My daughter asked to be a furry...advice?

If she knows she’s human then she’s not a furry. So that’s good news. I’d get her to therapy and let her know she can be anything she wants on Halloween. She will thank you when she’s older and she didn’t get bullied at school

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Sorry when you said she wants to be a furry I thought you meant she doesn’t want to shave when she’s older.
I dunno if I’d play too much into it tho.shes still so small. Kids have wild imaginations

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From what I know of what a furry is , I would be very concerned about how she even found this out!!! It’s not something any child should know about!

Could be she has free rein to the Internet.

Ask her to tell what a furrie is. She probably has a completely different understanding of it and thinks of it as just dress up.


You should be proud that your daughter came and told you how she is feeling many kids don’t feel like they can talk to their parents about this type of things. Ask questions why she feels this way and take it from there you know her better then anyone. Most importantly make her feel like you are valuing her feelings and not judging her or telling her she isn’t a furry. Otherwise you might ruining her self-esteem or to trust you.

Find out more information about being a furry and make appointment to talk with someone with her to better understand.

But also keep in mind it could also be the simplest reason she want to be one like she seen something on tv or the internet and it look like fun and cute and simple doesn’t understand what a furry is.

All you “parents” that are saying put her outside like an "Animal " because she’s a CHILD that’s exploring her imagination and having fun. My 12 year old likes to dress as a CAT. She goes to therapy 3 times a month and she has ADHD and she is Autistic. There is nothing wrong with a Child wanting to be a child. I take it all of you parents had a horrible upbringing if you think telling a child that is okay. Leave your daughter be let her be a CHILD and use her imagination. There is nothing wrong her or with the fact she wants to dress up. My daughters counselor hasn’t said anything about my daughter wanting to dress like a cat. Let kids be kids and stop trying to step in at every second.

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Absolutely not. Dress up and play but not “be” one.

Go all out, I’m sorry but if mine came to me with this they’d get a litter box, dog house, fenced yard but animals dont play video games, they dont get allowances, and some of them stay in a barn. Society is making these things appealing to young kids and I’d definitely get into counseling or whatever but this one is so way out there that it is the parents job to show children reality. It’s our job to prepare our children for life and these identity issues are getting so far fetched. I’m sure there will be plenty to disagree but after raising a special needs child that grew up to be able to do anything on his own, these manufactured problems are ridiculous. With that said I always went with “if it’s real to the child, it is real” it’s time for therapy, mentoring, extra curricular activities. I think it starts as a cry for attention and even if we are giving 100% it’s not always our attention they are seeking. Find out whether its peers, elders, dad, or where that gap is coming from. For some reason this was never a thing before the fad it’s now becoming. Tell your kids no, they will appreciate that later in life.


Put her in theater, drama club or acting/singing lessons.

That stuff is beyond weird and if my kid came to me saying that then they’d be shut down about it for good. I’d also show her the videos of people making fun of furries and tell her that is her future if she continues down that path lol.


It’s all for attention. Try spending positive attention to her.


Kids are weird dude, I went through weird stages as well. Let her explore what she’s into as long as it’s safe, and maybe explain to her that if kids find out at school she may be bullied though so if she wants maybe keep it to herself.


She’s likely following along with her friends at school, I would just say you’re a girl not an animal or furry or anything else, playing make believe is fine but as long as she knows it’s make believe and doesn’t actually believe that stuff…

I want to be a billionaire but I’m not. Move on :woman_shrugging:

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Maybe she wants to be a furry for Halloween? What’s wrong with kids playing dress up or pretending she’s a furry. ? I recently saw a little girl in a restaurant wearing furry ears and tail. We are in October though. Kids pretend .let her be a kid I’m sure she understands it’s not real.


Get a spray bottle and oblige


My daughter is same age and says same thing. Shes been picking out a costume for halloween. She isn’t wanting to live the lifestyle of an animal though, she just wants to look like one. For her anyways, she just wants to wear the costume and play a part🤷🏼‍♀️ I’d never let her wear to school or use a litterbox though! Idk how far some people take it… shes shown me videos, but she just sees it as cosplay type thing🤷🏼‍♀️


This maybe an extension for pretending that she’s a cat etc. I’ve known a few kids that went through that phase.

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A furry is a sexual fettish. I would be very questioning who exposed her to that!!! Also she needs therapy. And even possibly dhs. This sounds like grooming behavior! I’d be very freaked out.

Please talk with someone that understands exactly what she has in mind, what she understands a furry to be. Obviously, there are a lot of adults saying ridiculous things on here and you taking their advice could be detrimental to your family dynamics. At that age my granddaughter said she identified as a male, which meant she wanted to dress and act like her dad; fast forward 5 years and she’s all about dresses, high heels and cute hair styles. It’s about letting them be who they say they are with unconditional love.


There are professional sporting events for furries … might be a good watch

My advice is headbands with ears and things that are mainstream outside of the house and in her room allow her the space to be herself. Bullying from people in the house and in the outside world can be harmful. But also casting out her needs to express herself. If she identifies with a specific animal maybe shirts or things that allow her the space to show her love for that. My kids were allowed to drink from a bowl on the floor and outgrew the idea… I just didn’t make a big deal about it. But since your child has the language you can use that to explain why doing these things at home is to keep her safe.

:sparkling_heart:You are doing an amazing job! It’s beautiful that you seek advice instead of shutting it down like her other parents. Divorce is tough and with other kids she probably wants to feel special. Setting time to do things together might help (like movies or a walk to chat) You have a lot going on ((hugs)) it gets better as everyone settles in

Being a furry doesn’t mean she wants to be an animal. That would be the otherkin community. Fursuits are really expensive so I’d ask her for what animal her fursona is. She may have drawings. It’s just for fun and you guys can get her hooded pj’s in her fursona’s animal that she can dress up in and play. It’s always good to encourage a child’s creativity and that’s really all furries are

She’s a kid… let her do whatever. As long as it’s isn’t dangerous or hurting her. I mean what kid doesn’t want to dress up? She just chose a furry instead of a princess. :woman_shrugging:t2:


You and her need’s therapy intensely

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Therapy is the only answer.

Well if she wants to be a furry treat her like one she now needs to eat furry appropriate food, use bathroom outside, no long allowed to sit with humans on furniture sleep in a crate, better yet get a dog house and have her stay outside I just don’t support any of this nonsense. Now if this is something she does while playing by herself fine but if she thinks she is going out in public acting like this she needs serious help.

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Just say NO. End of discussion.

Why were there no furries in the 90’s? Oh, because there was no social media. Make it stop.


Don’t really understand why you would shut it down :woman_shrugging:t3:

She’s trusted you enough to talk to you and then you shut her down?

There’s nothing sexual about it so I don’t see the issue.


This is so ridiculous :person_facepalming: these kids say some crazy stuff. I don’t know how it is where you live but kids get bullied so bad for being there furrys here … I think kids do it for attention. Our school district actually had to forbid it at school because the kids were being harassed so much


Kids at that age think being a furry is dressing up and pretending to be an animal. And honestly, for many furries, it’s not a sexual thing. Talk to her about it and ask what is appealing to her about it.

I worked with preteen and teen girls for a long long time and most of the girls who went through a phase like this outgrew it. One girl I worked with used to wear cat ears and paint whiskers and a nose on her face every day…now she looks back on those pictures and is super embarrassed. But at the time there was a lot going on in her life and she just wanted to be distracted and get attention when she was feeling forgotten.

Tell her go ahead but she sleeps outside has a littler box outside and only eats catfood.


So my daughter is currently 9yrs, she first asked for a fur suit when she was like 7/8 fir Christmas. Of course i looked into it deeply i understand that its an alternative life style for adults just like there are other things and life style cosplay. But then i also searched out the other view (her view) she seen them make these suits and the crafting that goes behind this. My daughter doesn’t want to live like and animal nor does she want to hide behind a costume. My daughter wants to make a head piece for fun. I looked into these costumes and there is no way i would spend over $1,000 on something like this. However my daughter is very crafty and makes the paper dragon they show on youtube and she is super good at them. I dont see the harm in these furries if its behind the art of them or just a Halloween costume. I was going to get the thkngs so my daughter could design and craft her own fur head from a drastic park dino mask. In my daughters eye this is a crafting project not wanting to live like an animal.

I’m wondering what “lifestyle” she’s referring to… some just like to dress up, and that’s fine. They usually don’t call themselves furries because furries are not liked. That’s because the other “lifestyles” are some believe they are those animals, and some use furry suits in a sexual way.
Personally, I’d say let her dress up but don’t call herself a furry. If she’s wanting to actually be an animal then she needs therapy.


I would definitely explain what the reality is of being a furry because these kids think it’s just being an animal not that in reality it’s a sexual fetish. Especially if she is as smart as you say have a real conversation with her. Sometimes kids just need to hear it straight not be protected from the reality and let her soak it in.

Omg. Let her express herself. It’s cosplay. Elaborate costumes as mystical creatures. It’s dress up if a more expensive but creative way. It can be a helluva hobby for her… she could design, create, sew, and even sell them.! LET HER BE WHO SHE WANTS IN ANY WAY SHE WANTS TO EXPRESS IT!

Orrrrr orrrr hear me out. She will become detached from you for not embracing her personality and will become distant as she ages. You will not be her safe place anymore.

She isn’t saying she is a furry. She wants to see what the world is about. Find her a comicon and check it out


“No” is an acceptable answer. Happiness is not the only thing we should be worried about. If she wanted to drop out of school or try drugs would you let her if it “made her happy.” Be a parent and if “no” is the answer you feel is right, say it.

1 It’sHalloween 2 Kids choose costumes. No need to make it into more than it is

It’s probably a phase but I would go to therapy just to be sure

I wouldn’t accept this AT ALL, absolutely inappropriate behaviour at her age. No alternative lifestyle or weirdness until they’re 18yrs old and able to make their own decisions in their own home.

When my daughter was in 3rd grade (last year) that’s all she talked about even looked up stuff on Amazon and everything… it faded so quick it was bc kids in her class were talking about it and they wanted to do it too. I haven’t even heard about it since !! I think it’s a phase she’s going threw.

I’m sorry. Maybe an unpopular opinion on here but here goes anyway. She’s 9. The only question you should be asking is “Which one?” Followed by “get in the car, we’re going to get it right now.” Trust me, I made all the mistakes you can possibly make with my children. Just accept them for who they are (if it’s not hurting anyone). Hell, I’m 52 and I think I want to be a furry. Reality sucks. Let them be kids.


First mama, don’t say “all I want is for her to be happy” because what makes them happy sometimes ruins them. Second, where is she getting all of this? Where did this start? Who’s let her believe who she is naturally isn’t t good enough?

I’m late! I didn’t know this was a thing.

I agree with many of the mamas that say maybe engage her in a convo on how deep into this she is. I’d like to hope she wouldn’t know about the sexual side of it, but at least gauge the interest and maybe let her wear cute headbands and stuff if you’re ok with that. But I know where we’re at some of those kids have actually petitioned for litter boxes in the bathroom. With that in mind, see if she means the lifestyle or the clothing style. It could change alot seeing where it’s going.

Wish you the best of luck. I don’t have advice though, our high school literally has a kitty litter box in gender-neutral restroom………:flushed:


Furry is a sexual thing with dressing up as a animal… Dressing up is fun in all ages so if it’s just dressing up that is no big deal. But if she is that young and looking into sexual stuff. Find out who is telling her about it and go from there.

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At that age, I would wonder how she even knows about that lifestyle. I’d want to know what it means to her to be a furry.

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Furries eat furry food and sleep on the floor.
Working with Mickey and his friends I know they get extremely HOT and uncomfortable!
Chances are it won’t last but also I’d DEFINITELY be homeschooling if my kids were still school aged!!!


She’s interested because it seems fun and exciting.
Steer her straight mom, please.


She’s just being a kid. A lot of kids want to know what it would be like to be an animal. I bet if you asked her what a fury is she would say a person dressed up as an animal. And thats innocent. My 10 year old daughter has a fascination with being a cat/dog all the time and she’s just playing. She loves to dress up and go all out in costume. She even walks around on all 4s like they would and it’s AMAZING the sounds she makes because she can sound exactly like a dog or a cat or a kitten and a puppy. She’s just playing and using her imagination though. She has a very deep love for animals and enjoys fury play. I would encourage your child to use their imagination like that for as long as possible not shut it down and make her feel like there is something wrong with her for wanting to have this experience. It’s not sexual for children that age. They do not think about a fury and connect it to sexual activity. As long as you don’t make it about anything sexual she won’t either. She’s not interested in being fury for sex purposes. She’s interested in being a fury for innocent play and fun. It’s just weird that ppl have made it about sex when role playing for children is nothing new. Kids have always desired to play animals and community jobs and mommy’s and babies and all that stuff. Let her play. Don’t shame a 9 year old for wanting to use her imagination.

How are all of the parents throwing a fit going to handle their son or daughter coming out as gay at some point?? Plan on sending them to “therapists” to rid them of being gay?

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Just say no. It’s nice to imagine but it’s not appropriate.

I was an emo kid. It was a phase. Maybe this will be too… one could only hope at least…

How the heck does she even know what a furry is and what not?

Ffs give her a bowl of cat food on the floor ! Set her ip a blanket to sleep on the floor! Thats ot tbats alll is your post for real or are you just her for attention!!’ Man people are stupid


Not in favour of this stuff. That being said maybe you need to talk to her and ask her to say why she would want to do it. You may need to tell her tha she will have to clean the litter box herself for one thing. No custodian should be expected to clean that. Imagine picking up you poop and carrying it to the toilet while other students in the washroom see you do it. I can see a lot of bullying happening over that.
It is not all warm and fuzzy for sure. A lot of things a child her age may not have considered. You may have to point them out for her.

If the worst thing my kids want to be is a furry I did pretty good. Who cares? It’s not your life

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Really? It’s a Halloween costume for God’s sake.

I mean, why not let her dress like an animal? Furry ears, tail, costumes. She doesn’t need to go the full shebang and actually be treat like an animal. I think just dressing up as animals may be something she would be happy with? It’s literally just dress up.

I don’t know much about it with kids, I really only know of the adult side to furrys.


It’s OK to say “No” to your kids. They’re kids, they don’t always know what’s best and you’re there to guide them.

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As a mom it’s our job to guide them on the right path. It’s not our job to make sure they are happy every second.


It’s a hard situation because some school districts allow this.smfh You as the parent really have to talk to her!


My daughter is 12 she isn’t a furry, but likes to dress up. Sometimes she’s a fox sometimes and elf. I think she just wants to be a kid while others her age are growing up too fast. Idk. I let her be her it doesn’t affect anyone. She’s super smart has a close group of friends. Her dad and I divorced when she was 9 and she has a 14 yr old brother. Like someone else said kids are weird.

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People are suggesting therapy for a kid wanting to pretend play? Good Lord.


Sit here down and talk. Does she even know what she is asking and where in the world did she even hear about furries. I feel sone much is being crammed down kids throat and decision are made that are theirs and not the child.

Sometimes you have to let them dig deeper into their interests just to find out, it’s not really all that it seems to be. She’s young still, so doesn’t fully understand what that lifestyle entails even if she is at a 4th grade level. Explain to her about the costumes, how expensive they can get, how you need to keep them clean how they need to be stored. But don’t just tell her show her. Bring her to a store and show her all the costumes that are out. Talk about how you would need to pay, care and store for them. Let her dress up, be a cat for a day. You really don’t know if it’s a phase she’ll get over, until you let her go through that phase. I have 3 girls. 13, 9, and 10. I’ve been through the “i want to be a furry” “my name is now this” and “I’m a they/ them” and from everything in the past 3 years with my oldest, I’ve learned that encouragement and education works way better than just saying “no way”

Get her a big letter box and tell her that’s her new room , and cat food and tell her that’s what furry eats , remove her toys and stuff that …… let ser how long that last

There are two sides to the whole furry thing. Just the simple dressing up thing or the sexual side. Be cautious and find out what your child is thinking. You can google everything nowadays but with that being said, it’s not always the negative side. For an example, look at My Little Pony. Innocent enough, yet be careful, there’s a whole other side that is extremely perverted. So sad that we can take something fun and turn it into something so twisted

Try to understand the life styles before you immediately shut them down or degrade them, yeah? Lol.
This comment section, I swear. Such close minded people.

I’m not a ‘furry’ but I’m not going to shite on something someone else enjoys or finds interesting just because it ‘makes no sense to me’. I have my own odd interests. Furries are harmless :man_shrugging:

Try to research it first, mom. Sit down and have a heart to heart. Don’t be so quick to squish her interests or dreams, or just phases, simply because you’ve seen -some- of the internet things or think it’s odd. See why she wants to.

Don’t forget that half of the population had ‘emo’ phases and as much as they loved it, others probably found it very odd lol.

Definitely don’t let her Google that. And stop letting her watch YouTube. :raised_hand::stop_sign:
Mine mentioned them at one point and I had to get her to explain she just meant cosplaying and dressing up. But it was around a YouTube channel she watched, and when we took YouTube away she stopped mentioning them? She still likes doing crafty stuff making costumes.

Absolutely not, I don’t understand how she would even know what that is at 9. Terrible community, full of perverts and p3ds.

My son is in middle school… there are several flurries and several trans students. Parents allow it, school allows it so the kids feel they get bullied if all the other students don’t accept it.

Bottom line is, she’s a human child. This phase will pass. Back in the day…waaaaaay back. My moms brother decided he was a bear. We are talking 1950’s and in the Appalachians. My papaw was a prison guard and was a no nonsense type of man. My uncle proceeded to do bear things like growl and attack family members so papaw said ‘if you want to act like a bear and be a bear then you will be treated like a bear’. A few nights in a cage outside and uncle decided that he was, in fact a boy.


Yall doing way to much just cause there are some creeps that take the furry shit to far there is nothing wrong with a kid wanting one :rofl::rofl::rofl: it’s literally pretend as long as they know it’s just dress up like Halloween and just play around yall to extra always freaking out about the slightest things as long as they are home or with friends nothing should be wrong with it as long as they don’t do the dumb crap like the litter box stuff and KNOW ITS PRETEND nothing should be wrong with it grown ass people be doing to much with it the kids only wanna do it cause all the kids talk about it and think its funny and stuff it don’t mean nothing Nasty

First you should be monitoring her computer and phone so you know what’s she is up too.

From my experience she most likely is getting all of this from the internet. Way too young to be online. Too impressionable. Here’s the question I always use. Would you let a grown man who’s a stranger dressed as a cat come in your home, sit on your couch and play with your daughter? No, never.

I would say absolutely not.


If it was my daughter. I would tell her wait till your 18. I get dress up but acting like that all the time absolutely not

I am literally the most open person and mother. My kids come to me about any type of gender questions,wanting to be a girl/boy/they or gender fluid. Gay,straight. Religious/Wiccan/atheist
Whatever. I’m here for here it and I’ll be supportive and help them to research. However,it’s only something like 20 percent of furries who have no sexual connection to it. It’s largely a kink. Im not letting my children explore kinks like that when they shouldn’t be exploring sex really at all. To some degree of course but that’s another talk. So I’d be wondering where she’s heard about furries enough to be interested. She’s definitely not an animal. It’s different from gender and all that. Maybe start by asking what animal,if there is one and she of she can be satiated by leaning into that by way of clothing,earrings,headbands ect. Maybe it could be that simple you never know. At the end of tbe day, ride it out a bit and then seek therapy imo.

When I was 8 I wanted to be a horse, it’s called an imagination not a lifestyle. Good lord what is this world coming too.

I would probably agree she is seeking out attention perhaps but she’s just a little girl. Take her to counseling to sort through her issues it’s hard to process big emotions as a child but don’t give her a tail.


many kids at school are acting like animals saying they need litter boxes wearing cat tails meowing at each other…

if it’s mittens or kitty headband sure…

I don’t care what anyone says, this isn’t normal behavior and it needs to be addressed by a professional. There is definitely something psychological going on when someone thinks they are an animal. P.s furries get completely humiliated by other kids where I’m from…don’t let that be your kid. That is something they won’t recover from.

Take away internet access and get her therapy. Usually they get the idea of being a furry from social media. Especially tictok. Or you could let her actually live like Animal for a day and she will probably realize that isn’t what she wants pretty quickly. Either way she is a child and it is your job as her parent to guide her into a successful adult HUMAN. Find out where she got the idea and why she wants to do it, she may think a furry is just someone that wears cat ears.


Social media and technology these days have a huge influence in kids. She had seen it somewhere and is interested in it like as if someone saw people doing ballet and is interested in it. She needs to go to a therapist and talk to them about it before anything is changed or decisions made. She really doesn’t know the extent of that decision. My daughter said she was trans and I was shocked but took a few days to process before I spoke to her about it. I said I want her to be happy and will always support her happiness but what she was deciding was a much bigger decision than what she was prepared for. I told her she needed to talk to a professional who knows more about that. And that we just need to be patient because she is a kid and her mind will change so much in the next few years. She agreed and she now doesn’t even feel the same. And isn’t even gay. But I told her she can be whatever. Just not to make any solid decisions till she was a little older and spoke to a counselor


My daughter is 10 and expressed interest in this , she also was pansexual for a few weeks :woman_facepalming:t3:
it’s societal influence trying to run with a trend , I have told her she is not old enough to be considering any of this .
My daughters reason is because she’s had a hard time at school with peers and struggles with friends as she’s ADHD and struggles with her emotions , so she’s just trying to find people to fit in with weather she really likes the trend or not .

There’s many reasons why youngsters want to do things a big part is immaturity, loneliness, past traumas , identity issues and just plain mental health issues

Please seek therapy and guidance for your little one and try to minimise there time with influences like social media

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My answer would be absolutely not. Don’t feed into the lies that society is telling your child. How does she even know what a furry is !? My guess is school. She didn’t come out. She’s simply spouting things that she knows absolutely nothing about. We are dumbing down our kids.

There are new costumes out this year called Furries

Selena Vega read the comments

My suggestion would be a therapist quickly.

None of this existed not too long ago, I miss those days. Where kids were kids and as close as they got to whatever the hell is going on these days, was dress up and imagination- knowing it was just that! A form of playing. WTH has this world come too ?!?

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My daughter asked to change sex to a boy when i asked why was it the voice, beard ect it all came down to her wanting to wear boys clothes so i told her she is a tom boy and explained x year later she still likes boys clothes but does wear girls clothes too xx now she is a lesbian all i say tell me when your 18 and grown and developed properly to make an appropriate decision x
Dont do anything dramatic and hopfully she will just grow out of it as she matures with her friends xx

Ummm furries are a kink community

All kids these days want to be furries. More then likely it’s just another childhood phase. Try to be supportive. They are playing pretend. Like we use to when we were kids…

My eldest daughter at 10 hated me for a couple of years because i said she could not go to hogwarts school or miss cackles accadamy of witchcraft instead of the local school. I lost count of the times that i tried to explain that these places were not real and that i was not just being mean.
She loved the books, we bought her llts of related bumf, let her watch the films etc, never thinking that she would believe they were real and that she could learn “real” magic, learn to fly a broom etc. It was pretty bad for a long time and she was devastated when she did realise. My younger daughter wanted a toy that in the catalogue claimed to grant wishes, she thought she could wish for the things we didnt have or maybe afford? We didnt get that toy but we did complain to the company and the wording was changed in the catallogue when they renewed it.
My girls really believed that stuff and it was horrific but if your child realises that dressing as a furry will not " make" her a furry and that its just pretending, theres no harm in it. If she believes otherwise then you should find someone for her to talk to about it before things get too deep

My daughter wrote this to me when I was a little skeptical about her dressing up as a fox.

To clear you of any confusion it is just a cosplay and I think it would be fun to wear because it’s a hobby and a fun interest I have and I’m not weird like I don’t have an attraction to animals and I don’t think I’m an animal either


And you all want bullying to end? These kids are asking for it. Think back to when you were in school and tell me you or your classmates wouldn’t have made fun of someone thinking they were an animal. :roll_eyes:

Just don’t even entertain it, surely? It’s ridiculous! Like we wouldn’t entertain the idea if a 65 year old man wanted to start to identify as a 5 year old girl and join my daughter’s class - I would hope!