Leave him now before it is too late
Hes lucky you waited until u were at home. We have been together over 7 years and i would have been like “excuse use we will be right back”… Outside " idk who you think you talking to like that but its not cool im not ur homie im your wife show some respect! We leaving now"
You are very strong and have no right to be talk to in a way that makes u feel bad or less than anyone!! KNOW YOUR WORTH GIRL!
Don’t reward his bad behavior
The fuck does he think he is? Honey, if you have to ask about this? I will pray for you. This isn’t healthy behavior, in am sure it is very uncomfortable for your mutual friend.
If he’s that upset over a pineapple then you’re going to have more problems down the road. Please pay attention to these red flags and get out while you still can.
I’m going thru it now girl
If he’s treating you like that in front of people, there is a deeper rooted issue and you should talk about it.
By the time he’d finished the first sentence, I would have already tore his head off. Don’t act like I’m some subservient wife you can talk to any old kinda way. Especially in front of friends? He needs his head checked.
I’m wondering your ages & if this is your first marriage…
Either way it’s hurtful. There could be a couple things going on…
Use “I” statements more, when explaining that it’s rude, embarrassing & hurtful
I would have a come back right there and then , it will get worse if you don’t stop him now
No bueno. Show him how to treat you by refusing to accept his ridiculous excuse. If he does that again. Get up and leave him there.
Bro get a whole new man. This guy sounds like a walking red flag. What kind of adult male throws mini tantrums like this? An abusive one. Run!
Oh noooo no no no NOOOOO!! That’s when I square up! Call HIM a bitch and kick him out of my life for good. You should only be spoken to with love, encouragement, and in times of disagreement… understanding! Please do not carry on one more day with this waste of space little boy. Because a man would never treat a lady this way!!!
Stab him with the pineapple knife. Job done
Is said friend a women? Sounds like he has a guilty conscience as his sentence doesn’t even make sense. Side note I got swore at because I asked mine to cut Pineapple last night, but at home.
You should embarrass him in front of the friends he would think twice before doing it again
Pull him up at the time he does it in front of everyone
Clearly he doesn’t respect you.
My husband did that to me twice and I told him either put up or shut up in front of his friends. We have been married for 31 years and Ill be dammed if I put up with that bs. Never done it again!
Set some strong boundaries and let him know you will not accept his shit, if he doesn’t stop, I’d be gone…
He needs counseling to figure out why he thinks itnis normal to treat people poorly. Especially the people closest to him.
I am not making excuses for his behavior. One thing to be aware of it seems, is that he may be extremely sensitive to how others perceive him and even if you’re being positive he might hear it as sarcastic or making him vulnerable. This does not excuse him being abusive towards you, of course! Personally if someone did that to me, partner or not, and it was a regular habit, I would take the keys and leave in that very moment and let them Uber themselves home. It is unacceptable and it is clearly a behavior pattern that he has developed in his life.I would also suggest that the two of you get marriage counseling because it is simply too early in your marriage for behavior, both together and when other people are around, like this to surface. He may need to learn how to express himself differently and it would be useful to have an independent party to advise.
Just snap right back on him in front everyone and tell him not to disrespect you like that!! Problem solved! I guarantee he will think twice about disrespecting you like that again!!
Big red flag. Take a close look at your relationship. What other abusive behaviours does he exihibt? Does he treat others badly too?
Abusive …period and without any reason .Dumb
Verbal abuse is still abuse!! This is not ok!! If he’s doing it now chances are it will escalate!!
In my experience it only gets worse. Read codependent no more then pack his shit and put it in storage. Power and control and gaslighting is all I’m seeing here and that’s no way to live. Go to counseling by yourself girl and get back into loving yourself.
I would turn it right back around on him and tell him to eff off in front of your friends to give him a taste of his own medicine!
I would wait till we’re alone and confront him Tell him how many times he done that and tell him the next time he dose it again that you are leaving and going home. Stop him now! because it will only get worse.
Red flag. If he is willing to do that in public and treat you badly. It can only get worse. Get out while you can. These turn bad quickly. He could hit next. You deserve better
Not okay. Especially since you said he’s done it before. Like it’s a habit. Definitly say something. If he ever does it again, I’d put him in his place right in front of everyone. Embarrass him like he did to you. See how he likes it.
Is your mutual friend male or female?
Girl. Run. Run fast. Like yesterday. He a douche.
The man didn’t want to cut a pineapple and cursed. I don’t think it’s that big of a deal.
I would of confronted him there and then,then leave!!! Its not your job to detox badly raised men!!!
This goes for both sizes,Some people need to be taught like children!!!
A wise Person once said “ Get out while the getting is good”.
Once this behavior begins, it won’t stop and likely will spiral into physical abuse. This is abuse in every way, disrespect and belittling In front of people is the start… I’d make a plan immediately, and go from there… so sorry this happened to you, but trust us on this one… Tigers don’t change Stripes…
Leave him. First verbal, then physical. Look up cycle of abuse.
its normal. my wife calls me bad things for trying to help her. even yells at me if i ask her if shes washing clothes today so i could bring down the laundry basket. its all normal. we all do it to each other. just enjoy what you have
Sounds like a piece of shit!!! DUMP EM
Communication is key, tell him how it makes you feel. Tell him you don’t like it and tell him that feeling you are having in the moment. If he cares and truly respects you it should stop. Otherwise if he only likes to do this in front of a mutual friend, as soon as he does it embarrass him right back and in front of mutual friend tell him how that make you feel , he should be embarrassed that you would bring up your feelings about the way he is treating you in front of mutual friends.
you are all wrong, every person who commented at one time used foul language with each other, married couples fight, if not then its not good. its only 1.5 year old marriage. im 23 years today and we both go after each other at times but there are better times way more than bad. she brought him into a situation of cutting the food without considering his thoughts, wrong on her part but still, it pissed him off and he did apologize. learn to ask first, dont just put someone on the spot. id be pissed too
Girl, you are reading my mind??
You need to set boundaries within your marriage, asap.
My husband is the exact of your husband (19 yrs married) he would have explained the way about the pineapple, my husband doesn’t like me volunteering him for anything (which I don’t)
Now as far a swearing at me it happened two times in our marriage; the2nd time just a few weeks ago.
Heres how I handled it: when he said within “his” heated conversation “fuk you, bitch”
I immediately🛑 stopped our conversation by saying “STOP YOU JUST TOOK THIS CONVERSATION INTO ANOTHER LEVEL SELECTING THOSE WORDS WHICH ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE IN OUR MARRIAGE. IF YOU USE THOSE WORDS AGAIN THEN YOU’RE TELLING ME THAT YOU DISRESPECT ME AND OUR MARRIAGE” I dont mind having an argument but inviting disrespectful words is not acceptable for me. My hubs, an hour later, apologized for using those words. The next day he text me anb apologized again.
So, its my experience to
- address your concern quickly 2. explain the boundaries you want within your marriage.
3.Explain no one is perfect, we can still have a fisagreement but it not ACCEPTABLE to swear at you.
I think it’s a bit silly to drag out something so small. No he shouldn’t have swore at you in front of your friends coz that shows disrespect for you but you confronted him about it, he apologised an said he wouldn’t do it again. As far as I’m concerned the matter is closed. Now if he does again then that’s a different story that needs to be thoroughly addressed.
Very likely a sign of things to come. Possibly talking about his anxiety at social gatherings is long overdue. I would suggest a couple of counseling sessions for him.
Total red flag! I’d have called him out in front of our friends. Period. Then at home I’d have said you keep treating me like that and you can pack your shit and sign the divorce papers on the way out. That’s abusive.
I’d say you guys need marriage counseling. You are having trouble saying what you feel, and he is not using appropriate communication in public. If counseling doesn’t go well, you need to make a decision. Without any changes, this will get worse.
Have him psychologically evaluated. Medication and therapy may help.
He swore at you in public. Not good.
He sounds like an overall asshole. He may know how to cut a pineapple but sounds like he needs a lesson in respect and communication. Run girl. Run fast and far.
Time to get out! He’s going to start gaslighting you next! Never EVER allow a man to speak to you in that manner!! Please do yourself a favor and find a way to leave. I’m telling you this from experience. Experience from allowing my husband to call me names every day of our 18 year marriage. He never called me names prior to our marriage. I now work as a registered domestic violence advocate in a shelter, and our victims all tell us how their abuser calls them names and emotionally abuses them! It only gets worse!
Tell him if he ever disrespected me again it would be the last time ever!
Get out now! Once this behavior starts it only get worse
Bye bye. Next step a push, then a slap, then a punch. Go now. And expect hell from him for awhile.
Cut your loses, it will be painful, but the sooner the better. You deserve better. Good luck
Treat him how he treats you…
Put his bitch ass in his place and get the hell out before it gets worse.
Who don’t know how to cut a pineapple thou?
Your husband sounds like he’s got some red flags for a personality disorder or other mental Health disorder… This will only get worse
Yikes…he is a bit of a nut job.
Yrs how dare he disrespect you and especially in front of people
That sounds like violence. Beware.
It’s verbal and emotional abuse. He knows what he’s doing and will do it again. Call him out about it at that time, in front of the people he belittled you. Set the tone that you won’t tolerate it.
I’d call him out on the spot - loud & clear.
He’s an abusive asshat…run and don’t look back
Was it a sentence enhancer or was he using the cuss word as a derogatory statement towards you like “you’re a dumb f’n B”
You’re only a year and a half in and he’s berating you in front of people? This will not improve over time.
Get into couples therapy and let him know you are willing to leave him if this continues.
His behacior is humiliating to you and completely disrespectful! If this is a regular thing, I would insist on counseling. He is demonstrating a deep seated disrespect for you that needs to be dealt with! Time will not imorove this crap from him as you have already seen.
Negative it is unacceptable make him watch snapped
This is the 3rd site this has been on this morning
That’s not a normal response, and I suggest you seek marriage counseling together ASAP, because this will only get worse if left unchecked!
Very strange that he’s mean to you in public but nice at home. I would probably smack the shit out of him and that would end all of that behavior
Your husband is showing out in front of his friend. He’s basically letting his friend know who wears the pants in the relationship. This is common with some men. The best thing to is to tell him that you’re aware of what he’s doing and that you will not tolerate it. Tell him you will call him out in front of his friend immediately and that his macho, male dominant behavior will not be brushed off next time.
His " excuse" is a flimsy one at best. Who wouldn’t offer their services at a friend’s place if a friend asked some as simple as to slice a pineapple? On top of swearing at you? Run girl… Far and fast
Gaslighting…it will get worse
That’s just the beginning girl. Also his friend should have said something. Not friends
Look it up and run fast and far away
So if you know he does this why do you allow it? Obviously, it was not the first time. The more you allow it, the worst he will get. Girl, you don’t deserve to be treated like that. You have two options, stand up for yourself or leave. This will get uglier and he will start doing it more in public places because you are letting him it’s OK by allowing it.
YOU need to tell him when it happens, in front of everyone “don’t berate me or disrespect me by name calling, I’m NOT going to tolerate it”. This will continue to happen until YOU put a stop to it by calling him out at that moment. You can follow it by “I don’t disrespect you like this, so I don’t expect it in return.” Once he is called out, it will embarrass him to the point it will change his behavior.
My husband was like this , he didn’t change so I walked away. Best thing I ever did. I’m with a lovely man now who respects me and I respect him Go and find a man who will treat you the way you deserve!
Just dont put him out there like that no more and problem solved… Google or YouTube it… Thats what i would do.
I agree with many of these. I just want to say that you need to stand up to him in public. The fact that he did it in front of others and didn’t apologize until you called him on it, it isn’t good. If it continues and expands to your private life, you MUST consider this emotional ABUSE.
Honey set his butt straight don’t let him get away with that shit. If he doesn’t stop kick him to the curb after you treat him the same as he does you.
You are married to an abusive JERK!!! He is using you to look like “Big Man” in front of his friends.
I definitely feel like you have a right to be upset. That was very rude and disrespectful. If he was having an issue he should have taken you to the side or home to talk. Good luck! I hope thing work out. One more thing, don’t just let it go and not say anything. You need to have a healthy conversation with him about how that made you feel and that you won’t tolerate disrespect.
Call him out in the act. Tell him there is no reason to disrespect you like that. Set and keep boundaries.
You have to stand up for yourself…
Tell him never to do it again…
If he does…excuse yourself…say thank you to your friends…and tell him I told you I will not put up with being talked to like that…get car keys and go home .leave him there
Tip of iceberg my friend. Beware!!!
Not only is he treating you like crap but all because he had to cut a pineapple??? Girl run
Get out… he doesn’t care
Your man seems like a di#k…
Your feelings are always valid, and you should trust them. This was very disrespectful, and undignified. There is never an excuse to berate, belittle, demean, or verbally abuse your partner. Doing it specifically in front of other people is even more disrespectful. You should consider seeking a marriage counselor.
This is the start it is a gradual process he is already making you question yourself - call him out and let him know it is disrespectful
Little Nicky gave you the answer in the 90s.
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. My immediate response in front of everyone would have been “calm down cunt”.
If it happens again you need to make it very clear that it’s unacceptable for him to speak to you that way, especially in front of people. Let him know he’s embarrassing you, and hurting you all with that one behavior.
Flip out on his ass and embarrass him in front of the friends. If not he will do it again. This will only be the beginning. That’s pure disrespect. So make him feel the way he made you feel so he’ll understand.
I would’ve looked at him in front of said friends and asked WHO THE FUCK YOU TALKING TO LIKE THAT DUDE!! CAUSE I AIN’T THE ONE! I wish a fucker would lol.
Why would you take this abuse from him. You’re better than this and certainly don’t deserve to be abused by anyone. Get out of this cycle… it will get worse.
Don’t raise your voice give him the look and calmly say who do you think your talking to DONT TALK TO ME LIKE THAT OK then just carry on talking to your friends