My daughter has been almost having accidents: Advice?

My daughter who’s 8, continues to run to the bathroom because she almost peed her pants. She says she didn’t feel like she has to go, and then all of a sudden, the feeling is so intense she’s running, she never actually pees herself and she doesn’t say it hurts to go or burns while going. She’s been like this for a few weeks, and it’s not because she’s too distracted by playing or anything. Should I be calling a dr asap or just kinda wait and see?


She could have a UTI

Take her to the dr she could have a UTI


It wouldn’t hurt to have her urine tested

Is she holding it so long that she suddenly has to run? Sometimes kids will get so “busy” they’ll hold til the last minute.
Otherwise, definitely see the Dr. The only way to know for sure what’s going on.
Edit: sorry I just reread your post…so no not distracted… Go to Dr.

I would take her in just so they can make sure she is all good. Sometimes a UTI won’t have symptoms till it’s a crazy bad infection.

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Take her ASAP she could have type 1 Diabetes. Keep an eye out for leg cramps and wetting the bed at night. My husband was diagnosed at 14.


Bladder infections don’t always hurt. I’ve had a few that didn’t. Wouldn’t hurt to have it checked out. One good sign of one is to pee in a clear glass jar after cleaning to make sure toilet paper doesn’t get in it.If you see tissue particles floating around in the urine it is a infection.


Call the dr… could be a uti or anything

If she’s thirsty too it could be diabetes. Definitely call doctor.

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Call the doctor could still be her kidneys

This happened to my daughter. If didn’t hurt still has an UTI

Sounds like a UTI to me. I never had painful uti’s mine were always just the sudden urge to pee constantly. I’d have her checked out to be safe. Especially since it’s relatively new behavior that’s been persistent.

I would give her grape and cranberry juice and be calling set up.a doctor appointment.

UTIs and bladder infections don’t always have the same symptoms and don’t always hurt or burn. It could be several things. I’d ask her doctor.

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Have her tested for a UTI

Take her to the dr. Could be a multitude of things but we aren’t doctors and can’t run tests to find out.

Sounds like a UTI. My granddaughter has the same issue and also says no pain/discomfort but each time it’s a UTI.

She could be nutrient deficient if she is peeing a lot. She may need minerals and potassium.

I would take her to the doc. She could have a kidney infection or a bladder infection

Uti or even diabetes. I’d take her just to be safe. I just went through this myself. I ended up with both


Not all UTI’s hurt or burn. (None of mine did). Take her in. It could be something


Could be a uti or an infection. Sometimes my UTI’s (have them chronically) I dont always feel anything and then when I gotta go I gotta go. Sometimes they burn and hurt. Sometimes it’s nothing except dark or smelly urine. They are all different. So definitely get seen by the dr. Dont want this turning into a kidney infection if it is this.

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Take her to the dr. It sounds like a UTI.

Once mine got to that stage I started keeping kidney infections.

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As someone that suffers from UTIs all the time you can become sort of immune to the pain and burning they are supposed to cause. Alot of the time I had no idea I had one till tested just every time I peed I felt like I was releasing a lot of pressure and emptying my bladder every time I would go.

Also make sure she is t chronically constipated

I feel like we, as momma’s, second guess ourselves when it comes to taking our kiddos in to see the doctor. But we know our kids the best and if something seems off then take them to the doctor. The number of times I’ve thought something was wrong and was told oh no just wait I’m sure it’s fine… Only I trusted my gut and was usually right. Take your kiddo to the doctor you know best momma!!! Good luck

I think you should keep seeing the FACE BOOK DR’S after all they are much cheaper!

Ive taken my daughter countless times for this same problem, she nearly lives in the bathroom, all the tests come back normal so i havnt a clue what to do now x

Look into an anxiety urinary problem. Definitely sounds like one

Take her to the doctor . That’s not normal at that age. Could be so many different reasons. Good luck

Sometimes you can have a UTI with out burning feeling ect or bladder infection UTI can spread to kidneys and be non systematic cause blood in urine I would get her in to the doctor very normal for that age still tight pants or not willing properly or the wrong underwear ect can cause lot of problems I would get her some 100 percent Cotton underwear make an apt either way and possibly give her a pad for little accidents a lot better then a diaper if it’s getting worse take her in


Definitely bring her to the doctor, there’s obviously something going on it could be diabetes, a uti, a bladder infection, a kidney stone blockage, etc, etc,etc.

Go to the doctor. Request blood work to rule out diabetes. A urine sample to rule out infection. And an ultrasound of her kidneys. I have issues like this sometimes but its because the tubes leading from my kidneys to my bladder are narrow. So it generally takes a while for the urine to leave the kidneys and get to the bladder, but when it finally builds up enough pressure it all rushes in at once and I really have to go. I’ve had this issue for a very long time, but it wasn’t caught until I was pregnant because the extra pressure caused it to get worse and cause blood in my urine. Otherwise it never caused any huge issues so they never checked. Apparently its actually fairly common.

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You need to take her to a Dr. It could be a variety of things. Kidney disorders come to mind.

Call the dr. Could be a UTI. Not all present with pain.

I’d take her to see a doctor to see what they say. Might be nothing but worth going along

Yes, sudden urgency can be sign of a UTI. I was walking around with a UTI for months because I didn’t have any pain or burning, only urgency.

Take her to the Dr , she may have urinary infection, kidney infection,diabetes,

Utis, bladder infection ,kidney infections , constipation, diabetes

What if she just has a small bladder or sensitive? Or she’s pretty young still, might not understand completely

If tests come back fine, honestly it’ll be anxious bladder. I have the same problem, where I don’t feel any need or I’ve already been and then suddenly I feel anxious like I’m going to pee immediately. Yet when I go, only a bit comes out. I was prescribed tablets but if anything that made things worse. Good luck!

Could be nothing but if it were me I’d take her to her dr. My 8 yr old had no uti symptoms at all, went to the doctor for her yearly check up and had a uti

Call a dr. Could be anything from a simple bladder infection, uti, or other medical reasons.

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Have her see a doctor could be infection. What does she do at school? Can’t just run out of class.

Call her Dr might have uti

Probably UTI. Go see a doc


Get a urine test asap

Sounds like a uti to me. Take her to the dr for antibiotics.

Yes, get her checked for a UTI.

Mayb distracted mayb uti, no harm in getting her checked. Gud luck

You might want to get her checked, there has to be something wrong if it just started.

Sounds like a bladder or UTI infection
I’d call her dr asap

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See a doctor for sure

A few weeks!! Just take her to her Doctor!!!


Urinary tract infection. Take her to the doc

My daughter started doing the same thing except she leaked… very frustrating as she’s 6 and been potty trained for a while.

We went to a specialist and are currently going through bowel and bladder retraining. Long story short she wasn’t getting enough liquid which meant she was constipated and it pushed against her bladder and since she was not drinking enough it irritated the lining of her bladder. Water really does make the world go 'round. Could just be an infection, they’ll do testing once you take her in to see the doctor.

No baths for get showers no soaps

Doctors. Still can be a beginning of something

Some bladders don’t grow as fast , I think .

UTI’s don’t always burn nor pain is present.
I say u take her to the Dr n have her get checked out.


I had this when I was younger!! (Full disclosure) I wet the bed til I was 13. (I was also mollested which is a factor but besides the point) my mom would take me to the chiropractor and days he would crack my neck I never wet the bed! But yes sounds like either a weak bladder like me or a UTI

Definitely go to the doctor. Probably a uti. I will not judge, but imo that you should have taken her not to long after the symptoms appeared. Hoping that you can find the answer…


She may have an underdeveloped bladder. It can be common in children. But why aren’t you taking her to a doctor :roll_eyes:

Take her to see her doctor

call the dr immediately

It should not burn or hurt when you pee, especially if you’re little. Get her some cranberry juice cocktail and clean her system out. She should only be drinking that and water.
There is an otc treatment for a uti but I’m not sure about her age.

Like everyone else has stated, go to the drs asap and find out… But it could very well be Diabetes too. That is one of the classic signs. Strong urgency to go but no pain. Get it checked out very soon! :slightly_smiling_face:


Definitely go to the doctor

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My firstborn started doing this when she was about 2 1/2 years old…it was because she had too much juice than a child should daily so it affected her bladder I always gave her the amount she needed but family watched her alot while I worked and they spoiled her and gave her as much to drink she would ask for. She started peeing more often or when she had to go she had to go bad. Took her to the doctor. I was furious that family wouldn’t follow my requests of not giving her too much liquids than she should but I’m glad I was able to find out what was wrong with my little girl. Take your daughter to the doctor you’ll find your answers there.

Just get it checked.
When I was little I peed myself a lot. They had to stretch my urethra at 5 years old.

My daughter had this issue she she was little and the pediatrician found no uti…we then went to a pediatric gastroenterologist who order a scan and found the her intestines were always backed up so this put pressure on her bladder…luckily it was an easy fix with diet and miralax. BUT see a doctor to make sure that it’s nothing serious.

Take her to the dr, i did this as a child and still do as an adult sometimes. I have bladder reflux. My bladder wouldn’t signal i have to pee until it was literally full. And the urge hit quickly. When i would pee my bladder wouldn’t completely empty so i was having utis but no pain or burning. Baths made it worse. They say you outgrow it but now after v births and pregnant again its come back.

Actually see a doctor she might just have a tiny bladder I looked after a lil girl that had same sort of symptoms

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She definitely needs checked out right away. If she has had any other symptoms like fatigue or thirst you should ask for a urine test to check blood sugar.

Doctor…perhaps beginning of UTI or possibly, and hopefully not, early onset childhood diabetes…(that is how my daughter-in-law was diagnosed.) She definitely needs to have a urinalysis done.

Take her to the damn Dr. Geez, why you letting her suffer. SMH

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Could be constipation, but should check the doctor.

Take her to the doctor tell him or her the symptoms

That was the main symptom that made them check my a1c. I’d be fine then all of a sudden if I didn’t pee right then I might pee myself. There were other signs too but easily ignorable ones.

This is one of the symptoms of juvenile diabetes


My daughter had this problem for years. She had bladder spasms. But, she also constipated which was pressing on her bladder. Go to a doctor and if they can’t help, see a specialist. We had to get her to a specialist to get the answers. Good luck

This has been going on for weeks and you are just now wondering if you should take her to the doctor and asking Facebook if you should take her to the doctor?! I am sorry, if you have to question your child’s health like this, perhaps you are not ready to be a parent.


Have her checked out, sounds like a UTI.


Wtf? Who do you have in her life? Burning pee as a child is weird…

It could also be too distracted. You have no idea what is going through a child’s head at any one given time. But also take her to the docs.

Soda, caffiene just a thought.

Maybe she had a smaller bladder

Give her some time to grow .

Imagine making your child suffer whilst you wait for Facebook to give you an unqualified answer :see_no_evil:


Medical questions should be not be done online, see a doctor who is trained in these things. People here do not have medical training and if they did, they can lose their license giving advice here. Could be something simple or develop into something major. Meantime, put a pad on her when away from home to keep her embarrassment down if an accident happens till you can see a doctor. THIS IS NOT AN ER VISIT.

Urine infection or kidneys defently needs to see a dr

The doctor is not on here mam.A week now and you haven’t realized that is not normal?

Urinary tract infection . I had it at her age from simply always holding my urine. I remember it so well. I ended up with horrible stomach pains had to be rushed to the ER . What I’ll never forget was my school nurse thought I had to poo because of stomach pains she sent me down the hall to go so I ran and came back. she said and I quote “you weren’t down there long enough to do anything” Dr. put in cath I was scared to death my urine was green. poor baby!

Id call the doc. My daughter gets utis but this last time she was doing exactly as u describe wo the pain too. And when i took her in she peed in a cup and the doc said it was not a uti but its like a uti w the crystals growing in uterus and the only way to fix it is wo meds. Doc told me to give tons.of water and milk and to STAY AWAY from salt/sodium. (Make sure she is cleaning herself completely after using the potty also)

Why are you people being so rude??? A simple yes you should contact a doctor and have her checked would be sufficient!!!

Y’all should be helping to straighten crowns instead of knocking them off. Lift people up and give good advice!!! Pray for them. Lead them in the right direction!!!

NO REASON TO BE RUDE!!! Have y’all ever thought about this might be a guy and he doesn’t know if this is a normal change of a girls body??? Even if it is a mother no need to put her down!!!


I’m thinking maybe stress, definitely see the Dr

If she has frequent urination like this… make an appointment with her pediatrician n have her urine tested for glucose and ketones, or infection. Just to rule a few things out.


My sons the same way same age. I didn’t think anything of it. Now your making me wonder. I just thought it was normal. He suddenly gets up I need to pee and runs to the bathroom.

Take her to the doc … My son had the same problem i thought it was cause he would get distracted with tv or toys but no he has a problem going poo so he’s backed up and that makes his bladder weak the doc said its like when a women is pregnant the weight of the baby is on top of the bladder and in his case it was like that he couldn’t hold it the urge was so big he would pee his pants on a daily… So since then he’s on stool softener and no chocolate or sodas and water has to be monitored . no drinking liquids after 7pm. Hope this helped but definitely seek medical help… Hope she gets well soon