My childs teachers say she has ADHD: Advice?

I’m dealing with similar thing but iv seen peditrcan twice he hasn’t being diagnosed with ADHD he has dyslexia but teacher keeps trying to label him.

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A 504 just makes sure they get the accommodations they need. I would take her to a doctor first. If she is diagnosed then all a 504 can do is make sure she gets the extra support she needs.


I had the same issue with my son from his third grade teach who claimed because he was quite he was LD. So the school had him

tested and he was cleared as a bright and gifted student . I had my child removed from her class room immediately just because a child is quite or shy does not give anyone the right to label your child or make a diagnosis when they are not qualified to do so. You as a mother will notice things about your children long before school age discuss those concerns with your child’s Pediatrician.

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There can be two different kinds of diagnosis. A medical diagnosis and an educational. Did they do the testing where you fill out a checklist and so does all teachers? And then determined it was ADHD? If not, ask for the testing first. But, you should take the accommodations that they are offering to help your child focus and pay attention. Look at what your child needs and ask for specific things yourself.

A 504 is a behavioral plan that will follow your child through your their entire educational career (including college/university). Unlike an IEP, which can be discontinued if the child no longer needs accommodations, a 504 follows the child even if they develop strategies to address the concerns. An IEP is put into effect if there is a learning disability - they allow for accommodations such as extended test times. I always recommend an IEP over a 504 if applicable, but a 504 can increase a child’s success significantly.

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My son had a learning disability. I advocated on his behalf. Every year we had meetings to go over his IEP plan. In his regular classes some of his work was modified for his disability. He graduated from high school. So, yes I would say it helped him. He struggled with some subjects. However, he had great teachers and support.

My stepson was on the 504 thing and all they did was make sure he had extra time to complete tasks if he needed it and additional help from teachers if he was having a hard time. Was in regular classes nothing special


My child is in something very similar to that and it has helped tremendous. His grads have went from Ds to As and Bs.

A doctor diagnoses medical conditions- not a teacher.


Just switch to another school if possible an see how it goes

Is it possible your child is bored and already knows/understands the content so they don’t want to focus. I would go through with accommodations but I would try to figure out the full story

My son is on 504 and it helps a little. Not a big difference. They basically give the child more time to finish exams or do work. More 1 to 1 teaching. If they’re getting money out of having him on 504 then that makes sense. They’re probably just using it to their benefit and I dont even know. Time to investigate. :thinking:

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Bullshit what teacher said is symptoms. If you really think u
Your child hss this take them to a professional and see what they say. Some children learn slower than others. Doesn’t mean they have a problem. To many children on medication and dont need it

Are they licensed pro who can diagnose kids?


Get a medical diagnosed. Teachers are not Dr’s. I’ve seen them dianosed children wrong before.


Don’t let the school do that take her to a dr first

Go to the doctor. Ask for a referral to a psych. They can and will fully evaluate. You can and should also ask for one through the school.


504 is supposed to be accommodation for a students to do less work, have more time, collect data to find the best way to help your student before putting them on an IEP. The difference is on an IEP the student must have a learning disability, Autism, Speech disorder, Or something that makes them 3 years behind. Must be 3 years behind. You can ask for a psychologist evaluation to test for those other things at the school district expense. But I would have your doctor send uou out to have testing done if you have insurance. How do you and your student do when you work on home work at home do you see what teachers describe. Don’t just sign something without knowing what you are signing. Ask someone a friend who has a ADHD or Special Education student to go with you and go observed your student. Ask for the behavioralish to come obverse your student. Most 504 are used for physically handicapped students they can make adjustments to the students program without going all the way with a formal 504. I would question why the formal 504 without any testing or diagnosis. Seems kind of along way to go for just ADHD unless they are trying to collect data for a Behavioral placement. Retired Special Education teacher MEd

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From a momma that is dealing with this currently, I was told that my son had autism signs, I got him an appointment and in fact, he is autistic, also ADHD and sensory processing disorder. Since diagnosed the school has placed him on a plan and believe me it has been so beneficial for him. Also he is on meds and it has been a lifesaver. Do what you think is best for your kiddo

Shes a teacher not a doctor. Get him evaluated. Period.

Girls can have way different symptoms than boys—the inattentive type of ADHD manifests as the “daydreamers” or the hyper part comes out as chattiness and/or fidgeting—hair twirling for example.

When my son was diagnosed, I realized I had ADHD too. I say it doesn’t excuse anything but it explains so much of my childhood and adult life! Get a professional diagnosis and go from there. We are often highly intelligent and creative but need coping skills, cognitive behavior therapy/behavior modification, and occasionally meds, which takes lots of trial & error to get right.

We told our son if he kept his grades up, he didn’t have to take meds, and we both just figured out how to deal, me by chance, him on his own & with professional help.

I take notes for everything (keeps my mind on track & gives my hands something to do), we exercise a lot (me dance, him sports & running), use technology to keep us on time & to make checklists so we don’t forget things, work in structured environments in jobs that play to our strengths.

So many kids have ADD/ADHD or other challenges, I wouldn’t worry about her being labeled too much, especially in elementary school. Younger generations are more accepting of all sorts of people. My son always denied he has it & so has worked hard to counteract any signs of it.

I’m grateful for any accommodations & tell coworkers how to work with me to get the best results: I can handle many projects at once, changing priorities, I usually don’t mind interruptions.

Paradoxically I can hyper-focus & bang out a boring project in one long stretch. I work best with breaks to move (walk, yoga at lunch, getting up to stretch or leg & foot exercises in my chair, running up & down stairs & hallways to deliver things or meet with people in person vs. calling or emailing, teaming with others to keep me on track, etc.

I have a 504 plan for both kids with adhd. It is very helpful. It is a plan of accommodations to help a child with disabilities. My kids plans have things like extra time on tests and homework, small group testing, frequent reminders/encouragement, etc. You get input in developing the plan and then the school has to follow it no matter what teacher they get. And it is updated every year

Dont let a teacher diagnose your child. They just want them on meds

That isn’t fair to say teachers just want a child on meds or to say that a teacher is diagnosising a child, when all they did was say the child has symptoms similar to adhd. We as teachers spend 8 hours or more a day with a child 5 days a week. We’ve gone to college some like me have an associates degree some leads have bachelors. Don’t assume that we are just trying to “label” your child when some are just trying to help. I took 2 psychology classes and would love to take more one day. We aren’t the enemies, some do want what’s best for a child. I never knew what add/adhd was when My child was young. He’s 23 now. He dropped out of hs because it was boring, he couldn’t focus, concentrate, he hated alot of the other kids on class bc he wasn’t like them. I had him tested at age 3 for add/adhd when a teacher suggested it, doctors said he’s a typical 3 year old boy. He’s not typical. He’s gifted in some areas, but he has areas, he has adHD w/ some oc,he has borderline personality disorder, depression , manic anxiety attacks, socially inept…he has a lot of things and now, I feel I failed him bc I didn’t push when he was younger, and neither did the teachers. But like I said I didn’t know much about it 20 years ago. It is often misdiagnosed, but the teacher may just care for your child and want to help them or make you aware your child may need extra help. It’s ur jobs to be advocates for children and to help them succeed, so why push against us instead of working with us? That’s the problem today, some agora so quick to judge that they don’t listen to us or our cries for their children. Maybe your child doesn’t be adhd/add but just symptoms of instead and knowing those symptoms can help us evaluate and adjust so we can teach how each child learns. But we can’t do that with parents going against us all the time. I’m not a doctor, but if a child has symptoms I’ll inform a parent so we can both be on the same page to help their child . As for the 504 many have given you their responses aND mine on that issue is the same as theirs.
Please try to understand not all techs are “out to get” people’s children. There are really some of us who care deeply about a child and want the best for them. It isn’t about “labels” or meds or money, it’s about the well being and ability to understand a child’s needs…so before you jump down our throats please take a step back and try to see what we may be seeing. Thanks.

See a doctor. Moms will have varying opinions and none of us know Your child.
I’m sure I’ll piss off some moms by saying, but it’s the hard truth, medication was the best choice I ever made for MY SON. Be open to all options.

I am ADHD, and my mother refused to give me meds,when I got on meds as a adult was like a curtin was opened in front of my eyes, and I was able to concentrate on my work, without any problems .It isn’t a stigma for your child to be tested ,diagnosed and treated properly, you need to take him to a child psychology center and have him tested ,and go from there

Ok first is she a teacher or doctor to many teachers jump to this conclusion tell her to do her job

Don’t let them label her is my advice!!! Change up her diet. Take out foods with red dye and msg and see if there’s a difference. Depending on your school a 504 program can help but it will also label her and they’ll allow that to be her excuse for any bad behavior that may happen or her lack of working. A pediatrician needs to test her first to make that determination

Is she having trouble focusing because of other disruptions in the room? Where she is sitting? Who she is sitting near? Double check before you allow them to label her.

I would have her checked out by her doctor before you do anything.

Teachers are not doctors. I think most use that title as a scape goat. What is going on in the classroom? Is someone bothering her in class? Look at all angles before medicating…

A huge misconception is that children with ADHD are bad behaved. It short attention span and hyperactive don’t confuse it. If the child needs the support with a 504 and it has been recommended then I think it is both beneficial for the child and the classroom. A 504 could mean the child could be having difficulty in a certain subject or in general it’s extremely broad. Ask specifics. Don’t be afraid when you hear the words special needs or special education. Its extra help for your child. Keep the above in mind. Have the child evaluated properly. Not by the teachers, not a pediatrician not anyone on this site or word of mouth. Go to a child psychologist and they will run proper testing. Also read up on changing diet, it could be something a simple as cutting out dairy or sugars. Stay positive

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It’s not up to the school to make that diagnosis. A Dr will have to determine that.

504 is great, in Florida the kids have to take the FSA starting in 3rd grade, my daughter wasn’t on meds for adhd or on the 504 plan at the time, she failed the FSA, did summer school and still had to repeat 3rd grade (best thing ever for her) her second third grade teacher helped me get the 504 and her diagnosed with adhd (she had a hard time focusing too) she passed third grade with flying colors and the FSA the second time around, she gets pulled out for math and reading help and gets more time on the standardized tests. If you are able to get that it will help her so much. My daughter only takes meds during the week so she can focus better because she isn’t a bad kid either, just needs that extra help focusing. Good luck!

My daughter has a 504. We got an official diagnosis from her pediatrician and also looked to a psychologist to help nail down more specifically what her issues were. ADHD has a TON of different versions. Definitely not all behavioral issues… particularly for girls. My daughter is a truly gifted space cadet. She is in her own head frequently and will miss things in class. Not because she doesn’t care or can’t do the work, but because focusing can be difficult… particularly by the afternoon. The 504 gets put in place to make sure any accommodations that are needed are followed by teachers. You and the teachers help outline those accommodations. For example, my daughter has trouble concentrating and prioritizing work. Her 504 allows her to have seating near the front of the class and requests that teachers remind her of any missing work, etc. They check on her during the class and help redirect if she is looking out the window, etc. This is the same kind of accommodations that would be needed for a child in a wheel chair (ramp access etc.) except it’s for a child who struggles with a busy mind. Gifted children are often ADHD because honestly school is full of distractions and can be very boring for busy minded kiddos. Good luck! We don’t do meds for our kid and that does not have to be a part of the plan so don’t let them make you feel like you need to medicate your kid if you don’t want to go that route!

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Or son hasADHD he was diagnosed in 1st grade. They wanted to move him into a special ed class. I said no he’s too smart for that. His current teacher didn’t want him in her class she said he was disruptive to the other children so I went to the principle and discussed it and they moved him to a diffrent regular 1st grade class and he did great!!! He’s 35 yrs old now and has become an excellent adult in a very rewarding career. I’m very glad I stood my ground. Best of luck and do what you think is best for your son’s education.

Teachers can’t formally diagnose your child, only help with the diagnosis. If you suspect your child does in fact have ADD/ADHD then get her scheduled with a Dr. The dr will then go over all her medical and family history, you will be given a questionaire along with ones for her teachers and after all the information, the dr can make the formal diagnosis if there is one. That’s how it was done for my daughter and then I chose to place her on medication to help her focus and keep her anxiety at bay, she didn’t require any extra help at school though other than me requesting that she sit at from of the class and if the teacher noticed any attention problems to move her around. Her grades went from C and D to A and B and she was more focused and confident in her school work. I did also have her switched to a different teacher once as the one teacher was not understanding at all about her focus issues and instead was very condescending and negative about my daughter and her abilities. Always do and ask for what you feel is right for your child and her needs!


You need a dx from a doctor. Schools (unless it’s a doctor working for the school) aren’t allowed to dx a medical dx like ADHD. Take her to her PCP or a neuropsych for psychoeducational evaluation. Next time someone without a PhD in medical/psychology tries to dx your child ask them for their degree! Dyslexia can look like ADHD or be comorbid. Lots of things can look like ADHD. Dysgraphia. SPD. NVLD. ASD. Anxiety. Without a proper evaluation they are shooting in the dark.


Get a doctor diagnosis.

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Extra help for your child to get one on one help nothing to do with behavior just to help her focus her attention span might be shorter then others …

A 504 will not help the school in any way; they don’t get money for students with 504 plans. My daughter has ADHD (and other issues) and I had to fight to get her a 504 plan. I’m so glad to have it! It allows her extra breaks, retests, extra time on assignments and tests, testing in small groups, etc. You and the team will decide what she needs for her 504 plan

More importantly I would have my child evaluated by a psychologist/psychiatrist. They will guide you towards the help she may need :blush:

As a teacher myself, I would never “diagnose” a child with ADHD. Teachers are not doctors.


A child has to be evaluated with IEP testing by the teacher preferable a special needs teacher just because they seem to know and understand children with All types of needs.

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Have her tested the teachers are not suppose to diagnose anything they can only suggest. My daughter has been on an IEP since kindergarten and is now s senior in gigh school and is doing real well with that. Mu daughter also has anxiety and a delay. But her her diagnosed first! Could be aspergers.


Yes have her tested and get more than one opinion… school districts are quick to diagnose but they are not doctors and have no business doing so. But if you are concerned then a specialist will help. I have had a son that was ADHD but he had the proper testing and the program they put him in helped him. My other son they said he was and he was not so just be thorough.


My son has adhd and had been on a 504 plan since 2 grade and he is now in 9th grade. It helps him tremendously. But you do have to get notes from actual doctor staying his or her diagnosis and condition of the ADHD. The school cannot just give 504 plan because they think one has ADHD. Will have to have doctor check out anyway. But, 504 is beneficial and nothing bad. Hope this helps and best of luck! :heart:


It’s not about labeling, the point is to have your child learn with a professional other than a teacher, yes it does work because she will get all the help she needs.


Get a good doctor to diagnose then seek therapy before drugs. Good luck. Its a behavioral thing that depending on the severity, can be managed without drugs.

A 504 plan is very helpful. My daughter is highly intelligent, but her ADHD made it very difficult to show that and she was falling behind. After her plan was put in place, they could give her extra time for tests and make adjustments in the classroom to help her focus. However, they cannot diagnose that without a doctor. Her pediatrician and a psychologist, even one from the school, would have to do that.

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My daughter is in 504 for dyslexia. Been in for 4 years. I think she’s going very well. They are more 1 on 1 with them.

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Teachers cannot diagnose ADHD.
Get an expert.

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My son has ADHD and a 504 did not work for him. I had him put on an IEP and it worked much better.

My son has adhd and a 504. It is very beneficial for him. It gives him the accommodations he needs to succeed in school.


I wouldn’t allow them to put a label on my child…maybe she’s not being challenged enough try IEP classes, that could make all the difference in the world :blush:

My son has a horrid time focusing and was in a special class to help. It made a world of difference! Don’t neglect your child’s education by ignoring the need for help. There are teachers that can give your child the help they need to achieve a great education. I’m very glad I didn’t ignore my son’s need for help. With the tools he was shown to use he is now back in a regular classroom and doing great.

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Do NOT put your child in anything special unless or until she is diagnosed by a PROFESSIONAL!!! Teachers and administrators are not doctors and they are not equipped to diagnose something that will follow your child for the rest of their lives!!

Your childs teacher cant just diagnose kids with anything.

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I have adhd. Not every child who has it misbehaves I struggled with paying attention and focusing because of so much going on in class. Being in a smaller class for some classes helped me alot.

Your daughter needs to be tested before going in a 504 otherwise it will hurt her more then help her

Kids have a hard time sitting still and concentrating because they are kids! It’s pretty abnormal for a child to not be distracted. Our learning system isn’t set up for children. Children learn best through play like in a Montessori setting. Could you look into a Montessori school for her?

Her teacher isn’t a doctor. Get her seen by a specialist


They are not doctors and in my opinion have no business Diagnosing anyone

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I was told early on that my sons were ADHD. I took him to an independent child psychologist for testing. One was ADHD the other has Aspergers (autism spectrum). Two completely different approaches to treatment. I recommend independent testing.

First tell the school counselor No. Then start the process to have your child medically diagnosed by a specialist. Until that is complete do not allow the school to force you into doing something you are not sure of.

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Have her tested by a doctor.

I struggled with ADHD until I was an adult. Medication was a game changer. Take your daughter to the doctor. She might not need a 504 after meds.

A 504 plan It’s not a bad thing it’s to give her the extra help she needs and deserves my daughter has ADHD and is on a 504 it makes it that the teachers have to do what is right for her. If she has been tested for ADHD then you should allow her to be on a 504 plan. You should be a part of making that plan do you not let the school make a plan without you.

She said the school COUNSELOR said it based on what a teacher was saying. A TEACHER did not diagnose this child. However teachers by well know the signs because they see it on a DAILY basis. ADHD isn’t necessarily bad behaviour but that H in that diagnoses can be very disruptive in a classroom of 20 kids. I would do like a few others have suggested as far as diet is concerned. I’d also look into NATURAL alternatives before I let any doctor dope my kid up. A 504 isn’t bad.

I would take my child to be tested by a orofessional.

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Yes. My son is on a 504. He is 7. It has helped tremendously!! Do your research based on her specific needs. My kid is smart as a whip and his 504 is helping his learning and focus and the teacher has been outstanding.

I have 3 kids. 18,7 and 5. With two very well behaved focused kids and one ADHD. He is just as intellectual and sweet as them but needs that structure that is mandatory by the schools. We hold them accountable as they do us.

A 504 plan is a protection plan only. It just means that the teacher has to give your child extra help/attention with her work to assist her since she has an attention issue (ADHD/ADD). It is nothing negative in my opinion and can be a good thing. If you decide you want to have an IEP (individualized education plan) thank You can request that.

She might just be bored with the work. She may need to be challenged a bit more than the other students. I have a niece that’s the same way and she got into the gifted and talented program.
And some kids just learn differently and need more breaks to be able to focus.

Take her to the Dr let them dx her and put her on meds. I unfortunately been down this road. They can come after you and claim medical neglect and call social services on you which they tried todo to me but my pediatrician had our back. Anyways call the dr make an appointment get it in line now academically and socially it will help her. My sons teachers and students say my son is a much calmer student then last year. He also got straight As for the first time in his life because he could focus and has a great group of friends now.

Have your kiddo tested. Respectfully teachers see many things and have many opinions but it’s up to you to do what’s best for your child. Saying that, my son does not have ADHD but had a 504 plan and was extremely helpful in getting them extra time on tests and flexibility.

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Testing is recommended. Consult your pediatric doctor as well. Check their eyesight and hearing. There are good programs in school, if diagnosed, to help your child. Believe you me, I went thru hell in the early 1980’s with the school sending notes home every day. Important note: These children are highly functioning on some levels and not so much in the social aspect. They feel bad about themselves because they always seem to them to be in trouble. It would be great to read some good books on these children as well. Our pediatric doctor seemed to help us the most!!!

It will likely benefit her! It will allow them to provide a certain level of support that that are not allowed to provide without it. If she needs it she needs it and it doesn’t matter why. Your child does not have to have a “label” in order for them to get a level of support that can get them right where they need to be. But if you are concerned, you should definitely talk to your pediatrician. He/she will lead you in the right direction. Sometimes a 504 plan just won’t be enough and they will need an IEP (individualized education plan) but whatever you do don’t just do nothing. If it is affecting her being able to get education that she needs, then something likely needs to take place. I have a special needs child and I also work with special needs children. This is just my opinion. Good luck

The teacher and the childs doctor have to agree. There are papers that have to be filled out. Then you have to have a meeting with the counselor at the school and set up the 504 plan. They cant just do that. My son is on 504 and has adhd also.

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Teachers are not qualified to label your child. Ask your Dr to refer you to a qualified person who can observe and diagnose and probably give you sound advice on how to help her. My son was labeled wrongly and it took me a lot of money, time and several professional people to get the labels removed. He is dyslexic only and now he holds three Bachelor degrees. So don’t solely use a teachers recommendation go get the advice of those who are trained to catch kids issues.

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My daughters 2nd grade teacher decided that mine had ADHD in 2nd grade because she wanted to help with things like cleaning the board and such. I think there are bad teachers out there and your best bet is to take her to your Dr. and find out from a professional I don’t think a Teacher is the right person to diagnose that. I’m sure I’m going to get hate but that’s just the way I feel.

No teacher or school administrator is qualified to diagnose a medical condition!!! Take her to a proper professional to be assessed before you move forward with your next steps!

If you need help there are people out there who know way more than a parent unfamiliar with this stuff I dont know where you live but there is a non profit called FAVOR that can help you ( free of charge) and your daughter navigate this system it can be very overwhelming in the beginning good luck!

I’m a houseparent. This year I’ve lived with 5 teenagers with ADHD. My daughter probably has because both myself and my husband do and it’s very hereditary, but she’s too young for a diagnosis.

Step one: go to a Psychology clinic at a university for a full psychoeducational test battery. Mine took 3 days but I assume that for a child it will be shorter. If you’re saying your daughter is well behaved I’m assuming you mean she’s not hyper. So her ADHD symptoms are… Just that she is distracted? That is a symptom of ADHD, but also a symptom of literally everything: depression, processing speed disorders, sleep deprivation, OCD, anxiety, bipolar disorder, learning disabilities, poor vision, reading disorders… So, yeah, get tested for everything. No matter how well you know your daughter you may be surprised at the results. I had good surprises 3 good surprises :grin: even though I had an unforeseen disability (besides the ADHD) I was very happy to have the first step toward control of my future

Step two is to make sure your kid gets everything she NEEDS and nothing LESS and nothing more. If she gets less than what she needs she’s not being treated fairly and will never have an opportunity to truly be period of herself. She may be in the top 10% of her class and people may think that’s awesome but it’s not awesome if she was truly meant to be Valedictorian and class President. Give her back what ADHD took from her.

Don’t give her accommodations that she doesn’t need. For example don’t let her use a calculator if it’s not permitted. ADHD doesn’t make you bad at math. She might need more time, she may need nose cancelling headphones or to take a test in a room alone and free of distraction, but she doesn’t necessarily need to have an easier exam. You don’t want to compromise her education.

Step three: Understand what ADHD is. Since ADHD is a neurobiological brain disorder that affects 4 parts if the brain it should be taken seriously. You shouldn’t care about labels or money or anything other than helping your daughter. No one says, I don’t want to be “labeled” with Parkinson’s. It just is what it is and they do what they need to do to care for themselves. Rejecting the “label” assumes it’s something to be ashamed of. BEING LABELED FEELS GREAT. Not knowing why you were the smartest kid in class but you could just never get it together. That feels awful. The saying it’s that every person feels dumb lazy or crazy until they get their diagnosis. Then they have a word for it. And it’s not a negative hopeless word. It’s just a problem with a solution. Don’t focus on the problem, but focus on the solution. Please don’t ignore it because she will become an adult who ignores her ADHD. This seems Inconsequential to a kid, but kids grow up. If your daughter does have ADHD it is a disorder that will affect her most in adulthood. It may not, but 67% chance she will have adult ADHD which has the potential to be HORRIBLE in very important ways (sustaining employment, safe driving, managing her money, parenting, maintaining relationships, controlling her eating to name a few). If she ever gets to a point where she needs help, you don’t want her to be embarrassed to seek treatment. 504 can be super simple and can literally just say that she has to have a sweet drink too sip during exams. It doesn’t have to be extreme, but if it needs to be extreme then that’s what it is! No one judges a diabetic for taking too much insulin when they could just eat right but we seriously consider judging children because their brain disorder causes them to need a modified learning environment. And be comforted by knowing ADHD doesn’t affect her intelligence or her ability to be and respectful. And with all the negative affects it does have ADHD is the most treatable disorder of the brain #FACTS If you want to do some research, the formost psychologist on ADHD Research is Russell Barkley. Any of his books at lectures are very accurate and helpful and easy to understand.

My 12 yr old was recently diagnosed with ADD and has his first recheck appt this week. Over the last few years his teachers gave the same feedback at meetings…teachers having to redirect attention multiple times during class, incomplete assignments, not staying on task, etc. His first 9 wks this year was rough. But, since his diagnosis and starting medication for it along with his teachers helping on their end, his grades have came up dramatically and he says he can focus and not daydream in class. He feels more engaged in class. It’s not embarrassing for him to be called on in class anymore.
He’s happy, I’m happy he’s happy.

I’m not sure what a “section 504” is but, the counselor and teacher are doctors and can’t diagnose so, my advice is to make a drs appointment, get the nessacary referral to the proper specialist and have your child tested. Until then, I would look over the paperwork and wait for a professional diagnosis.


I’ve worked with many children who have had 504s. They provide accommodations for your child, and can significantly improve their ability to be successful in school. 504s do not require a medical diagnosis. If the teachers are recommending one, it’s because they have concerns about her being successful and feel she’d be better served with accommodations.


I had a son they tried to 504. Get them tested by a impartial doctor not one on the school payroll. Also make sure you monitor how ALL the teachers are following the iep plan. Yes 504 can be beneficial but you really have to make sure everyone follows it constantly. Make sure you let every teacher know at the beginning of each school year that your child has an iep and what works or doesn’t work in writing. They are very busy people and do get left out of the loop quite often by special ed departments no matter what they say! Plus you will be rewriting the plan yearly so know your rights. You are now your childs advocate not their mom/dad and if you do not firmly state what you want they will take advantage of it. You also need to let them know what you do at home that works so they can incorporate things from you. Good luck this road is long and complicated bit worth it if done correctly. You now represent your child more than ever.


My son has adhd and was diagnosed by a child psychologist after 1yr of routine visits and forms by his dr, 4 teachers and me were filled out. He is in and has been for a year now, iep, 504 classes/plan. It has helped SOOOO much. Its caught him up to where he needs to be and he gets the extra help

Take her to a doctor then proceed. Dont sign anything till you know what your actually dealing with and the details of how they plan to help. Then by all means sign if your comfortable.

Teacher and parent of adhd kid here… in a perfect world a 504 sets up accommodations to help… such as bands on chairs. More time on assignments preferential seating. Etc. But first see your dr. For the diagnosis. If you get a 504 make sure the teachers follow it.


My daughter was like that. Turns out she was just hyperactive. Counselor & school wanted me to put her on meds @ age 4.5. I said, “No thank you.”, and started trying different physical activities after school to slough off some of her extra energy. She fell in love w/ gymnastics! It taught her focus, teamwork, personal responsibility, listening skills, self esteem and respect, which translated into respect for others. It has saved our family’s sanity on so many levels! She is now 13, an honor student and a Level 7 gymnastics competitor. She has a solid foundation of close friends and is too busy for the usual middle school drama. Find a year round physical activity that she loves to slough off her extra energy. I hope this helps and I hope the program helps as well,


First of all you need a proper diagnosis. Go to a pediatrician that specializes in adhd ( not all adhd presents the same way) or it could potentially be something else.
504 is awesome when written and implemented properly. It protects your kid and ensures that the school follows through on accommodations. It ensures future teachers are aware. Im surprised they offered this as usually it is a pain in the schools butt. 504 is updated every year and can be very limited in scope. Accept help where ever you can get it. But they can’t diagnose, only a dr can do that; start there.

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Kindergarten teacher here :raising_hand_woman:t3:
I have personally never seen a kid be disadvantaged from getting an individualized education plan. I have seen many students whose parents refused support fall behind.

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We have a 504 for my stepdaughter and it has helped her tremendously. She now is able to work at her full potential and doing amazing! If you have any questions feel free to PM me

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Im in Illinois… I have a freshman who was diagnosed with adhd at 6. Is this 504 something that is everywhere or a certain state?

They aren’t doctors. Take her to an actual doctor if there’s concerns and you also think there might be some concerns. Depending on her age, I wouldn’t be too concerned unless she is older than at least 6 or 7.

Have the school test your daughter. I have 2 on the Autism spectrum and both have ADHD. Both have a 504 plan. Did it. It’s the only why the schools will be able to help her.

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My son is 504 and has been very beneficial for him. I knew deep in my gut that he was ADHD. after a school and doctor eval I was right. The accommodations do help tremendously!

My 7 year old son is in second grade, he has adhd and Tourette’s and has had a 504 plan since kindergarten. I’ve found it nothing but helpful, they have made special accommodations for like like giving him breaks if they see him struggling or making him the kid that delivers things to the office, just so he can get up and move. It definitely put my mind at ease, I would always get a second opinion from a neurologist. Good luck!! :heart:

My child was one did her a great service.

Take her to her doctor and get a diagnose there not doctors than go from there

Don’t agree to this. She will be labelled for life!