My daughter doesn't clean her room...advice?

Maybe you and her could get together and figure out why things are in their place maybe she needs some organizational skills taught to her storage containers, drawers, cabinets, etc. make it super easy for things to go back in their place

It almost sounds like ADHD. Maybe also get things that help keep it better organized?

Seems like quite the quandary

Way to harsh. I wouldn’t play games with hiding stuff etc. How about talkbwith her, help her put stuff away and tell her every evening, after dinner or before bed she has to pick it up. Remind her. She is only 10.

Put all her stuff in trashbags and “threaten” to throw it out. Help her clean it and then lock it. She gets in only at bedtime. No privileges at all. And you are the parent. So parent.

She probably has ADD or ADHD, maybe approach it from another angle. Maybe she truly can’t help it and you aren’t helping her by punishing her.

Get a trash bag and go in and pick up anything out of its place. Put the bag somewhere else for a week or so. I bet there will be something in there she just has to have.

She’s a kid… not everything needs a diagnosis… I’ve got 2 with nothing wrong with them but wanting to play and not clean up.

Throw it all away…ive done this twice havent had a problem since

I would leave a few things That are manageable to keep picked up and see how she does with them. I have a 9 year old with ADHD who loses his Lego privileges from time to time because he can’t keep them in their designated areas/bins- like they end up EVERYWHERE in his room. I also have a 5 year old that is significantly developmentally delayed who truly does not understand the concept of a messy or clean room. For him, he has a toy box with a few of his bigger toys and then we rotate out a bin of toys for him. Sometimes it’s foam building blocks, sometimes magnet tiles, sometimes toys cars and trucks- but he only gets one or two bins in his room at a time. It limits how much mess he even can make and makes helping him pick up SO much more manageable. And he never really “loses” any of his toys. He just doesn’t have access to them all at the same time.

They are all the same.believe me it isnt just yours.

U gotta teach her… Less things definitely make it easier. One step at a time. Try on Monday u have to pick up ur clothes, Tuesday u need to pick up and trash. Etc having kids do an entire room is sooo overwhelming/paralyzing.

Try making chores fun for her like she earns abit of pocket money etc and make a chore list for her to do, maybe shes messing it up as she’s wanting attention or has ADHD, it’s all about getting something for things they do like a nice meal out for keeping her room tidy something she can look forward to she is only 10 so she’s still a child

I “threw away” my daughters stuff. She was 6. But we’d fought with her DAILY for 2 years. (My kids are taught young to be clean because my mom was a hoarder and I ain’t doing all that.) She refused to even clean it though. We’d ground her. Send her to her room to clean DAILY. She’s go play. Yes we had shown her how to clean it several times. Done it for her several times. It lasted less than 24 hrs. So I got fed up one day and I threw EVERYTHING in trash bags and told her it was gone and I was done. She had her bed, dresser, and clothes. Nothing else. We put everything in the attic intending to get it back out around Christmas (this was like Feb or so) but told her we threw it away and donated it to grateful kids. It’s been over a year since then and its worked for the most part. She still struggles to keep it clean, but she tries which is what we need. That’s all that’s expected. She worked her way up to having more items and all was fine. The first holidays after she wasn’t allowed gifts and now we still make everyone keep it VERY minimal.

*we did go to get the items down to give back to her and the coons had destroyed almost everything so she still thinks it was all trashed :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: