My job fired my and I'm pregnant, can they do that?

Call see about cobra

I’m going to be the unpopular opinion here, pregnancy is not a medical condition. Its not like cancer where you had no choice. Why does everyone think their employer is obligated to them when pregnant? This right here is why employers wont hire pregnant women

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Depending on your state. Pennsylvania is an “at will state” they can fire you for anything.

No. It’s illegal when on FMLA

Please private message me. Been there done that. I can help you get a lawyer that will help you and work on contingency!!

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Sorry you are going through this. Wish you the best.

Apply today thru the state for insurance and its backdated to the day you applied.

You should qualify for PCAP or ACA since you are pregnant and have no insurance

Apply for emergency state insurance and unemployment ASAP


Apply for state health insurance for now

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File for unemployment!

Sign up for medicaid again. Then lawyer up.

Get a lawyer immediately.

As long as you were within your intermittent fmla parameters your dr set they can’t fire you for that. If you EXCEEDED the alloted # of days per month you were allowed then…yeah, they can.


That’s ABSOLUTELY how FMLA works. I used mine intermittently until it ran out so that makes no sense. This smells like a lawsuit. It’s clear discrimination. I’ve worked HR. They had no clear exit strategy, never discussed this policy with you to get an opportunity to appeal, and they are in violation of FMLA, not to mention everything about this reeks of discrimination due to pregnancy. I would get a lawyer ASAP! Preferably one you can pay after you win.

Also, I would 100% apply for Medicaid. Typically you might not qualify but they got special rules for pregnant women, especially those this far along.


You say you had fmla. Did you actually have the doctor complete the paperwork or are you saying your former employer offered FMLA? Because being eligible for FMLA is different than actually having it.


To much abuse with FMLA, you are only allowed so many days a year, I’ve worked with people who abused it and missed counted their days off and were let go.


You can always appeal a firing it’s within your rights but I would have documentation of your medical records, the Fmla paperwork and proof that you went to the doc or urgent care on those days or a diagnosis of hyperemesis gravidarum if you called in for just feeling crappy. A letter from your doc will help too. Your insurance is good until the end of the month in which you were terminated, they can also find another reason to fire you if you weren’t a perfect employee of course. I’m really sorry that’s a lot of stress especially this far into your pregnancy. Try to get on your spouses coverage or on state coverage ASAP.


I had fmla when i was pregnant and only used it for dr appts and had no problem there had to be more going on, file for.unmployment and u should get mediciaid with no job

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Any place can fire you for any reason. As far as FMLA goes, did you have it for pregnancy issues and was it approved? You’re only allowed 12 weeks of FMLA per year. As an employee it’s also your responsibility to keep up with those days.

The FMLA paperwork should have a spot to check off that it’s intermittent leave. With that said after the paperwork is filled out you should have gotten a copy stating how much time was a reasonable amount of leave such as 2 days in a certain time frame and how long the leave can extend example 6 months. After the 6 months timeframe you have to go back to the dr and have them fill out the paperwork again. And I think at any time the dr can resubmit more paperwork asking for a revised amount of time off per month or week or whatever.

It all depends…if you didnt have dr fill out the fmla papers and turn them in then yes they could fire you. I had did the same thing and my hr dept explained it to me. I had to fill out papers as well as my dr if i had to take off but it also depends on state and the company.


Go to your local health department. They can help you get insurance immediately for you and baby. You will get a free breast pump and They will also help you with WIC. That will help you get nutrition you both need and formula in the future! Hope this helps!

Also i never called in fmla days, they were scheduled i never woke up and said im going to use fmla and not go to work

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No they can’t you can actually sue them. That is what Family plans are for. They would have to have another reason to fire you other than your pregnancy. You need to call head quarters and report her.and get a lawyer. Report Fer her to the unployment bearu for unlawful determination.

It depends on your state and the laws in place for FMLA, but in our state, if you have been employed for a year, you qualify for FMLA which protects your job for up to 12 weeks. It doesn’t mean you will have the same job, but it protects that you will have a job comparable to the one you have. If they fired you, you were on FMLA, and you’ve spoken to the Dept of labor about the laws and regs in your state, it’s possible you could have a case against them. You definitely need to speak to the Dept of Labor if you haven’t already.

If you have Fmla as long as you aren’t abusing it (there is not a pattern of you calling off on the same day every week) and you are only following what it says (may miss one work day per week due to what ever the medical issue is for instance) they can’t really do that. You have To look at the terms of your specific fmla. If it says you can call off when ever or there isn’t a set number of days then if they said you are fired because you called off too much then you could probably contest that. Couldn’t hurt to get a consult with an attorney

Intermittent FMLA needs to have a formal paperwork from your doctor and fully approved by HR before you can use it. If you filled out all these paperwork and they still fired you while you’re on it, you can sue.

Where I’m from its a no fault state meaning your employer can fire you at any time for any reason. They could could give the most rediculous excuse and it wouldn’t matter.

Contact your local Medicaid office. Pregnancy Medicaid income limits are actually much higher. I was very surprised.

Pregnancy is usually protected under Federal labor laws, in particular the Rehabilitation act of 1973 among other federal statutes

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For it to be used intermittently I believe it needs to be stated as such and signed by a doctor. Even if you’re approved for FMLA, it needs to specifically state intermittent to be used that way or else you’re just calling out of work. I’d look into that & see how the documents were written.

When I had FMLA both times through my work I still had to have a doctors note everytime I missed a day. Did you have notes for when you missed?

Depends if it was intermittent fmla and if you were reporting and following all guidelines example I have to report to supervisor , HR, and ADP within a certain amount of time or my fmla is no longer saving me from punishment also the doctor will put down on fmla papers how many days you will need for illness and appointments if you have exceeded what doctor put on papers than you can be punished if you were following all guidelines than what the employer done was illegal

Depends on the state unfortunately. Tennessee is a right to hire right to fire, all they can fire and hire as the please and they don’t have to provide a real reason.

Look into unemployment in your situation you may have a chance to get that help

No a lawer will tell you quicky that you have a very good case. So talk to one emeditate ly . What they did illegal. Just to keep from paying their insurance promise. Take it to court.

I know when i worked at a place with FMLA they had a paper my doctor had to fill out that stated due to my joint and mobility issue that flares in the winter I can call off if I am able to move/to much pain but I only have so much of that I can use

I was at my job 3 years a week after I announced to them I was pregnant I was at my Dr appointment and the manger of the dr office called me and told me they feel now isn’t a good time for me that they would be letting me go that that had my last check and desk cleared and packed mind you after not even a month before giving me a raise for filling in for the nurses so well while they was out with covid funny they find out am pregnant and the only reason for lay off is right now don’t seem like a good time for me !

FMLA is job protection they cannot fire you. That’s the point of FMLA.

Can’t you file for unemployment ,they fired without giving you a written warning or talking to you about anything

You get 12 weeks of un paid FMLA can be used intermittently or concurrently and you can not be fired for using them… BUT the problem would be if you did not file the correct paper work… file unemployment… you should be offered cobra for insurance(very expensive tho as your paying the whole thing not just you portion) look into for other alternatives… if you work in a right to work state of they put that your performance was bad or you weren’t getting your job done it will be hard to fight but if you filed the correct paperwork I’d suggest starting with a lawyer that specializes in discrimination at work

more than likely you are in an “at will” state. Meaning they can fire you without giving cause just as you can do the same when you quit.

It’s an expensive process for our jobs to “give” us insurance. They are actually paying a very high premium and it is subsidized by us working and making them successful. This is factored into your salary/ hourly wage… when you go online to get it privately and are astounded by the prices- you should know that’s what your employer feels. Not all of us work for huge corporations and the paying your premium can really effect their bottom line. Government assistance is probably your best option. That’s what we all pay taxes for. Your only two months away from being due… just remember you can go to any hospital when you are in labor and they cannot turn you away. If you are high risk I would research and make sure they have good specialties and at least a level 2 NICU. Also, if your current doctor refuses to see you now (or after the end of the month), do not be surprised. They will probably refuse to see you/ deliver unless you can work out a cash payment. If you are high risk they probably won’t accept the responsibility. Do your research now. Know what could wrong and what the treatment options are for each scenario- you may need to be your best advocate in the hospital- hospitalist are often pulled in a million directions. They rely on their residents and nurses and lets be honest- hospital based care is very tenuous right now.

Depends on what your fmla was for and if you actually had a Dr file it for you. Example. Your FMLA is for a bad knee but you call in cause you have the flu and use your FMLA it won’t cover it cause your FMLA is for your knee problems only not the flu. That’s a drastic one but you get the idea. Did your Dr fill out the proper paperwork and did you submit it properly?

That is how it works. Did your FMLA run out?

What state are you in? If Florida they can fire you whenever they want

Honestly I would talk to an attorney and see what they say

No absolutely not if you were reporting off for fmla

I’m sorry you have this stress during your pregnancy. They can’t terminate you FOR being absent if you have not used all 480 hours of your approved FMLA. However, if you were out for reasons other than FMLA reasons, have poor work performance, or if there is a workforce reduction then they can release you from employment. Good Luck.

You need too try to get state insurance

when you have your baby, talk to the social worker at the hospital. I would also start going to a clinic associated with that hospital & they will base what you have to pay, if any, by what your income is now, which is nothing

Contact your labor department, file for unemployment and medicaid for now.
I think FMLA is only allowed if you have been with the company for so long and you have to have the documentation. However, calling in when sick is allowed regardless. Days off, be it PTO or not.

In 2019 pregnancy was added to the American disability act. I’d be talking to an attorney

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Depends on your state. Most states are at will employers which means they can fire you for literally any reason they see fit.

Depends on your state!!

Jess Austin agree with you. Its your job to make work.