My boyfriend got another woman pregnant: Advice?

I have a boyfriend, we have been together for six years, we have a son, and also we live together. Now he cheated on me with some girl. I recently discovered that the girl is pregnant. I’m crushed and broken. Right now, I’m not financially stable to be on my own and raise my son, too. Been in the same house with him makes me soo bitter.


Leave get government help until your stable enough to make it on your own he won’t change and what if he knocks up another girl


It may feel overwhelming, but there are options.
You can provide for your son
You will be entitled to a si gle mother pension, discounted electricity & water, rental assistance, food & petrol vouchers… there is assistence for you to take control of your sitation

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I know she should have checked if he was in a relationship before she did the dirty with him, but at the end of the day she wasn’t the one in a committed relationship, he was in the wrong, don’t hate her, I mean hand her an olive branch and try to support her, she’s probably struggling with the idea of having a baby alone too, and her baby and your child will be half siblings too. You need to get rid of him though, like yesterday, he’s toxic and will just keep playing these games getting more people knocked up while you are at home, kick him out, change the locks while he’s at work, throw his clothes on the lawn, and apply for child support! I know it’s hard but your better without a waste of space cheat

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My boyfriend got another woman pregnant: Advice? - Mamas Uncut

I’m not the kindest with advice love. but find yaself a roommate and gtfo there. kids can feel the bitterness and that environment is not one either you or little dude will grow in.


Why do you miserable b*tches laugh at some of these posts… like damn she’s reaching out for help and some of y’all just have no sympathy whatsoever…. :woman_facepalming:t2:

Then get him out of your life. You want that drama? Because that’s all your going to deal with. Him behind your back fcking whoever hd wants and making babies.If he loved you a little bit, he wouldn’t have cheated on you. Get out ASAP.


I literally have been in your position except it was my husband, been together 10 years and our youngest was basically being born at the time


I am so sorry!!! I do not blame you for being bitter on bit; what he did is so wrong and you are completely justified in your feelings. Hopefully you can start saving for a new and better life for you and your son.

Find a way to get out there must be some agencies that could help you do not need a looser who cheats you have better self worth don’t settle


There are resources to help you start over, it will be hard but worth it when you gain your independence. He does not deserve you and what he has done is not ok. The example you set for your son is very important, be strong, will be praying for you.


I’d do anything before staying. Js.

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You’ll save yourself lots of pain and suffering if you leave now. Figure it out…


I had the same thing happen. My daughter and the other child are 9 months apart. RUN!!! It will never end well. Let him be a father to your child but save yourself alot of drama and heartache and let him go.


Not sure why you’re still calling him as your boyfriend.


I know how you feel, the worst thing was I shortly lost my baby but she didn’t. The stress of his infidelity made me lose the baby and I never forgave him for it. I moved on then found another relationship but it still hurt to think about my babies, I had lost 2…stay strong you will find a way


Find a way of making more money. Shit is about to get real!! That is now someone that will permanently be in his life. You will only get angrier as time goes on. Good luck to you :heart:

Leave and take him for child support.


GET OUT . Make him pay child support for his kids .


Talk to the girl …make her take him in so you can have your place …she did you a favor


Same thing happened to me and now me and the other girl are now friends and neither of us are with that wanna be player


There’s lots of help out there to help you get on your feet so you can get out as soon as possible. I saw my mom go through this with my dad and it was heartbreaking. My mom went from being such a happy person to being an old bitter angry lady, it’s sad. Don’t let that happen to you.

You should have a baby shower for her! He won’t be around long!

You need to get rid of him. Go on welfare if you have to, and get child support. You will not regret it!


Aint no shame in goin home to leave a toxic situation


Uhh? This is an easy one. Dump him!! You deserve better! If he was a real man he wouldn’t have done this. Can you move in with your parents till you get on your feet?

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Get rid of him and see if you can get a roommate. Maybe someone you already know. Check with Department of Social services to see if you qualify for any of their programs.


When your ready to leave nothing will stop you plan and go! Leave it all take your child and start over you will be so much happier


Find a way to get out honey.


Welp if you are stable and can be in your own it wouldn’t be a question his stuff would be packed and he would be fine or I would pack and I would be gone with my son and he would be with the girl he knocked up …

You gotta do what other single moms does find work, pay the bills and get him to pay your child support. Ask for your families to help you out while getting back on your feet for your son and you!


For your own personal happiness and sanity, leave him, there are agencies that can help you start over


You can do more than you think. I raised 2 girls on my own with no help whatsoever.


Omg run, you will find your way

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He’s got to go! Period!

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He will use you, And abuse you so much more, now that he knows he can manipulate you. He has got to go. You go straight to the child’s court and file for child support. Your child needs to know that a man treats women with respect not deception.


Go apply for cash assistance


You’ll have to do one of two things, either leave and move on OR you’re going to have to accept that baby. There is another tiny human involved that didn’t ask to be involved or brought into that situation. Do not resent that child or hate that child. The child did nothing wrong. Either you’re going to need to accept the child, or leave him.


Don’t leave…u hv a kid u will leave room for d other woman n her kid… n ur kid will hv to live without adad…stay in ur house…let her kid grow up without adad…eventually he will leave her…right now u ar holding d assets…do go in d streets with ur kids…she would never hv a desent life


Find a shelter and program that supports women in your position. You are in an emotional abusive relationship and it won’t get better

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That bitterness will soon turn into pain, and then the pain will eventually turn into rage… and rightfully so, but I would try to remove yourself and your son before it gets to that point… and it will.


Your boyfriend can still have a relationship with your son, but you personally deserve better and once trust like that is broken, going back to a healthy relationship rarely works out.


I don’t for the life of me understand why so many use the excuse they can’t leave because they aren’t financially stable. I wasn’t either, but I made it work. I wasn’t going to stay one more second with someone who was so toxic! Either kick him out, or find a job and call social services to get financial help and get out. It really isn’t that hard. I’m so sorry this happened to you, but you have to grow up and take care of you and your child. You can do this! You deserve better!


Leave him immediately.

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is that baby really his? even if he admits to getting with this chick who else had she been with? I’d reccomend a DNA test once that child is born . but either way boy bye


Go and seek some financial help and leave.

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People are telling you to leave like it’s that easy, it’s not especially since you love him and have a child with him. From my personal experience since you can’t leave since you’re not stable rn ask for family’s help if you can if not, look for work and save up. You will be better off without him especially since he cheated on you and got someone else pregnant. Just don’t hold your son against him I did that with my bd and I kept my daughter from him until she got old enough to contact him herself, now he doesn’t care if he’s involved or not it’s all about the son that he has.


When it comes to being a mother, we ALWAYS find and make a way. You will too, get away from him & get your own place or contact your family & see if they have room for you and your baby until you figure things out.


Find any way you can to survive on your own. When my ex and I split I had a two year old and no job. I was a stay at home mom for the whole time we were together. I knew I couldn’t handle it all but we were getting physical so it was time for him to leave. I found out every single bill was behind and my car got repoed. Worst experience of my life… oh and this happened right at the beginning of 2020!! But I got help and am slowly getting back on my feet. I hate to admit it but I got on tanf and then ebt… eventually got off tanf. It’s still so hard but I don’t look back at all I went through and wish I was back with him.


Leave and make him pay child support


Girl work on getting where you need to be to leave. But get you a bf lol take your mind off it don’t stew on it. It will only hurt you

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Go to a friend’s or family’s house if you can.
Either way, if you want to leave, leave. You’ll start feeling anger and resentment soon and you don’t want your son to grow up around that energy in the house. He can still be a dad to your son, him cheating isn’t an excuse for him not to be in his kids life anyway.


Get out, find a way.

It’s time to start working on getting out. First thing should be getting a job and a sitter.

Nope nope nope. There is no way I could tolerate that. It would eat me alive inside. You deserve better. Take your little one and go. Set up visitation with dad and go on about your life it seems as though he already has…


You need to make some choices stay and let him cheat or wise up and walk away for the sake of your children


Find a way to leave. Family or friends. Do a nut check on the way out. He deserves it.


You need to just end the relationship. If you need to stay in the same home, okay. But that’s too much to move forward from.

Sometimes its best to just throat punch a bro


Move on you deceive better !

It’s not easy at all, but girl you need to grab some courage and leave. You deserve better, and so does your son. I wouldn’t want my son thinking that’s how a man treats women. It’s so hard but you can do it. There is financial help and I guarantee there is a man out there that would love you the way you deserve.


1st he wouldn’t be my boyfriend anymore, if he cheated with this girl, I’m guessing he has done it before and just never got caught! You need to leave him, do you have family that can help you? File for custody and child support, go on assistance till you get back On your feet! Only you can make the decision if you can handle staying with him in the same house!

I’m really sorry you’re going through this, NOBODY deserves that.

Get out. And file for child support before the new child is born. You think you’re bitter now- trying watching your child go without because he has to pay the other woman up to 50% of his income. He made his bed- you are under no obligation to to sleep it in with him.


What advice is there to this except move on. Come on. Have some respect for yourself.

I’m so sorry to hear this for you :weary::weary: I had this happen to me with my kids father (we have 3 kids together and he is no longer around at all) on 4 different occasions over the course of 7 years and the girls always had abortions. I’m not for abortions at all and I often imagine what my life would be like if they gave birth to all of those babies. But I’ll tell you from experience…. ONCE A CHEATER, ALWAYS A CHEATER! Leave and get out ASAP! If I can go from being a SAHM of 7 years to working full time and caring for 3 kids completely alone, then I know you can do it!!! I had nothing when I left him, but looking back, it was so worth it!


move on move out make him pay child support. Pretty much end of story. I know single women making it on just above min wage with three kids.


If you had a daughter what would you tell her to do? It’s that simple yet it’s soooo hard

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Find someone temporary and take him to court for child support!

I’m so sorry, sweetheart. You deserve so much better. I know how heartbreaking and devastating it is. My husband cheated on me and I made the decision to stay, but if he would have got a girl pregnant, I would have left no questions asked. Everyone else on here is saying “just leave”, but sometimes it’s not that simple. Not everyone has friends or family members that they can stay with. Me personally, staying and dealing with the girl he cheated on me with for the next 18 years and constantly seeing that child as a reminder of his betrayal to me, I couldn’t do it. Cheating is one thing, but having a child produced from that is another. If I were you, I would start a secret bank account and pay pal money from his checks every paycheck until you have enough to get an apartment. Apply for every kind of assistance you can. Also, save all of the evidence and screenshots as proof that he cheated and bring it to court if you decide to divorce him.

There are programs to help. Wic, snap, churches and gov programs

I’m So sorry. I personally would move on. If he did it once he may do it again. Having a child makes it harder but now he’s tied to the other girl also and that child whether he likes it or not so you need to decide if you want to deal with that or not

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I’m not sticking up for either, but if she was shagging ya man, she could of been shagging others. I would end the relationship but also DNA test?


File for child support, contact your local battered women’s shelter, they should have a social worker that can help guide you through the process and maybe help you find a job and child care. Legal aid might be able to help. Get yourself away from that toxic situation, no matter what it takes.


I see all these comments on leaving him, and if that’s what you want then go for it. Life is so short to waste it on trying to save something they threw in the dump. But if you think it’s worth saving then you guys are going to have to set some ground rules and compromise on the situation. On the other note, if the pregnant girl is indeed carrying his baby, your son will have a brother or sister and that’s kind of exciting. Look at things in the child’s prospective too. It’s not all bad. But it would take me a long time to ever trust the bf ever again. And honestly if he went out and cheated I’d wanna go out and cheat. So it’d be the end of the relationship for me. But there would be a new baby involved and my kid could benefit from his f***ery. Lol


Would just leave file for child support I even moved to another state he might even still try seeing her if you stay with him and use the baby as an excuse to see her and continue to fool around with her


Go to you local income support division office. Cash assistance, food stamps, housing assistance, are all available. Never feel trapped like you have no options.


Get out, find a way… that bitterness will never go away living under the same roof

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So I’m super blunt so this is my pre-apology for sounding like a jerk.

Okay…find a way to be financially stable. Get a roommate, couch jump for a little bit, stay with your parents and during all of this file for child support. DO. NOT. STAY! Besides the fact that he cheated on you, this woman will now never go away. You will have to deal with her forever unless you get out. He has no respect for you or your relationship and letting it slide will only make it worse.

L. E. A. V. E.


Give him minimal communication, raise your kid together, & do your own thing, save up money, move out & move on


Get in Gov apartments they will help you


Kick him out, what a dick


Leave. There’s always a way. Find friends, roommates, single mom to help live together, something. If you convince yourself to stay, you’re accepting what he did to you and you will forgive him. The behavior won’t change.


Maybe leave and stay with family for a little bit. If you stay you’ll feel stuck and he will think it’s okay


So sorry you had to go thru that but I think you need to leave. Just leave figure out the other things later


Carefully plan things out and once you know where you can go than tell the cheating scumbag of your intentions! Don’t tell him anything till you’re ready to leave!


Once a cheat always a cheat. The relationship is irreconcilable it will never be whole again. Get out now.

Find a way to get out your being bitter isn’t healthy for you or your son. Set your mind to getting out and taking care of your baby you CAN do it

Don’t ever think he won’t do it again. He will leave as soon as you can. Get help


I know you are heartbroken :pensive: I would be to but the fact that he cheated is one thing but he didn’t even protect himself from bringing something back to you! That is lack of respect & shows you he didn’t even think of you and yalls family together! Do you want your child to look at you like - mom, he cheated and had my brother or sister and you stayed? He won’t see that as wow my mom is very strong, it will be taken as you are very weak and kept! Leave now - trust me you & your child deserve better!


Momma, save your money, get your shit together and leave! DO NOT put up with that! You and your son deserve a man that loves you right!
Sending you all the well wishes and love I have, good luck!

I would talk to my family and leave

You don’t need us to give you the answer. You know you need to leave


Leave… everything will fall into place. And honestly, you will gain the will power and determination needed to succeed on your own when it’s down to wire and you have No choice

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I’ve been in this situation personally and I could never get over it. I left him shortly after I found out. Get to a place where you can too so you’re not miserable


Honestly trying to figure out why you’re referring to him as your boyfriend :woman_shrugging:t2: he’d be gone!
On a side note IF him cheating on you isnt reason enough to leave him then you must be open minded to him having another child and by the one he cheated on you with and never take any of the child’s parents decisions out on the child… if you don’t think you can respect that child because of their decisions then you definitely need to go… it’s going to be really hard for you and now your child is gonna know the dad cheated and has a sibling by a mistress… prayers for y’all


Don’t stay to use him as a financial crutch. Leave. A baby is permanent. Either it’ll be smooth, or there will be drama or you two end up with it. That’s not a he cheated on me and we moved passed it. You’ll have a constant reminder.

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man this page is entertaining


Find a way to get financially stable and :v: out