My boyfriend went to take care of his mother with Covid: Do I have a right to be mad?

What if it was your mother? Wouldn’t you make sure she had what she needed? I have no antibodies and have been very careful from the beginning. But I would mask up and go help.


If no one else was available and he went inside whether mask or not I’d be pissed. Pregnant people can be high risk…


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My boyfriend went to take care of his mother with Covid: Do I have a right to be mad? - Mamas Uncut

So should he just let the woman who gave him life and cared for him lay there and suffer??? I could understand you being nervous about it, but mad???!!! Selfish much!?


I’d ask him to quarantine with his mom because it maybe his last moments with her(hopefully not)& I won’t put my babies at risk for a man.


I wouldn’t be mad at all we both worked around several people with covid. We just took precautions. My stores got shut down for covid days after people started testing positive so I was exposed for a few days thanks fo my dick head boss

Changing clothes upon coming home , extra hand washing , masks well for myself when needed , if it was work clothes go right into the washer n we went right into the shower.

I’ve also been tested several times n my 2 year old daughter as well. As we play the cold sinus allergy game here.

It’s his mom even tho I don’t like his mom if the situations are reversed I would take stuff to my parents obviously no touching , several feet apart for distancing and using sanitizer and things to avoid as many Germs as possible. I’m sorry but covid isn’t going away we havs to learn to adapt and just be safe.

As for being so pregant I would say just do you and prepare for the worst and pray for the best unless your hiding in the house you can get covid from just about anywhere if the situation is right so pleasee don’t shame him. My husband was laid up due to several back issues the last month of my pregnancy and the first 2 months I was on maternity leave and i did it all my self from pushing her out. It wasn’t that bad or the end of the world.

I wouldn’t be mad…that’s his mom. I get your concern, sort of. My husband (who has COPD & chronic bronchitis) got COVID back in January…I never caught it from him and I was the one taking care of him (with no mask or gloves). He was sick for about 2 weeks but said his symptoms & how he felt weren’t any worse than the flu.

I would tell him that he needs to STAY at his moms then to get tested on five days and if the test is negative, he can come back.
I mean it’s his MOM. Why would you get mad? I think If she had someone else, she wouldn’t be bothering him. How can you get mad? She’s got Covid. When I had Covid I quarantined alone
Until three days later I got my sons second Covid test showing he was positive…and he was in my moms care for days.My mom NEVER ever got Covid.


Well I get it’s his mother but that honestly is messed up. I’d make him stay away :woman_shrugging: it sucks but he probably won’t be allowed in to see baby born because he has been exposed.


I understand the difficulty, him being around her automatically bars him from being present at the baby’s birth unless it’s been 2-3 weeks… not to mention if he does get sick himself. It’s upsetting, but I also see why he felt the need to care for his mom… it’s a hard situation. Your feelings are valid, but so is his choice. Try to be supportive to each other during this hard time.


Just to put it in perspective…perfectly healthy people have gotten Covid and been gone within days. If his mother were to pass away, and he didn’t do anything to help her while she was suffering, he would never forgive himself for not taking his last chance to help her or see her. I understand why you’re upset, but I think you’re directing your anger about the situation at the wrong party. The situation is sucky, absolutely, but this is no one’s fault. He is being a good son, and also trying to be a good partner to you and make sure he takes all precautions so he doesn’t carry the virus home. The reality is that he could have brought it home from the grocery store, or work, or any number of places. Unless you’ve all been in complete quarantine from the time you found out you were pregnant, you’ve already been exposed.

If you’re worried about not having him there, my hospital told me that they just do a quick temp check and asking if you have a cough, runny nose, etc. My husband will have to keep his mask on during the birth, even if he hasn’t been exposed. If I want to give birth without a mask, I can have a rapid test done that day and take the mask off as long as it’s negative.


Is he planning to lie to the hospital if you go into labor and they ask “have you been around anyone with covid in the last 2 weeks?” There’s a good chance he just gave up his chance to see his child born. Hope you have a back up person to help you through labor and delivery. And if the baby does come soon, I wouldn’t let him near the baby till he was past those 2 weeks.


he can stay at his mom till shes well, n then an additonal 14 days,


I was 7 months pregnant when my dad became really sick with what we now suspect was Covid. (February of last year)
I went to his house daily to make sure he had everything he needed. I checked his vitals and I took him to the doctor 3 times during those 3 weeks he was sick.
I understand your concern but we only get one momma and daddy.
My daddy is the only parent I have left and he was the sickest I’ve ever seen him. My husband didn’t like that I was going to my dads while pregnant but he understood. He also would stop and leave food and groceries on the porch. I prayed through it and thankfully, never got sick. I knew the risks but that’s my daddy. He only has me.


I wouldn’t be mad in fact I think it’s rather selfish of you to be mad however that being said I wouldn’t allow him back in the house until he’s quarantined himself though because I do understand you not wanting your kids to get it and you being pregnant I get that but I’m sorry if my mom had covid I would be there taking care of her I wouldn’t mind the quarantining myself afterwards either though


Probably get my damned shot, but that’s just me.

Okay I get it. You’re a mom and you’re worried about your child and yourself. But honey shes a mom too and that’s her child and hes a decent enough child to make sure and help his mama. You have kids mama and one day you may need the help of one of them. How would you feel if you heard their spouse made a fuss abt them caring for you and they actually listened to their spouse? I’m glad he went to his mama. What I did when my f.i.l. had covid19 was encourage my husband to call and check in if they needed anything and when my husband visited and came home I went out with a garbage bag and got his clothes then threw them straight in the machine and he walked straight to the bathroom in nothing but his boxers then after he showered he cleaned the car and sanitize his phone,wallet etc.


The man has to take care of his momma! I am sure there are ways to be safe


It’s his MOTHER she gave him life and without her you would not have him


I see your side of this but at the same time, if that were my mother and she were sick, I would take care of her too.


I sure hope when your older and get sick, your child comes to help and take care of you.


Wow you are so wrong in this case , he needs to help her what happens if she were to pass he’d most definitely Blame you for his not being there


It don’t make a difference how pregnant you are, who has covid, who wears a mask…none of that matters. When a boys momma needs her boy, he’s gonna be there by any means necessary. Sit down, learn your place… You will come after momma.


I’d be pissed. Let him stay at his moms. He’ll have to be tested if hes going with u to hospital. Dont go near him


Take your vitamins D3, c, zinc and you will be fine

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He needs to stay away from you for several days then to not risk spreading

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Depending on the hospital regulations, when they asked the question if he’s been around somebody with Covid if he tells the truth he will not be allowed in the room with the baby if you go into labor before he’s out of the timeline from being exposed.

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He’s now quarantined with his mom and cannot come home.and if you allow him to come back without being quarantined then be mad at yourself


If my mom was sick you best believe I’d be right by her side. She has always been by my side and your mother will be the only person who will always be with you. Be cautious of course but don’t expect him to not help her at all. I’m sure it is stressful with children but if he’s willing to take care of his mother that makes you a lucky woman because that shows he has his priorities straight.


These comments though!! No wonder relationships don’t last anymore!! That’s his Mom…yes you’re being selfish…for so many different reasons.


Everyone’s all “he won’t be allowed in the delivery room!! He’s been exposed! What if he has it?!” If he has it then she’s been exposed too…now what?? Honest question, what do they do with a MOTHER that’s been exposed…
Really though, I know many people including myself that have been exposed to it and never gotten it. I also know people that were hospitalized for it. All you can do is tough out a really shitty situation, take precautions…keep him away if you really need to, but you can’t expect someone to not help their sick parent. Yeah it will suck if he misses his child being born, but how would they feel if something went wrong with his sick mother and he never saw her again? Be CAREFUL, not mad🤦🏼‍♀️

Let him take care of his mom because you sound selfish. I understand you’re pregnant and I understand you have a child with asthma. But that’s his mom. You have no right to be mad about that. Reverse the rolls. Would it be fair to you if he was mad? Have him quarantine when he comes back. Just because he’s around her when she has it doesn’t mean he’ll get it as long as he takes the proper precautions.


Your overreacting. & i hope when your old & sick that your child does this for you so you can see how ridiculous it was. I had covid right when i got pregnant with baby #2 & it wasnt as bad for me which i get it can be for others. But im fine & have been my husband & 2.5 year old were determined to take care of me. It was awesome seeing my 2.5 year old so helpful. Also when my sister & i had covid no one else in our house tested positive but us. I get again for everyone its different but you cant stop him from helping his mom. Thats just wrong.


I had covid
2 asthmatic kids In the home with me for 24 days
One of which tried to catch it

Covid is real I just don’t believe it’s as contagious as they say
Take proper precautions and you should be fine


He can stay there then .

Um? She has a little boy at home and about to give birth to another. It would be common sense not to expose her to that. He could drop something off on the porch.


Must be pregnancy rage lol

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If I had gotten covid and my son wanted to bring me stuff I wouldn’t let them in I would tell them to leave it at the door. Because I know my boys and their families safety is more important than him coming in and getting exposed to it so I feel you have a right to be upset to a point but also remember a momma and sons bond is deep. However as for me as his momma I would care enough to not put him at risk. That is just me though.


Not really. You have a right to be mad. He just needs to quarantine himself there with her. Masks do absolutely nothing and even though this whole covid crap is just one big flu (argue all you want I really don’t care) you still don’t want to get sick that close to delivery. Either way the survival rate for covid is extremely high, just like the freaking flu. You are only in danger if you get the vaccine or are around someone who took the vaccine and didn’t quarantine themselves as it makes you shed the vaccine for 2 weeks after taking it.


Yes and no.
The fact that your son has asthma and you’re pregnant puts both of you at risk.
But it is also his mom.
He must just take extra precautions when helping her and make sure he scrubs good before he comes near any of you.
I had covid and everyone was so scared of me, no one was willing to bring me a simple bread, I have no family nearby to assist and friends kept their distance.
That’s his mom. He should be helping her.
I hope you find it in you to forgive him for that and put yourself in his shoes.


You’re selfish lmfao


That’s his mother. How could you be mad? I’d drop everything to take care of my family


You are not being selfish! You are 39 weeks pregnant and about to have a baby any day now. Now your husband needs to quarantine and should not even go to the maternity ward with you. That is an illness that does not need to be spread to babies. Plus you have a child at home with asthma. I understand it is his mom but he could have dropped stuff off for her, call and check on her, video chat to see how she is doing, and then went if it was necessary. There are other ways to help and be there for someone. I guess now all you can do is look out for you and your children. Watch for symptoms if you let him back in the house.


I would only be mad if he was trying to come back and forth he needs to stay there until she’s better and get tested before he comes back now if he was trying to go over there and then come right back that would be a big no

I’d let him take care of his mom. I had Covid myself bad from 25-28 weeks pregnant, my husband has asthma and heart problems n he didn’t even catch it taking care of me n loving on me 🤷

I’d be PISSED. Yes he could definitely drop stuff off to his Momma, but he shouldn’t have even went in. If you get it, you and your baby’s LIVES could be at risk. Your son has asthma? Then his LIFE is also at risk. Ignore everyone telling you your overreacting because being concerned for your and your children’s LIVES is never overreacting.


Keep him away for 10days!!


Yikes. This is a tough one. I mean you do because you’re pregnant but you don’t cuz it’s his mother…. Honestly just respectfully both talk and understand each others points of views there is no correct answer here

I understand your point but at the end of the day that’s his mother… Think if roles were reversed and it was you how would you feel if your son’s girlfriend got mad that he came and took care of you… some people find any little thing to get mad at their significant other for

My lord. 🤦 I wouldn’t let him back in the house.


I think it’s thoughtful and he’s a. Caring son.

You shouldn’t be mad.

Is there a reason you and your bf aren’t vaccinated? And I think it’s wonderful he wants to help is mom. My son would do the same. I’m sure he is taking precautions.

As long as my husband would wear his mask an gloves I’d be ok with’s scary but just. Have him quarantine when he gets back home. Away from you an kids

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Ask him to stay with her during. :heartpulse:

Mama needs him

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You could go into labor at any time omg…that being said, I would want my son to come take care of me if I needed him…so I get the irritation…if hes in contact with someone with covid, he wont be allowed in the delivery room.

How did this crap get on my page

Nope unless he left it outside. What an idiot knowing you and your Son are high risk

He should stay with her for at least 14 days and then get tested before returning

Because your pregnant and have a young child you fully have the right too be angry he’s put you and bump at risk

I’ve got covid, people are bringing me stuff without being in contact with me. Just because he’s helping his mum doesn’t necessarily mean he’s coming into contact and spreading germs.

I’d be mad mad. And tell him to go and stay there. Rather than bring it back to me.


Can’t complain if you were eligible for vaccination and never got it. It’s survival of the fittest at this point.


Wouldn’t you go if it was your mom?


I’d be fuming, I would just say if u go then ur not coming back , why should use all risk getting it!

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If he wants to put himself at risk then that’s down to him and he would need to stay there due to having contact with his mum.why would he put u and his unborn child at risk I can understand your point 100%

Both of you go get tested and get your shots You related to Superman or just stupid

What a horrible person taking care of his possibly dien mom hate to tell you but your giving birth in a place full if covid

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