My husband lied to me about smoking ciggarettes: Advice

Just let the man have his cigarette. There’s far worse things he could be doing. Go easy on the guy, he might be a bit stressed out.


I went through the same thing. It sucked.

Also, this group is so catty. YIKES


Talk about over reacting. Ever think maybe you and his job stress him out ? You definitely don’t sound like you make it any easier that’s for sure if that’s how you react to this. It’s not an easy feat to do


Ok he should have just been honest about it but leaving your home because his smoking cigarettes is crazy


Lying isn’t cool, but if you reacted this way over something he, a grown man chooses to do. You definitely are driving him to smoke more


Okay…he lied. About a HABIT that can be extremely hard to break. But you obviously had no idea so you were not having to smell it and he is not doing it around you. You have greatly over reacted and are reacting without any real thought put into any of it, nor any consideration for how hard it is to quit. Especially with piling stresses such as work and a growing family. At this point, it looks like he has dodged a bullet since you decided to leave.


Stop trying to control a grown ass man :joy:
You haven’t noticed the smell this whole time so…

Sorry but you cannot control another person. It’s his decision on whether or not to smoke. Not yours not anybody else’s but his sorry.


Lying no … but he is grown and just because you don’t like his habits doesn’t mean he has to stop. I’m sure you have a few he doesn’t like. Leaving to go to your mom’s is a little childish.


My gf vapes when she has her kids :woman_shrugging:t3:

I get being upset. He lied and he didn’t stop something that he said he did. The way you reacted though imho was way over the top. I get it, you’re pregnant but even so. You should have spoken to him like an adult and not run away. Smoking is a hard thing to break and sometimes it comes back. He may have stopped and picked up the habit again.


Well he is an adult……

Leave if you don’t like something about him that much

He’s an adult he works also so maybe it helps him with stress from working maybe?

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You can’t force him to quit if he doesn’t want to. If you didn’t know then he’s likely not smoking at home at least!


He shouldn’t of lied but grow up. He’s a grown man and can smoke if he pleases


I hope that he they back to you

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It sucks that he lied but he is a grown adult. Just because you don’t like cigarette smoke and are pregnant doesn’t mean he can’t smoke. He can smoke outside like me and my husband do. I’m tired of this group smokers get put in. IT IS NOT ILLEGAL!!!


You left the house because of cigarettes even tho u didn’t know he was smoking :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: I can probably guess why he lies based on this post.


Honey… He’s smoking an occasional cigarette at work… It’s NOT crack! :joy: Count your blessings… Go home and tell your husband you forgive him…


Um I just wanna know how u didn’t smell it for a whole year… It wasn’t booze… It wasn’t another woman…it was a cigarette u left over… Yes a lie but look how u reacted to him smoking…poor guy someone go fix him dinner :joy:


You might find yourself without a husband. Smoking in not a cause to stay at your mothers. He didn’t do it around you. He’s a grown man and really doesn’t need your permission. Your not his mother. Be happy he even has a job. He is aloud to do as he pleases as long as he respects you


If you don’t smoke, and didn’t smell it on him, DAMN good chance that he was just having a cheat cig if he was stressed. I do the same thing. I quit last year but still occasionally buy a pack just to help reduce the stress I’ve been under. I say give him a chance. U are having his baby, I’m guessing u love him and he loves you… Talk it out. Don’t just call it quits yet

I’m not being mean but when in a relationship you have to talk through problems not run away …I’m thinking maybe your hormones might be a little over board I get it he did lie yes but your going to have to learn to talk through your problems when this baby gets here do you just want to up and leave everytime you get mad about something? Hopefully you both can sit down and discuss it and get through it as a family best wishes :heart:


Maybe he just smokes a couple at work now, you’d of never known if you didn’t go there… It is OTT top leave him over it.

If he’s not doing it around you, what’s the problem. It’s hard to quit smoking. It’s a habit that’s hard to quit.

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You sound like a child having a temper tantrum bc you didn’t get your way. No he should not have lied, but you can’t control him… how do you know he didn’t recently start it back?


How did you not smell it for a year??


I’m not going to bash you but I’m going to tell you that your petty. I get you being pregnant and certain smells can make you sick but goodness! Smoking is an addiction. If he quit a year ago and then you got pregnant, he’s probably stressing. Have a conversation with HIM.


Cigarettes are a deal breaker for me. My now husband quit when he met me. I, in turn, stopped smoking weed.

You do things for those that really matter. He should have at least talked to you if he was struggling, bc thats totally understandable.


I’m really trying to be sensitive here because pregnancy hormones are crazy.

But he’s an adult. As long as he ISNT smoking around you while you’re pregnant, you can’t tell him what to do.

If he was smoking around you, that’s different. But you already knew he was a smoker. He tried to quit and went back to smoking. That’s very controlling to be that upset about it….


Nothing like kissing an ashtray…:nauseated_face:
Sad … get him some Nicoderm patches… or Chantix help him quit…

He lied to you for an entire year about smoking. That’s not ok I don’t care if he’s an adult. It’s still not ok.

In saying that though it is a hard habit to kick. I’m going on three years tobacco free and it can be hard some days. It was my fifth attempt to quit smoking. I’ve finally made it this far but it hasn’t been easy.

You need to keep this mind also in regards to him and his smoking. Yes it’s upsetting and it’s not ok he lied. But it’s a hard habit to leave behind.

Have an adult discussion about it with him and work it out together and find a place you can both agree together.


Ask him why he lied. If he is lying about smoking what else is he hiding… Hate to say it that way but a relationship will never work if both people aren’t honest


If he was actually smoking daily don’t you think you’d smell it on him?


He is a grown ass man. He ain’t smoking around you and u packed up like a child and ran to mama grow up. He should not lie but you should not run. Have a conversation!!

So YES, he was NOT honest.
Also, you are WAAAY overreacting!!
I wonder what else happens that causes him to want to go smoke, and continue to hide it?
And also you are having a child? You better get used to that lying thing, regardless of what you teach them and expect. Yes, a decent human grows out of that, but EVERYONE does it at some point in life!
Running to your mom cause you had a disagreement with your HUSBAND. Yikes, maybe marriage was too soon for you honey. This is MINOR in the grand scheme of life in my opinion. Now if he cheated, THAT MIGHT be a reason to go to your mom! But you gotta learn to work through issues in your marriage WITH YOUR HUSBAND, NOT YOUR MAMA


Honestly he’s grown and obviously works so if he wants to he can.


How did you not smell it?


Get over it
If you don’t like cigi smoke
Let him smoke outside
They are his lungs after all


. You’re overreacting tbh. Like yeah I’d be a bit upset he lied but clearly he’s trying.


He needs to run real fast away from you. Controlling behavior is not a good look.


I’d light one up, too, if my wife was like that.


If that’s your biggest problem, you’re lucky Put on your big girl panties and deal with it like an adult. Don’t avoid it by running to mommy.


Get over yourself. You cannot control another human being.


How do u even know he has been lying for a year? He could of just started smoking again I mean U hate smoke so much an u had no idea! He clearly cares what u think if he went thru all the trouble of hiding it from u. He is prob struggling with giving up cigs and didn’t feel like he could talk to u about cause u clearly like to over react. Put your self in his shoes. If he asked u to stop doing something u was addicted to and also enjoyed just because he didn’t “like” it. Go home and TALK to your husband!! Not your mom and not Facebook.


He must be smoking scentless cigarettes cause I dont know how you didnt know.
With that said…leaving your home because of it is a bit drastic.


He’s an adult, he can smoke if he wants to. He’s being respectful enough to not do it around you. You actually left him over it? SMH


I mean I assume you knew he smoked when y’all got together and got married. Unless he started after. But even then, he’s buying them himself and you haven’t smelled it on him in a year :woman_shrugging:t3: the man can smoke if he wants.


You make me want to light one lmao


U stress him out that’s why he smokes


IF HE smoked when you met him LEAVE HIM A LONE and tell him you will help him stop don’t be selfish


He’s a grown man.
Obviously he shouldn’t have lied about it though.

If you havent smelled it on him in a year…They make e-cigarettes that are the same weight and size and look of real cigarettes. I’ve used them before to help me quit. I would just ask him about it. Calmly and rationally.


Ummmm sometime people quit smoke and have an occasional cigarette, I know both me and my husband do.


Its a very hard habit to quit and he may make several attempts .Support him , he could have lied about something much worse .He feels guilty that he couldn’t succeed but one day he will .


Lol I know your hormones are crazy bc you are pregnant but girl, go back home to your man. I finally quit smoking, but it was HARD! Just make him smoke outside.

  1. He’s a grown ass man. He can make his own decisions.
  2. I get you don’t like it but read #1 again.
  3. You addressed you don’t like it but again… #1.

Good for you. Baby health is important.

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I told my wife I stopped smoking and one night we were talking and she said ARE YOU HAVING AN AFFAIR? I said no I been smoking she said that’s why you leave a lot to check your business I do not smoke anymore not because I had to it is a NASTY HABIT

Maybe he wasn’t actually ready to quit and didn’t trust you to treat him like an adult to “let” him make his own choices. Abandonment of your spouse in the middle of an argument is a form of abuse.
Unless you are ready to end the relationship FOR SURE, then you should probably figure it out and go back home.


What else is he lying about???


Lying is bad, but how extreme your reaction to seeing him smoking at work is a good indication as to why he didn’t want to tell you. No one is perfect and no one wants to tell someone their struggling with something if they have to deal with that kind of a reaction.


I understand wanting him to stop smoking for his health & the people around him, but that doesn’t sound like it’s your issue. The smell seems to be what you’re worried most about, which is fine, but if he’s been doing it for the past year & you’re just now finding out because you caught him in the act… He’s obviously figured out a way to make sure the smell doesn’t bother you, or else you would have figured that out a long time ago.
Also, some people have more of a problem giving up smoking, so just try talking to him. :black_heart:


He’s probably smoking BECAUSE of you and your pregnancy and those hormones ffs at least he loves you and his baby in your belly enough to NOT do It around you…give the man a break get yourself together…better yet…ask yourself…okay it’s fine for you ro leave him over tiny shit …how are you gonna feel when he leaves you and your child over big shit he can’t take anymore…match that energy sis!

You can’t control what he does. You’re absolutely overreacting. Yeah you have a right to be upset bc he lied to you about but it’s really petty to up an leave bc of it. You sound like a child throwing a tantrum. Guess what you didn’t even know he was doing it for a whole year or so. That means he was at least being respectful enough to not do it at home or around you bc of knowing that you don’t like it. Besides he more than likely like most guys only smokes at work once in awhile with coworkers. It’s like he went out with the guys for a few drinks but he doesn’t drink at home kind of deal. You need to re-evaluate your own behavior and work on your communication skills between each other. If you don’t y’all won’t be married much longer with you running away throwing a tantrum over the pettiest of things. Just bc you don’t like it doesn’t mean you have the right to force him into not doing it. It’s his body his choice and if he chooses to do so as long as it’s not in the house or around you you don’t have any right to say anything to him or to be mad at him for doing it.


Yet you didn’t notice until you saw it.

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The lie is upsetting year but… it’s not the end of the world. You can communicate that you don’t appreciate being lied to but it’s a cigarette not meth.


If not being able to control your husband is that big of a problem now then you’re in for a hell of a surprise when you give birth to a baby that screams and cries and doesn’t understand logic or reasoning. You’re about to bring a baby in to this world with another adult. Grow up and stop getting your parents involved in your marriage over every little mole hill that you turn in to a mountain.


No wonder he didn’t tell you.


No wonder he didn’t tell you.

If you left him just for smoking then y[ really was just looking for a reason to leave


Maybe he feels like he can’t talk to you cause you’ll over react and I don’t know, maybe move one with your mom . hate the smell too. But obviously he hasn’t been smelling like smoke because you didn’t know he started again. You’re literally overreacting. I’m sure he will enjoy the peace while you’re at your moms. The man is grown.


Someone find out who this crazy person’s husband is and tell him to run.


Just buy life insurance and let it go

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You didn’t even notice for a year. He’s an adult let him smoke as long as he isn’t doing it around you. It’s probably his way to relieve stress


He isn’t doing it around you and you didn’t smell it so just leave him alone. Just because you don’t like cigarette smoke does not mean he has to quit. Did he quit because you forced it? Done reality did he not quit he just hit it because you wouldn’t shut up about it? Time to grow up since you’re bringing a child into the world. Everything won’t be about you

If that’s all he’s doing or done you are one lucky lady! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


He’s of age to smoke, and he’s a grown man. He can have a cigarette if he wants to. Quit overreacting. :rofl:


The lying really sucks…buttt how did he keep the smell off of him for a whole year?


If that’s the only problem you have you are kicking goals. Alot of us are going through more than that. Bit silly to leave over a smoke. Hate to see use really hit a rough patch. Goodluck :grin:


That’s childish he is a grown ass man lady

If you don’t like the smell, bad enough to leave. You would have left a year ago :joy::joy:


I don’t smoke but your tantrum makes me want to try it. I understand being upset but running to your moms? If he would’ve been the one upset and went to his mom’s you’d be talking bad about what a terrible husband he was.


I think you’re overreacting, and I honestly see why he lied about it . You say you hate the smell , but you haven’t detected it on him so what’s wrong w him having a cig on his own time ? Atleast he isn’t smoking around you and you smelling it … my husband smokes I hate it and I wish he only smoked while he was at work shiet


Grow up and get over yourself. If you didn’t notice for an entire year it’s really no big deal…. :woman_shrugging: he could be out cheating but that’s not the case. I’d say thank your lucky stars.


So you ran to your mom’s house? Instead of talking like an adult? I would’ve hidden it also


I wish this was all I had to be concerned about.


You couldn’t smell it on him?


Lol that’s your deal breaker?


If you leave for that then he’s lucky to get rid of you…lol


First world problems right … :joy:

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I don’t think it’s only about the ciggs. It’s more about not being honest. He could have just told you.


And the more you ride his ass about it… The longer it will take him to quit. HE has to be ready. Sucks he felt he had to lie to you… But I can see why

You can’t even spell cigarettes… You need to grow up and get over it.


He’s grown,!!! Hopefully he’s smart enough to not let you come back.


He’s a grown man. He can smoke if he wants. Maybe he hid it from you because of the way you act.


You went to stay with your mom because your grown husband is smoking… Are you a child? Just stay with your mom. You’re not ready for the realities of a man much less a child.


Grow up he could be doing alot worse


If he was doing it all the time you would have smelled it before you seen him. He’s an adult. He has enough respect to not do it around you. That should be enough