My Sister-in-Law Never Includes Me In Anything

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"For 5+ years, my sister-in-law has addressed gifts/cards to my husband and children, but does not include me. I feel like it’s very passive aggressive and unnecessary. We are a package deal in my eyes. Just trying to see what everyone else thinks. Am I overreacting? Should I just let it go? She’s made it clear she doesn’t like me and that’s fine, but I feel like if I let it go it will never end."

RELATED: Q&A: Am I Wrong For Cutting Out My Sister In Law?


The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"Your husband needs to stick up for you! Also stick up for yourself and don’t step down! I went through this with my in laws and stood my ground. Honestly, if my husband didn’t stick up for me then I’d be gone! Your a family and he needs to fight for his! That’s disrespectful to you, him and your kids!"

"You should stick up for yourself. Let her know it is disrespectful and if it continues that YOUR family is no longer connected to her. Period. Your husband should absolutely stick up for you, but you yourself should first and foremost. She doesn’t care about your feelings, or your husbands, or your children…why care about hers"

"Your husband should be stepping in and saying something! Mine did and we got cut off but not our loss haha life has been a lot more peaceful without them around! Even if they do live 2 streets over lol."

"Sounds like a problem of hers, not yours. Tbh."

"it’s nice to have a good relationship with in laws but at the end of the day they really don’t matter in the grand scope of things. I’ve learned that if your relationship with your husband is good thats all that really matters. Don’t let anything get in the way of that."

"You say she doesn’t like you so why would you expect anything from her?"

"If she doesn’t like you, don’t associate anything with her. No point in making anyone like you. Life is short and being related to a person doesn’t mean you have to have a relationship with them."

"I wouldnt let her worry you in fact I would have a little giggle every time it happens just carry on with your own happy little family and let it go over your head no way try to reason with her , I wouldnt give her the pleasure,and let’s face it do you really want to be friendly with such a nasty person ,I should think not …"

"Don’t let it bother you. So what she don’t care for you. If this is the worst thing she does… If it doesn’t get a rise out of you she doesn’t win. If she does get that rise she wins. One person who doesn’t like you shouldn’t affect your family’s relationship with the rest of your in laws."

"Don’t let it bother you. So what she don’t care for you. If this is the worst thing she does… If it doesn’t get a rise out of you she doesn’t win. If she does get that rise she wins. One person who doesn’t like you shouldn’t affect your family’s relationship with the rest of your in laws."

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