You know. Sorry but you dont need an extra child. You can get emotional support from better people who appreciate you and your children

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Leave, kids come first always

Leave. If he loved you, he’d love your children and wouldn’t make you feel bad over things like that. Our babies should always come first!

What??!! Why are you with a “man” that won’t put ur children first??! Honestly wake up and smell the coffee :woman_facepalming: he complains about you’re children then sling him to fuck you have children you don’t need another one

He want a mad not a girlfriend pack take the kids and walk out now before it gets s worse and he throws you out

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Oh nice. Now the truth comes out. He had these issues all the time but didn’t say anything. Now you are seeing the real person. Also, what the hell were you thinking. Sounds like you didn’t do enough talking on your relationship and expectations. And now the kids are in the middle.

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Dump him. Your kids come first. Your needs don’t. They’re only young once. Find a companion who is supportive.

GOOD RIDDANCE. He’s not interested in playing house and you will be miserable trying to force him. End things now. Before things get worse.

Why in the world would you want to be with someone who never paid attention to your children in the first place??!! That blows my mind. I feel so sorry for your children!

Kick his immature ass to the curb. Kids before anyone PERIOD!!!

If you respected yourself and kids you wouldn’t be posting this. You’d be gone already


Leave fast he hates kids you don’t need that your kids FIRST

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you better get smart & leave He is taking advange of you He wants to do nothing you better kick him out before you loose your mind it never gets better in the long run

Ummm, fuck all of that. He knew what it was when he signed up. Respect yourself and your children, Leave that sorry piece of shit.

It seems like the obvious answer would be to dump the jerk. Why would you prioritize him over your children?

I’d be out girl scout :v:

Don’t stay. I put up with that crap for way too long. Take my advice and don’t leave yourself regretting years.

Well if you’ve not even been together a year and it’s a problem what makes you think forever wouldn’t be a problem. Hit the road Jack and don’t look back. It’ll never work been there done that.

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Leave your kids come 1st

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I sware some of these posts have to
Be fake! I mean really?


Sooooo either your self respect and your children or some dick ? You can always find another dude, spend some time being single, loving yourself and respecting your kids


Leave him, he’s not a true man

Give him the opportunity to correct some of his behavior and explain that if certain things don’t change then your gone

He doesn’t want to put effort into the relationship and is probably looking for an out.
So just do it for him and leave.

Get rid pack yours n your kids things an get out while u can kids come 1st hope u all ok xxx

FFS You have to ask??? Leave or throw him out.

Lose him… The boyfriend BTW

You moved in extremely quick when you have kids. I had a 5 yr old, my now husband and I spoke for 6 months before dating. Dated for 6 months before he met my daughter (knew eachother for a full yr at this point) and dated for a full year before moving in together.(knew eachother 18 months). Your babies come before your boyfriends. Kick him out.


Leave him he is not worth it

Hes not daddy material… Sorry you got that. I hope things get great

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So probably unpopular opinion here…but… this is only one side of the story. Does the original posters kids trash the house instead of just “making a mess”? Do the kid/s act a fool in public? Does their mama act a fool in public? Something has definitely changed … maybe things are more than he can handle. Before placing complete blame on him…maybe mom should assess the WHOlE situation.

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He needs to step up
or step down

I read only rhe first line… LEAVE. Kids come first. Fuck that shit

I can’t even finish reading this. Get a backbone and leave him. These are the men who eventually abuse step children. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I’m at a loss that you’re confused. Two things. Are your kids out of control? If that’s not it then maybe your partner is a bf not a dad.

What does “if I ask to tag along it’s a big deal, if a child is coming It’s worse”. You’re speaking like these aren’t your kids. This is very strange.

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Get out! You have to look out for your children!

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Dating someone with kids is a deal-breaker for him. I would guess your child comes first, so you know what to do. If you think staying with him and having a child with him will fix things, it won’t, so I would get out before that happens. One of the things I knew I could never ever do, was date someone with children. It might sound selfish, but it’s not. Dating alone can be complicated, and adding a child to the mix just adds another dynamic to it. Some people are cut out for that, others not.

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Leave his ass your children should come first

You and your kids are a package deal. If he cannot respect that than he needs to be out of the picture. You’re dealing with a boy, not a man.

He doesnt even respect you enough to help around the house. Girl, tell him bye. You and your kiddos have a much better future in store without him.

He doesn’t sound like the correct fit for your family.

No one comes before your Childrens. Therefore if he can’t meld with your tribe end the relationship. It’ll only get worse and then he’ll start being unkind directly to your children.

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