My husband got mad because I needed his help...advice?

No you aren’t overreacting. Your husband should be the number one person you have to call and lean on in times you’re in need. I can see him maybe being a bit irritated, but even so accidents happen and it’s way more important for you to make it home safe & sound. I would wait for him to calm down, and then calmly talk to him about what you’re feeling. If this isn’t the way he generally acts he may have possibly just have had a really bad day, but it still doesn’t give him an excuse to leave you stranded.

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This is 100000% something my ex would have done/said. Divorce. Seriously. Sounds like he doesn’t care about you at all. Sounds like a narcissist too.

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Wow he sounds like a charmer.

That man is not looking out for your best interest. Sad He only thought of his inconvenience

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He sounds like a dick🤷‍♀️

My husband would’ve made a couple jokes, but he wouldn’t have hesitated walking out the door to come help me.

My partner would have come no questions asked but I also wouldn’t have asked knowing the kids just went to bed. I would have gotten an Uber or called a locksmith.

That said, where you restaurant is trash for leaving you alone in the parking lot! I’ve never worked at a restaurant where this was acceptable and you shouldn’t either!

Yikes he should’ve felt grateful you called him and you weren’t harmed . I would be doubting marriage too doesn’t seem like your right kind of guy especially if he hung up on you knowing your situation i would’ve left his ass nobody should get frustrated being asked for help knowing he’s the person your supposed to count on knowing the world we live in

He might’ve just been tired and overwhelmed from work and putting the kids down for bed. Maybe a misstep on his part because I hope he’s not like that any other day
Have a convo with him and tell him how that made you feel.
But you should’ve called I agree

He told you how much he cares. Believe him. Time to let that :mango:

He is over reacting. He had the spare key. What were you supposed to do? Leave the car unattended with the keys in it to possibly get stolen. Sit around waiting for an Uber or a locksmith all night??? And they are expensive after hours

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I’m so sorry. This is just unacceptable!! I wouldn’t waste one more second with a selfish SOB who could care less about my safety. This is not cool at all hun. Not even a little.

Your husband needs to get a grip. Everyone does this at least once. If you can’t depend on your husband when you need help then why bother being with him?

He had the spare key. If he’s not going to be there when you need him, then he serves no purpose.

How long have you been married…are you really married or just using the phrase…sounds like maybe too long…

He was probably mostly frustrated about having just got the kids down? Not everyone is good at processing and dealing with stress and exhaustion. In those moments, sometimes it’s best to sleep it out and talk the next morning… in my experience.

It’s disappointing because he SHOULD be your first call. If he’s feeling like he’s not the best first option, considering the kids, you two should talk it out. Hear his frustration and problem solve TOGETHER. Maybe an uber would have been worth it, but you guys have to talk through these moments rather than get explosive.

Now, hanging up on you is really irritating :woozy_face:


Throw the whole man out! If you can’t count on him when your keys are locked in your car trust me when I tell you he will leave you high and dry when the real :poop: hits the fan! He’s not a man he’s a boy. My husband could be mad as HeLL at me and he would still come right away. Pay attention this is a HUGE RED FLAG!!!

I’m married but would still call my dad. Guess you’re not the only one who feels they can’t count on their spouse. Sending good vibes


I fell for you but my husband same way all the time…that’s why we r separated…I call my dad not him

Wow. I’m so sorry.
Yeah No! Put the kids in the car and go get your wife!!!

He is supposed to be the ONE in the world you count on. And instead he makes you feel like dirt, invaluable and not worth helping. That’s wrong I’m so many levels as you spouse, protector and confidant. What about your vows. I feel like he’s wanting to set you up for not depending on him. This is a total red flag to me. This definitely need more addressing to see what his intentions are with being a husband and what that looks like.
Remember, you teach people how to treat you so take him to school!

My car died when I was pregnant, and I was babysitting my friends daughter. I was on my way to get her from daycare and it was snowing. I called my boyfriend and he IMMEDIATELY asked what he should do
I told him to wait until I was done babysitting as I could walk from where my car was.
He picked me up later with no hesitation and had the seat warmer on for me.
HUGE red flag on your hubby’s part. Things happen… that’s life.

My man would be there in a heartbeat. Any of them that I’ve had in the past too. That’s their job as a man is to help their woman

Sounds like something else is going on with him. I wouldn’t count on him no more honestly especially with him getting upset over you basically asking him to bring you spare keys. Thank goodness I got good people on my side in case of an emergency.

I can honestly say my husband might be a little frustrated just because it was a long day and just getting the kids down but he wouldn’t expect me to figure it out my own or get upset about me needing help. He’s always been the one I call just like if he forgets his wallet or something I’m the one he calls. Yes I’ve gotten frustrated having to stop what I’m doing but isn’t that what I’m there for too? If he was honestly exhausted he could have just called a locksmith then stayed on the phone with you until you were on your way home. If the extra $ is an issue he should have just done it and realized that things happen and you didn’t make a plan to lock your keys in the car just to inconvenience him…he should have apologized for acting that way. I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t call my husband when I needed him…I mean what’s the point in having a spouse if you’re not there for each other when things like this happen. And no he may not have called you if it was him but that’s on him IMO :woman_shrugging:t2:

I had a small bump up and wham I called him and said your kidding me. I knew the marriage was over!!!

Get road side service through your insurance, call a tow company to come and unlock your car, pay by credit card and turn into insurance company for reimbersment…You really don’t need him.

Yeah he’s fed up about something else. That being said he was way out of pocket. He can be annoyed he had to get the kids up and that you misplaced your keys but your safety should have been first priority.


Op also consider what if that was your child alone in a pad part of town locked out of their car? What if he treated them that way? If you’re upset about that you should be livid for yourself!

I’m so sorry. This is WRONG!

Unless this is an ongoing issue, can it just be attributed to two hard working and overwhelmed parents doing the best they can and sometimes coming up short? I’m not always at my best and I try to give my family a pass too.


Married 30 years, I always call my husband. Has he complained, yes but he has always bailed me out. I’m
Sorry he did this to you, isn’t the entire point of having a spare key so incase something like this happens someone can bring the spare? We all make mistakes and if you called a locksmith it would have cost quite a bit.

Tbh that wasn’t an emergency next time call the locksmith or road side assistance. Kids were already in bed settling down and your husband had to get them back up and ready to leave the house just to take you a spare key. I would never call my husband for a lock out situation if I was broke down yes because most likely the car would need towed. You both have a reason to be mad but definitely not good reasons lol.


Your spouse should be the number one person you can rely on and he should have been more worried about your safety. I would personally divorce somebody if something like that happened and they asked me if they were the only person I know. It’s also insane that he’s going to compare how he would handle it to you. You are a woman. You are statistically at a much higher risk of having something happen to you in a scenario like that. Gender aside, just because he would do it that way, doesn’t mean everyone around him has to. You should be able to rely on him.

Red flag :triangular_flag_on_post:

Yeah you screwed up but was he really prepared to let his wife, the mother of his children walk him in a less than safe environment? Sounds like he was.

Think about that question and then start looking at every part of your life with wide open eyes.

Willing to bet this isn’t the first time something like this has happened. You should really evaluate your situation.

You did the right thing by calling your husband. That’s his job to protect and care for you. Especially when your in a potential dangerous situation.

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I’d change all the locks on the house. When he calls tell him to figure it out…he got himself into this situation! Bags are packed and left at this location.


Get out. I married a man like that. Am out. Now have someone who worries about me. Guess where i feel loved! People are always talking abt soul mates - Nope you want someone who cant sleep if your not safe! He is suppossed to protect you, not be inconvenieced! What happens when your children need a ride or anything? Screw him - your post hit such a sore spot within me! You shouldnt even be second guessing yourself!

My husband had to drive almost a hour to unlock my car.
I had our daughters with me.
Yes, he was aggravated, as I would have been as well.
But that’s how a marriage partnership works.
He knew it was a mistake and I didn’t intentionally mean to lock the keys in the car.
Yes, he was aggravated, but he got over it and wasn’t ugly about it.

Please leave. This will only get worse.

You should pack up and go.

Throw away the whole husband

I would have called my husband first regardless how tired he might be because we have always been there and always our first thought would be to call one another. If there was some very good reason he could not come, he would make sure arrangements were made to get me home safely. Sad, your husband would not do the same.

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Things happen. He shouldn’t have acted like a dick!

I asked my bf. First question he wondered was shooting guns or shooting needles. Because if I were a husband I wouldn’t want my wife working where gun shootings happen at all.

A spouse is supposed to be a life partner. Someone to share in life with you, the ups, and the downs. Someone to call when you are scared, hurt, in need, joyful, excited. That doesn’t necessarily mean that every time a partner is needed that the other has to be elated to help, but they should at least help knowing this is literally what they signed up for. To me, it sounds like you chose the wrong man.

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He is so wrong, he was only concerned about him being inconvenienced, not your safety. I would never rely on him again. Hide a key on the outside of your car or keep an extra in your purse. Good luck

If it’s too much to ask for his help in an emergency then you need to really tell him if he can’t be that person and be a team with you then what’s the point of having him around at all


Nope he’s so wrong for this .
Women are taken all the time ,
My husband would of came with no question asked .
So sorry :cry:

What a tool! It doesn’t matter what state my husbands in, he would be my first call too. If he didn’t immediately spring into action, I would kick his arse lol
You need to have a talk to him about how you felt, you are in the right here :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

O my that is so sad :disappointed: :disappointed_relieved: what an AH
That is just not right :confused: feel sorry for you :disappointed: :cry: I’d be pissed :triumph:

If mine did that to me I would go berserk. He be sleeping at his motheŕs nursing a black eye.

Tell him next time you call your ex.

Nah…throw the whole man out.

You: honey I accidentally locked the keys in my car
Him: what do you expect me to do about it?
You: oh….okay…never mind…I’ll call Joe….

Sounds to me like he was having a shitty day. Bring it up a diff day and just express exactly what you said here. I’m sorry but my husband would never even on his worst day

He’s an ass. A sad excuse of a man. He should be ashamed of himself .

As a man that’s a dick move I’d be there to help asap regardless of the status of kids in bed

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I think you should have just got the Uber and told him about what happened. Your children didn’t need to be woken and brought out to that dangerous place at night. If there was no other option yes but there was- you should have rescued yourself and got the Uber.

If you can’t call your husband in a situation like that then you def need to question the marriage…I’m in disbelief myself right now just reading this. My husband would be angry if I called anyone else period no matter the time, day or situation. Matter of fact he would have came and walked me out or took me and dropped me off if it’s in a rough area or late night like that. I’m speechless at the lack of concern your husband had about your safety or your ending result as long as he wasn’t inconvenienced, and that my friend is not love at all. I am so sorry your having to go through this. My prayers to you and your family.

My hubby is always there for me even when I make him upset or irritated and same here. Sorry hun.

I would second guess that marriage for sure. You are married to a POS! And based on the way he addressed you, IF something bad had happened to you, he likely would have gaslighted you then as well saying it was your fault. The narcissistic tendencies are strong with this one. But, also, check your insurance & see if it has roadside assistance for cases like this. Or, if you’re feeling EXTRA spicy, call his best friend something like this happens & tell said friend your husband told you not to call him in these instances. :upside_down_face:

Call an attorney… your husband should always have your back no matter how tired he was

Um since when is a marriage about figuring everything out on your own?

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Wow your husband is a piece of work. My husband wouldn’t hesitate. And yours shouldn’t have either. I’m sorry. Maybe carry your spare keys on you.

What a douche bag. :roll_eyes: your husband suppose to do those kinds of things otherwise Whats the point of even being in a relationship if you have to do everything alone

I always called who ever I was with my ex did it to me a couple times and that’s why he is my ex.

Ya I would be pissed! Is it an ideal situation. No, not for either one of you. It’s not like you purposely did this. It makes much more sense to call the person who has the spare than to pay for a locksmith and sit there for who knows how long.

You did exactly what you’re supposed to do! Tf?! Especially knowing you’re in a bad part of town, alone, at night. You’re not wrong for being upset that he’s mad that you called him, your HUSBAND. I can understand maybe being frustrated because he just put the kids down for bed. But to say that you shouldn’t have called him is kinda callous to say to his wife!

You were supposed to call your husband. This is HIS damn problem. Not yours. Tell him you’ll call your boyfriend next time. Lol

Wow what an a**. Your husband is always supposed to have your back. S*** happens, I would definitely be doubting this marriage.

I would just be done girl . Maybe that’s just me . Bc I feel if he was in that situation you would go to him no questions asked and for him to treat u like it’s whatever walk home get a Uber just don’t call me kinda attitude I would realize this guy don’t care or love me as much as I do him so I would go don’t waste another min bc it will probably only get worse

Get a hide a key magnet to put under your car, so this doesn’t happen again but even my husband says yeah he wouldn’t be thrilled but he’d come save my a$$ cause that’s what partners do. Your husband is a D. I’d consider dropping him like a bad habit.

Omg I can’t imagine my husband acting that way. What an ass.

Husbands and Wives support one another during these crucial times. That is what marriage is all about. He sounds cold and dismissive. Maybe there is something bothering him.


What a miserable and selfish sob leave him. That will open a door for someone who will actually love you. Your kids aren’t holding you back from meeting someone new. Plenty of real men want and will take on the job.

Sorry excuse of a man. Time for him to do things on his own.

You learn not to depend on him

Damn girl. I’m sorry that was his reaction. I understand him being annoyed as he had to get the kids up and drive there, but his reaction and comments are alarming to me. The first person I’d think to call would be my husband. What a dick.

Give yourself the same advice you would give to your daughter.

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Tell.him to call someone else next time he wants sex and everytime after that

Call another dude see what he has to say about that

I had a flat tire about twenty miles from where I lived,I had just gotten married about a month earlier,i called my husband and him and his brother came and changed it for me. He ask me what I would have done if we weren’t together ,my reply was I’d have changed it myself.He just shuck his head

He was tired …you were tired . Next time spend the money on locksmith a d when he asks why there is a charge to a locksmith remind him of what he said to you .

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My hubby is My 1st call! It’s his job in more then 1 way. He is my hubby & he is a tow truck driver! However if My hubby did that to me I’d call my daddy! That always piss hubby of 25yr off!
I wouldn’t for say call it quits if this is the first time. However I would sit down and have a serious conversation about his attitude, what could have happened to you & what that meant for him and the kids. If it doesn’t change his attitude well then maybe call it quits.

I mean he did end up bringing you spare keys … I totally understand that you feel he should have just dropped everything and come help you.
My fist thing asked would have been … “ok iv put the kids to bed what do you want me to do ? “ and if my wife said wake them up and come get me I would have done it, I also would have been shitty if she clapped back with a smart ass comment on her time of need aswell Depending on how hard the kids were I might have suggested she catch a taxi home and we can sort it tomorrow if that’s an option also

He should have raced there to help you. So sorry.

Your next call should be your lawyer and leave his ass!

My husband would be there in an moments notice. No matter the situation. I rely on him, he relies on me. Your husband sounds like a selfish asshole. Id reevaluate your marriage.

I’m sorry but my foot would have to be surgically removed from my soon to be EX husband’s ass!! I mean he has a spare key, even if he was tired and irritated that’s no reason to be a whole ass!!

I can’t imagine ever being treated that way. Even after my parents divorced which was done amicable for me. I was 14. If my mom was in a jam, she still called my dad and he dropped everything to come help whether I was involved or not. With my relationship, we are not married (we won’t get married as we both had bad childhood experiences due to our parents) but we have been together going on 19yrs. I worked nights, one night my car died in the middle of the highway at 3am. My spouse was asleep along with my children. I could of called the garage (family owned) but I called my SO. He got the girls up and came. We got the car restarted, and he followed me home. It was just a mile. No complaints. He just wanted me home. That’s how a spouse should be. We got the girls to bed, and he went to bed. I never went right to bed after my shift.

Needless to say, you should not have been treated that way and I think you should take a moment and think of this is what you truly want in a relationship going forward. This is what your kids will be raised to do to their future spouses. You and them deserve so much more. I’m sorry you were treated that way.

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Sorry luv. Your husband is a MAJOR ass who needs a reality check. Of course he’s your emergency contact. Of course you’d call him first. DUH! Yes, question your relationship. This is not the reaction of a concerned, loving husband. Speak with a counselor before making any decisions. Good luck.

Thats what partners do…help each other in the good time & the bad. I would have taken a car service & then let him have it when i got home

Make a spare key, put in your purse. Sorry you’re gonna have to think for yourself and stop depending on someone to rescue you.

To da dump, to da dump, to da dump dump dump… he doesn’t care about you, he’s a self-serving ass!

Frankly, I would have gone back into the restaurant, locked the doors, and called police to come help. Then, if they couldn’t help I’d call a locksmith while the police are still there to come pop the lock. Then I would contact my husband to let him know what was going on so he wouldn’t worry when I showed up late. I’m a fix it myself kind of person. I wouldn’t have called my husband to help after he put the kids to bed. In my opinion, you had other options. I’m sorry if this offends you, it’s just my honest opinion.

He’s an ass. You called the right person. Sorry he can’t be a man/husband.

What a jerk! That’s all…:woman_shrugging:

But i bet when you get a guy to help he will accuse you of cheating.

Um no I call my husband for everything he’s my partner. If hubby didn’t want to go out after putting the kids to bed he could have at least been helpful in offering up someone he might know could help you?? Especially if you didn’t know who else to call? I couldn’t imagine my husband hanging up on me in a time of need. Seriously messed up!


Sounds like your married to an incompetent jerk who has no respect for you.

I don’t understand why women marry these types of men and continue to stay married to them lol … I know there were red flags way before the marriage and kids. He’s a bitch, not a man. A real man knows it’s his sacred duty to protect his partner and be there for her. A mf who cries and complain is not a man. You’re better off alone.