My husband and I do not have the spark anymore

Split up the house work an baby sitting an go out with friends when you need too you think!

Maybe the marriage can be rekindled maybe it cant?

I am m­ak­i­ng th­e­se d­ays easily more than $500 p­er day for doing w­o­rk o­n­l­ine. i got my 3rd p­a­yment last month of $1­6­765. i was surprised when one of my close friend told me she was making $­1­7463 per month but now i see how it works.

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What do you mean he goes out most weekends??? Stop there!!! You’re his momma!

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Go for counseling as a couple if possible if not go alone. It’s a cruel world out there how would you work and care for your children? Its really hard when the kids?are young it will get better when they are school age.


A cure for this nonsense is go get yourself a full time job and then you will have something to complain about. Keep your mouth shut and things may change and if they don’t leave.


I am m­ak­i­ng th­e­se d­ays easily more than $500 p­er day for doing w­o­rk o­n­l­ine. i got my 3rd p­a­yment last month of $1­6­765. i was surprised when one of my close friend told me she was making $­1­7463 per month but now i see how it works.

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I would go out 1 night on the weekend if he is going out!!it’s not fair for him to just go out.seems he takes advantage of u


I am now m­ak­ing more than $­500 every single day o­n­l­in­e. Yesterday i g­o­t my 3rd p­a­yment of $­18532 by doing work o­n­l­i­ne. i was surprised when one of my close friend told me she was ma­k­ing $­18654 per month but now i see how it works.

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Counseling isn’t always to save it, bur it can give you both the tools to make an decision. It can clarify the situation. Best of luck💕


Absolutely .he needs his butt at home :house_with_garden:

Stop being so concerned about yourself and start to think about the well-being of your husband as well!


Before you decide to leave I’d try one last time to make it work. Obviously the going out drinking on weekends needs to stop he’s not a teenager anymore. However if you start taking less control and giving more responsibility over to him like dressing after shower time for one kid while you do the other etc and literally just throw the responsibility onto him where he realises he doesn’t have you there for help like plan to go out and leave him with the kids he will start to realise what’s actually involved and start to take his own initiative. I took so much control with my first child my husband barely knew how to be involved. One the second came along I didn’t make the same mistake. I let things go and didn’t complain about the way he did things and over time he got better. Men need the space to grow they won’t be perfect over night with these things. Slowly you will start to find him more attractive.


I have e­ar­ned $ 16­8­43 b­y doi­n­g wo­rk on­lin­e. Best oppo­rt­uni­ty for an­yo­ne to ge­t p­a­­i­d ever­y we­ek fo­r ju­st wo­r­ki­ng ­on­lin­e in part time. Currently i am ea­r­ning more th­an 15000 Do­l­lars ev­ery mo­nth.

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You are in a hard season, two toddlers can take a toll. Relationships take effort, taking little steps daily to show each other how ch you appreciate each other. Couples counseling may provide you both tools to with rekindle what once was or provide you tools to co-parent.
We often expect our mates to jump in a help the way we want them to help but they are not mind readers. Have the hard conversations. Discuss what you need from you SO but also find what makes you happy. If you are not happy with your life, nothing he does will be enough.
You will be in each other’s life’s forever, you share children. I hope you find a way to make it work.

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if you’re coming on here asking when to leave, I think you already know the answer.
Your boys are going to see you both unhappy, trust me, its time to move on.

Focus on yourself. Get to work. Go to therapy. Get your ducks lined up so when you’re ready to leave you have a plan.

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Just sit down talk with him. Tell him how you feel…if he says he deserves the weekend and If he goes out after you talk with him… move on . Because he’s not gonna change and give up his weekends.

in my opinion, you have already went to him, he has made effort to change the things you were complaining about and you have seen effort and movement but you still are not happy, your never going to be happy so is time to not string him along anymore. I think it speaks volumes that you expressed your issues and he was able to see what you were saying, understand where you were coming from and attempt to make you happy with changing, may not be of satisfactory to you, but to be willing to do what he has, shows so much. You havent been intimate in a year, and he is a great guy and faithful, that is a quality of being understanding with you and putting you first, because that is a tremendous amount of time to still be with someone when no love has been shown. He needs to walk away. I also feel like the way that you worded the reasons of why you dont want to leave shows the remaining reasons you should. He doesnt have to be your soul provider, only the childrens and he does this, and you are concerned because you may have to live with your mom for a small time, and have to fend for yourself and for your children. Those are the wrong reasons to be staying, let him go and figure out what you need to be happy, and then you will be able to find happiness

Leave, they don’t change, they just do more for a while but then end up doing less :woman_shrugging:t4: your happiness & peace is important also.


and this as a whole, was all about you and your needs, not the needs or wants of an entire human you are supposed to love, who is faithful, who try’s to change when you expressed you needed it. Don’t you think this man needs or wants something way more than your able to offer while your worried about him not doing enough to make you happy while you have asked for change and he led by example, by trying to change?? Just wasn’t good enough for you, so ahhhhh… im done. This entire post is so self centered.

You are definitely entitled to feel that way
There are fathers and men in general that go to work and still come home to help. I’m sure if he started slacking less you would have more positive feelings towards him

I think you should work on it. Love is a choice and you need to get the spark back. I understand the resentment with not helping much though. That is super annoying that it seems that all men get away with :unamused: I think you should do some self reflecting to see if you would enjoy being married to yourself if you were him. Sometimes people leave a mediocre situation to end up in a worse one. Try “dating” him again instead of being too comfortable doing the same things over and over.


You’re reasons for staying would be wrong! Leave him already

Sounds like it’s already over . If haven’t slept together in a year he is probably sleeping with someone else already

Go for marriage counseling first to someone who has good reviews. Try first before you walk out. Do you work outside of Home? If you do, he should help. If you don’t work outside of home, then you shouldn’t need help. You only have 2 children, so you should be able to do the housework & take care of them!

Either he changes or you change him.

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You have to work at a relationship . Same as with a frenship if you ignore your friend your not going to have any fun . People give up to easy these days love isnt all about feelings . If he is a good man work hard to make it right between you . You wouldent just give up on your kids because there annoying you so dont do the same with your man


Sounds like you’ve been checked out for a while. Things aren’t gonna get better if you if you have no desire. My advice leave.

Have you talked to him? Like really opened up and talked about your needs and what you feel is lacking? How you feel unappreciated? And I don’t mean fighting, yelling, being snarky. I mean talking to him like a person. And that also includes listening to HIS thoughts and feelings. What kind of hours does he work every week? Does he have a physically demanding job? When my now ex husband was in the military, I had 2 kids under 3. No family close by. And I did all the cooking, cleaning, and kid stuff because he was working 5 days a week, sometimes 12 to 16 hours a day. I didn’t keep an immaculate house. The playroom was usually littered with toys. But if you keep up on the every day jobs, it’s alot more manageable. It couldn’t hurt to talk to your husband about hiring a baby sitter 1 day a week so you can go run errands and do your thing without kids in tow. Or see if you can hire someone to come do the deep cleaning once a month. I’d say try to find some common ground before leaving. Because going it alone? You really do it all by yourself and hold down a full time job while doing it.