My husband does NOT give me a break....advice?

You and the baby needs to get rid of him,if he’s not helping


I don’t think you should leave the baby with him, if he isn’t stepping up he probably wouldn’t know how to care for a baby anyway. get a sitter and go do something nice for yourself. tell him if you are going to be a single mom you might as well be a single mom. He will either step up or he won’t. You have to decide how you want to live. He should be helping you.

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What?! He says it’s your responsibility?’ It’s F’ KEN HIS TOO! Put your damn foot down and make him do it.

If taking care of the baby Is your responsibility than him paying all of the bills as his responsibility. Be extra petty and quit your job and explain to him that taking care of the baby is “my responsibility and that you are responsible for the bills sir”

Your responsibility and no one else’s? As in not his? Oof.

I wouldn’t trust him with our child to be honest. I’d drop him and his family.

First of all you did not have that child by yourself second we mothers deserve a Break too,if he doesn’t get that You know what to do.Might as well be living by yourself

What a jerk. Fix a bottle with breast milk fix a diaper bag with essentials when he is home be waiting on him and put the child in his lap and say your turn and go out a little while.

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So he says your the mother it’s your responsibility no one else’s, well tell him news flash it takes 2 to make a baby and he’s the father and that renderes him just as responsible… I’d say put the baby in his lap and walk away and go sleep at your parents… You deserve rest just as much as anyone els…

These suggestions saying for her to leave her baby with him and just walk out are awful… if she cannot rely on him for help when she is physically in the building, how can she rely on him when she leaves? As a mom, who loves and cares for my baby, I wouldn’t just leave them with someone unless I knew they would step up and do the work. More than likely she cannot just walk away because she worries her baby won’t be cared for.

If you do it all by yourself then just do it by yourself . If he isn’t helping or contributing financially then he isn’t worth having around , im sorry but that’s the truth


Eww your husband sounds like a total jerk. it’s also his child. He signed up for this too. He needs to take some responsibility off your shoulders. He should at least get up with baby at night a few times a week. And he should be helping a whole lot more. This sounds like a man child.

If his family had the nerve to say that to me I would point out that if they were going to raise such a jackass they should have taught him how to use a condom… he signed up for parenthood too. Also I would definitely get out if this crap relationship.

You should have time to yourself otherwise you could have a breakdown. I went through that with my children and wound up in the hospital for 3 weeks so I guess you could say I had 3 weeks to myself. It isn’t good for you mentally and eventually it will effect you physically to. There is no need to say it put me through a divorce and I was raising my children by myself. It was a very rough time for me in my life I It could have been prevented if my husband would have helped.

So the child is not the fathers??? Is he just a sperm donor? Even my ex let me go shopping alone with out the kids

I can’t get past “my husband says that our child is my responsibility not anyone else’s” I’d probably respond, ok sperm donor there’s the door. It’s not just “your” responsibility he is the father, he made the child too, you both have full time jobs, he gets a break you don’t. You BOTH signed up for this, it’s not like you have Asexual Reproduction and randomly made a baby on your own, though you may as well have, he’s not a father and does not deserve that title.

I had to do it before, give that baby to your husband don’t say a word and walk out that door. Return when you want too! Once he text say your ok and having “me time” and take as much time as you need! Like they said “welcome to parent hood” same goes for their FUC*ING son it’s not just motherhood! His parents are enablers and he’s a lazy asshole (it sounds like). Go get your time momma!

uh? what? your child is also his responsibility. he sound like an a**.
just give him his kid on day with all Los needs and tell him your going some where for a night. your mom’s, girls night away, idk.
but wow. he’s selfish.

He is an a$$ and so is his family

My dear - run from this family . Be ready one day he gets home from work and go out . No explanation- have bottles ready and enjoy your time out.

You are a single mom, with an extra child!

I’m sorry to say that it will NEVER change. You are doing it alone and it will continue this way. Get rid of him. You deserve a loving partner who helps you and focuses on your needs as well.

Baby is your responsibility… Provide and Protect is his responsibility… sounds like he is falling short if he still lives with his mamma

Sounds exactly like my ex. Leave him, he will never change. You are already a single mother from the sounds of it.

Dooooo not have another child w this “man”. That’s domestic abuse. Making it your “chore” that you’re somehow abandoning like you’re not human too.

Sounds like you are raising 2 kids! Raise the baby on your own and the big baby can grow up on his own,

Move in with your family if you can.

Well, if you leave you’ll get a break every other weekend lol

Having a child you don’t get a break, but if he isn’t helping you then what’s the point in being together? You didn’t make this baby by yourself so he should help. But your best bet is to walk away from him. You and your child will be fine without him.

The best thing you can do is go visit family & never go home. You’ll still be doing it alone but you won’t have him to take care of too. Trust me it’s easier.

Leave. Extremely rude of him as well as his family.

Pack up and leave and go to your family . He’s Never gonna change . Hit his pockets where it’s gonna hurt him

Guess what happens if they keep making you do everything?! You leave him and get child support, and then his Family and him have to do half of everything…andddd you get free time. Threaten him with that and if he wants to split, then it wasn’t meant to be to begin with.

Frankly id be done with him.
Get child support and give him visitation every other weekend and then you’ll get 2 days out of 14 for yourself and hell finally have to step up and do it by HIMSELF.

You didnt make that baby alone. Hes equally responsible for the child you share.

You do need a break and he needs to man up and take care of your son! You didn’t make your son by yourself.

Selfish and so is his family he had a good teacher, it takes two to make a baby

The child is also his responsibility and if he isn’t going to do it, throw him away.

Leave him bet you wash gross clothes feed him and have a clean house for him on top of it all as a mommy. You’re good baby, give him weekends and see how fast he folds

'OUR child is YOUR responsibility and no one elses" . Red flag!!! Why even have a husband if your already doing it alone ? Your basically a single parent. 2 parents…the baby is his responsibility too not just yours. He clearly doesn’t care about you. Either he steps up as a husband, father and man or I’d leave him. Divorce. You deserve better

Start calling divorce attorneys.

Have you just handed the baby to dad with a bottle and got in your car to say run errands?

His family sucks and so does he. Your child is HIS responsibility too. If he’s not willing to be a parent, maybe find someone who is.

He helped make that baby. What a jerk. You do it all by yourself proves you can do it by yourself. I would seriously think about moving on with just you n the baby. I’m sure you would be much happier. Would really consider not having a 2nd child with him.

The fact you are asking for a break is evidence you need one! If your husband wants to be selfish leave him and he can have the baby at weekends and you will get a break from motherhood and a selfish husband, ridiculous mums need to beg for a break especially when in a marriage to the baby dad x

I’m just curious, did your husband really want a child? Did he express previously that he wasn’t interested in having a baby?

You shouldn’t feel like a bad mom for needing a break you get a sitter its obviously his family isn’t interested in giving such which is normal we had the child not anyone eles as for your hubby its normal if he’s the sole prov that the child falls on you you’ve expressed you need help hes not interested that is not going to change these are things u need to think of if you want more children. U have a non hands on husband.

Sperm doner :roll_eyes:it goes both ways, welcome to fatherhood. And in-laws probably didn’t get breaks so you don’t get either smh. Bullshit its 2023 not 1950​:yawning_face:

You’re probably aware of this already, but your husband is a piece of shit (and so is his family).

You married an idiot man child. I feel sorry for you. Smack him up, or leave. You’re gonna be miserable from here on out