My fiance and I had a fight and he thinks we should split up: Advice?

Don’t involve your daughter. You and him not being able to work things out doesn’t mean he shouldn’t see her. Please, for your daughter’s sake do NOT keep her from him, just as she shouldn’t be kept from you. As far as your relationship, you have a very young child and it takes a good year or more to get back in a good grove relationship wise again after that. It’s a huge change to life and your marriage to add a child and as wonderful of an event as that is… it is also a stressful one and It puts strain on a relationship. Suggest marriage counseling, push for it. Don’t make a decision before giving it every chance you can. I’m sorry this is happening to your family.

Unless he is a bad dad you shouldn’t keep your daughter, his daughter, from him. He doesnt have to be with you in order to be a parent. Keeping the baby from him just makes you “a bitter baby mama”.

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Tell him good luck finding a women who doesn’t have an attitude, let him go, a man stays and figures it out, a boy runs like a little bitch :woman_shrugging:t2:


Don’t use your child as a pawn. That’s his child and no matter what - unless he’s not a good father ( I mean abuse or neglect) you should always encourage him to be in her life as much as possible. Keep adult stuff separate and don’t let hurt feelings get in the way of your child having 2 parents. My kids are grown now and if there’s anything I could do dif , it would be to be mature enough 20 years ago when my sons dad and I split. You owe it to your child to do whatever it takes to keep the peace.


How are you even thinking it’s okay to keep your child from him? You and he may not be getting along at the moment but that has absolutely NOTHING to their relationship.

Also remember that since this is new and no formal court order has been written; if you decide to keep the child from him out of spite and you later “allow him to have the child” when you calm down, he also has no obligation to return the child to you. He has as much rights as you do. Don’t be THAT mom.


Doesn’t everyone have attitude when they’re mad? It sounds like he’s already moved on in every way. Do NOT keep his child from him! That’s so so wrong unless he’s abusive in some way! To me it sounds like he doesn’t want to even try to fix the relationship. If you force staying together just cuz you still have feelings for him he’ll start to resent you even more than he does now. He’s already given up on the relationship so why are you going to keep trying to fix a relationship that only you want? You are better off finding someone that really wants you. Not someone that’ll give up without trying. Try sitting him down to discuss the problems you guys have. At the very least you guys can stay friends and raise you child


It’s my opinion that keeping him from seeing his daughter because you are not getting along is wrong. She is the one that it would effect more than him. People don’t realize that it’s the children who suffer when they are kept away from a parent because of adult issues


You child isn’t a pawn because your feelings are hurt . Grow up and chill your ass out . Clearly your attitude is the issue if you could even think about keeping a child from her father for something so petty as not wanting to be with you anymore . If your a mom is long past time for your to grow the fuck up and stop thinking the world revolves around you . Shit I would dump your ass too if I was him !


So you keep your daughter from him because he doesn’t want you? Girl fuck him. Move on.

You can’t make someone love you or want to be with you. Just because he doesn’t want you anymore is not a reason to keep his child from him. Move on, it’ll be easier for everyone in the long run.


You don’t want to stay in a relationship with someone who doesn’t want to be with you. My advice is to move out and move on. It sucks now but you’ll be better off. As far as your daughter, if he’s a good dad and you have no concerns about his ability to care for her you should not keep her from him. You two fighting or breaking up has nothing to do with her relationship with him and if you start playing those games now your daughter will be upset with you later for making it hard for her father to know her. Trust me: don’t do that.

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Please don’t ever keep a child from the other parent, no matter what is going on between the two of you.
Things got out of control and Sunday, I would leave him alone for now, don’t call or text. Wait for him to call or text you and then mention that there will need to be a open line of communication for your child’s sake. If this blows up then you guys need to seek intervention from the Courts to assign visitation and a drop off and pick up location that is neutral for both of you.
Neither of you can decide that the other shouldn’t see your daughter unless it would be dangerous for the baby to be around that other parent because of drugs, alchohol etc.
Wait to hear from him~

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What were u fighting about? A real issue or petty. Honestly no one wants to be around someone that is mean and negative. Maybe you have self help to do. Better to know now than later.

“i don’t know if I want to let him see our daughter” :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: guess what?!?! What you want doesn’t matter. You are a MOTHER first step to being a mom? Quit putting your needs first! Unless he is dangerous or completely irresponsible there is zero reason for you to keep him from seeing his daughter. Children are NOT PAWNS they ARE NOT property. Grow up. Get a grip and get over it. Be an adult and talk to him but my God do not keep his kid away from him. :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::exploding_head:

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Run while you can. Anyone that loves you would not treat you like that. Even if he’s mad…

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…Umm, the hell did I just read. You don’t know if you want to let him see HIS kid because he doesn’t want to be with you and isn’t answering you. Are you freakin serious?

I see why he doesn’t want to be with your ass.

He should come get his kid, file for custody and be done with your ass.

He isn’t in love with you anymore, move on. His not wanting to be with you has nothing to do with him being a father to his child. People like you make coparenting so hard.

I think personally its kinda messed up, my partner ani Bricker he tries with my mood swings I’m born with bipolar but we sincerely love each other. Honestly its probably just him trying to leave, he may have a side lady if that’s the case

You’re daughter is not a tool or weapon against her father. That might be some of the attitude he is referring to.


It sounds like he is seeing someone behind your back, men will pick fights to make them feel better about them self’s, it makes it easier to get out of the relationship, be aware .


Most courts don’t let dads take baby for the weekend until they are a year old.

It sounds like hes made up his mind. Dont keep the baby from him just because you’re hurt. That’s just going to cause him to resent you more. As much as it hurts you have to let him go. Maybe some space apart will help him decide if he really wants to leave or not but he cant think in peace if you keep calling and texting him.


Seems like he doesn’t wanna be with you anymore. You should just move on. & Also, you shouldn’t keep his daughter from him because he won’t respond to you. She has nothing to do w him not wanting you. No matter how hurtful it is, everyone deserves to be happy.

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You don’t keep the baby from the dad. I have a friend that had two from one guy(shortly after he went to prison). She moved on had a baby with a guy she had been with for five years. Once this guy #2 found out guy #1 was getting out he completely changed. He went psycho/jealous the whole thing even though guy #1 got married while locked up. Anyways she just had her custody hearing for #2 for their daughter. He was in contempt of court for everything and she still gave the dad one day a week for their DAUGHTER. Did she want to? No. But she wants her daughter to figure out on her own what kind of guy he is, she doesn’t want to make that choice for her.

Please no matter how angry you may be with him. DO NOT
Use your child as a bargaining chip… it is not fair to your child.


Maybe a couple days apart will be good! Maybe try going home after a couple days and talk to him

Go the other way and let him go. Get an order for visits or let him see her when he can.

He’s spoken, respect what he’s said. And because he’s started he doesn’t want a relationship with you, keeping him from visiting your daughter. Well that’s just not right. You need to take a serious look at your side of stuff. For your daughter. She deserves both of you in her life. Unless there’s abuse, which you’ve stated nothing of the sort. Good luck.

Ask if he wants to go to counseling or if it would help if you went to counseling and that you want to keep your family together so you will do whatever it takes, BUT absolutely DO NOT keep his child from him. That is the lowest of the low.

Also quit blowing up his phone, best to act like it doesn’t bother you. Ask about counseling and if he says no, let him go and let him have a relationship with his child. Period.

Dont keep your kid from him thats bullshit

As my own personal experience It seems like he made up his mind there’s nothing you can do or say that will change that .As far as your child you should still allow him to see her regardless of your issues .Im 21 My daughters dad moved out over an argument on June 30th ,My daughter was 10 months old and I still allowed him take my daughter on the weekends.Children deserve both parents and you should be grateful that your baby daddy still wants to be in your daughters life .Perhaps over time you guys can work things out if its meant to be it will happen .My daughters father is also heartless and mean but I could never keep my baby from him no matter how much he hurt me because at the end I would be hurting my daughter not him .

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If he is a good dad, DON’T TAKE HIS TIME AWAY from your daughter out of spite. Your baby needs him regardless of your guys situation :heart: He wouldn’t be the only one hurting. Unless your daughter is in harms way, you still don’t have that right! He is equal parent as you are. This kind of attitude would have probably pushed me away too!
He may have a change of heart, who knows, but he is telling you he doesn’t want to be with you anymore. Start preparing to live your lives separately. Go to family court and figure it out with mediation and start getting prepared to co-parent so that you nor him play games and everything will be set in stone (less drama) Your baby is not a toy, she needs that connection with her daddy. Just because he doesn’t want you anymore doesn’t mean he doesn’t want the baby. If he wants to be there for her, be grateful. Time will heal​:heart::heart::heart::heart:

My daughter’s father was murdered when I was 8 months pregnant and I see her everyday grow without her daddy. Don’t get in the way of their relationship. If he is a good dad, damnit let him be just that…So DON’T BE SPITEFUL
Start healing those wounds

Don’t keep his kid from him. I’m 19 and my baby daddy and I split when my daughter was 2 months old, he takes her Friday morning-Sunday night. Whatever issues y’all have, that isn’t the kiddos fault.