My husband said he would rather leave me than have another baby.....advice?

Decide whether you’ll regret staying with him more than you’ll regret never having another child

Your husband should leave you. No means no.


He’s giving you a hard but responsibly honest truth. Rather or not to have children is a deal breaker for a lot of people. Clearly it is for him, now you need to decide if it is for you. What’s more important for you? Staying in your marriage? Or having another baby? I definitely would never pressure someone into having more children they’re not ready for.

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If you already have kids together and things aren’t rocky, just that your ideal amount of kids is different, don’t split up just for that reason. You are tearing your kids out of a home with both parents where they may suffer more without seeing one of you as often and you have to find yourself a way to support your kids alone… just because you want another one…
if you have a good partner, don’t leave. You aren’t guaranteed to find another man that will give you another baby while also caring for your already born children


Go. If he doesn’t want one then don’t try to force it on him

You can either follow your heart and find someone else that wants a big family like you do or you can respect the fact that he doesn’t babies are a deal breaker for a lot of couples :person_shrugging: some people don’t want any kids at all so if you have a child I would just enjoy that blessing. But if you feel it’s a deal breaker then he’s not the one for you unfortunately. But I do have a question how old is the child you have now? If you guys just had a baby it could be a lot for him to deal with in a lot of pressure financially. So maybe if you wait two or three years you could approach the subject again at a different point in your lives and a lot could happen in that time. I don’t know how old each of you are or how many kids you already have or their ages so it’s hard to maybe understand where he’s coming from. But I pray that you do what’s right for you :pray:

Let him go. You can’t make him want another baby.

I think he could have chosen his words better, but he’s obviously dead set on not having any more and keeping his family as is. He may change his mind later, but ultimately you have to decide if another child is that important to you that you’re willing to break up the family you have. Sounds harsh but that’s the reality. It wouldn’t be right to force him to have a child he’s explicitly said he doesn’t want. And not fair on that child at all.

Leave him. Nobody who wants to be with you would even use that as a way to explain their feelings on something like that. He obviously isn’t emotionally invested in the marriage and he isn’t able to give you what you want. You deserve to be happy and he’s right, you could absolutely have one with someone else and you could have one with somebody who values your feelings/desires and treats you well. I don’t understand how everyone is seemingly just glazing over him making that shitty comment and the volumes that it speaks.

Decide how much you love your husband. If he’s a keeper and just is letting you know he doesn’t want a baby, you should hear him. No one should be forced to have kids they don’t want. Maybe get a kitten or puppy, something you can mother to help you fill that void. If he’s not a keeper and never considers your wants and it’s always you having to compromise for him, I’d say kick him to the curb and find a man who wants what you want. I’ve been married for 26 years and we’ve both made sacrifices for the other, that’s marriage. You don’t always agree. But make sure he’s not always the one making the decisions. It has to go both ways.

I mean…he’s being honest. I don’t think it was wrong. It may be hurtful but it doesn’t sound like it was his intention to be hurtful. You want more kids and he doesn’t so instead of you resenting him he’s being honest and saying that he would rather let you go so you can have more babies. That’s not a compromising situation so he’s being respectful of your feelings.

Let him leave. You’re marriage won’t work anyway disagreeing over such a big thing. He’s not a bad guy amd you’re not wrong for wanting another kid, you’re just not compatible wanting different things from life.

How would you like it if he said he wanted another and you didn’t? You can’t force someone to do something. If you’re willing to bet your marriage then go for it. Don’t complain when he leaves as he’s already expressed his wishes.

Let him leave. You can’t force him to have a baby. So if you can’t live without having one better to end it now

If you choose to stay and still want a baby you may become bitter with regrets. That usually doesn’t end well.

You could be a foster mum? Best of both.

Sounds to me that your feeling not needed and a baby is someone to cling to to feel so. A husband to be there for you and your family should be more important than splitting up to have another child… if he dont cheat on you and provides love and support to you and your kids is what is priceless. the grass may not be greener on the other side the new baby daddy may be nasty to your now kids there is alot to decide here not just your need of a baby … when you divorce it is not only you that ot effects it effects the whole family quit being selfish be happy with what you got

Life is expensive . If you already have children then be happy with that . He’s just being honest, so if you want another that badly then you will have to figure out how to go your separate ways .

This comment thread isn’t it

“He doesn’t love you”
“He’s cheating on you”
“He’s selfish”

To name just a few. God forbid someone would put a boundary in place for themselves … and get torn a new a hole for it.

Sounds like he’s done with the relationship

We want people to respect our bodies but why is it that it’s so hard to respect someone else’s wishes? If a man DOES NOT want another baby why would you force him? This is a talk you both should have had BEFORE getting married and settling down. This is one of the examples as to why the divorce rate is so high today.

Just as much as you want him to respect your feelings you have to respect his to, maybe he feels financially psychologically and emotionally he won’t be able to sustain another child maybe there are other factors at play why he doesn’t want more kids, my husband and I spoke and discussed the matter regarding more kids after our youngest was born and came to an agreement that even though he wanted us to have a big family it is just not a good idea as things become more expensive than before and that we make the most of our time with our 2 children that we can before they leave the nest one day

Ive got 3 kids and I do not want anymore. I would not hesitate to tell someone they needed to find someone else if they wanted more.

At least he’s being honest.

How Many children do you Have? Do you work? What is the Financial situation? Do either of you have children from a previous relationship? Not enough information given, But I will say, If we want MEN to be GOOD, ACTIVE, PARTICIPATING PARENTS, We MUST Respect them when they say, I don’t want anymore children!

Men have as many rights of making decisions about having babies

Respect the fact that he absolutely doesn’t want another baby. He’s making that very clear.

Think it’s wrong for women to insist that men give them children when men have to pay that much more for that next kid he has every right to look at you and tell you he does not want any more kids

I’d rather have my husband than another baby

He said no and that should have been the end of the conversation.


Call his bluff and say ok

My question is, why would you add another child into a world of uncertainty and with inflation costs ? Why???

tell him to get a vasectomy then

I have been in nboth position :sweat_smile:. With my first partner, my oldest child was a surprise. I always knew I wanted more than 1 kid. He’s a good person but we are not compatible. We have love for each other but not in love with each other. So I want the baby more than the relationship. For me, happiness was not with my partner but in my children. I have the love and support of both of my family and his family. I was ready to end it all right there and then for a possibility of a 2nd child. Then the relationships end 2 years later when I found out he was cheating.
When I met my current partner, I was done with babies, my kids are school age and independent, and I just get to start living again, going out, gardening, gaming and traveling. He confirmed with me that he doesn’t want kids. We bought a house and moved in, traveling as a family, getting engaged, and seeing me with my kids makes him want to have his own. It was a hard struggle for me, I’m heading toward 40. All my friends are done with babies. I was done with babies. I told him that if his desire for children surpassed his love for me, he should move on. But he stayed, because he doesn’t want the kid, he wants the kid with me. And with time, seeing him with my children, taking care of them, I’ve changed my mind.
So I say listen to yourself, finding what important to you and makes your decisions, but also accept the consequences. Life is unfair. You can’t have cake and eat it too.

Respect his choice…
If yall already have kids together, that’s a blessing already.
There is obviously a reason why he doesn’t want another child. Did he tell you that reason? :thinking:
No means no, female or male.

Respect his decision. Why do women think it’s ok to force men to have more babies they do not want? Like yall got kids. Are you not teaching them no means no?

The question is simple, do you love your husband? Do you believe he’s your soul mate? Ask him the same questions. He obviously has a very strong opinion about more children. Why? Do you know? Ask. Why are you so set on more? Strangers on Facebook can’t answer any of those questions. Communicate with your husband. Frankly, it doesn’t sound like another child would help your marriage right now. Just my opinion.

Me, personally I would leave. He made it clear he doesn’t want another child. I wouldn’t want to force him to have a child, the same way I wouldn’t want him to force me to not have a child. 

If you are adamant on wanting another child, I think you should consider a divorce.

Do you want to split up your current family & have to end up sharing custody of your current kid or kids, just so you can have another baby? Seems kinda silly to me.

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U can’t force him to have a child I’d he doesn’t want it, seems like if u want to stay with him then no more babies

He has the right to not want more children. Whatever you do don’t have an oops so you get what you want. But you need to decide if you want to stay with your husband or find someone else to have more children with.