My husband gets irritated that I don't do my normal duties due to morning sickness: Advice?

I found out right after Christmas that I’m pregnant with my second. Just like my first, the morning sickness kicked into overdrive, and I’m sick all day, worse in the evening. My husband really hurt me this evening when I told him I didn’t feel well enough to cook supper. He got very upset saying that he gets sick too and does this and that. I tried to explain to him how I’m feeling, but he just doesn’t understand and gets irritated that I’m not like my normal wife/mom self. Any advice on how to get him to understand and give me a break would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


I would just ignore it , but that’s just me.

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Feed him microwaved raviolis in a solo cup. Dinner served sir.


“Normal duties” uh no. Tell him to suck it up and he can pick up the slack. You’re growing an entire human.


Duties? Hell no. Hes a grown man, he can make dinner too.


Yeah, throw up while you fulfill your duties and then eventually throw up on him.


Kick him in the junk and tell him to go to work/walk it off :woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:


I wouldn’t cook anything for him after that. He’s a grown ass man, he’s not gonna starve.

I guess I’m just diffrent. I cook no matter how I feel but that’s because he takes care of me, so I take care of him :grimacing:


Throw away the whole dude.


He sounds like an ass honestly. My fiance always understood when i was sick or in pain and he took over cooking even after working all day.

I get overall what he means but damn. You are growing a human. He can help out too. Or start doing crockpot. It saved me!

If he gets hungry enough, he’ll figure out how to make/get dinner. He’s not a child.


Relationships are about partnerships, when one falters the other should be there to pick up the slack


You are creating a HUMAN BEING in your body. He needs to back up. Men can be so annoying.


The first words were all I needed to read
“NORMAL DUTIES”…as a husband isn’t it his duty to assist you in sickness and in health. 1950s are no more sir step up your game.


Doesn’t your child have to eat too? Obviously someone is going to have to make food… even if it heating up leftovers.

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He’s an ass, it’s his baby too, you didn’t do it by yourself

Just order out. Let him be mad about the money

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Tell him to man up. Get take out or cook for himself. It’s his responsibility to take care of you when you’re unwell. I’m also pregnant and my hubby has done everything to make life a little easier until this morning sickness passes even with 3 kids. If he acted like that I would punch him in the head.


Normal duties… I thought it was a marriage not a concentration camp???


Wow I’d be pissed off tell him he can cook his bloody self your growing a human for god sake lol your aloud to not be on bedt form xx


For those tough weeks my BF and I either did all of the cooking on the weekend (often had 3 slow cookers going at once) or he did the cooking. It wasn’t gourmet, there was heavy reliance on boxed meals, but I couldn’t even stand the smell of food cooking so it worked.

Now we’re almost at the end (35 weeks) and we’ve been prepping slow cooker dump dinners (all of the ingredients in a gallon bag, put in slow cooker before we leave for work) and that’s been working out well.

But he’s been very involved and understanding in this, so it was easy to find work arounds.

Offer some work arounds, or tell him he wants cooked food it’s up to him, your primary concern is a healthy pregnancy and if you spend too much time puking you’re going to end up dehydrated and hospitalized, and he’ll still have to manage his own dinners.


Some men just don’t get it, Dear. Wish I had some advice… Good luck

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It’s just as much his fault you’re having morning sickness as yours. Tell him he can get off his butt and do “the normal duties” while you do this job.


It’s hard for men to understand how we feel when pregnant. My first trimester I was constantly sick and nauseous. I didn’t always clean right away or keep up with stuff like normal. My husband didn’t really say much he would just do it, but sometimes it bothered him. We sat down and really had a good talk about it, and he was super helpful with no problem. I understand it can be hurtful when they don’t understand or get upset but you have to just really be honest. Now I’m better and things are back to normal, but even now he still tries to be helpful :heartpulse:. No need to bash the husband just cause he doesn’t get how she’s feeling

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Kick him to the curb with the trash…duties??? what a inconsiderate asshole

I think McDonald’s still has a drive thru on his way home. He will survive.


You don’t need to explain yourself to him. He’s never grown an entire human before and isn’t a woman. You can’t make him feel this because he can’t feel it. You’re an amazing woman, I’m sure. If he can’t be more understanding at this time in your lives, I would really wonder about what life might be like once you have a child. Doesn’t sound like a very empathetic, supportive partner to me. And I would tell him that’s how I felt and do what’s best for me mentally, physically and emotionally. You’ve got another life depending on your wellbeing right now, one that can’t do anything for themselves - he can. Stay strong!


Yeah ive got kids to look after so if i did that everytime i got sick they wouldnt get fed. Things still need to be done. But tell him to do it himself like an adult.


I had morning sickness that was so bad I could barely function, my doctor prescribed me medicine and it helped so much. He should definitely be more understanding but it stinks being sick all the time and maybe your dr can give you something to help with it.

Show him how to use the toaster.

Next time he has the flu, ask him to fix dinner.


I know thats frustrating…he sounds selfish. Just apologize and offer to make him something quick and easy on those days…if he don’t like it he can make himself something like a big boy. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:
Be kind and dont argue with him, you don’t need the stress…but don’t over do it because you are pushing yourself too hard to please someone who doesn’t appreciate anything.


F that. He has no clue. Tell him to shove his comment right up his ass.

“Normal wife duties?” I’m sorry but are we in the 80’s? Last I checked we just start 2020. This grown ass man can make dinner as well. It is nit juat your job. And if that is a problem then he needs to get a reality check. Working or not, he can help make dinner. It is not only your job.

He is a grown ass man. He can cook for himself. I have extreme morning sickness with mine right now and mine just makes himself a sandwich and asks me if I want one too.

When I die… I hope I come back as a man!!! Lol!!! The only down fall…man flu! I’ll be able to bust a nut everytime I have sex, rest, nap, eat, drink and pretend to be king of the castle! #tobesolucky


Make him something and then throw up in it. :joy:


If he doesn’t like you having morning sickness he should have kept it in his panrs


Kick him in the balls then tell him now you cook… lol I’d tell him to eff off and to cook.

Your husband is being a huge dick. What a fricken spoiled brat. Tell him you are slightly busy making a human being and he can make his own Pb&j and pour himself a glass of milk


If I’m physically being sick there’s no way I’m cooking for anyone. Not my kid or partner, he’s a grown ass man he can feed himself & the kids :sweat_smile: try get something that helps stop the sickness if you can! X

Take him to a doctors appointment with you, ask the doctor to explain. If he wont, let him know that you are growing a human on top of being sick. A human that he put into you.

I got lucky with my husband, he was very sensitive to my needs while pregnant.


Remind him you are growing a damn human!! He can make his own supper😑

I got extremely lucky. My husband didn’t whimper at all till after the baby was born. Best advice I got is tell him to pick up the slack or get over it. There will be a time he needs you to pick up the slack. Marriage is funny that way

I’m so grateful that if I don’t wanna cook supper cause I’m sick or tired that my fiance doesn’t complain. He’ll just order pizza from the store cook of hers up to it. I stay home with 5 kids, 4 of which are school age, and youngest is breastfed. I recently found out I was pregnant again before Christmas. Some days I just don’t have the energy and by supper time I’m exhausted.
He’ll either learn to cook himself something or order take out. Men like that make me sick, reminds me of my dad.
My mom would have to start supper as soon as she got home from work. There was no such nights as eat whatever or take out. Even if we ate leftovers she warmed everything up, versus in my house kids fix what they want and put the plate in the microwave. I remember my dad had to watch my sister and I cause my mom had a 2nd job and only thing he could make us was a sandwich! I’ve seen first hand a woman wait hand and foot on a man who was never appreciate of it.


Think about using a slow cooker or instant pot. You can prepare them the day before and out in one or the other. Might help you both. Mine is like this and I’m not pregnant, we have just spoiled them so much they no longer function as adult males.


Tell him he knows where the kitchen and the food is… He’s a big boy now and can cook something up if he really that hungry


Eat some saltine crackers before your feet hit the floor. Drink sprite or tea which will settle your stomach too

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You didnt make that baby by yourself and he needs to understand that. With that comes him and the need to step up his game while you are adjusting to your “New” body for the next 9 months. I feel you on the morning sickness it is no joke!!! Fresh lemon, diclegis, and mommy wellness tea (Amazon) helped me the most. Good luck girl!!!

Well no… your pregos o.O wont be your normal self till the baby comes. Sweet baby jesus he can cook as well.

his hands broke or something? he’s a grown ass man, he can fend for himself :woman_shrugging:t2:

Tell him his hands and feet are fully functional. He can cook himself. Just make sure the other child has something.


Oh I feel for you. I am 8 weeks and so sick as well. I finally blew up on my husband and told him I needed help. He’s been helping more… but I have to ask. Maybe ask him to help with other things and for dinner only make what you think you can stomach even it is a frozen meal… it something.
I’m sorry he’s being a jerk. I hope your sickness eases up. Also, my Ob told me about B6 it hasn’t helped completely but It has helped a tiny bit. Maybe it will help you.

I was very sleepy when I was pregnant at one time. My exhusband told me I’m just making an excuse to be lazy. He wanted sex once I told him I felt something was not right having cramps he got mad. Well I lost the baby the following day.Try not to let him stress you out. Do what you can and get the rest you need


What a dick! I was exactly the same when i was pregnant with my second it was awful. Thankfully my husband was very understanding and that’s how they should be, tell do his own man up. Your carrying his child he needs to understand as he will never have to go through it its bloody hard x

He is not nice at all.

He is a man…he will never understand the concept of growing another human being in his body. My daughter experiences awful ALL DAY SICKNESS when she is expecting. Both pregnancies she ended up in ER multiple times for severe dehydration . Maybe have your
OB talk to your husband to help him understand better. Are your parents or siblings available to help you prep meals in advance? Or his mother? I hope he realizes he is being selfish! Good luck

Aye give him a slap and tell him to deal with it , your carrying his child ffs ,tell him your carrying his child also have another to look after and u don’t need him acting like one aswell so he will just have to suck it up and deal with it


Kick him in the balls and ask him to cook dinner right after… Then ask him how it feels … Problem solved

Beat his ass. Y’all husbands to bold I tell ya. :woman_shrugging:t5:

I think he’d understand when you tell him to pack his bags and gtfo!


Cook something that smells like it’ll make you puke. Puke all over his plate. Maybe then he’ll understand


Oh he’s a child,grow up

He is a man. He will never understand the toll it takes on your body to grow a baby. When you go to the doctors take him with you and have your OB explain everything to him. Maybe he will listen to your doctor and understand a little better.

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Yeah food poison a little .when he’s not feeling good say there that’s how I feel.


Tell him that when he grows a human, you promise to be more understanding than he is being. Until then tell him to man up, step up, and be a helpmate to his wife or go home to mama.

Your pregnant not dying


Tell him to grow up. When he’s expected to give birth maybe he’ll have a valid argument

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I had horrible morning, noon and night sickness with two of my five kids. No matter how much I wanted to do something I couldn’t even move without getting sick the entire pregnancy. My doctor said it was my mindset about being pregnant again. I was nervous. I had two already with my hands full. With my last one I was divorced and all my kids were in school, so I was really upset at myself for getting in that situation. When I was relieved they had all finally started school. No diapers or bottles or carrying a kid around anymore. Do what you have to do for you and the baby. If it’s nothing then oh well. If he gets mad oh well.

He needs to grow up and understand your not neglecting life things because you wanna be that way morning sickness for some is so bad I was in the hospital with my second baby and had to be hooked up to iv fluids to be rehydrated for puking so bad an all day everyday he has no idea an it’s not the same as the flu ita everyday all day for me at times I suffered alot with my second pregnancy

Be a good wife and mother to the provider. :woman_shrugging:

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It just doesn’t click for some men.

Try throwing a crockpot meal in when your not feeling so nauseated in the mornings.

It will help to do prep in mornings.


He’s an asshole! When I was pregnant and didn’t feel well my husband told me to rest and he would take care of things. You are married to a man child.

tell him you didnt get pregnant on your own and that simply this is how your body handles pregnancy he is being a bit harsh

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Oh that fucking boils my blood. SLAP HIM WITH A FRYING PAN.

But when men are sick they are a toddler sleeping all day but when women dont feel good for carrying their child we are lazy and etc. Tell him to grow a pair and make dinner or dont eat

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Divorce him. This is just a prelude to the rest of your life.

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What he said is definitely insensitive, but he probably doesn’t realize how much it hurt you. Talk to him. It’s all you can do. He may just be frustrated and not expressing it in the nicest way

It’s two different kinds of sick like you’re growing something inside you you cant take medicine for like you can with a cold. This is why I keep leftovers cold cuts and freezer meals. You are there to be his partner and a mother to your children not him. Once again you are partners that means in it together you don’t wanna cook he should be fine and find himself something to eat bc you are not his personal chef that’s all.

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He’s being very selfish and not understanding at all!! He needs to realize that pregnancy is difficult and your body is completely out of whack! I am pregnant myself right now and in my first trimester I had the worst morning sickness and fatigue! So I completely understand how you feel! He needs to suck it up and be more helpful!

Maybe buy him some new panties? His current ones seems to be in a bunch.

Ginger good for it. Bye pre peeled veg or something u can put in slow cooker or give him bean on toast lol.

I completely understand where your coming from, I use to be like morning sickness can’t stop you doing this and that we’ll wasn’t I wrong. When I fell with my son I had severe morning sickness right the way through I couldn’t do nothing couldnt even put a load of washing on I ened up in hospital on drips in the end as my body become so weak. Tell him you need his help and the sickness is really taking its toll on you xx

On the days u feel.okay maybe try to meal prep few meals or get some frozen pizzas lasagnas stuff like that can just easily thrown in oven and when he complains about that well tough ur doing ur best and u don’t need a man who unsaportive and being prick and emotionally abusive to u u but showing ur trying and doing ur best can help solve issue if not he prick and can starve lol

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I was deathly sick w my 3rd. I flat out told him, I’m not doing shit. Period. He did it. No choice. He knew to keep his mouth shut while he was doing it also :joy:

Sorry but morning sickness isn’t a normal sickness. It’s completely different and you can’t take meds to just feel better. It’s literally from hormones because you’re growing another human. Tell him you don’t like being sick because you’re pregnant either, but it’s not the same as a normal sickness. It isn’t something you can just “power thru” either. It can be debilitating depending on your level of sickness. My husband didn’t get it our first pregnancy and didn’t really get it for most of our second either. We are having our 7th child now and my sickness has been pretty bad this time and he’s just kind of starting to realize it’s not something I can control and I really don’t like not being able to function either. He makes dinner on the nights I’m really not feeling well because our pregnancy with our youngest daughter I tried to power thru it and ended up passing out multiple times because I was so sick and over exerting myself. He doesn’t want me in and out of the hospital again, so he’s stepping up. But it took my doctor explaining things to him during our last pregnancy before he really “got it” so many talk with your doctor at your next appt and then have him come to your appt after that for the doctor to explain things to him also?


Buy microwave dinners.

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Your husband should stay quiet since he has know idea what it’s like

I’m currently in the EXACT SAME SITUATION. But add in, we just moved across the world. Literally. This has been one of the hardest things ever. I honestly just ignore it. He can get mad, that’s fine, yes it pisses me off, but I don’t care. I can not move almost all day from this sickness. If he would listen (unlike mine who just doesn’t care) then I’d tell him that it hurt you and maybe make a list of some things that you need him to do to help. My husband will have nothing to do with that “because he works all day” so if that’s the case for you then you TAKE CARE OF YOU and let him be mad.

U cant change him
So just go go Costco and buy pre made dinners

Hes mad
And needs to grow up but he wont and very rude
I don’t care if ur not pregnant…u should be asked nicely and respected if u decline to cook

My advice is to throw up on him! He’ll quit pushing you!! LOL (sorry, couldn’t resist!).

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You need to suck it up and take care of the house and your family. I have 5 kids with my youngest I was constantly sick had no energy in and out of the hospital and on bed rest but I still made sure my house was clean and my family was fed


Gunna get a cold sandwich and chips! That’s the best I can do or we can all eat chicken noodle from the can!! :joy::joy: I’m around 8-9 weeks pregnant with my 3rd child as well and the sickness is killing me. It lasts all freaking day. At some point I get my dishes done and the kids always get taken care of…but other than that I am dead. I know it’s made my husband’s life more difficult because I need help. But he understands i cant do it all anymore. He works overnights and still helps me get everything straight before he goes to bed.

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Go to the doctor and get him to come with you… I have hyperemesis with current pregnancy and with my previous 2… To the point where I can end up hospitalised… He needs to hear from a doctor that it can get really serious


Is his legs broken? Make him fend for himself!


I actually understand both sides. My husband goes to work even if he is sick from the flu. He had a really bad tooth infection with fever swollen cheeks pain all over and still went to work. I had morning sickness with all my pregnancies. Some women have it really bad to the point that they absolutely can not function. Some it’s very uncomfortable and inconvenient. But like how other moms suggested maybe crockpot meals. That is what helped me. Dump ingredients in the crockpot some rice in the rice cooker and I had an amazing tasting meal without the effort of standing over the stove. Whether we like it or not we have to continue with our day. My husband was understanding and did what he could to help, but I also made a little effort to try. But I think you should communicate this with him and talk about how you are feeling. As well as with your ob.


Vegemite sandwich sounds good.

Tell him when he pushes something out of his pee hole the size of a watermelon he then can complain about what he does and doesn’t do when he’s sick. Until then he can make his own dinner :rofl::rofl: