My child is scared to go to school due to the shootings: advice?

As well as finding a counselor


The child is a very smart child. He has every right to not feel safe in school…I amagine our teachers don’t feel very safe either…you shouldn’t try to teach them that they are 100 percent safe… when in fact that is not the truth …quite honestly we should be teaching our kids the best ways to survive…


Yes! Find someone for him to talk to but also, don’t preach to him about being 100% safe. If something were to actually happen, he’d probably have a hard time trusting you.


yes by all means you never know what to expect anymore


I live in Calgary Alberta and I did not even want my children going … :disappointed: it’s a scary ass world. I hope your son finds some peace .

Maybe a cheap burner cellphone for at school so he can text or call you if he’s feeling anxiety or scared? I can’t imagine, I am so sorry. I would 100% enroll in counseling.

I wouldn’t feel safe sending my baby . Going to school is there is like playing Russian roulette with the littles lives . No child should ever fear dying at school. A place where they learn . I feel for you . I feel for your baby .


Let him attend virtually. Shootings are the American normal. Just ask your governor. Your kid knows he isn’t safe there. That is 100% fact.

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Yes reach out to a therapist.
School can provide one at no charge.

We had one hit real close to home in roseburg oregon at the daughter was a sr.and lost 2 close friends.large social situations of any type still cause her anxiety.i say yes to the therapist yes to him talking about it i even say yes to not making him go.very tramatic.


I feel for your child and every other living through this and with this fear. I can’t imagine having to do it myself let alone children. Sending love from Canada


Councelling will help with the questions and feelings you can’t help. My heart breaks that your little one is afraid to go to school. Her feelings are valid. Sending love

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Homeschool an option? Always can try it out and see how he likes it. There’s charter programs, I did that. Most have the state also pay for extra curricular activities too so they can still do classes outside of school with other kids and some programs have it where they still can go to school a couple days a week. Just a thought. I tried both public and homeschooled, I liked both but homeschooled was better. People really did scare me when I seen how bad even the kids are - can’t trust anyone. Just my personal thought though, I understand why others may feel the opposite than I do

Homeschool an option? Always can try it out and see how he likes it. There’s charter programs, I did that. Most have the state also pay for extra curricular activities too so they can still do classes outside of school with other kids and some programs have it where they still can go to school a couple days a week. Just a thought. I tried both public and homeschooled, I liked both but homeschooled was better. People really did scare me when I seen how bad even the kids are - can’t trust anyone. Just my personal thought though, I understand why others may feel the opposite than I do

School counselors (on my opinion) are there to counsel your college choices. If you can, get a refferal to a regular therapist


I would homeschool if I lived in the States…

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Your child is having a perfectly normal reaction to an unusually abnormal problem. Find a therapist who specializes in trauma treatment. Our kids are worth it.


A therapist will help your child.

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I believe any child that is valued by their families should not go to public school in this era. It’s like telling a non swimmer go play in the river. Your chances of having a bad outcome are huge. Schools are not safe places for children. Besides the normal things like bulling treated less than by peers and staff you have molesters and Pedophiles then you have the crazy’s who target them cause they can kill so many helpless victims and no one to stop them for a long period of time. Until every school is gun guarded and every school personnel is proficient and caring a weapon why would you send a child of any age to that. You risk your most precious possession to these atrocities. NO WAY. The child has a right to fear going to school and as a parent you have the job to protect your child. Schools are a killing ground weather they kill your child’s self esteem or their childhood at whole or their life it’s just not the place to send a child. God bless and yes get your child counseling it’s obvious your child is suffering already. 


We are homeschooling for many reasons!


Mine are homeschooled. Time 4 learning dot com

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Don’t let him watch the news


Mine are homeschooled. Time 4 learning dot com

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You better buy him a six shooter.

Order them the bookbag armor it goes inside there bookbag an makes it bulletproof then u can tell them as long as u put this up in front u bullets can’t go threw


I was saying to my husband the other night if we lived in America we would pay for private school gated security guarded the lot.

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This comment section is depressing. We fucking suck. These poor kids.

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Home school! it might be the only safe space. Texas is under seige and there are another 10,000 illegals demanding entrance Visas at Biden’s Open Border.


Everyone suggests homeschooling like it’s easy. I say talk to your child about the dangers of the world and then ask them what they want to do. Maybe they’ll feel comfortable going to school with a phone that can contact you in case something happens, maybe they want to go to online school.
But as a mom you’re gonna have to remember they will have bad days where they will not want to go to school bc their anxiety is that bad, and it’s okay to let them stay home with you where they KNOW they’ll be safe


We live in a very small town in Texas and my daughters school has armed teachers given the authority to protect our children. Nobody can walk in to the school period, the doors are all double sets and you have to be buzzed in individually to each door. Of course my child is 100% familiar with firearm safety and knows what to do if she ever sees anyone who has a firearm who shouldn’t inside of the building (for example: a classmate bringing one to school). It’s a total game changer to know your child is protected by the people she spends a huge part of her days with.


I understand people are saying to homeschool (I’m thinking of doing public online) but I know most Texas schools are either out for summer already or about to be and for some it’s just not possible to homeschool. I live in Corpus so a bigger city but we still have our share going on here at the schools. My kids don’t say they are scared but their replies and eyes say other wise. We’ve had kids at schools doing bad things like stabbings, bad beatings and shooting threats. It’s scary sending them. I have 1 in each: elementary, middle and high school. There are some great counclors available at some places but they are mainly for grades and things like that. I would suggest seeking counseling outside of school is your best option and would be best. It can be very hard on children no matter their age. Show and let your child know how much you love them and that you will always be with them no matter what. Discuss what has been taught at school in case of threats or active shooter. Give them some advice of what they can do to further help protect them in that situation. It was very hard talking with my kids. My little one has no phone so I told him if only there’s a safe chance to get a friends phone that is near him and be very quiet to call me or 911. The older two have phones so I also told them if they hear of anything to immediately let the teacher, principal or whom ever is available and us know as soon as possible. Not everyone is the same but I told mine if they are scared for some reason I will pick them up and if something is happening we will hall ass and do what we have to to protect them and others. Sending prayers mama

I don’t really have anything to add to the convo, my heart just breaks for these poor babies feeling this way, this is something a child should never have to worry about, I’m thankful to live in Canada where you don’t really hear about these kind of things, but if I did live in America I would be homeschooling on account of how many school shootings unfortunately take place in the U.S


I am so heartbroken knowing the fear and anxiety this country’s violence and evil brings to our children and our families. I am without the right words and advice right now. Maybe just visit the school with your child right now for very short periods of time, and gradually increase the length of time in small increments,

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Reach out to school therapists.

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l get paid over $153 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17948 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

Tell her kid not to be a pussy. Then call your school board and demand teachers have guns themselves or ask for a police officer to be present. Or home school

We took our daughter out :cry:

Seeing a therapist is a great idea :bulb:

So a walk through with your child. Talk with teacher and principal. Draw solutions Talk with a therapist. Suggest to the school that someone go into each classroom to talk with the kids. Including the police

Nawwww heartbreaking… sending love and strength xx