My Mother Wants a Relationship With My Baby Daughter But Not With Me: Advice?

You are spot on!!! As a mom it is your responsibility to protect her!!!

You are not wrong, this is your child and you make the decisions regarding it’s well being

You are not wrong who is she to say who can see YOUR baby

You are the parent. Do what you feel is right. She walked away from you, she walked away from your child.

She sounds like a real “fruitcake”! This is your daughter and you come as a family package. Mom needs to accept that or step away.

Sure, she can have a relationship with your infant. She can hold her while she is in YOUR house having a nice cup of coffee with you and your husband. If she behaves herself you choose the next step. Sounds like you have 2 infants to manage.

She should mend fences with you and your husband before she asks for the privilege

Looks like your Mom loses out on both her daughter and granddaughter. Shame on her.

If she cant be with the whole family she gets nothing. She sounds like the type to try and kidnap your daughter.

Your mother is acting like a child. She can’t have it both ways.

All comes down to , it’s your child, you gave birth to that child. Your mother will have to grow up and except the facts

If she wants nothing to do with you then I wouldn’t let her be around your child… you both are a package deal !

I wouldn’t trust her to do anything with my child if she was acting this way. Stick with your gut.

You are NOT wrong!!! Sad your mother is taking such an unpleasant position but it’s her loss.

Do what your 6th sense tells…this is your child

Sounds like your mother is a snowflake and needs to grow up.

No wait till your mom “grows up “!!

Stand your ground if not mom will run your life forever

Nope your child you dictate what happens around your child.

You are the child’s mother . Stand your ground

My thought is did the girlfriend break up her marriage? That would be a deal breaker.

I would tell my mom, that I loved her and she was welcome to visit my daughter in my home with me present-never change that–you are not keeping them apart but you are the parent and it needs to be your way

Stand your ground. You are right to feel that way. Its all or nothing!

You are a package deal. Your mom needs to grow up!

No way she would ever see the baby without me

Never let anyone take your child if you are uneasy with them, protect your child at all costs

You’re right, its your child and your mother needs to respect your wishes

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You are exactly right! Ain’t nobody taking my baby nowhere and dropping her off! NOPE NOT GONNA HAPPEN!! Especially with someone you’re estranged from…nope!! You wanna see my baby call me!!

tell her go for counseling, she is filled with poison.

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Don’t do it wait until bàby can talk then she can tell you everything happening to her good luck…

Your mother is immature. To immature to have a relationship with your daughter.

Noooooooooooooo. She cannot do that!!! You are the parents and you have all right to say no absolutely not!!!

Nope if she cant be mom she does not deserve title of grandma

U R not I would never let her have my child and u shouldn’ either

Your mother sounds like a SELFISH ASS. Your baby goes NO where without your approval if they can’t respect your wishes add them to the list of people you CUT OFF.

She will just miss her grandaughters life.not just her granddaughters but you her daughter.all or none.

This whole thing is sad and unloving and judgemental

You are right! Someday your mom will realize that!

No daughter, son in law, no grand daughter! :neutral_face:

Nope, she needs to grow up I wouldn’t trust her

No keep your baby around loving people.

Nope–That is YOUR child not hers. She needs to get over herself.

No follow your maternal instincts if you don’t feel comfortable, don’t.

I think you need to have a sit down with your mother. You need to tell her how you feel. Tell her you respect how hard it is for her to be around her ex and his new girlfriend, but he’s still your dad and she needs to understand that. You don’t expect her to socialize with them, but you do expect her to respect your relationship with him as he respects the relationship you have with her. Tell her that you want her in both your lives, that you want your baby to have as much love in her life as she can, but only if it’s done with respect for others.
Life happens, people change and so do relationships. Sometimes we have to put our feelings aside for our kids and grandkids. It doesn’t mean our feelings are valid, it just means we are adults and are acting as such.
I struggle with seeing my ex and his wife, we had a very unpleasant breakup. I put my feelings aside for my daughter and her kids every time we have a family function. I even have them over for holidays, it isn’t easy, but my babies are worth it. It does get easier with each get together, but I can assure you, we will never be best friends…lol!

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She needs to grow up and start acting like a adult

She needs to grow up.

No she is your daughter you have say period.

Your child, your rules. If your mom can’t accept this, oh well, her loss.

There is no right or wrong – the choice is simple – how important is your family to you, and how important is it that your daughter have a relationship with your family? If your mother died tomorrow, how would you feel? If your daughter grows up without knowing her grandmother, how will you feel? People often regret the choices they made when they do not consder the future effects that their decisions will have on people who love them and the people they love – CHOOSE WISELY !

She should reach out to you as her child

I would not feel comfortable giving my child to my sister to take her or him to see thier Grandmother. There is something fishy there. If she wants to see her Granchild, she needs to see her at you home.

No I had a Mother in law that didnt like me. She had 4 Sons. Mine was first Grandson. When visit at hospital to see him she said WELL WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH ALL THE GIRLS CLOTHS I BOUGHT! Back in 1973 we knew not the gender. How the hell was I suppose to answer to answer her. She really never wanted much to do with him. Grandfather wad happy. Only time she had anything to do with him was when others were around and called HIM HER ANGLE BABY ! No way and do not feel guilty. Your Moms a grown Women acting like a child. Why the baby and not you or Husband. Just to brag. Baby is no bargaining object! Either comes to your house or not at all her choice. Tell her you want and need her in your lifes and the baby. But your Family your terms. HER CHOICE.

Nope,she isn’t showing you respect

stand your ground . You are not wrong. Your mother would poison your daughters mind in such away it could permanently
scar her mentally and you have no idea if she wouldn’t hurt her bodily because she cannot control you so she takes it out on your child.

Your child your rules!

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Hell no. If you won’t talk with the parents you don’t get access to the child. Plain & simple.

Your child your rules. Your Mom sounds like a real dream.

That is rewarding bad behavior.

You are so right stick with what you want not your mother

No, she is too manipulative

You are not wrong…She is acting like an ass…

Tell your mother to be an adult.

Tell grandma grow up

No question, the answer is no way, it is your child your say

Your baby-your rules! It’s that simple.

No you keep your child safe with you and your husband or you can move to a different state if you can keep your child with you

Your mother needs to grow up.

Your mother is WRONG!!!

Dont use your child for battles.

Nope,not going to happen

Tell her to get bent… :woman_shrugging: your child your rules!

Where my child goes I go. Period

Nope, you’re not wrong.

Umm you’re wrong. Toxic mother cannot be around grand babies period.

It’s a no for me. Especially not this young. She refuses to deal with me over something so ridiculous, then nope :-1:t4: she would have also excluded herself from my child.

Your mother is wrong.

Your mother needs to grow up

No it’s the Family or none.

You are 100% correct. She called the ball now it is up to her to take the first step in fixing the situation

I wouldn’t. It’s your child. Your rules. Don’t be sucked into the drama.

Your Mother is being very childish. Tell her no!!!

i agree wirh you AND your husband

When hell freese over.

Hell no that’s just manipulation on her part

No ma’am! It hurts like heck some days but just say No!

No way … your mother sounds like a child

No you are not , you are right

No way. Protect your child

I would not be ok with that !

No, you are not wrong.

Your child your rules

You are on the right for sure

Your baby, your rules!

No, your child your rules

Hell no, you selfish and controlling mother will come around

Nope. This would not happen.

Your daughter is not a pawn

No I would not let this happen!

You are totally in right

Its a package deal all or none

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