My daughter doesn't stay full...advice?

This should not be a post. This mom should be instructed to talk to the baby’s pediatrician.
The end. 

Talk to your pediatrician.

If your baby was a premie it’s common for them to get reflux issues

What does the pediatrician say?

Do doctors not still say feed every two hours even throughout the night ? Or are doctors still saying it and people not listening ?

I think rice in bottles that little is definitively not recommended
Every baby is different and will eat differently, babies eat so much because they grow so much go up to 5-6 oz every two hours and be sure she is pooping fairly often and talk to her pediatrician


Is she on formula or breast milk?
How often is she pooping?
Don’t change her diet without talking to her pediatrician. 6 weeks is too young for rice and can cause major GI issues.
If she’s gassy she could mimick being hungry, too. GERD can also make her want to eat more to stop the acids.
Again, talk to her pediatrician.


Talk to your pediatrician, they can evaluate the baby and advise. What country is everyone in that keeps mentioning hungrier baby formula? I’m in the U. S and have never heard of that.

Babies will still cluster feed even when they are bottle fed my daughter did this too except she would spit it all back up. I solved the problem with a pacifier.

She’s a month old. She’s not going to “stay full”.


What makes you feed her all the bottles. What makes you think she is hungry? Just because the baby eats a bottle every time doesn’t mean that she is hungry all the time. If your baby is eating that much I would definitely contact your pediatrician. That seems like a lot.

Why do you want her to be full longer? She should be eating when she is hungry at her age.

Ask her doctor, not people on the Internet. :roll_eyes:

No cereal, it is way too soon. I would adjust the amounts you give her. She should be having a bottle every 3 hours. If she is hungrier more often than that I would give her a 6 or 7oz bottle and see if that helps. Please check with your pediatrician before making any other changes. My son was also a big eater as a baby and more at each feeding helped. He eventually was put on pablum earlier (about 3 months) but only when the doctor said it was ok to do so.

Babies are made not to stay full for months. Its natures way of having them consistently feed to encourage milk production. Then slowly lengthen the time between feeding to keep production consistent. Just because baby has a bottle doesn’t change the process. No food until 6 months of age. That includes rice or cereal in the bottle. It’s not needed, not healthy and encourages baby to feel the need for meals that are to large.

Never add it to a bottle it’s HIGHLY recommended against unless Dr has perscribed it for one reason or another. Shouldn’t be doing the rice vestal until baby can sit up and then with a spoon NOT in the bottle.

Your baby’s stomach is the size of an egg rn. She isn’t made to stay full you’re supposed to have to feed her every 2-4 hours


When my daughter was 2 weeks old, her doctor told me to add rice to her bottle’s because she just wasn’t getting full. Always ask for guidance from your pediatrician that knows your daughter rather than strangers on the internet. What worked for my child may not be the right answer for your child.

Check with your pediatrician!! 1 month is too early for cereals.

No, she shouldn’t have any solids before 6 months, and rice in the bottle is a choking hazard. If she’s hungry, give her more milk


Contact ur Dr straight away. Shouldn’t b on more than 6 oz every 2 hours b4 3 months. Ur going 2 damage her stomach. They make formula for hungry babies. But go c the Dr.

Why people ask this shit on social media instead of their doctor…

Omg you better not add rice to a newborns bottle ! Jesus Christ.!!!


No she is cluster feeding, it’s totally normal at this age for them to eat like that.
They stopped recommending cereal in bottles years ago after several babies have choked with this method. Definitely continue the bottle feeds and consult your pediatrician if you have more concerns.

You should call her doctor immediately not run to Facebook for answers number one… if your baby is only a month/month and a half old her eating 4-5 ounces five times just in the morning is not normal. most 2 month old babies eat between 24 and 32 oz of formula in a whole day. And just because the baby cries doesn’t mean the baby is hungry, definitely call your doctor.

Are you taking time between every ounce or so to burp the baby really good? I’m not being sarcastic or facetious I’m genuinely asking because it sounds like the baby is actually being over fed and not hungry for more. They might be uncomfortable? For gut health, medical professionals do not recommend rice cereal in bottle unless your baby has a condition like gurd. I would not run to putting rice cereal. If this is so that baby sleeps through the night so you could sleep through the night, you might need to discuss with your support system how they can be of more assistance to you especially since baby isn’t breastfed.

NO. Read a book or ask the pediatrician for gods sake.

Pace feeding
Virginia gut
The Size of a newborns stomach
Growth spurt vs sleep regressions

You need to research all of these because they play a huge roll in the beginning of your child’s life. A newborn(0-3 months of age) being bottle fed is not supposed to have more than 2-5 Oz in one sitting with a feeding schedule of every 2-3 hours and more than that and you are over feeding them. People also have to keep in mind this is when the time infants begin adjusting and becoming awake more often, stimulate your baby. Go for a stroll outside, talk to your baby or read a story. Interact. Don’t just shove a bottle in a baby’s mouth because you think they are hungry, this one of the reasons so many children are obese these days, parents raise their children to stay on the internet to stay entertained, don’t teach them to regulate their emotions & just use food as a solution for everything.

Eating every 2 hours (or even more frequently) is normal at her age. However, it sounds like you might be overfeeding her. She’s not meant to stay full. Try paced feeding, so she can control how much she eats. (As opposed to having her lay back with the bottle pointed down, paced feeding has her upright with her bottle parallel to the floor.) Do NOT add rice cereal to a bottle, it’s a choking hazard and empty, non-nutritious calories.

Here is a helpful video that demonstrates paced feeding! This is important whether your baby drinks breastmilk or formula. Paced bottle feeding: How to Do It and Why You'd Want To

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I put a little bit of rice cereal in it

My son always had to have baby cereal with his formula in his bottle. He had acid reflux and couldn’t take a bottle. So I had to give him cereal to help him.

You need to check with your pediatrician.

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Imo rice shouldn’t be added into any bottle. It should be mixed with formula and spoon fed when you want to introduce it. That’s how I did it with both kids cuz it worked the best for us.

Keep her awake during feedings and burp her ALOT.

How much are you putting in each bottle? How much time between each?Frequent feeding is normal, they are supposed to eat frequently.

Jesus. STOP ADDING CEREAL TO BOTTLES! It’s a huge choking hazard and she’s way too young.

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No grains until your baby has molars. We followed baby led weaning and our son never had food other than breast milk until he was 9months old and even then it was just for “fun” and things he could feed himself. Also a baby has a tiny stomach and shouldn’t have more than 2-3 oz at a time. Even at a year when I would pump my son never had more than 3oz at a time. They eat every two hours for the first few months also.

Now this was 15 years ago. But at 2 or 3 months old we started putting rice in my daughters bottle. With directions from her pediatrician.

When my son was 6 weeks old I added small amounts of cereal to bottles. I made the nipple hole a little bigger so he could suck it out. That did the trick. He didn’t get as hungry. But it is better to wait till around 4 months. I just added the cereal at bedtime

A newborn’s stomach is about the size of a Cherry: they have to eat every 2 hours or more depending.

Do not add anything to it - not at that age. If your concerned, take her to the pediatrician to make sure something isn’t wrong.