Have her get her own job if she wants to earn money. You’re already giving her a free place to stay.
I think she is 17 with a baby on the way and right now if your ok with her not paying rent then that should be her main and only focus until she is able to go to work you already have a good thing going with your parents I wouldn’t change it up. Help her stay focused on what she is going to do after the baby comes to help her and her baby have a good future. Because to be honest she is still a child having a child basically
I agree with she needs to get a real job and start saving for baby and her own living expenses for her future. Keep kids with your mom. It’s proven that watching grandkids gives parents a longer life expectancy when it come to dementia/ Alzheimer’s too!! And they will probably maintain structure with grandma versus the teenage cousin! Js.
She pays you rent and you pay her to watch the kids.
Or she watches the kids and lives rent free.
$20/hour. Calculate her benefits. Balance the equation. If she doesn’t like it tell her to leave. You’re a grown man, a father. Take your stand. Your neice thinks life is free. Do the math and show her, then take action. She is ungrateful. Work and earn your keep; or leave. Don’t be afraid. Take care of yourself. Don’t be intimidated by her being a spoiled brat.
She should be delighted & cooperative. Reminder; she didn’t get put out for nothing.
Listen all you ppl have an opinion but has never been in her situation. She is trying to make a living for her baby that’s why she is asking to get paid to babysit. I feel like the aunt is just trying to have someone watch her kids for free well that isn’t the real world. And for the pregnant 17 year old give her something and take the rest for rent or bills if that’s the issue.
You letting her move in isn’t a pawn piece in this situation. Living with you doesn’t mean she has to do things for free. It’s a job, regardless. She is being honest upfront and she isn’t wrong. Why should she do it for free just because your mom did? She is 17 and would like money, no big deal
Where is the niece’s baby daddy? Maybe he should chip in.
tell her you have arrangements for baby sitting and that you’ll take her out to apply for jobs on your next day off
There’s zero chance I’d ever have a 17 year old (I have a 17 year old) watch my kids. Id let them stay with your Mom. Your niece is better off getting a job so you aren’t losing income for no reason to pay her and the kids aren’t having to go through the upheaval and an unknown situation.
You are essentially making a position for her, when your current situation sounds fine.while helping your niece is lovely, room and board should be more than sufficient.
I would keep the current arrangement. She can look for a job.
17 and pregnant should be working to provide for her own child or else you’re going to end up supporting the baby’s needs and its not yours. She lives for free she surely ain’t getting paid to help with the kids. She made grown up choices, so act like one. Go get a job and support yourself and soon to child. She can’t expect you to pay her while shes running up extra expenses and food cost for you to fork out. Thats wild to even ask of you. Good luck.
I wouldn’t find it safe to leave such young ones with such a young one. The stress of being pregnant plus watching two little ones is too much. God forbid something occurred, she’s not qualified to handle that. I would tell her that a job is a better option. People must certainly hire pregnant woman. I can’t believe how many people are saying they don’t.
I wouldn’t change your child care up. She’ll have her own baby soon and at that age looking after a newborn and yourself is hard going so you’ll probably loose your childcare then and have to go back to original plans. Doesn’t seem like it’s in your kids best interest in my opinion to be left with a 17!yr old. We all know how difficult age 2 and 4 can be.
Maybe she can live there in exchange for childcare… or how about she goes out and gets a job and memaw continues to care for them like she has been.
Continue to have their grandmother keep them. There are work from home jobs, she could nanny for someone else. Once her baby is here she’ll likely not be able to watch your kids, why change their routine.
how she gone live there for free and want YOU to pay her lol
And what she really gon do when that baby comes? what she gon pay? will she pay you to watch the baby if she needs someone to?
it all seems sticky to me.
I would just give her some spending money at the end of every week, or items for her baby and aftercare exct
No rent for that girl equals no babysitting money from me!
It’s great she wants to make money to raise her baby but realistically babysitting won’t cut it. Being pregnant it’s probably gonna be harder to find a job but I would suggest having her take that route.
You don’t pay her anything! You are doing her a big favor already ! She should do the same to you! Just my opinion
Uhhh, no. If she’s living there for free , she should either watch your child for free OR she can live there and get a job
I would consider bher living there is her pay
I think it’s very kind of you to let her stay with you and that you are considering paying her to watch your kids given the circumstances but because of the fact she is not paying rent mainly and you basically have free child care already, I think her staying there without having to pay rent is a fair trade. Maybe even more than fair. If it were me I would bring that up to her and tell her if she needs some extra money, she can get a job. She’s going to have to anyways because as we are all aware, babies are expensive and she has to at least start working towards providing for herself as well. That’s me though.
Now you know why her mom kicked her out…tell her you will pay her in food, heat, air conditioning, water…
She has a lot of nerve methinks,i wouldnt,keep them with mamaw ,tell neice get a job
Absolutely you should pay her! Or keep taking them to mamaws
So essentially, she wants you to pay her to mind your kids AND live rent free?
Life doesn’t work that way …
It’s obvious by this post you don’t wanna pay her anything . So just tell her no she can’t watch them
Honestly I’d keep letting your mom watch them and have her apply at the nearest local daycare. Once she has baby she will then have a place for baby to go while she also works and gets an income.
36 hours a week is asking a whole lot of a pregnant teen. If she were working at a job 36 hours a week, shed be making much more than enough to pay for a room with rent.
I would personally just help her to get a job
I’m honestly shocked by all the don’t pay her. I didn’t get the impression that is what you were asking. Sounded to me like you don’t mind paying her a little bit and the experience will help her become a better mom for her baby on the way. 36 hours at $5 an hour is $180 a week, maybe $80 or a $100 a week and consider the rest as food budget for her or towards room and board, create a budget and a financial inventory so she can also learn the value and cost of things so it will prepare her to become financially responsible.
She has ro learn that reality isn’t what she rhi KS it is, she will have to get a job and contribute, who will she pay to watch hers while she works?
She’s got a roof over her head she can get a job, earn enough hours to go on mat leave. And then she can go from there
Well she’s 17 she really doesn’t understand about all the bills that come with being on your own. You really are helping her out enough already but if you can afford to pay her a little and want to, that’s up to you I mean she has to have some money for personal things and such.
She’s 17 and pregnant. You have taken her in. She needs family support, which you are providing in a material sense but she also needs loving emotional support, especially considering her own mum showed her the door ! Does she qualify for benefits? Is she worried about providing for her baby ? I would be having a discussion with her around her feelings, her vision for her future - obviously she feels the need to be a little financially independent but she’s only 17 - her idea of babysitting for you for money sounds desperate to me. Few people will employ a pregnant teen. I would offer help by helping her to access any financial help she’s entitled to, while continuing to support her - maybe Grandma could come on board as well ? Anyhow I think altering your existing child care arrangements would be a short term knee jerk reaction. Don’t do it. Work out together, and as a family if possible, how to help.
Giving her a place to stay should be payment enough.
Her payment is room and bored
I would say I will pay you x amt a week and them I will charge you $500 a month for room and board!
I would continue letting my parents watch them because tbh i wouldn’t even trust a 17 yr old that’s just me and i would want her to get a job so she can begin saving money towards raising her baby because babysitting isn’t gonna cut it
A Hormonal pregnant 17yr old would likely not be able to handle them that many hours a week. Give her odd jobs around the house to do for cash or have her go get a part time job somewhere. I wouldn’t move your kiddos from your mom
Was being a free, live in baby sitter part of the move in deal? If not, I’d pay her. She’s 17 and pregnant, a job isn’t going to be easy to come by.
Absolutely NOTHING!!! You are already providing a roof over her head, food , internet etc . Keep talking your kids to your mom .
If she needs money she can try to find a job ( she can offer to babysit for someone else )
Umm that’s her contribution to the household since she is not paying rent ijs
So many of these comments just confirm humanity is F’d.
Have you ever considered paying your mom? I mean, she already raised her kids. Isn’t there something she would rather be doing in retirement? It is wrong of you to take advantage of her.
Pay her and charge your sister for housing your niece!
Nope, I wouldn’t pay her. Tell her to find another job because you are tapped out letting her live with you for free.
As most say she needs to get a job and your kids need to stay with gma
Yeah, I don’t like those links that want my information. Not doing it. I would test the waters with the niece. Maybe 1 day a week. Hopefully, the living arrangement has her doing certain household chores to help out. I would also require her to go back to school. Fill out a bog, and Fafsa. Look into other funding options for continuing education. Have her sign up for food stamps, and medi cal for your area.
Really!? Okay 2.00 an hour. She uses your electricity, water, sewer and just wear and tear on the house. Is she gonna clean for you? Ask her what is fair. Don’t contribute to her dependency. Help but don’t enable. Where’s the DAD? Last but not least get her on some birth control after, so she isn’t a statistic.
No she needs to get a job, she has a baby on the way. I’d let her stay for free but she can help with bills and food.
People saying she’s far too young to be watching children at that age for that length of time…
This 17 yea told is pregnant herself so when she had her one baby she’s going to be looking after him/her 24/7!!
How many people actually have babies at 17 and start their family and they cope… 17 isn’t too young
Maybe she can clean instead of babysitting? I’d rather pay someone to clean than to watch my kids. If it makes your life easier it could be worth it. 3 kids=a lot of dishes, laundry and clean up. 2 birds 1 stone.
I know it might be hard to afford but see if maybe you can pay her in baby stuff even if it’s stuff from your kids
Honestly she’ll need stuff for the baby. Maybe help her get on state help. She might get cash assistance plus food. Maybe even housing. Or maybe see what her plan is after the baby arrives? Is baby daddy helping? You shouldn’t have to provide EVERYTHING.
She lives with you for free and wants you to pay her to help out with your kids, who are already well cared for at no cost to you. Umm no dont do it
She’s a pregnant teen. Of course she wants money!
Your momma ain’t looking to get paid wu watch her grands just let her keep doing it.
Sounds like you think her living there warrants free babysitting.
If you didn’t want to help then you shouldn’t. Don’t look for praises on FB.
Yall fricken kill me with your stupid comments about how she should give this pregnant 17 year old money to babysit on top of free rent. Yall are definitely a contributing factor in this entitled generation. She would be homeless. She made adult choices and now it’s time to act like one. They feed her. She uses their utilities.
Her mom kicked her out for a reason… I feel like this living situation is going to ruin the relationship between you and her. Pregnant or not and even with the way the world is right now there is absolutely no reason she can’t get a job. Fast food, department store etc. unless she is 8-9 months pregnant she can get hired. Those type of jobs don’t pay a crap ton but it’s better then free loading on your couch with no income and the excuse of a child that’s on the way and she has no way to provide for it. You need to leave your kids with your mother where they are already comfortable and stable and tell her to start looking for a job. Usually when you take someone in until they can get on their feet that means they actually have to try and making money off of you while already living with you and eating your food doesn’t make any sense to me. Please re think this situation before you lose a family member cause this scenario is a whole red flag
That’s super cool of you to let her live there an still want to help her with money. I think 20 bucks a day on the 6 hour days an maybe like 30 on the 11 hour days give her some SPENDING MONEY AS SHES GOING TO BE A TEEN MOM AN MOST PLACES WONT EMPLOY HER AND SHES TRYING TO BE OF USE SOMEWHERE IN YOUR WORLD. Or maybe just settle on something weekly you can afford.
Nothing rents already free
To be honest, she shouldn’t ask to pay her to watch your kids. She should help watching them without expecting anything from you. I can see why she got kicked out.
I know it’s hard to find a job for her coz she’s pregnant but I think you help her enough by staying
do not throw in her face that you have already “let” her move in… I’m sorry but that is disturbing and disgusting. Young adults make mistakes… and that one person being there for them and never ever mentioning what they gave or how much they helped them could SAVE HER, IT should never ever be brought into any conversation… you took her in knowing damn well what she had, and where she currently stands as her OWN mother kicked her out. Showing, guiding, and teaching her and GIVING her opportunities is the main thing you can do. If babysitting isn’t something you feel comfortable with HELP her get a part time job… help her understand where she needs to get to as a new and young mom. Help her save… HELP HER in whatever way you’d wanna be helped out, if you were in her shoes. SERIOUSLY out yourself in her shoes and see how that effects your answer now. YES SHE needs to grow and has a lot to learn… but that “your already living here free” is bs… she probably already feels like a burden…
I wouldn’t pay her anything. She should get a job
That’s a bit cheeky of your niece to ask to be paid to babysit your kids while staying with you rent free.
Definitely don’t agree to that considering your mother in law does it for free.
Your mom watches your kids free of charge??? 3 kids in a daycare you’d be working for nothing…
Ask her how much shes ginna pay sitters to watch her bby. Show her price of daycare. Help her get job for bby stuff own home . Show her utilities. If your mom can watch stick to routine. If u charge rent save it forbher own place.
Sorry but this doesn’t make sense to me your mum watches the kids for free your niece as now moved in with u and wants to watch your kids but wants paying for it cos she wants to earn money and u are seriously thinking of doing that sorry no leave the kids where they r save yourself some money. Just doesn’t make sense this post sorry
5 bucks an hour since shes already living there, using resources.
Why don’t you check your sister for doing that to her own daughter… some DA women have some nerve oh well tough shit she’s pregnant get over it and now move on and help her kid out… the sister has some nerve to hand you her problems…
It’s crazy how many of you think just because it’s family or she moved in a room it’s FREE???
I get not having her babysitting, YES have the kids stay with grandma or grandpa or whoever is free. BUT, doooooo NOT expect her TO babysit for FREE.
Let’s say she moved in and rent is 800 a month for a room.
Niece is working 6 hour days 3x(or4 Idk if she specified) a week and 1x a week for 11 hours ok let’s say she made 8.50 an hour MINUMUM WAGE she still would make 986 which is more than what the fucking room costs
Well. Let’s be realistic babysitters are around (if you are lucky and live in places like bumfuck Wisconsin) it’s maybe 7-15 bucks an hour. Out here in california? It’s minimum 25$ for cpr/aed/first aide certified. It’d 15-20 without as long as theres experience (family does count as experience for babysitting jobs ) my babysitter I was paying 13 for (back when minimum wage here was still 11 in cali) so minimum wage is 13.50 now
So let’s say you pay her the going median rate of 12 an hour…you still fucking owe her about 400$ because she would be getting paid 1392 meaning if your room costs 800 (I can find one here in cali easily) you still owe her about 400 a month PLUS 2 HOURS OVERTIME AND ONE HOUR DOUBLETIME WEEKLY PLUUUUUUS optional pay in health benefits, an i9 form for self employment/private contractor. Paid time off and sick days ,yeah have fucking fun finding someone for free lol. That’s what masters used to tell indentured servants “work on my farm and I’ll give you a free room” meanwhile they are working day and night. And it is VERY doubtful that YOU and YOUR HUSBAND are the ones spending time with kids when you’re off work, 5,000,000 bucks says you get home cook dinner help them with hw watch a movie then leave them with ur niece or around her lmfa
you should not pay her,if she works you should have charged her room and board in exchange for a bed,use of showers,electricity,meals etc…if she does not work,and she is getting all of that for free,and i suspect when she gives birth you will pay most of the babies expenses…it will be a good lesson for her to pay room and board…the least she can do is babysit for free…do not let her use you,frankly you made a big mistake taking her in,tough love would have been better for all concerned.
It’s probably will not be a popular response but I would say you are already giving her free room and board your feeding her giving her a safe place to sleep taking care of her needs if she is too far along to seek work outside of home there are places she can apply he will help her through the pregnancy they will supply everything she needs doctors anything she needs for herself I know people complain about it but that’s what these funds are for with the state then after the baby is born and old enough she can find work that’s what I do I lived with my mother I was 18 I live with my mother until my baby was born I applied for assistance so the entire burden was not placed on my mother when my baby was 3 months old I found a job and went to work there’s nothing wrong with telling her this you’re not in the wrong I would if I were you leave my children with their grandmother and just explain to her you’re taking care of her now and you will continue to help but she has to help herself and there are agencies that will help her help herself
I would let mom watch them sence she’s not charging and have niece do it for free and say that free rent and food is the payment
Nothing she doesn’t pay you anything to live there and you are doing her a huge favor by providing that for her already. You really are. If she can’t realize that then that’s on her.
She wants to help and probably needs the money. You should keep your routine. You are a good person for taking her in. Are there any social programs that she could access. She needs money for her personal things and she will need money when the baby comes. I would check to see if she is eligible for any type of support. Good luck. Keep loving her
You’re giving her a place to live and food to eat that is Payment. 
It’s best for the kids and their routine if your mom keeps watching them. Once she goes on maternity leave she will need to have some time to take care of the baby and they’ll need to go back with grandma. If she needs extra money maybe there’s something else she can pitch in with.
I would let your mom keep watching them but if you want a date night or something than see if your niece will keep them. I feel like it may be overwhelming for her to keep them on a regular basis and being pregnant the further along she gets she may not feel up to it. I would just sit down and talk to her about it, let her know that you do feel conflicted because you want to help her but you also don’t want to overwhelm her. Maybe even talk to her other things she may be able to do to earn money like an allowance or something. I know this is a tough one but I would honestly just let your mom keep them on a regular basis.
I would keep taking them to their gmas for free and she can get a job to make extra money.
Keep taking them to your moms
Absolutely nothing.u pay her house and her food I think that’s more then even. Tell her to get a cashier job at the supermarket, easy for pregnant people and to make money and benefits.
Room and board and food was actually included in my pay at a nanny job. I can’t remember exactly what I got above that because it wasn’t much. Enough to pay my car insurance and phone bill.
I don’t know where you live but in MD we have a program called DORS (dept of rehabilitative services). My foster teens joined that program and were able to get short term jobs. They were paid by DORS through grant money and provided a list of local employers that participate. Basically the teens volunteer for the employers but get paid by DORS for their work. Something like that may be a good option for her to get some work experience and get paid at least minimum wage while she figures out a long term plan.
maybe keep your mom watching them , and if you want a date night with your husband have her babysit on those nights and pay her
If she is living with you and not paying you, she should be doing it for you as a thank you for helping her
I watched my Neice and Nephew at 15 who were 4 and 6 months old I loved it but I wasn’t living with them. I would say “I appreciate you asking but grandma watching them right now works better, if hubby and I want to have a date night every once in awhile we’d love to have you babysit. Other than that I would love to help you find a job if you’re interested” stress to her that you want her to succeed
If you pay her anything for watching your kiddos, you should then charge her rent. It’s very kind of you to let her move in and help her, but tough love also teaches responsibility. She’ll need to learn so much before having her baby.
I would charge her rent if I pay her to watch my kids. What’s going on with your sister?
Let her watch you and how you do it, she needs to step up and you’re doing more than enough. She needs to get a job.
My goodness! There are so many Negative Nancy’s on here! Instead of messing up your children’s routine that works for everyone, why not hire her on as a maid? She can clean, do laundry, and cook. That way everyone’s routine stays in check, she’s doing honest work to make an honest wage, and honestly helping you out as well. I would sit down with her, go over expectations, and try to come to an agreement on an acceptable hourly wage for the work done. I would also strongly suggest a contract to protect both parties.
Amazing aunt good on u … It seems a little unrealistic to change what’s happening with your kids for a short time then possibly need to change it back once her baby comes??? But if u decide Ed to maybe u could pay a likely wage age would get starting g a job and charge her a fair rent so she gets used to real life as a mumma??
If you can’t afford to pay her just let her know. No need to get worked up about it.
Keep your kids with your Mom! Why change their routine? If your niece is living with you, NO WAY should you have to pay her anyways! You have everything worked out so don’t make a disturbance now!
You just answered your question she pays no rent
You already get your mom to watch them for free, and she’s wanting to be paid while living with you for free. She sees babysitting your children as easy so she basically wants another handout. I wouldn’t trust they’d be in the best care with that mindset.
If she lives with you, heck no,
That’s her rent n chip in for food