My husband has been lying about spending money on food with his credit cards...advice?

Are you sure he’s buying lunch for just himself? $50 for just one person doesn’t quite line up.

This is the definition of financial infidelity. I suggest a therapist. You can’t physically do anything to make him change. He’s an adult and he will act on his own accord. He has to see the problem, acknowledge it, and fix it himself. Cutting the cards is likely useless since he probably has the info saved. Cancelling his cards is just you taking initiative for him when he should be the one doing it himself. You’re his wife, not his mother, though I’m definitely on your side here; this is shady. Who needs $50 worth of DQ? I’d be suspicious if it’s all for him or for someone else too.

Sorry you are dealing with this. I’d sit down and have a serious conversation, have bills and charges for him to see , add them up, have information on how to budget for dummies (lol jk), that’s what I once used back in the day when young n dumb needing to get my sht together and be smarter with my money. explain to him how it’s very hurtful that he is lying to you and so on…
Anyway, good luck hope it works out

Damn $50 at DQ! How does that even happen?

Is this a man thing i see alot of women saying the same thing and im coming to the party with the same explanation the kids dad does thisssss as tight as a nuns you know what for his kids needs but a big spender in work annoys the shit out of me but will happily take from the bulk buys i make to get through the week

Stop making the lunches. My ex did similar and we we’re able to have talks about it but sounds like he isn’t on the same high frequency as you.
Make dinner later. Put your foot down. Say less and just match energy.
Be like if you’re having fast food after work I just won’t cook today.
And if you do cook.and eat healthy do it for yourself and store the leftovers in the freezer so they won’t go bad and won’t go to waste. Most men do tend to get irresponsible and are more immature than women.
But if they constantly feel nagged at it will never get better only worse.

Honestly, I would be thankful that it’s just on food and whatnot. There’s so many other things that could be so kuch worse. Be thankful he’s not out there spending it on drugs, alcohol and broads. Ya it sucks but there are bigger problems in the world.