My boyfriend will not change my cat litter

I was actually told to not even have a litter box in your house Bc you’re not suppose to breathe it same thing as you changing it


Pretty sure this is more for outdoor or feral cats. I’d be more worried about his refusing to commit to me with marriage but…

And I wouldn’t change it either. But you comparing this to how he’ll treat a baby…I mean…dramatic much?


I used to clean mine i hated the smell, id just move the litter box into a well ventalated area like by a window or out on patio and covered my face with my shirt or somtuing u should be good. :innocent:

Tie a towel or blanket around your mouth so you breath the air in the towel while cleaning and wear gloves. Not his cats not his responsibility because he doesn’t live with you. But you can also make your cats indoor outdoor cats to also avoid litter box changing.

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Meh, it is shocking a bit that he won’t just do it for you. My BF would if I was pregnant and he hates the cat box BUT with that being said, you’ll be fine if you mask, wear gloves and as always WASH YOUR HANDS. If your cats are inside cats, it’s even safer. The toxic risk is more for outside cats who eat wild birds, mice, etc…

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You are fine to do it yourself. If you have been around cats before you were pregnant you are fine just make sure to wash your hands really well. In your bf’s defense they are your cats and he is not your husband hell he doesn’t even live with you so that’s not really his responsibility. You can’t compare taking care of a cat to taking care of a baby they are both completely different.


Put on gloves and a mask. I changed cat litter during 2 of my 3 pregnancies. Get over yourself.


You can change your litter box as you aren’t touching the poop and of do get some on you wash your hands. You will still wash even if dont. If had cats before pregnant you have an immune to it already. If that worried wear gloves and wash after

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Keep in a well ventilated area, get a self cleaning litter box and wear a mask and gloves and get one of those automatic sprays with glen20 in it to put near it. You’ll be fine.

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I’m a vet tech and I’ve always changed the litterbox (pregnant). In a clinic, I wore gloves and mask. At my own home, I just washed my hands right after. Although i do not feel that he should change the litter for you, I do think he will be this lazy and not willing to help with the baby. Could be my own experience talking :woman_shrugging:


Stop being lazy. They are YOUR cats.


I’m not even gonna touch this one.

Put on rubber gloves and change the litter. Problem solved. Been there and done that.


You pregnant you dont need to have a bunch of cats bad for the baby bad for you . I love cats but 8n your conditions cats are a no no


Wow some of these comments people are really mean.

It’s the fact that he won’t just help out. If it’s important to her it should be important to him :woman_facepalming:

Talk to him, have you asked why he hates it so much or what it is about it he doesn’t like ?

You aren’t married… but maybe there is still a compromise you guys can come to.

And I can see why you would say if he can’t even change the liter how will he change diapers , find out why and just
Communicate why it’s important to you to have help with it. I def don’t think he should do it all the time, they are your cats after all!


Cause the parasites that can cross inside the mother cause the baby to go blind

Regardless of whether or not you should be changing it, it’s not his responsibility and to assume it is is rude.

You have known for a long time that cats are not good around babies. You should have made arrangements or adopted them out. He is taking care of his mother who should come first. Who is more important, your cats or your baby?

Not send ur cats to a cat friendly friends house until you have ur baby! Still but their food and litter and veting done

Um…this should have been a red flag that paused you before you got pregnant. He hates your animals. That’s a big red flag. You need to care for your own animals. He’s certainly not going to care for something he hates


Take him to your doctor and let them explain. My hubby took over from the day our doc told us. If he still won’t, wear mask and gloves and try to be quick. A friend of mine did it that way and was fine :slightly_smiling_face:

Get rid of the cats if you cannot take care of them 100% Not his respossibility it is yours pregnant or not. Did you have these cats before you became pregnant


Stop waiting for him to do it. It’s not fair to your cats! Just do as others have suggested and take care of that box. Be mad afterwards, but there’s no reason for those cats to be neglected.

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dump the litter on his bed.


My husband absolutely hated cats and when we were not living together (dating) I didn’t expect him to help with the cats or my dogs. When we moved in together he helped me with all the animals, granted he like most everyone I know doesn’t like litter boxes, however you have a responsibility to take care of your pets (pregnant or not, single or not, male or female) I see your concerns with him not helping now, but the cats aren’t his and he doesn’t live there. I would be more concerned with what happens if and when you move in together, get married, have the baby, etc. Pets are important and to me they are family but my actual human family is more important. Now don’t get me wrong, if he is truly this bad with a cat and not willing to step up for his daughter and you, then be concerned. Right now he is dealing with a lot (as are you) but maybe a little compassion and understanding towards each other would be a start. I can tell you that if you can’t even agree on the small issues in life (litter box) then how in the hell will you navigate the big issues (marriage, raising kids, etc) I wish you, him and the baby the best of luck and hope it all works out.


Just wear a mask and gloves and change your cats litter :roll_eyes:


Wow. I’m disgusted with the lot of you. My partner didn’t ever question doing things for me while I was pregnant. He was kind and compassionate all throughout. The bigger issue is how unwilling your bf is to accommodate these things for you. Pregnant or not.


Your cats aren’t his responsibility, pregnant or not. Wear a mask when changing litter and wash hands.


When my son was born I had cats. That’s an old wives tail about not having cats around babies. P C was a very good cat. When my son would cry if he was sitting up, P C would pat him gently. She loved him and he loved her. Don’t get rid of your cats; get rid of your boyfriend. If he doesn’t care about your well being enough to help you now he won’t ever help you.

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Tell him thanks for nothing now your sick from changing it on your own.

Girl it doesn’t matter if he changes the litter or not that’s a lot of cats, even if the litter box was clean they still have excrement everywhere. From their paws to their butt to their mouth. You’re bound to get it some how even if he did clean it for you. Do your child a favor and rehome some of those cats because after your child is born you’re going to have a lot on your hands living alone. Plus they can cause lung ailments that can hurt you and your child later on.

Where gloves and a mask. You will be fine. They aren’t his cat’s.

If you had the cats prior to being pg, then you’ve already been exposed and probably immune but just put a mask on and gloves and do it. Clearly he is not and will not.


Its not that dangerous, especially if your cats never go outside. Wear a mask and gloves.
Your boyfriend doesn’t even LIVE with you. He is not responsible for cleaning cat litter boxes.


Gloves and a mask. Wash your hands after. Your pets deserve a clean place to use the bathroom.

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Dump his sorry ass. If he won’t change the cat litter, he won’t be changing his kid’s diapers.

Woah. This comment section isn’t it… he should want to help you regardless of it being his cat or not. You’re carrying his child and it’s hard for you to bend over anyway

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With all 3 of my kiddos I changed the littler box. I know its not safe, but it has to be done. I wore a mask, and gloves and washed my hands afterwards and prayed my babies didn’t get sick. You can’t make someone do it that doesn’t want to but you can weigh the risks and decide for yourself if you should keep the cats or find better homes or maybe someone else could help you. Best of luck to you girl, I pray you have a safe delivery and healthy baby and Happy Mothers Day!


During my second pregnancy, when the father wouldn’t change the litter because he hated cats, I wore a white mask similar to or the same as N95 masks when I changed the litter. Then washed my hands and arms really good when finished. Unfortunately this was the case then. With my 3rd child, my current husband did it, despite hating cats and never before touching a cat box!

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I bet he won’t change a diaper either


So get a clue. 1 wear gloves I do and did so when pregnant and changing the cat tray 2 wear a mask then no problems. I had to do this when I was pregnant as my husband can’t physically change and wash the cat tray. It’s only really if you handle the poo and the dust if any from the litter itself. So wear gloves mask throw away litter mask and gloves then wash hands immediately. You’ll be fine


No, they aren’t his cats & No he doesn’t have to clean the cat box but…He doesn’t respect you…leave him

I changed cat litter my entire pregnancy and had 4 cats at the time , wear a mask and gloves. sorry love but they aren’t his responsibility especially if he doesn’t live with you


Apparently this is a view of things to come I think you better lose this one and change the locks


I mean your carrying his child, I feel like it’s the least he can do honestly. It would take him five minutes and is dangerous to you and his unborn kiddo. Seems weird to me he wouldn’t help with such a small task knowing it’s a risk.

Though Since he won’t be helpful and you won’t/can’t do it you need to find those kitties a new home. They deserve to be taken care of properly.


Not a big deal. Takes just a minute and there are people that cannot do this. Maybe you should trade places for a couple of days.

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Mask up hun they are your cats.


Cat urine and feces contain toxoplasmosis which is harmful to babies in utero. However these are your pets you had before becoming pregnant, correct? Imo your animals=your responsibility. Do you have any family that have cats and are willing to help? A human being he helped create is a little different than some animals he unwanting acquired due to the relationship. So I wouldn’t compare the two. I am not a cat person either. My SO has a feline and it’s HIS cat as I didn’t want a cat, he did, so he can take care of it.


Oof. I’d be worried too. Maybe go stay with your mom or something and go take care of yourself, since he’s not going to. I can’t understand the laugh reacts here. Big red flag.


:woman_facepalming:t3: there your cats
I changed mine during all 4 pregnancies never made my husband or even asked him . Cause he was my cat :rofl:

If anything take it outside , :mask: and wear gloves if your worried about it. Or get rid of YOUR cats as there your responsibility
:rofl: I’m sorry for him if this is what your already worked up about


Wear a mask and gloves


Pull up your big girl panties and put gloves and a mask on and do it yourself, you are being a horrible cat mama to those cats :pouting_cat: they are YOUR babies, does that mean you wouldn’t change your babies diaper when you’re sick?? And I feel for your boyfriend, I wouldn’t change it either


You will feel different when you bring your BRAND NEW BABY home to dirty cats. I felt this way… maybe you should think of finding them a different home and worry about the new baby.


You really need to really think about this relationship, he is sounding very childish selfish too

All you ladies bashing him, you DO realize But there’s always three sides to a story. Her side, his side, and the middle which is usually the truth. And she is pregnant so I can understand her being upset, But still… Really!!! :roll_eyes:

Wear a mask and set it in the can and let it slowly pour out. That way the dust don’t come towards ur face. But I would never live with him. He’s telling u now he don’t like ur cats.

Get a cat-flap, then no one has to worry.

I think if it worries you put on some gloves and a mask and change the litter, I’ve heard cats are dangerous to new born babies ?? If he doesn’t like cats I don’t think he should have to change the litter And I don’t think it reflects on how he would care for a baby . Just my opinion


I’m currently 24weeks pregnant as well and i just put on gloves and a mask when i change my cats litter, wash your hands after, you’ll be fine :sunflower:

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Change it yourself. Wear gloves and a mask if your worried about something happen to you when changing the litter box. I can’t do litter boxes myself it makes me sick to even look or smell cat litter. Your bf most likely the same way.

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Sorry to say this honey but I’m pregnant and I still change the cat litter my husband won’t change it because they’re not his cats

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Your cats, your problem, I wouldn’t change it either. He doesn’t even live there and how you can compare cats to a child is totally insane, grow up and do it yourself.


They belong to you. You probably need to go ahead and glove up and change it yourself


Need to get a new boyfriend!


Wow you make me wonder how that baby’s going to survive. Don’t compare child to cats. You’re looking for a fight


Well if you knew he despises cats and you own cats, why are you with him in the first place? I would never date anyone who didn’t accept my dogs or my kids. Also they are your pets, not his. They are your responsibility not his. If you that paranoid about catching something then I think you know what you got to do.


Few options:
1 get rid of the cats
2 make them outside cats (my recommendation)
3 toilet train them.

They are your cats, not his. If he wanted to change kitty litter he would have his own cats.


Ok. I’ve had 6 kids and cats. I changed mine and was careful. I get you being worried but don’t allow this to determine what type of father he will be. Obviously he is taking care of his sick mom.

To me, a relationship is partnership. You pick up the slack of your partner when they cannot. You help your partner when they cannot do it themselves. I had a man that wouldn’t do a thing for any animal we had. And that moved to our children. Everything was 100% on me. Childcare and the pet care. I couldn’t get him to watch our kids so I could have a shower. I take anyone unwilling to help their partner as a red flag. It’s a simple task that pregnant women shouldn’t do (not that you can’t do it). Once my ex found that out he got rid of my cat instead of helping me out or buying gloves and a masks so I can do it.


We bought an automatic litter box for about $100 on sale. It scoops itself. The trays are disposable, so when it needs to be “changed” you just put the lid on the old tray, tape it up, and throw it in the trash. Much less exposure.

I’m concerned, though, about his attitude. Accepting you entails accepting the cats. His behavior is selfish. Hopefully he’s more attentive with your baby, but men and women often are not on the same page about this. I recommend discussing the division of child care now so you can prepare. If that means hiring someone to help you part-time, you’ll be ready for it. Talking now can prevent fights later.

Just change the litter already… It won’t hurt you. Wait till that baby comes you will be changing a lot of diapers. Just do it. Mom’s just do what they have to do. Period!

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Something you should have considered before becoming pregnant. You clearly stated he doesn’t even like cats. First red flag that your relationship probably will not mature or go anywhere other than bitching he won’t change the cat litter. Sadly this goes way deeper than any litter box. Reevaluate your choices and lifestyle. Accept responsibility for your choices, actions and future of yourself and your unborn child.

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They’re not his cats. Your cats, your problem. Put gloves on. Plenty of pregnant women change litter. There are many things that carry a risk for baby but pregnant women do them anyways, and changing cat litter is very very low on that list compared to things like smoking cigarettes or meth.

You are looking for an excuse to make him do your chores in a house he doesn’t even live in. His refusal to care for your animals has nothing to do with how he’ll care for a baby. If I were him, I’d wanna dump you over this behavior.


I went through this. Keep taking him to your prenatal appointments & call him out in front of the doctor.


I changed my cats litter boxes when i was pregnant i just wore a mask so i wouldn’t breathe in the ammonia​:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

The risks associated with cat litter are something you were exposed to long before you got pregnant. If you’re not able to take care of the cats, then you should hire someone or rehome them. It won’t get any easier with a baby.


I have 3 kids 3 grandchildren take great care of all of them but I DONT F WITH CATS… gross :face_vomiting: kitty litter boxes make me gag and I don’t ever touch cats. If you are using cats to decide if he is going to be a good dad or not … you need an evaluation of your own


Mom of 4 here. I had cats and I changed their litter I put on a mask and gloves and took it outside. You can do the same and it’s YOUR CATS not his. A child is way different then cats. And if you don’t want to change litter then find them new homes. That’s the only options you have.

A pregnant woman can change it. Use mask and gloves.

Be careful wash your hands and change the damn litter.

If he cares for his mom he has a great heart and will be a good dad. Maybe while you are pregnant find a foster home for the cats till the baby is born since it’s not good for you to change cat litter or pay someone to come in and do it.

Get rid of boyfriend and wear some gloves while you change the litter.


What a lot of nasty mean spirited people! Get rid of the worthless boyfriend and hire a local teenager or someone else to change the litter. You and your baby deserve better…


They aren’t his and u already know that He doesn’t like them…he doesn’t have to do it

Hello !!! This tells you everything you need to know. BE MORE than a convenient booty call. Time to let him GO !!!


The one thing I have learned in life is I can be a queen and make things happen or I can sit on my butt like a princesses and expect that someone else will come do it for me. Ask yourself, if I didn’t have the boyfriend or the husband how would that cat box get changed? Be the queen, don’t wait on someone else to do something, stop acting like a princess and get in there and do it yourself or rehome the cats, it sounds like they may be a bit overwhelming once the baby gets here . Don’t forget your mask and wash your hands.

Happy Mothers Day :rose:

If you had the cats and were exposed to their litter before you became pregnant, you should be fine. You wouldn’t be exposed to anything new. But get rid of him anyway. Changing a baby is more dirty

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Girl change your own litter box. Wash your hands and you’ll be fine. If you want to be extra you can wear gloves and a mask but don’t expect him to do that.


I canr belive sow of the comwmtnehem I had my first as I was high risk and wr had a cat i was told by midwife not to change cat litter period

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Ok but I bet no one here probably realizes he doesn’t know cat litter is bad for the baby?? I hate cats. Don’t leave him just because he won’t change the litter? Woman up and do it yourself… mask and some gloves… they aren’t his, they are yours. Would you still ask him if he was allergic to cats? No? Ok. Changing a litter box and being a dad are completely different.

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They don’t change diapers either :woman_shrugging:t3::rofl:
Ask a friend or neighbor if you’re not comfortable. Pay them maybe?

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It’s really not that big of a deal, puts some gloves on and a mask and do it, the nasty litter box is more "dangerous " sitting there smelling like ammonia than you getting it cleaned up real fast


Put on a mask and go clean I’ve bin prego three times and always cleaned my cats litter just with a mask on no reason for him to have to do it! I love my kitty


I had cats my ex changed my cat litter box they weren’t his cats and he and I knew I wasn’t supposed touch litter box while pregnant and my doctor’s told me not to do it at all while pregnant.


Wear a mask and wear gloves. :woman_shrugging: Most people don’t like changing liter boxes. They are gross. They aren’t his cats either. I don’t really think comparing a cat to a child is fair.


Not cleaning cat litter does not equate to being a bad parent🤦🏼‍♀️ I understand being pregnant certain things will bother you more given the hormones. But it is completely fine to change the litter tray. It’s only suggested to avoid it if you don’t need to change it and have someone else willing to do it for you but it’s not a major concern. Wear a mask and gloves, take it straight to the outside bin and then thoroughly wash your hands. Same with picking up dog poop. I picked up my dogs poop when I took her out the only times I got my partner to do it was when My morning sickness was really bad and towards the end because I couldn’t bend down to pick it up properly. They’re your cats and therefore your responsibility. Your body is already used to the exposure as you had them before you were pregnant. But as I said it’s best to take the extra precautions.

Wear a mask and do it yourself you can not ever depend on someone else it will get you in the end


honey , if the cats r yours , and hates cats it your resoplity to clean the cat box not his - if u love your cats than get off your high horse and clean it yourself. that’s all i say

I did it my whole pregnancy, easy fix. Put on some gloves, a mask, and when you’re done wash up really good. It’s not that big of a deal.