My friend has concerns her son has autism: Advice?

She should talk to his dr but he is lil it might just be she should play with him put him on the floor and have him try to reach and grab his favorite toys she might just have to stimulate his mind a lil bit but for sure talk to his dr

If she takes him to the pediatrician for his check ups then the doctor will notice if he misses important developmental stages. All children develop at their own pace but his doctor will know if the pace is too far off. Trust your pediatricians advice. Not the net.

My sister has autism. It took 13 years for a diagnosis due to the fact that where I live, good doctors are scarce and she was always written off as just being “anti social” and “lazy”. We knew by the time she was about 3 that she was different, but ofcourse we love her the same. Your friend really needs someone to have a heart to heart with her and explain that while babies need protection and love they also need to explore and play, its extremely important. Sit her down and ask her if she has booked an evaluation and if she has, great, if not, suggest ways for her to help her baby like putting them on the floor to play, and also point out that it gives her more freedom to find herself again. Having a baby in your arms 24/7 can become maddening and you truly lose your sense of being other than a mom. I dont know the child so I cant say my opinion one way or another but a baby isn’t going to learn the milestones it should if its constantly being held and not being challenged to explore and learn!

Early diagnosis is really important in getting autistic children a great head start. If she thinks he is, encourage her to talk to her pediatrician about it and pursue testing. Best case scenario, they are able to start services early. Worst case scenario, her doctor explains the baby needs more independence and gives her some child development tips. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Get him evaluated! It’s never too early for early intervention.

I don’t see anything mentioned that is a red flag for autism. She needs to give him some time to achieve developmental milestones ( 1 is very young) and see how they progress. If issues, consult pediatrician

Given what you have told us, it sounds like lack of exposure but i am not a medical professional. She can talk to her doctor and see but the child is probably delayed from being held all the time.

Get an evaluation by an occupational and speech therapist. There are developmental concerns related to his lack of exploration/learning due to her holding him all the time. There may be several reasons for the delays she is seeing. Early intervention can help. The OT and ST can let her know if they think he needs further evaluation for autism.

They usually won’t diagnose with Autism until the child is 3-4


Moms are weird, we just know!