My boyfriend’s family don’t believe in covid and they hate me

My boyfriend’s family does not believe in covid and they hate me. I have a 2 year old that doesn’t know how to keep his mask on since he just turned 2, my boyfriends family is a big family and they all live near us. We are used to go visit his dad at least once a week but since the numbers of covid started going up I am more careful about taking my son out, we live in Florida and the numbers here are astronomical and kids are getting extremely sick here. We found out well I kind of knew but we confirmed that his dad was not wearing a mask at all anywhere he went, when my boyfriend confronted him about it and asked him please to wear the mask he said basically I do whatever I want and I refused to let the government control me and make me wear a mask, I told him that to protect our son the best thing was that until the numbers started to go down we would not take the baby over there anymore since he didn’t want to protect himself. The thing is that 80% of his family have gotten covid already but none of them thank God have gotten really sick so they think is something stupid, since I told him that we were not going to go see his dad we get calls telling him how he’s a bad son and how I’m horrible because I’m keeping him away from his family and I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t want to keep him away from his family, but I don’t want to expose my son to get sick just because they don’t care.

Try not to let them make you feel bad. Your child’s safety is your number one priority as it should be theirs. I’d attempt to explain to them while they may have had mild symptoms your child could be different and while you don’t want to to keep him from family your not willing to risk your sons health to make them more comfortable. It sounds like they are pretty set in their ways so be hard to try and keep them to understand any kind of compromise that might come up with.