My husband admitted to watching porn when it is against our religion: Advice?

My husband recently admitted to me that he had watched Porn on and off since we were dating. We’ve been together for five years, married for 3, and have two babies. We are both Christian and have the view that Porn is wrong. We’ve had the conversation many times over the years where I’ve asked if he’s watched it or was tempted to, and he always said no except for this last time, when he admitted it. One of the times he said he watched it was when we were engaged but living in different states at the time, and we were fighting, and the other times were when we went through a rough patch last year and were fighting a lot. I was pregnant with our second son last year during that time. Another thing is, in the last two years, he hasn’t been wanting to have sex very often, always saying it was because of tiredness, back pain, not in the mood, or because I didn’t initiate, etc. Backstory- my husband has always had a problem telling me the truth about things because he’s afraid of my reaction, he says, and he would just rather avoid an argument, so I appreciate him finally telling me the truth. But on the other hand, I feel so betrayed and hurt. He says he’s been trying to stop on his own, and that he’s ashamed of himself, but he has temptations or thoughts about doing it still. We do plan on seeing our counselor about this. But until then, how do I cope? How can I ever look at my husband the same way again? I don’t want even to be touched by him… I love him so much, and I want our marriage to work. I’m just so scared I’ll never be able to move past this, or he’ll never be able to. If anyone’s been through something similar, please help, thanks


Girl, its porn. You’re being controlling and crazy.


It’s just porn, not like he actually cheated get over it!


Lol it’s just porn. I’d be upset if he were cheating but getting this upset over porn is crazy. If that’s the worst he’s doing consider yourself lucky


Porn is fine. Maybe you should watch some too and learn to unwind a bit. Relax.


Would you rather him watch porn or nine months from now have childsupport knocking on your door? 🤷


I couldn’t read it all. I had to stop at “we are both Christian and have the view that porn is wrong” :joy::joy: he clearly does not have that view lol
Unless he is completely addicted to it to where you get no attention, let it go or let him go. It’s really not that big of a deal. It may not be your thing but he is clearly not against it.


Sometimes, I feel like these are made up scenarios.


Ok… I know you have your religion. But takes that put of the picture. I watch porn… does that a bad person. Does this make your husband a bad person. He is human. He isnt cheating. You need to think of him as a person the whole picture. You cannot base the way you feel about your husband because of what your religion says


Next he won’t be able to even breath :rofl: some women can be so controlling .


So what?! Do you really follow everything your religion teaches. Ot better he watch porn and masturbate than go out to someone who would watch it with him without judgement.


All I can say is… its porn… not a big deal seriously…


Skyla Schwalm don’t even want to be touched by him

I mean it’s not like he would ever have sex with the ppl and it’s better than him doing it with other women.


Oh wow lol it’s not like he’s touching an actual person. You’re completely over reacting.


Hes probably lying to you because you are over reacting about something as minor as watching porn.


Obviously he doesn’t think porn is wrong :joy: it’s you that thinks it wrong, he agreed to shut you up so he can go watch his porn


I’m a Christian and my husband and I watch it all the time. We have great sex and have been together 34 years. Put some spice in your life and try it out.
I guarantee you’ll love it. Maybe it will help your relationship last longer. Just a suggestion!!!


Jesus said love everyone even those porn watchers, they need the most love.


Your issue is best addressed by those who share your and your husband’s religious beliefs.


He’s your husband. Help him through this. Pray together. I personally don’t share the same belief that porn is wrong, but I understand all the same. It’ll be a process…


You dont want to be touched by him yet wonder why he’s watching porn. He scared of your reaction to him watching porn, maybe you should chill out a bit and try not to be so controlling.


There are many things he could do that are worse than porn!!! Quit being so judgmental. Religion has its rules, but who can be perfect?? Maybe it’s time for a change. Don’t be a zelot!! Don’t lose a good man over something soooooo stupid!

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I understand where you are coming from…I have an issue with him being less attentive to you or it affecting other areas of your life and going against your values . It can be an addiction…all jokes aside it really can be…he needs your support and a counselor


The bible teaches many things … but seriously though… let him watch his porn cause he gunna leave ur boring ass

Want a solution to your problem ? … take away the need for it … have sex with him morning and night . No need for porn then


Isn’t lying against your religion too? I mean I would be more concerned about the fact that he is a known liar over him watching a bit of porn


He has fantasies you arent fulfilling.:woman_shrugging:… hes not cheating and a lot of men use it for self release as well . Talk to him but dont control him , my husband and I both watch both separate and together to self release and get new ideas , how about trying that ? Also not shaming you I know alot of people feel this way but it doesnt have to be a big deal if you dont make it , and he should have never lied so if you go to a councilor do it for trust and communication not porn…


Honey honey honey!! These women commenting dont listen to them!! Please take it from another Christian. Nobody in the church wants to talk about it. It kills more marriages, drains more hearts, and ends more ministries than anything else. We can ignore it, condemn it, or address it. Porn is at our finger tips it’s just a click away. And people wonder why our society seems to be lacking morals and it’s a cess pool of hurt, anger, pain, and destruction. Porn is one of those things tearing into the fabric of our society. Porn is damaging our sexual health and relationships. It literally rewires your brain! It might start with “harmless porn” but it leads to obsessive compulsive disorders, porn users become desensitized from repeated overloads of dopamine, they often find they can’t feel normal without a dopamine high. What happens when you become desensitized? It makes it harder to control your anger, emotions, relationships, and impulses. And it can lead to life altering reprocussions. Porn users may think they’re just being entertained by sexually explicit content, but their brains are busy at work building connections between their feelings of arousal and whatever’s happening on their screen. Those happy chemicals meant to be a reward system to help us to form life supporting habits are now out of balance. They literally hard wire your brain to react increasingly to extreme behaviors, disgusting, immoral, and dangerous behaviors. There’s an epidemic of young porn users that are reporting less love and trust in their relationships and they are more prone to separation and divorce and often see marriage as a “constraint". How many people nowadays do you hear say I won’t get married?? It’s damaging families and marriages. Porn users have poorer communication with their partners and the people around them and are more likely to agree that in their own relationships, little arguments escalate into ugly fights with accusations, criticisms, name calling, and bringing up past hurts. Porn is the biggest lie. It warps the healthy view of sex. This is not what God wants for any of us. Men’s sexual fantasies have become heavily influenced by porn and that’s scary to me because I have 2 sons and this is where this gets awfully tricky when their partners don’t want to act out like porn stars, what happens? Or their bodies aren’t the same, or they aren’t imitating the porn stars looks or acts. I want my sons and daughters to have healthy examples and live Godly lives. Not to mention porn is inseparably connected to sex trafficking whether people want to acknowledge it or not. Its connected to violence. Prostitution. It’s degrading. And it’s changing our society for the worse. Don’t accept porn in your relationship or life as normal. Stop degrading women. We normalize it because that’s what society says we should. Talk to him! Take it the alter. Safeguard your marriage. Porn is adultry. They are lusting after other women.


So you wear clothes made of only one type of material right?


It’s porn. Calm your tits.


Men will be men 🤷 nothing nobody can do about it

Because you are so against porn could that mean you might be boring in bed and that is why he would rather watch porn? Maybe spice up your sex life a little bit. Don’t be so uptight and judgmental about it. Honestly ANY man that says he doesn’t watch porn is probably lying about it. :woman_shrugging:t2:


So you can believe there’s a man in the sky that let’s children die and so many other awful things happen, but you can’t forgive your husband for watching actors have sex and get themselves off?:thinking::thinking:


Let God judge him, you be his SUPPORT


Apparently no one in this group is a christian… The fact that your husband is hiding it from you and lying about it shows you he knows it’s wrong. He did admit it and is willing to get help. Just pray about it and let God help you through it.


I personally think point is disgusting who the hell wants to watch to other human beings f****** each other. It’s kind of like sitting and watching two dogs. I’m sorry I totally agree with her. If you need to watch other human beings interact in sexual action definitely have issues. Flatout disgusting


Have you ever fantasized about someone other than your husband while being married? If you have technical, you have sinned according to your views. If he is not addicted to it. Back off and maybe why he lies is because you make him feel bad. For thinking anything not considered religious.

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Divorse him so he can be happy , not be dictated how to live, not be told hes doing something wrong and to feel guilty about it, he deserves better.

Then later realise what an idoit you have been especially when you get a man who dsnt treat you as well.

You’ll be hard pressed to find a man who dsnt watch it even very religious ones


I’m a christian, I would suggest finding a small group, life group, bible study within your church, counceling. Talk to them about it. This is an issue that alot of married people go through. Alot of christian marriage face as well. Pray about it. If its your true conviction you feel is wrong, talk to a pastor, counceler or other church christian couples who have faced this same issue. Seek God. Pray. Find the Love Dare FB group :slight_smile: it may help. Praying for you.


He could be out boning another female instead
FYI I’m Christian and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with watching porn


Yep. God is sending him directly to hell.


Honestly I don’t see what the big deal is here , let your man watch porn , least he is there watching It . Seen a lot of fellas stray for this reason .watch it with him ,you never know you may also enjoy and yr sex life might improve


I don’t understand why it is a so called sin to watch porn? He has not engaged in relationships with other women. I don’t see what he did wrong here. He obviously isn’t happy in the bedroom or you aren’t fulfilling his needs. You should be glad he didn’t cheat yet or file for divorce…


I’m pretty sure every man of every race culture and Creed have watched porn at some point :joy: your husband is not special he’s a man… Doing what men do.


Every man watch porn! Problem is that you need way to accept it, let husband alone

Sounds like you’re a little fanatical to me…


I love that everyone is laughing at this. This is her religion, her way of life. This is what she BELIEVES. she didnt come here so you can mock God or her beliefs, shes asking for advice on how to get past it. Y’all laughing must just be perfect huh.


First, religion aside, because that’s the least of it at this point. He admitted to you that he cannot be honest with you because of your reaction. Stop. Think. How would you feel if you couldn’t tell him something so basic because his reactions scared you so much.
That’s where he’s at. Its not fair to him at all. And that right there means you need to look at yourself for flaws before you start looking at him. Overbearing and controlling personality traits are toxic and often abusive.

Two, christian or not he’s human. He’s also a man who isn’t a monk or a eunuch. He’s watching porn…you’re pissed about it. But did you ever consider why he felt the need? Did you ever consider its a better alternative to a flesh and blood woman?

Three, any good relationship is about compromise. If you don’t want him watching porn…give him something (spice things up sex wise) so he won’t feel the need to. Or deal with it.


Nobody is perfect and you have to accept that your husband isn’t an exception. Be thankful this is your biggest problem with him, because, I gotta tell ya, there’s FAR worse men out there that do far worst things. My advice, let it go, appreciate the fact that he’s willing to tell you knowing how strongly you feel about it.


I think it’s worthy to be upset about him lying to you. That’s something you’ll have to work on together.

But porn itself isn’t bad. And it is totally natural for a man (or a woman) to explore their sexuality in the ways available to them. Perhaps due to your religion, the shame has been drilled into him from a young age so that he feels he needs to hide his alternative sexual urges from you, and if you want to bridge the gap you need to be a safe place for him to be ALLOWED to have those urges, just like he should be a safe place for you. If you make him feel bad for having those desires, he’ll only get more distant and secretive about it, and he’ll trust you less, because you wouldn’t be loving the full him.

And if you’re concerned about your religion: Belief is fluid. We change our philosophies as we age and that’s okay. You can still be Christian or any other religion and explore your sexual sides.


It’s normal. I don’t really get the problem :sweat_smile:


Well god made the world and made the people in it which means he also made the people who make porn so technically god made porn. I know plenty of Christians that watch it. Watch it with him or better yet put on some slutty lingerie and fulfill his fantasies in real life. Show him what he’s missing. Do some dirty shit. Try something new.

Girl you better get use to sneaky. Nobody wants to always have to walk on eggshells over " how you will react". If he’s already hiding things from you what’s that say? He feels like he can’t be truthful with you over something as harmless as porn. U need to chill! You are not his mother!!! 🤦


I suggest you watch some porn and get a nice vibrator. Does wonders for the relaxation. Honestly I prefer this over actually having sex :woman_shrugging:t2:


I really dont agree and wouldn’t listen to the women saying well maybe your not fulfilling his fantasies and maybe your boring. First of all dont ever blame yourself for the actions of your husband. It has absolutely nothing to do with you and if that were the case then they must be boring in bed too since their spouses watch it.
I used to have a problem with it but now its just not worth the energy to fight over. I would much rather my husband watch porn then go out and actually cheat. But at the end of the day men are just wired differently. He obviously feels bad about it because he did open up to you and was honest. You have a right to feel hurt and betrayed but welcome his honesty and allow yourself to try to forgive him. I wouldn’t leave my marriage over it. A lot of men do it. It doesn’t mean they think less of their wife or think she’s not attractive. Please dont believe those lies. I would try to work through it. Best of luck to you.


This very thing ruined my marriage. Porn is very addictive. It will affect communication and your sex life. His respect for women. It can even lead to pedophilia.


Are you serious…? Be glad he is just watching porn , an not screwing thy neighbor


Watch it together ye will go to hell together, problem solved :+1::+1:


Maybe he would bang you more if you weren’t so uptight


Haha what’s the problem. Watch it with him! :woman_shrugging:t3:

I mean I believe someone’s beliefs are their own, it’s not yalls religion it’s his, so its between him an God.

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Get some popcorn and some fluffy cuffs and watch it together :+1:


He is most likely addicted to porn and has nothing left in order for sex with you. Why don’t you ask him if he has an addiction? I would rather my husband watch porn than cheat on me.


It sounds like you have nagged him and he finally told you what you wanted to hear. I’m sorry but I have to call it the way I see it. He may not want to have sex because you’re acting like his mother instead of his wife.


Are you for real? Lmaoo get over it. Its porn its not like he is out fucking a real woman in the town you live in. Go buy urself some sex toys and watch some porn urself.

Regular ass porn does NOT lead to pedophilia wtf is wrong with some of you :rofl:

Everybody watches porn, you have a strong hate towards it and that’s why he’s been lying to you about watching it because you are against it, and it causes problems so he lies so he won’t have to deal with arguing. If you are that against it you are better off single because no man on this earth is going to stop watching porn. I allow porn, we watch it together, try different things, etc and he’ll still lie to me about watching it alone (not anymore but the first 3 years he did for whatever reason :joy::woman_shrugging:t3:) he says it’s weird because it feels wrong (because that’s how Christians are brought up). He’s a grown man he shouldn’t feel guilty about watching porn, he could be learning new moves or idk it’s a natural thing to me.

I hope you read my comment since everyone else’s “advice” is complete and utter shit.
I’m sorry you’re hurting and feeling this way. I understand your husband lied about having the same view as you about porn being wrong but I feel 100% certain that he said that only because that’s what a “man of god” should say. Religion makes people lie about A LOT of things because people feel that they can’t be themselves and have to live a certain life style. Porn really isn’t the end of the world but I know it hurts you more because he lied about his faith and lost your trust. At the end of the day men will watch porn. Period. You will not find a man on this earth who won’t dip his toes in that pond.
Just know that unless he has a porn addiction and it’s affecting your marriage , watching porn every now and then is pretty normal.
If you truly believe it’s against what you believe in when it comes to your religion, I don’t think you two on are the same page. Maybe do marriage counseling. I wish you luck mama :heart:

I think it is bad to shame people for watching porn :woman_shrugging:


Watch it together and stop being so prude :woman_shrugging:t4:


Fucking religious types :joy::joy:

Sexual repression is the reason little boys and girls are abused by the church

Better to watch porn then sleep around

Turn to each other & the Lord for strength. Pray! And seek help through your church if the problem is bigger than both you can bare or need guidance.


Please tell me this isnt real🤦🤦🤦🤦 its not like he’s commiting adultery or something. Geeze


There is nothing wrong with watching some porn. Of course he should lie to you about it. I don’t know if this is something he truly believes to be wrong or if he’s just going alone with your beliefs. I would say communication would be a good start.


I mean…its not like he physically cheated on you. Yeah yall have certain values but it doesn’t seem like he feels the same way. Me and my husband watch porn together or separate. It makes sex fun. I would rather him do that then go cheat or fantasize about having someone else. Based off of you saying he doesn’t like confrontations, it seems like he feels he cant be honest with you. Mabye you expect too much out of him?

At lease hes not out cheating on u and he told u

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It’s just porn, hell watch it together you might learn a few things you’d want to try an spice up your love life it’s not like he’s out whoring around on you but being this uptight about it is going to make you fight an become distant at some point because of the nagging not trying to be rude but it’s the truth :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Since you’re religious and this goes against beliefs maybe you could/should seek counseling through your church. If you do not have a church then look for one in your area. #YouDoYou


Nothing wrong with porn. I learned a few things from it. Lying part is bad. Sex is natural and it’s not like he’s cheating on you.

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As long as it isn’t a addiction, maybe use it to improve your sex life. Porn and masterbation are perfectly normal

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He should of been honest with you. He knew going in how you felt. I say pray on it and do the counseling. I understand you’re hurt but I think you can make it through this. Best of luck


He watched a bit of porn, he didn’t go out and screw someone else, get over it


Yeah I get this. My husband was the same and very same thing he did. We finally got to the point a few yrs ago where he suggested a way to help him stop was for him to tell me if he feels like watching it. We had a few moments where he felt like it but eventually it just stopped and he started watching other videos like Christmas Hansen videos etc. Hang in there. He admitted his addiction so there’s hope. Maybe u can suggest what worked for us to him and maybe it helps u guys as well. Big hugs mama

Sounds like you expect him to answer to you and not your “god”

Sounds like you’re using your religion to justify you being upset


Don’t ask questions like that here. Porn has been downplayed to be no big deal in our society and people just accept it and “he could be doing so much worse.” It’s sad really. Pray for your husband but don’t harbor your anger or hurt towards him bc that will drive a wedge between the two of you. He’s done his part being honest with you and now you must remember you are called to forgive just as you’ve been you handle this will make all the difference in your marriage. He needs your love and forgiveness not your anger and judgement. Choose one or the other… one will draw you closer and the other will pull you apart. And please don’t listen to these women talking about having low self esteem bc you want to be respected. Technology blurs the lines of morals or what little we have left. If these men were asking women to personally send them videos of them having sex or going physically to a place and watching women having sex it may be different but then again maybe not bc these women are so far gone and ignorant. Idc if you think porn is ok or not there is solid factual proof that it hurts intimacy and is very addictive.


Omg :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:. I’m sorry but unless you follow everything in your religion, you being made at him over this is ridiculous.


Just make sure he asks for forgiveness afterwards… :woman_facepalming:t3:

Religion is a dumb reason to not watch porn, in my opinion.

Can’t watch people having sex? But can have sex?


So…you are using your beliefs and religion to try and control another human. Gross.

Let’s be honest…is it your religion, or does it make you feel insecure?

If it is your religion…girl, using religion to try and control someone is gross. Stop.

If it is because you are insecure…you need to ask yourself why. Why do you feel like that about yourself? He’s with you. Porn doesn’t mean he wants someone else. People view porn for plenty of reasons…none to cheat. Curiosity, personal play time, couples together…it’s fantasy, nothing else and completely normal. If you are getting jealous over fantasy, that’s something YOU need to work on

If this is real ( which I have my doubts) you don’t get to use your religion or insecurities to try and control someone. It’s manipulation and gross. You making it out like he is wrong while you are being crazy controlling is the issue here


Honestly if you’re Christian then you should be able to accept the fact that he does it even if it is against your religion because you are supposed to love and accept people not try to change them. And to be honest with you I really don’t see the big problem with it. if he’s lying to you because he’s afraid of what you’re going to say about something or that you’re rejecting his feelings and his thoughts and him as a person then maybe you aren’t right for each other do you need to be able to love accept and understand.


It’s a shame that people are laughing at her.
It’s a shame that many think men watching porn is normal,it’s not.
If you both agreed it’s against your beliefs, then you have every right to be upset. Some men are weak, and it’s not like you can go anywhere online without seeing some type of advertised tits somewhere. He has however been truthful, you gotta give him that. They think differently than we do, and unfortunately, sex is more of a necessity for men than it is for women and they get frustrated more easily. I understand how you feel, my suggestion is not to leave him like all these other hags, you’re married, marriage takes work. Men watch porn for different reasons, and some don’t watch it at all. Having been with someone who was addicted to porn, I think you can save him from it. Him telling you I’m sure was very hard for him, but now you know and you can both try some other ways of doing things now. Not all men are pos, some will actually try to fix it. Maybe he thought you would leave him. None of us can know the why’s, and that’s what should be communicated between the two of you. Screw the counselor, stay in bed all night and talk to him, get to know him, once you involve all kind of other people things get even more complicated. Plus, you’re asking the public, which consists of either women actually in the sex industry, or wish they were, so of course they’ll say “let your man watch porn” let me just say fuck those women. That’s your husband, yous had an agreement, you gotta take it up with eachother. I seriously wish you the best of luck. Don’t let some of these comments make you feel worse. Takes two to make a marriage work or not. A man jerking off to other women besides his wife is pretty disgusting, and so is anybody who defends men that do. Not all of us think that’s fine. Maybe if there weren’t any women shaking their tits all over everything, and throwing themselves around, on TV and the internet, maybe then decent women wouldn’t have this problem with their men. It’s too common, who’s the real ones to blame for this shit ladies?

There are so many red flags in this post it is sad.


Im with ya girl I can’t get past the my man is getting off to another female. After 6 years he finally quit. Out love life has been better than ever since he quit


Porn is so readily available and accessible within a split second. It doesn’t do anyone any favors and everyone is so numb to it that theyll call you crazy for not wanting your husband to pleasure himself to other women.


Find a porn you can appreciate together consenting adults are allowed to indulge…Infact why don’t you make your own porn together it could be fun and he would have something to satisfy his need and you wouldn’t have anything to be insecure over if he is watching you. Important note though if the marriage goes south make sure you destroy said recording


How can you be in a healthy marriage if your husband is too afraid to tell you the truth? That’s not healthy.

Dont take offense to this, but maybe hes just bored. Maybe sex with you has just become bland and hes you scared to tell you. Sometimes sex in a marriage fizzles, but it’s up to you both to fix it. Watching porn doesnt fix it, but give the man a break.


Get over it or move along :heart::ok_hand::joy:


Oh hunny, he’s watched it a lot more than 2 times.