My husband thinks I am cheating with his brother: Advice?

Run away with his brother​:rofl::crazy_face:


Divorce then get with his brother.

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People say things out of anger yhy don’t mean when yhy pick on sex parts not cool at all in sure he didn’t mean that.

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Sounds like he is cheating. That relationship is toxic. get yourself out of it before things get worse. Don’t allow your child to see someone treat you like that


Holy crap. Legit get the hell outta there.


My opinion, he is cheating on you…walk away!!!


What kind of immature, childish game is this?.. and how are you still around?


I reckon he’s cheating . A narcs accusations are pretty much always an admission of their own guilt.


Guilty!!! My ex husband said and did the same thing. Buh bye. Get you some of the brother if hes worth it.


Hes making is seem like your doing wrong, when its actually him. Know that this is a form of emotional abuse and manipulation. Dont put up with this kind of behavior or seek help or your will continuously be in those cycle


Run Forest Run!!!


Okay all of it gross from the gaslighting to the absolute lack of knowledge about female genitalia. None of that sounds like a person ready to even live with someone. Ruuuun.


Geet the faaark away from this toxic iiidiot


Petty me says fuck his brother. Then leave his ass.

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He’s projecting his guilt onto you. But also… sex ed failed him HARD bc that’s not how vaginas work. You have a whole ass baby and he thinks some random dick is what’s going to be the thing to supposedly changes your bits… he’s a dumb dumb and a cheater.

Your husband needs counseling. You do as well. Go from there because without it you should probably be divorced. You have to choose whether you want to live this way.


Sounds like he has a guilty conscious. He’s accusing you of what he is doing himself. Dump his ass. He’s pathetic.

Get the hell out now! Run for your life.

He is still with someone… been there. Run


Girl this is a shit show. Walk away. I can tell you right now this is some immature crap. If you really want to save this crazy marriage then see if he’s willing to go to marriage counseling. You can find out the whole truth there. If he’s not willing then you know what to do.

With all due respect you’re husband sounds ignorant. You can’t reason with someone like that. You would be so much better without him.

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Tell his brother to support you

He’s a scumbag. Leave asap.

I’m with everyone on this one run and don’t look back

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He has someone else. They accuse when they know they’re the ones cheating. Leave him, cause he won’t change.


You should’ve left when you first noticed red flags. But it’s not too late. Get out now!

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Sorry hun but he is cheating on you. It’s cheaters guilt, they so it to justify their own cheating.
My ex did that crap all the time, telling me I had slept with people coz my vagina was to wet or big, and just put me down, after I made him watch a you tube video about what happens to a woman when she is turned on and shit, he just came up with different stupid things, and I found out a fue weeks ago he has been seeing multiply woman for at least a year.
If he don’t trust you, and you have had cheating problems before, then you have nothing left. You don’t deserve to feel like your the bad guy. And he don’t have the right to make you feel like that either.

Maybe show him how to use Google to explain that you won’t have a “widened” vagina just from having sex. If he felt it “widened” then that means you were actually into it and wet enough. :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

Also, sounds like he’s just projecting his own transgressions onto you. He’s either cheating on you still, or he’s now realized that you can do to him what he did to you. If you want to work on your marriage, counseling is probably the way to go. But it sounds like he’s just going to believe what he wants.

Is their a chance he is cheating and Turing the blame on you … that’s normally how that plays out guilty conscience

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Girrrllll, you kick that boy to the curb. I say boy bc he’s not a man

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First - I’m at least 99% sure that’s not how vaginas vagina (Actually I’m 100% sure)
Second - he’s gaslighting you and he needs to go. Take your daughter and get away from him.

Start fuxking his brother since he already believes you are. He doesn’t respect you maybe his brother will. #yesIsaidthat🎉


He is doing what he accuses you of doing. Go and stay away from him.

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Thats ridiculous. Your vagina doesn’t stretch from cheating or having a lot of sex. He sounds ignorant and I agree with the other comments that he’s guilty and projecting. If you aren’t going to leave, I’d suggest counseling.

Usually the things they’re accusing you of they are doing themselves. He is probably cheating.

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You need to straight up tell him that what he told you hurt your feelings and that is why you no longer desire to have sex with him. Also remember the one who is accusing is usually the one doing it so I would be suspicious of him. Sounds like an unhealthy marriage you guys either need to sit down and have discussion and try to work on your marriage or call it quits.

Mamas he’s cheating.


When the other partner accuses you of cheating. It’s them that’s cheating. It’s called deflection. It’s so true. Trust me


Leave him then go with hiz dad, his brother hiz nephew and hiz mom :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Pack his bag and tell him to POQ, he has more baggage than an airport terminal and blaming you for his bad behaviours.


Never heard of a wide vagina​:rofl:and I’m a guy :thinking:

The brother fancies you and your hubby knows him also tell both to leave for while x

You need to leave him.Red flags!

Uuuhh … First and foremost- give that dumbass a vagy lesson. That’s not how a vaginas, vagina :weary:🤦
2nd- he’s guilty. Or he wouldn’t be on your case w it.
Separate. Take a break and start not caring abt his bs, trust me. Focus on a better you n do that for your daughter…if he comes around to real, actual change, you’ll know it. If not, thatd be a tiebreaker

He is not going to change and believe you so decide if you want to live the rest of your life in that situation, personally I would kick his butt to the road.

The ones that accuse are normally the ones doing it… (not on all occasions though)


This is a guilty conscience and a stupid man. Only an idiot doesn’t know the vagina loosens when they are doing a good job turning you on. Fucking idiot. He is gaslighting you. Sounds like mental illness or drugs.

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He’s the guilty one!


TBH he sounds like he is

9 out of 10 times the accuser is the one who is cheating.! Run for your life or you will have a life of pure hell. How very Lane of him. Move on ! He’s so beneath you!


It sounds like he’s cheating and feeling guilty so he’s taking it out on you. No matter the reason it isn’t right and you shouldn’t put up with it.


Well, he’s cheating soooooo


:triangular_flag_on_post: I would look I into him. A person who accuses you of something, generally has something to hide so they put the blame on the other person. And you said he’s done this before ?! :triangular_flag_on_post::thinking:


The ones who cant trust you are the ones who cant be trusted :ok_hand:


Sounds like he’s still cheating


Sorry but it sounds like he needs to go. That’s not healthy. He’s probably the one cheating or he’s looking for a way to get you to leave him so he’s not the bad guy. Your daughter doesn’t need to be around this type of behavior.


He’s projecting, my ex did this, found out he was the one cheating, and was looking for an excuse to leave only to be disappointed, I never cheated either


Jesus, run. Can’t be around family? I don’t see that level of toxicity ending. Break that down:
He thinks that you are the type to not only cheat on him but with his own family.

He’s misreading your character, disturbing your peace and disrupting your sexual and emotional health. Bye now.

That being said it’s not that easy, I know that. Just know that that isn’t happiness. Good luck lovie.


He’s insecure because of what he did. That’s not on you. What you choose to do and how you plan to move forward is only for you to decide. But when it comes to certain situations in my life I always ask how it will affect my children and how unhealthy it is.


Oh he’s definitely cheating again, if he ever even stopped in the first place that is. This is so so unhealthy and teaching your kids what to expect once they are in a relationship, no matter how much you think you can shield them from this, it’s impossible while living it. For yours and your kids sake, you need to walk away.


First off, throw that whole ass man baby away. He has a history of cheating and being unfaithful in multiple ways. Him accusing you is likely a reflection of not only his own insecurities, but he’s likely up to it again. That’s not a healthy environment to raise your daughter in and I’d be moving on to bigger and better pastures where I would be raising my child in a more appropriate environment


I say you should try your chances with the brother :rofl: your husband sounds lousy and stressful. I hope you see your worth and get the courage to move on.


Sounds like hes cheating again hun. Usually the most outrageous claims people make when youre honestly innocent shows how guilty they are feeling for their own betrayals. Dont put up with accusations if your innocent. Especially after staying with him after his own indiscretions. Get counciling for the both of you , both seperate and together. Or move on. You deserve to be in a happy trusting relationship


He can’t trust himself, so he doesn’t trust you. Get couple’s counseling, and if that doesn’t change things for the better, walk away


He’s abusing and gaslighting you. Please, from someone who knows and has been there, leave and get yourself some counselling, or get some counselling and then leave. Please, for your own health and well-being, you deserve so much more than that. There are people in this world who would love to be your partner, your 50/50, your team member. You are never supposed to endure such hurtful words and actions in a relationship, it is wrong and over time, he will wear you down and tell you ‘no one else will ever want you, you’re shit etc’ and because you will be broken, you will believe it. You sound like you still have some strength about you at this time. Please, please, please, get out now and you will show yourself and your children you deserve and are worth more than that man can ever give you. Please take care xo


This is so toxic. Him constantly cheat and accusing you of cheating. This isn’t going to get better. Cut him loose.


He out probably cheating on you again…because he already has ,you forgave him, stayed with him…now he out with whoever probably feels a little guilty and projecting his bullshit on to you.

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he is looking for a way to control you. he’s not mature, and you might talk to an attorney about legal separation or divorce.


Listen I know you read this and think everyone wants to take the easy way and leave but think about this, if he’s already cheated early in and you forgave him, he’s going to keep doing it. Blaming you or making comments about sex is a way for him to cut you down so that over time you feel so little about your self you won’t leave because you won’t think you deserve more. I promise you that the picture of your perfect life with him and things getting better and him becoming the man you see potential in, is just you wanting to believe it.


He is cheating on you again. Thats why he is saying you’re cheating on him. He is feeling guilt about it and he thinks just because he is cheating that you’re cheating on him. Leave now and save urself.


Sorry he’s making you feel this way. His insecurities are getting the best of him along with his guilty conscience. He’s accusing you of the very things he’s done. I would open my mouth and tell him he only has himself to blame for the way HE feels and you have no reason to prove anything to him in order to stroke his guilty ego. Karma is a bitch actually, and that’s what he gets for what he’s done. I’d also tell him he either needs to cut this crap out or you’ll be cutting him out. You lived with the pain and hurt from what he did, and you don’t need him trying to manipulate your feelings and behavior because of his F—k up! That’s on him, not you. You continued a relationship with him after what he did, I wouldn’t indulge him by trying to prove to him that your innocent of what he’s accusing you of. I’d tell him to end that shit today or get out, because you don’t need or want that any longer. My advise is to open your mouth and stand up for yourself- don’t accept from him what you don’t want!


Even if you provided him with all the proof that you are not guilty of cheating. He would not be satisfied. So you need to make a decision about whether you can put up with it or not.

I think he WANTS to see you cheat so he can feel less guilty about the things he did do and probably still does.


So he’s the one that cheated but he’s mad at you??! You’re the one who should be mad! maybe he’s cheating again and that’s why he’s acting this way?? even if you were cheating on him he cheated on you already so really he has no right to be mad at you. Honestly I would just leave him not only did he cheat on you but now he’s accusing you of cheating and is been a jerk, there’s no reason for him to be saying stuff like that to you.


Leaveeeeee. My ex said that same thing that i felt different down there lol terrible excuse. But hes putting off his guilt onto you for sure


This is the mentality of a sociopath. My ex did and said these exact same things. It’s emotional abuse. He’s making you feel self conscious to an effect that you will think no one else would want you. You need to get the heck out. Because it will get worse. Since I ended the relationship with my boys dad…the sun shines every dang day for me. It’s not you…Its ALL HIM.


He needs to go! Girl, I don’t know you but you deserve better than that. He is trying to accuse you of the things he did, he cheated and now accusing you of doing it. Just tell him to try and go find someone better than you and please let him go. You will find someone who would cherish you. This piece … … doesn’t deserve you.


Honey he is speaking from his own insecurities because he cheated on you so many times. This situation is not gonna get better. You need to do what is best for you and your child and leave his ass


Tell him to GTFO and that it wasn’t your vajayjay it was his tiny d. He is very insecure. And I know we don’t always take note to the red flag sand think the best of our mate but honey there was red flags before you married him. I can understand wanting your family to be together but you don’t want to live a miserable life either.


In my experience. When they’re adamant you’re cheating ots because they’re deflecting. Hes doing something wrong.


Because men cheat out of lust not love…while women usually have to have a connection and because of his infidelity he is insecure… you need to leave immediately to make sure your child has a healthy upbringing and yourself because this is not going to get better. Sorry


Generally if someone accuses you without reason, it’s because that’s the type of thing they do…


Sometimes… when they say you are the one cheating… they are really ones that are cheating… happen to me


Sorry to say but hes saying those things because of his own insecurities. Things hes done in the past or is currently doing( again)
Either put him in his place and tell him to stfu and leave it alone because you’re NOT cheating! Or he can kick rocks because you dont need the stress! Its not ok that he treats you poorly and its not ok to say hurtful things!

And you can also tell him
Our vaginas can bounce right back after pushing children out of there… So a little wiener isn’t going to stretch it out!!! Nice try tho! :laughing::expressionless::roll_eyes:


Girl don’t stay and put up with that bullshit. We supposed to be grown ass adults. If he always has to be on some drama, it’s just not worth it. Your home and your spouse is supposed to be your safe place.


Toxic narcissistic behavior And it will never get better until you leave it- my ex said that bullshit to me knowing he was dead wrong


Oh girl divorce that quick, sounds like a extremely mentally unhealthy man and you should be very careful!!


Time to leave immediately it isn’t going to get better


Narcissistic behaviour! He is gaslighting you!
He is trying to break you down mentally.

He is insecure because of what he did.
I know your situation. I have been there!
Please remember your self worth and remember the issue is his and not yours.
You do not deserve this! You have done NOTHING to warrant his behaviour.
Sometimes the hardest decision we have to make is right decision. Follow your gut feeing!
You’ve got this girl! Your stronger than you think.


He’s protecting his own guilt about whatever dirt that he’s done on to you :100: sweetie. This is not your fault. He’s INSECURE and thats :100: HIS FAULT/DOING. Know your worth. Know that you deserve better.


Sounds like he’s feeling guilty and trying to make himself feel better by blaming you.


Sounds like the husband needs to talk to the brother. The brother probably made a comment about you to him and brother probably knows all the crap husband did. Sounds like transference to me. He has a Guilty conscious and when people start accusing with zero merit usually their guilt is showing . He is probably cheating now hard to change a leopards spots


So he cheated on you BEFORE y’all even got married and you still chose to marry him… and now you’re upset about the accusations? :face_with_raised_eyebrow::woozy_face: and 9 times out of 10, an accusation is an admission of guilt. Good luck in the future.


I don’t like to tell folks what to do because everyone gonna do what they feel is best for them. But… leave this man now!!! The whole accusations with his brother is beyond disrespectful. Both to you, your daughter and his brother. This man clearly has severe insecurity along with his own personal demons and you are his catalyst. He continues to gaslight you so he can blame you and lash out on you and feel justified in his behavior. The more he continues to tear you down the more you will grow resentment towards him. Protect your daughters heart and mind. Don’t allow your daughter to see her mother be treated so horribly. Nobody ever deserves to be treated like that especially by someone who you’ve committed your life to. Shame on him. You deserve better and I promise you better is out there! Good luck and I hope you can find peace in your heart and mind given what’s happening.


If he is accusing you of cheating. That must mean he is cheating or thinking if it. You will have to decide is he worth the hurt he caused you Is your daughter being harmed in any way


In my experience someone accusing you of cheating Is because they are are actively cheating . Leave while you can . You deserve so much better


If it were my marriage I would tell him the behavior needed to change immediately or I would leave. I would offer to go to therapy with him. You deserve better than to live on eggshells and you certainly should not be in a place questioning your worth.


People judge according to how the are. I would bet he is either talking to other women or is full blown cheating. Something in him knows he’s wrong and to make himself fell ok with what he is doing, he starts projecting on you his own bad behavior. just my opinion


He is projecting his actions into you. The cheater accused the innocent spouse to hide their cheating.


Usually if they are saying it about you- its because they’ve done it or are thinking about doing it and are trying to find a fault in you instead of them taking blame. Just let him go. Even if you don’t know why now- one day it will all make sense and even if it doesn’t- trust that there was a reason. Your gut tells you when something is off- listen to it. Let him go and if he comes back- its meant to be. If not- let it go and do better by yourself. Don’t settle- go find your best friend.

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Your husband is still cheating on you. He’s projecting his negative energy bullshit on you. After all…you must be doing it too since he is