My daughter has been struggling in school: Advice?

I’m going to be really candid with y’all. You have to be involved at the school for your child to get all that they deserve. I’m not saying it is right, but it is true. If the teacher is asking for donations of crayons, send them. If they need a parent to chaperone a field trip, sign up. Send a random $5 coffee gift card during a super busy week at school. While our babies are our everything, teachers have a lot of everythings in their classes. IEP plans should be followed, but classes are packed with students with IEPs that can be so specific in nature that it is impossible for the teacher to follow each one without any support and honestly, most of them don’t get proper support. You catch more bees with honey than with sh!t so while you could just stay on their neck, showing that you are supportive and involved will accomplish the same thing, but yield better results. You will get to know the kids in their classes as well as the personalities of the teaxhers. You will be able to have better communication with your child about school because you will be in the loop. Being a positively involved parent is the best way to let your child know that you support them as well as letting the schools know implicitly, “not my baby”. You can not rely on the school to be your child’s everything when it comes to education. It’s a guidebook and a starting point, but you should be supplementing their learning at home.

Finally, everyone wants to feel appreciated and teachers are no exception. Unfortunately, they are one of the most unappreciated professions out there that literally expects miracles. Not all of them mean their students well, but not all of them mean the harm. If you see there is a trend from school to school, it can’t be everyone except you and your child. Some self reflection is in order. Seeking the opinion of your pediatrician or a play therapist may be in order.