My boyfriend vandalized my car: Advice?

Recently, my boyfriend vandalized my vehicle. Should I forgive and forget? This is a very tough situation for me, and I am not too sure what to do. Recently, my boyfriend and I got into a heated argument, which leads to him vandalizing my vehicle. He slashed all my tires, then got into his truck and rammed into the back of my vehicle several times. I made a police report, but a week has passed, and I’m starting to overthink. We have two children together, and we are expecting. Should I forgive him and forget or separate from him for good? Please, I am so lost and confused. I just don’t know how to handle this situation.


These questions have to be made up, ffs!


Fuck. No! This is abusive and destructive behavior that’s only going to get much worse. If you care about your children get them away from him as soon as humanly fucking possible! Are you even serious right now!!!


Next time it will be you


Keep it moving girlfriend

Put him in jail for vandalism so you can get the money to pay for your car and put him on child support and leave him

Run from this psycho

Hell no it will only get worse

No. This is a clear sign that he is controlling, vindictive, petty, compulsive, and has the potential for actual violence. As a therapist, I tell you, absolutely not.

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That’s abusive and what would happen if you had needed the car to get to the hospital to have your baby!? Alarm bells are ringing, he clearly has issues and it’s better to be safe than sorry

Leave him and start a new life


That’s the car you need to safely drive your children around and so he not only took from you, but them as well.
Press charges and file a civil suit if he refuses to pay for repairs. Also file claim with his insurance so his shit gets hiked up.

Don’t worry about leaving with kids. I had 2 kids and was pregnant last year when I packed us all up and fled to a domestic abuse safehouse.
7 months later, moved us into a new apartment and they gave me the security deposit. He comes by but I kick him out when he acts up and there’s nothing he can do but leave back to his house 30 miles away. And I dont have shit to stress about.

… 3 kids into it and you’re just now seeing this behavior? Hard to believe. I feel sorry for the babies. Neither one of y’all got any DAMN sense ! Real talk.


DO NOT go back to this person! It WILL only get worse for you and your children!

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The first sentence is the problem… my boyfriend vandalised my vehicle… why the fuck is he still your boyfriend dumb that dog

No. Its only get worse. Leave while you can before you have children and your stuck with him.

What exactly are you over thinking. He’s crazy!!!


That man is a mess. Ditch him quick

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The fact that it cost u all that money in damages when yall have kids should be a good indicator to leave him alone

Omg he sounds like a a fucking lunatic! Id make his ass pay to replace everything n go from there but I’ll tell you if my husband ever did some shit like that, he’d only do it once…

I would make him pay for damages move on baby girl if he could damage your car he could damage you.Your not married to him as yet you took NO vows see this as a learning lesson.Take it from me don’t date creeps like them.

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That’s very violent. If he does that over an argument I’d be fearful . If not for yourself then for your children . Follow through with the police report . He should be responsible for his actions .

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Next time will be you. Leave him the only advice I can give.

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Run. Next time it may be you or one of the kids he attacks.


First your car… then you! Run!!!


Don’t 2nd guess yourself. Run as fast as you can cz it will continue and the kids don’t need to see that. Hope he will be made to pay repararion


The longer you stay the worse itll be. Dangerous. As hard as it may be,You need to leave


Yes …he meant well… seriously with these questions ladies!!!

No. This just the beginning of what’s to come, leave him alone for those kids. He knew what he was doing and will make you feel guilty about his choices


Separate and make him pay for all the damages!! That’s not something your kids need to see all the time.

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Do you want to live like that? You already know what you need to do.

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Sorry! Has he hurt u be4 ur kids, in any way? I think it’s best if u stay away from this guy until he gets some kind of help.and even then until ur very sure his anger is under control.It will only get worse if you stay with him, and ur children.

Let him stay gone!!! What’s he going to tear up next you or the kids. It’s a no brainer! AND file charges for the damage to your car!!

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WTF!!! Are you serious??? Next time it might not be your car it might be your children or yourself. No way in hell would he be anywhere near my kids

Turn around and run…FAST!

If your kids were in the car? Seriously…why is this a question? Next it will be your funeral.

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WTH. Children or not that is not love or a healthy relationship definitely leave!!!

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No u shouldn’t forget

Happened to me I forgave and he later vandalized my home I say let him go.

Leave. This is domestic abuse. It only gets worse. My ex headbutted me n tried to throw me down stairs when I was pregnant, my sis called the cops n I never looked back. He’d already broken my nose before that. It doesn’t get better only worse, get out while you can.

I can not believe this is even a question. He’s showing his true colors. Run!!! Fast!


It’s the car today maybe you next time. There is NO forgiving if you need that vehicle for your children. Have him fix it keep that report open

call the police because the next time and there will be a next time it will be worse

Leave go bye bye it’s no good

Before it’s the home or more seriously … you or the children, get him away from all of you. He needs to get help, but his violent behavior is unacceptable in your home.
People treat you the way you allow. Make some boundaries and stick to them. Counseling may help you two co-parent, but live apart.
Toxic people are dangerous to you all physically and mentally.

Do you really want your children to live like this? It’s not just about you, you have to do what’s right for them and not raise them in such violence. If you raise your kids with this man I promise you they will not be happy and grow up to be angry, been there and I’d give anything if I could turn back the clock. So many wasted years.

Run as fast as you can and dont look back…next time it may be you hes slashing…

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He might run YOU over next time, or your kids. RUN RUN RUN


If he loved and cared for you he would not have behaved in such a violent manner. He clearly is dangerous. Today the car tomorrow you or the children.


You need to leave his ass, get a restraining order and a 9 mm pistol and learn how to use it… this is absolutely unacceptable behavior , your children are watching all this drama!!

LEAVE! These are RED flags! I know it’s easier said than done but it will benefit you in the long run for you and your children.


Run and don’t look back :no_good_woman:

Get out now, if he’s showing violence now it WILL continue


he will start coming after you get away from him call the police


Run Run Fast… you and your kids…he will only get worse and your children will grow up thinking this is normal… RUN RUN


Are you out of your ever living mind.Get the hell away from him NOW.Dont wait till he tries to kill you.Make him pay for your car and then take a restraining order out on him and supervised visits with his kids.


Hell No what if next time he decides to take that anger out on you ???


Like Debbie cell run and don’t look back that’s what you need to do because if he did all that to you he don’t mean you no good


He lacks self control and the ability to know right from wrong or have respect. Don’t allow this person to be a part in your daily life with your kids. I think a restraining order is due.


What’s having two children have to do with his destructive behavior? He would be paying the damages


Fuck him. If u gon keep letting him do it, dnt put everybody in ur business. But u kno what u have to do. Protect yourself, ur kids and ur unborn


Run and run now. Before it’s you, everything you own, or your children.


Know your worth. Your children and you are more important than material things. Vehicle can be replaced…you and your cubs cannot.


Man these questions are getting stupidier and stupider and I can’t believe youve really asked this ,
Do you understand having your children in an environment like that is ABUSE … You need to run before its to late serisioly , damn I feel bad for your children , get your shit and run and run fast , js 🤦


separate. what if the next time it isn’t your vehicle and it’s you?

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This is a very unhealthy relationship. If things haven’t changed or gotten better after 2 children they won’t when the 3rd arrives. We could give you all the advice in the world but in the end the choice is yours and yours alone to make. Odds are you will forgive and forget but you will become resentful over time and maybe come to your senses.


Cut that bag of crazy loose. :woman_shrugging:

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Three kids and he’s a boyfriend that vandalized your car??? You need more than a social media fan page advice :wink:

Run!!! Get out while you can. That’s some violence you shouldn’t want around your children… honestly you shld look into a rfa order

1st the car then you … Better get out of that situation now … And I would have his stupid ass paying for 4 tires and the damage he did to your car too … Js

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Hell no ! Your children shouldn’t EVER see this or live in this horror ! If he is fucking up your car what makes you think he won’t start hitting you ! Please stay safe and keeps your children safe.


restraining order should be in place. If he does it once, he will do it again and you might not be so lucky next time it could be your life or your children’s lives. These type of people only get worse.


run! my exhusband did this then got physical then threatened to kill my daughter and i both. been there done that trust me and run as far away as fast as u can and never look back

Get the hell ou tof there. He’s a pathetic excuse of a man /dad if he can do something like that. Next time it could be yourself or your poor babies. Not even worth a second thought in it. Kick him out and be a great mum to your kids and bump. Get help, talk to people, keep him away from your children. Love for your children should always come above and beyond love for anyone else. He may be thier father, but he’s no ‘dad’!!! Kids copy what they see… Get rid!!! Xx

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What all these women have said, please get out now before something so much worse happens.

Run as fast as you can!

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Cut that shit off b4 he starts hitting you or your kids

HUGE RED FLAGS re anger control.
not much I can add to what others have said .

Any body that choose to destroy other pple, S property weather in a relationship or not should pay dearly… Str88 badmine day​:hocho::hocho::bomb::bomb::bomb:

Love is not this. This is not love. Please leave and don’t look back. You and your children deserve way better than this. Actions speak louder than words. Hopefully his actions show you that it’s time to go!


You’re both fuckin trash and should be sterilized.


Very toxic relationship, I’d leave him. No onw should be treated like that and he definitely shouldn’t be treating his kids mother who’s also expecting that way, EVER!!! Let that guy go, you’ve got enough to worry about , like your kids!

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Make him get counseling. Seriously! What I am about to say, I NEVER say. I never advocate for separation but this case does warrant him getting help and then only then allowing him back around the kids. He will put his hands on you and if he does you, he will the kids. You need to protect yourself and your children. You hear me. Dont forgive and forget until you see him change in his actions… Not words.

It’s going to escalate if you are not careful. Document this somewhere. Keep track of those little issues. Make sure someone in your family knows about it.

Call him to couples counselling and book him in anger ma pavement . if he shows even if he don’t go. Then forgive him and find a mutual ground where y’all can set boundaries that have consequences that you both follow thru with. Just saying!:slight_smile:

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Did u do something like cheat and the new baby isn’t his? If you did something or not, his reaction tuon is not healthy or safe for u and the kids. You should not stay

Next time it could be you and not the car. That’s not the example you want your children to see

This is abusive and unacceptable behavior. Be care of people that lose their temper like that, it tends to get worse if you stay with them

I’m sorry that you think this is even a question? You are only setting you and your kids up for danger! Do you not read the news and see how many women and children are killed by their “significant” other and then he kills himself? He always starts out with hurting the woman’s “possessions” then says I’m sorry it will never happen again I swear on my mamas life or grave or my kids lives. Then she takes him back and then he kills her kids and then makes her suffer from the loss or he goes ahead and kills her. RUN!!! Get out! And don’t look back! If you don’t save yourself save your children!!! :pray:t2::heart::pray:t2:

No! That shouldn’t even BE a question. Run! GET A LAWYER. Keep track of every time he tries to contact you.


He’s very immature. Don’t take it lightly that he severely damaged your vehicle, you are NOT overthinking if you are considering leaving him. You have kids together and do you want them to think this is normal behavior? You’re pregnant and he’s ok with putting you through stressful situations? None of this is good. Whatever made him angry enough to do that shows he rather escalate a situation than resolve it. Leave, it’s better for you and your children’s safety and mental health

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Girl you need to LEAVE!

If he went that crazy on your car i can imagine what hel do to you to much anger

Lost and confused :neutral_face: girl run :running_woman:t5:

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You need to leave!!!

Get rid he’s a wrongen

He is not worth it. All I would say is time to play Grit Ball.

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Girl check yo self because you’re wrecking yo self.

What will you do if he throws another fit, does the same thing but you have your kids in the car???


Umm where I live they will take your kids if you stay after domestic violence.