My exes new girl plays rap music with my child in the car: Advice?

I need advice because I am at my wits end with my ex…he has a new girlfriend and when our daughter is with them, she was BLAST inappropriate rap music with my child in the car…she is 10…she does NOT needing to be listening to cardi B’s greatest hits…especially WAP…but I called her and she answered and that was playing in the background… I have told my ex multiple times I was not okay with this and he clearly is not taking me seriously…


Unfortunately this isn’t something you can control. What’s done on their time, unless it’s abusive, is their decision. If you tried to go through the courts it would just look like you nitpicking them as a form of control.


Well go ahead and put me in the dog house :joy::joy::joy: my 9 year old listens to everything :woman_facepalming: but since you’re not okay with it I would try talking to her about it. With that being said my kiddo has learn some crazy stuff at school too so good luck hiding her from “bad stuff”


As I’ve learned many times over the past almost 2 years, you’ve gotta pick your battles. You choose what she listens to, watches, wears etc at your house. But have no control over what he allows at his house.


I’ll be dammed if some baby mama tells me what to listen to in my car especially if I’m helping to raise their kid.


Be honest… is it the music or the girlfriend? You say when your daughter is with THEM SHE plays this music. The father is with the daughter HE is the one allowing it. You can always buy your daughter an electronic device and some headphones for when the music is on. However at 10 she probably doesn’t even know the meaning to the songs. My question though is why are you calling her on his time? They may have turned the music up to bother you.


No way , I won’t even let a 2 year old listen to that stuff. Not appropriate


I mean you really can’t dictate what kind of music someone listens to in their car even if your child is in the car with them.
This is probably just one fight you’ll have to lose.
Your feelings are valid but as the other parent, who shares some form of custody of y’all’s daughter her dad doesn’t see it as a big issue, so he’s not gonna follow your rule.


I understand why you are upset. Unfortunately there is nothing to be done. Talk to your daughter about what is appropriate and inappropriate , especially in your presence.


I listen to rap with my kids but yeah wap is a bit much :rofl:


My kid is 9 and 7 and 5 and we listen to godzilla by Eminem and they’ve heard worse and won’t repeat bc I taught them better than that. My kids listen to song they’ll hear it from kids at school too. Hell my daughter told me qhat the neighbor told her about sex my 9 yr old and I had to explain it bc I dont lie to her since she’s old enough . Pick your battles girl. If ur kida know better who cares

No offence meant by this… but pick your battles. You cannot control what others do down to this degree. And truthfully I don’t let my kids listen to cardi b either, but I can 100% tell you that they’ve heard it a million times from a hundred different places where there’s a radio playing


Umm abit of exposure doesn’t hurt. Although WAP in particular is quite confronting, it is also somewhat educational :man_shrugging::sweat_smile:


Man, me and my kids blast all kinds of songs- we drive a lot. I mean songs they most definitely shouldn’t be listening to. My 8 year old knows lyrics to almost every song. My 12 year old knows absolutely every lyric to all Cardi B…it is what it is. It’s music, we’ve explained that. My children know those aren’t words to be used.
As a parent who is divorced you’ve got to pick your battles. Unless, you and your 10 year old live under a rock… I guarantee you she knows the songs whether you want her to our not. Some battles are worth fighting. This one just seems so petty & immature.


She can/should be able to speak up if she doesn’t like it or wants it turned down. But it’s music… not much you can do.


That stinks!!! You just have to make sure you lead your daughter in the right ways and teach her to be a lady and that stuff the gf listens to is filthy. Hopefully the gf will be gone soon so she won’t be able to influence your daughter. Just pray for her not to be able to influence your daughter and lead by example when she is with you.


Unfortunately, you can’t control others regardless if your child is within their presence. What you can do is teach your child right from wrong and I’m sure your child knows it’s just music. Children speak, act, different from their parents even in school around friends. I’m sure she’s heard things she shouldn’t. It won’t be the first nor the last.


It’s music my husband listens to mostly rap sometimes not the most appropriate songs but it’s just music everyone has there taste I listen to mostly country and my 6 year old is a heavy metal fan it’s just as parents you explain the songs to them and tell them it’s just music my 6 year old is always asking what they mean even in the most innocent songs it’s not bad to open a kid up to a variety of different music that’s why my son loves slipknot Metallica and oddly Bob Marley

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Honestly at that age my parents didn’t listen to that kind of music and I still did with my friends


Honestly, you just have to choose your battles. I personally would never let a 10 year old girl listen to that either, but there’s nothing you can do while she’s at her dad’s, as long as she isn’t being abused.

If you keep worrying about this stuff that you can’t control, it’ll drive you crazy. All you can do is raise her the best way you know how, when she’s with you.


well put it this way. my bio mom is into black culture and loves rap. my aunts and uncles love rock. my adoptive grandparents love country. so im a fan of all music. my actual favorite is arena rock like journey. let it go.

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Sorry, you CANNOT dictate what happens while the child is in the care of her father. Guaranteed she’s listening to it with her friends while at school anyway

Talk to her about it and let her know some of the stuff she might hear is adult stuff. That some stuff isn’t cool in real life. But honestly, if your child goes to public school, she’s probably heard all these songs before.

You sound like a headache to me :roll_eyes::persevere::roll_eyes:


This one is a losing battle. You have zero control of what goes on at dad’s, unless her safety is in question. You’ve said your piece to dad, that’s all you can do.


You could try talking to her but unfortunately there’s not much else you can do the courts are going to tell you that what she says, does, watches, listens to on dad’s time you can’t control


I get not liking it but you literally have no say in what music they listen to in their own car on their own time with the child I’m sorry.

At 10 yrs old, your child probably has access to ANY music. Their preference and attitude and whatever else your worried about probably won’t be influenced by brief encounters with it…if they are gonna vibe with cardi, they are probably already doing it. I have a 5 yr old who is obsessed with juice wrld tho…I feel your pain.

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Just wait till u hear how kids are talking at school these days :rofl::rofl::rofl::grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:


If that’s all you have to worry about with the stepmom, count yourself lucky.


That’s not really something that you can do anything about honestly.

You must listen to country

I guarantee your daughter already new all the words :woman_facepalming: grow up!


Honestly, WAP is on the radio too :woozy_face:

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Unfortunately that is one of the down-sides of co-parenting.
Does she have a phone or tablet?? Maybe try making a playlist of her favorite (age appropriate) music & headphones & tell her she can listen to her favorite music when the girlfriend is playing hers…
At least you could feel like you’ve done everything in your power to help the situation. It’s hard in the beginning, but things usually smooth out over the years. Hang in there! Good luck!


That’s where the parents come in and make sure they understand right and wrong and that music is an artistic outlet. Honestly, there’s nothing you can do. Her time with him is their time. He’s going to think some things you do aren’t ok and vice versa.

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If the kid likes it what’s the problem? That’s their language and how they can communicate . She must like it you should be happy they get along. How many evil stepmothers do you know? Sounds like they get along. Music is the great communicator

I cant even take you seriously. Pick your battles. Lmao. You can’t force them not to listen to certain type of music

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Definitely not something I would listen to with my child in the car but I’m sure your child has heard worse at school or playing outside. Do not be foolish. Choose your battles wisely. It could be much worse. By throwing a big fit you make everything worse.

Stop over reacting. Your daughter is spending time with dad be really happy about that.


The ex can now see his mistake

Please stop. She is probably hearing worse than that at school. The real issue is you are probably don’t like your ex new girlfriend


Unfortunately you can’t control what they do when your child is with them.

Punch That girlfriend in the face

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None of your business what kind no of music they listen to.

There’s absolutely NOTHING you can do about that…
imagine taking them to court over that, the judge would probably request that you see a Dr.
Send your daughter with earbuds.

She’s 10 and probably already knows all the songs…just like her mom does :joy:

So much to unpack here :woman_facepalming:t2: your child is 10 not 2 , have a conversation with your child and explain that music is an art and each artist expresses their music differently and let her know just because it’s said/heard in a song doesn’t mean she can/should go around saying it etc . You sound like a bitter ex baby momma. Does she take care of your child ? Feed her? Keep her safe ? Treats her well? If so, you’re just looking for a reason to complain about her . It’s actually very beneficial for kids to be around all kinds of music. Have you tried talking to your ex and her like an adult instead of demanding they do what you want? As long as your child is safe and taking care of while with them , you have no right to demand how they spend their time together. :woman_shrugging:t2: just my opinion , don’t come for me


None of your business…

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Oh no !! You’re child may grow up to be a gangsta! :flushed::flushed::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::rofl::rofl::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

I totally understand why you wouldn’t want your child exposed to that talk in music, unfortunately their isn’t much you can do. :sleepy:

U can’t control everything

I thought it was a joke post at first :face_with_peeking_eye: we are in 2022 not the 60s no more kids these days probably hear and see worse things and u can’t really control what her dad does with her in his time


Does your child go to public school? If so they are exposed to a lot more…

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Pick your battles! Could be so much worse

I don’t know everyone on here seems to be cool with this. I’m not. I don’t say she should only listen to nursery rhymes but rap can get pretty nasty. I think I would have another word with baby daddy and try to keep it calm. Tell him you both have your daughter’s best interest at heart and maybe have her put off listening to that music a couple of more years.


Be like Elsa and let it go! You sound like a bitter baby momma. If she’s in school, she’s most definitely heard things she “shouldn’t hear”. You can’t control what is done on their time. A judge would literally laugh at you. Time to grow up.


There is topic matter that is inappropriate in almost all music genres. Country music? Yep! Pop? Yep Rap? For sure…you have to be willing to having open communication with your child and make explanations as to why you find the song offensive, but trying to control another adult is a losing idea.


I listen to everything with my 9 year old. From the time she was a baby til now I never stopped listening to certain stuff just bc she was around. I just explained to her we don’t talk like this


Just wow. Petty much? I was listening to much worse music at a much younger age. Grow up and get over the fact your ex has a new girlfriend. Because that’s what your problem really is.

:joy::joy: are you kidding? Get over it! If u try taking this to a judge I guarantee a judge will be professional but once you gone from the courtroom will finally be able to laugh at your nonsense. What your ex allows your guys daughter listen to when she’s with him is none of your business. Get over it

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My daughter’s dad and I aren’t together and him and i play our favorite songs in the car including inappropriate songs. When my daughter is with me we dance to the music. We have to pick our battles when co parenting. If he’s not respecting your feelings then there’s not much you can do but to explain to your child that what she hears is not ok to repeat.

Your child is going to hear inappropriate, if that’s how you view this situation, songs, language, everywhere. Is it not better that they have abilities to see it as music and simply enjoying it? There’s bad messages in every genre of music. And also, like others have said, this is an issue where you have to pick your battles. Unless there’s abuse, the other household doesn’t have to live by your opinions. He is, afterall, the dad. I suggest you express your feelings to your child without. That’s always key… WITHOUT dissing the other side of THEIR family. Gives them the opportunity to grow and draw their own conclusions. What’s good bad right and wrong. As the years go by the child has mind strength and decision making abilities. They can’t do this if they don’t know all the sides to consider

You can’t tell your ex what music to play when he has his child. You may not agree, but it is his right to do what he wants. You can discuss and encourage nicely, but I would talk with your daughter about why you don’t want the music and maybe if she’s on board she could ask the music to be changed.

I would feel the same way.
But honestly, she’s probably already heard that kind of mess at school. People have no morals or values these days and they do not teach their kids any type of appropriateness or respect. My daughter came home from school a couple of weeks ago saying the N word! She said a kid at school taught it to her. She’s FOUR. In PRE-K. I was LIVID. But it’s impossible to protect them from all the mess in the world if they go to public school. All you can really do is talk to her about it and make sure she understands that it’s inappropriate.

Pick your battles. This isn’t the hill to d!e on, though. If you’ve asked nicely and they still do it, that’s about all you can do. Talk to your kiddo about grown up songs/words and parent your way on your time. :heart:

All your gunna end up doing is making your daughter sneaky by having to go behind your back to listen to music she actually likes she’s 10. She has YouTube. She will find it all on her own no matter what. This isn’t footloose. She isn’t gunna hear wop and loose all morality :joy:

While understanding your frustration esp with your ex not being considerate, like others have said choose your battles…. Wisely. Your child is 10 and in this day in time she will probably start to hear worse at friends houses, in school, ect. You just have to teach and guide her to be appropriate and not follow the songs leads. I would hope listening to this music is only a fraction of behavior as I’m sure the child knows right and wrong. We can only do so much.

Me & my 7 & 4 year old blast Eminem. :woman_shrugging:t3::joy:


Becoming a parent that has two totally different parenting styles is hectic you’ll be fighting for ever on little things instead of just appreciating the help some don’t even get i would just choose my battles and just be happy she is taking care of and just be happy she is alive and happy it could be worse

certain songs are a no no in my book. (as my child gets older and will understand more, she’s only 3 right now) but shit, I grew up listening to Eminem throw the f bomb around and talking about killing Kim when I was 8 :woman_shrugging: it hasn’t harmed me one bit and I still listen to my old school Eminem

So…When they are in your car put on music like the Eagles, Def Leppard, Fleetwood Mac, Heart…Help them to hear the good old Classic Rock😆

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Let it go. I know you don’t like it but the more you voice your opinion about not liking something the more they will do it. Pick your battles. Your 10 year old knows what she can and can’t say. Give her alittle credit. She will hear more than that at school now days.

Telling a parent they can’t control what their child is exposed to is kinda crazy bc they absolutely can. If I say no to Barney music idc if you’re the dad, grandma, or the pope the child isn’t listening to the shit. Learn how to effectively communicate and put your foot down. This whole having a kid be one person with this parent and another with the other causes so many issues/damage for the child. Don’t ever think there’s nothing that can be done. It may be a lot of work and tbh probably not worth it but if it means that much to you, go the full length and advocate for it otherwise know your being petty and move on.:woman_shrugging:t3:

If that’s the biggest thing you believe she does wrong with your child you should count your blessings

I’m pretty sure he has rules that you don’t follow either. Goes both ways! Why do most mothers feel like the fathers must obey their rules?!Does he dictate what goes on in your household?

There’s really nothing you can do. The court would see it as petty. I have some stuff on my playlist that isn’t exactly kid friendly. My child knows which ones are appropriate to sing in public and which ones aren’t. I listened to a lot of stuff growing up that wasn’t kid friendly and it didn’t influence anything in my life in a negative way.

If she’s 10 with a phone. She has probably heard that song.

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Exposing a minor to music with explicit warnings on the label without parental consent (both parents) would be a slam dunk for my attorney, if she didnt cease exposure immediatley she’d find herself registering as a sex offender

Don’t be a prude karen. Just explain to your kid it’s music and not to be acted out. If your daughter becomes a tramp it’s not the music it’s the parenting.

also, I hope your child is homeschooled cuz I can guarantee there’s worse stuff in school

When I was a child I was listening to inappropriate music. Did I know what the lyrics meant? Nope.

I wouldn’t take you seriously. And neither would a judge. Stop trying to control everything.

Unfortunately, that is something you can’t control what they do on their own time is none of your business

Listen. I listened to rap as a kid. But you know what damaged me? Abusive parents. Let it go.

You can’t control what happens on his time.

My 10 yr old dont need to be hearing wet ass pussy…this would get me pissed

I bet you’re fun at parties

I listen to rap but never anything dirty with my kids in the car. It’s completely inappropriate

Umm…they literally play WAP everywhere by alot of people. I’m sure she’s heard it before. I don’t even like that song and somehow I’ve heard it repeatedly over the last few years. I mean…you really think she’s going to live by “I don’t cook, I don’t clean” over a song when she probably doesn’t even understand what its even about? :laughing:

I raised my kids on all types of music. You dont know the amount of times I’ve been told by strangers, how respectful and amazing they are. Should I be proud that my 10 yr just put on “Scrubs” when we were in the car the other day? One would hope so, but I’m sure she’ll date at least one in the future. My oldest graduated with a 4 3 GPA, a job, and hadn’t knocked anyone up yet. He just became a Marine months after graduation and was a squad leader and ranked top tier on everything. He was raised on rap, but the good shit. Not this bs they’re playing now. I PROMISE your daughter hears that kind of music everywhere. My 10yo has put on songs that someone showed her at school and I’m like…wtf why do you like this song. But I totally understand that she’s probably not even understanding the words and likes the beat itself, as do I on alot of stuff.

Don’t send your child over there and Boom problem solved

Are you sure your child didn’t ask to listen to it? Cause my 4year old raps to Dax, sings to Upchurch, asks me to play Disney songs and loves my husbands love song to me. My 6year old daughter has been doing the same for the last 3 years. She’s fine :woman_shrugging:t3:

Really loud music can damage your hearing

What they do or listen to on dad’s time isn’t your business and any judge would agree. With the tech world we live in today, do you really think she hasn’t heard it before? If not worse? Pick your battles or you’re gonna be stressing yourself out literally all the time!

I listened to Trina, 2 Live Crew, and watched South Park at 10 years old. She will be fine. She’s hearing worse at school :ok_hand:t2:

My 5 year old likes Rob Zombie

I’m unfamiliar with these specific songs/artists you listed. However I have the same problem but it’s with neighbors. They play songs with very inappropriate lyrics for anyone IMO.

Give her a phone or tablet with appropriate music, games, videos on it & a pair of headphones. That’s what I do.

You could file a parenting time restriction stating that any music, movies or other media need to be age appropriate & free of abusive language & lyrics about sex etc. I don’t feel that’s controlling. It’s just poor parenting not to be mindful of what kids are exposed to. You could also request that girlfriends not be involved with your child until the relationship is serious enough that a wedding is being planned. That will get rid of the gf for now. You will have to follow the same rule.

Wait a minute here so you called on the phone and heard the song in the background. At that point did you ask Dad’s girlfriend about the song? Did you ask her if it was being played on the radio? Did you ask her if she was streaming it? If it was played from a radio station it would be an edited version with the any appropriate words bleeped out or substituted for a less appropriate word. This is really all you can find wrong. Well good for you that you have no rights and cannot control what your daughter does or listens to at her father’s house. Unless your child is in danger or being neglected or abused you have no rights or say so while they are in their father’s care. Please be better don’t raise Petty kids. It takes zero effort to be a lousy complaining controlling person and it actually takes effort to be a kind person. Level up raise a better child than you. Choose your battles wisely and remember your child didn’t get to pick any of their battles they didn’t get to pick their parents they didn’t get to pick whether their parents stay together or not. They have no choice in whether they get to feel comfortable and Love by both parents or whether they have to feel nervous or like they should love one more or the other less. Without your husband you wouldn’t have that child stop and be appreciative instead of looking for reasons or issues that you don’t agree with try doing some researching on successful co-parenting. Your child deserves that. FYI the red flags regarding your post screams that you’re not really upset about the songs but actually you’re just jealous. I’d be much more worried about my child overhearing or overseeing me making a fool of myself or someone complaining about how petty and controlling I am. Your kids don’t forget much they may be little now but it won’t be too much longer until they’ll be a little bit older and they’ll be able to put two and two together. Heal yourself and grow up that drama should have been left in high school. Quit making waves that’s your child’s father. The one that truly suffers is the child because you make them feel some sort of way with your childish drama and you’re sabotaging their visit with their other parent… Shame on you

Get tf over it , your kids are going to be exposed to it anyway. My kids and I have always listened to rap . So if you guys are scared of adult blasting it around your kids , I suggest you steer them clear of mine . If she is good with the kid who gives af? It seems like at this point you’re jealous he has a new girl . Get tf over it and move on with your life . That’s my advice

This issue isn’t about the music, it’s about you overstepping your bounds. You can’t el your ex you don’t like it but it’s HIS PARENTING TIME do you don’t get to dictate what goes on during that time. Unless it’s harmful/abusive/illegal you don’t have a say. Just like he can’t dictate what music you play around your child, nor would you want him to be able to.