My partner told me he feels like he is in a prison being home with me....advice?

Hes holding you prisioner in your own home…this is narsistic behaviour…you have to get out of this relationship…do u family who can help or friends… pls do not stay …u are wasting your life being with him…


3 things: 1- Good for him for being honest about his feelings. I would suggest making an effort to go out together once or 2x a month if that is an option sitter wise. Is he “allowed” time to decompress, go out with friends etc?
2 - He used a very poor choice if words. The fact that he wants to go “clubbing” after children tells me he’s still a child himself. :woman_shrugging:t2: If he wants to grab a beer with a friend, hunt, golf etc that’s another thing, everyone needs their own time and space.
3 - YOU Also deserve the time and space to be your own person outside of this “relationship” and motherhood.

A lot of resentment on both ends it sounds like. Parenthood is HARD, especially when they’re young. It can make or break your relationship. Good luck to you and your family.


Tell him to join the f-N club :rofl: That’s what being an adult is. Instead of paying a cover charge for a club, you buy diapers. Instead of being hungover from too much drinking, you get to lose sleep over a congested cranky baby. You get to go to work and come home day after day and instead of people thinking you’re fun they think your killing it as a parent. Instead of going to a concert, you get to have a paid electric bill. Do we all want to go out and forget responsibility for a night? Yes. But there will be time for all that later after the kids are older. I blinked and now my oldest is 32 :roll_eyes:

Midlife crisis? If he buys a corvette…

The amount of toxic women commenting. Yikes :grimacing:. Being a parent (especially a new one) can feel like you are in prison. We as women often “lose ourselves” after having a child. We are no longer the person we once were. Life changed, and by a lot. How is it any different for a man? He came forward and told you how he’s feeling. Try to find a compromise. See what he needs to help him. But also make sure you take some time as well for things you like. After having a baby, a lot of couples go through what’s called “the roommate phase”. This at times becomes a make it or break it kind of situation. Find ways to keep it from getting to that point. Suggestion: he misses the bar life (I’m assuming he went before you had the baby). Get ahold of one of his buddies and set up a day for them to hang out that evening. Or you and him can go to a restaurant with a bar there and have dinner. Everyone is suggesting to just leave, but this may be something very easily fixed. Especially if you talk thru it and figure out what will help. Obviously if things get bad, like him not coming home til hours later every night bc he’s going to the bar, then I’d say it’s time to talk about parting ways, but at the moment, hear him out, find a solution suitable for both, and give it a try.

Dump him and give him a get out of jail card. :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2: he is for the streets. Hold a funeral for him, he is dead to you now.

He’s being a little bitch. He doesn’t want to be a grown man. God forbid he has to go home. Tell him don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. You aren’t doing one damn thing wrong. He’s an asshole.

Leave… Cheating is next… Save yourself the time and trouble

Partner…children…truth is gonna hurt…1 child didn’t get him to put ring on it…what made you think two would…I’m gonna take a wild guess here and say your under 30…



Some of these comments :roll_eyes: I’m the husband in this situation - I love my daughter more than life but she’s been my entire life for 15 years, I miss getting dressed up, I miss going out, I miss having fun. I would never abandon my daughter or my partner (who’s completely content just being at home and being a dad) but I want to have fun you know? It’s funny because I don’t think anyone would say I am a horrible mother or my partner should leave me but wow how fast it’s said about men! My partner knows I need to go out and be social so he takes me out and let’s me forget I’m a mom for a second. This isn’t a bad thing! He even “let’s” me go out alone and helps with my daughter. I don’t want to leave my partner,I’m not unhappy with him, I would never cheat on him, I am not immature or irresponsible. I’m a fantastic mom and partner who wants to have fun. I can’t believe the comments bashing this man! My partner is totally fine being at home and being a family man but he understands I’m not so he makes sure my needs are met. Some people are so quick to judge.

He’s acting like a child. What a dick.

Commend him for communicating to you about how he is feeling. Don’t compare struggles either, you are BOTH struggling. He’s just communicating that he’s having problems. The biggest question is are you also communicating APPROPRIATELY to him that you’re struggling as well?

Sit down with him and talk, see if you guys can work out a schedule for both of you to get a day off during the week. Schedule a date night once a month and get a sitter as well.

I know a lot of people were raised to think that men showing emotion is weakness and that we shouldn’t be having these struggles… but we do struggle with most of the same things that women do(Trans men and women have all the struggles of both worlds). Men’s mental health matters as well, and this type of open communication is NECESSARY for a healthy relationship.

:two_hearts: I wish the OP all the best, but please don’t make him feel like communicating is a problem. :two_hearts:

Honeymoon is over. Now it’s time to work for it . It takes two,if he’s not willing you need to make some difficult choices. My heart goes out to you.

It’s called responsibility

You said partner, not husband. Yes, it does make a difference. He can’t have it both ways. He’s either an adult making adult decisions to do adult things, or he’s a whiny immature boy who just wants to play.

Everyone needs time with their pals.

Why not get a sitter for the night and go out together… ? Currently living this, except my hubs is the one who doesn’t really want to go out. Everyone needs a break. Find someone you can trust and enjoy your night out together. Hang with friends, enjoy adult drinks, and adult music and adult conversations. Being a parent can feel so isolating. It’s good to get out once or even twice a month.

Run with his words and provide a space in your home as clubbing home lol make a room just like he misses and bar complete with dance floor music his fav alcohol and well he has his clubbing and you make him take you clubbing and you choose dance music make him dance with your music everytime he drinks a beer lol :laughing: I was once in this but now it’s a permanent room in our house and guests love visiting and does wonders for holiday get together!It sure beats listening to him over and over complain about what he’s missing therefore peace to both lol Kareoke machine ads fun times !I did this 24 years ago every Friday its date nite he can’t get out of lol

Call a cop :policewoman: to escort him to the sidewalk and say you are done with your sentence, sir!

Kick his ass to the curb!

Tell him he had a family now and that’s his first priority. You guys can go out but Why does he sounds like you and his kids are burdens to him.