My sister in law told me if I didn't get rid of my pets she wouldn't come over anymore: Advice?

Don’t be controlled by family. Let them walk away. I’m allergic to my cats but I won’t get rid of my furbabies.

Kids need to keep the pets. There is medicine for alergies

Tell her to give the kid Benadryl before she visits. Sheesh easy peasy

THEY r in the wrong! Pets become family! Don’t get rid of them!

I would definitely keep my pets.

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Get the child tested for allergies.

Do not get rid of your cat. You can meet at a restaurant.

I love family, but KEEP THE PETS!

Keep the pet, get rid of in-law.

Sorry sister in law , easy decision

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keep the pets, get rid of the SIL

Don’t believe her.
She’ll say this sh$t excuse but it Not true.
She’ll not visit for another reason.
Kids first !

Keep it. If they dont like it too bad

I’d say see you later

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I’d tell her bye!
There are a million ways to get together other than going to someone’s house where one might suspect an allergy.

It’s one thing to not go to a house. It’s a whole different thing to cut someone off. Seems psychotic

Tell your sis in law, it was nice while it lasted. The END !!

Saying that she can’t come over due to allergies is one thing but making demands is another. I would tell her to kiss my ass

Ummm Bye then. They do not dictate what happens in your household

Your sister is nuts dont do it your sister will get tired of not having family around she’s the one that has to figure this out not you

Your sister in law is an idiot if she expects you to get rid of your pets for a twice a year visit.

Bye Bye sister-in-law…!!!

Keep the pet lose sister in law

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They are wrong! That’s YOUR family’s pet in YOUR family’s home! If her child’s allergy is that bad then they don’t have to come over. Or she can take benadryl when she does. Otherwise you can always meet/hang out/get together at other people’s homes or even hers if she’s that worried about the animals in other homes. She has no right to tell you what your family can and cannot have in your own house.

My son is allergic to certain cats. He just takes a benadryl before he goes to someone’s house with cats.


I would never get rid of my pets, especially for someone who acts like that. I am allergic to guinea pigs/ hamsters and my sister had them while I was living at home. I took a Zyrtec every morning and washed my hands a decent amount and I was fine.


This is absolutely ridiculous nobody should make you do anything in order for you to be in their lives. If she really feels that way then you’re better off without her in your families life if its that easy for her to kick you out of theirs.


What a difficult situation! My heart goes out to you. My feeling is that she is very wrong and doesn’t seem to value the family relationship very much if she is giving you such an ultimatum. Pets are a very important part of a family and there is so much you can do nowadays to help with allergies but making you take them away from your kids who love them is not acceptable. I would try talking this through more (if that’s possible) but would not get rid of my pets. Best of luck!!

She’s in the wrong.
In my opinion, I would already be cutting ties off with them before they even have a chance. Allergies can be handled a dealt with when you have a family member coming over that’s allergic. My MIL is deathly allergic to cats, so we do our best to clean up as much hair as possible and keep the cats in a seperate room. On her end, she’ll take a bunch of allergy medication after the visit or before.

Don’t have time to read rest of comments so apologies if this has already been said. I’d be asking her to have allergy check done to confirm what caused the problem. If it is cats, then she needs to be teaching her child how to live in a world where she will undoubtedly come into contact with cats and people who live with cats, not try to shield her from every possibility of contact. Not sure how you raise this with her as I don’t know your family dynamics. As with other commenter, I have cats and family members who are allergic who still visit me. A tip I have learnt over the years - don’t vacuum just before they visit, as this puts dander in the air. Leave at least 36 hours between dusting/vacuuming and visits if possible.

You are not in the wrong It is your cat, put cat in different room when sister in law visits, or she could wear a mask , it’s not the cat it’s their fur, know it’s a pain maybe just Hoover before she gets there :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Keep your Cat your kids should not have to Suffer, They don’t have to visit your house there are Park’s Playgrounds ect.Also there is Medication for her Allergies.My friend is scared of cats But they still come here.

Meet her at a park or out to dinner. Somewhere other then your house. If she still insist you get rid of your pets, get rid of her. I don’t care if she is family. Real family would not insist that you get rid of your fur babies.

My grandparents keep allergy medicine at their house because so many of us are allergic to their cat, but that’s not going to stop us from seeing them…so they keep it on hand if we need it, or we take it before going over there.

Uh, duh, how do you just “get rid” of family members? Oh, no, wait, you just go to her house. She can vacuum you or lint roll you before you enter. (Yeah, I’m a b–ch)

Your pets are part of family. They are there every day That would be like saying I don’t like your kids. They can’t be there when she comes over. Wrong not going to happen. Pets are important

You can interact with family and they don’t have to come to your home. She’s not the dictator of your home, don’t let her be.

Keep your pets you love. If a family member is going to write you off because you won’t get rid of your pets then their not much of a family

I’m not an animal person but she don’t get to dictate what happens in my house. She tripping

She has no right to tell you to get rid of your pets. My pets are like family. If she’s only been there a couple times in two years I wouldn’t worry about her

Keep your pets. Just vacuum & dust before your Sister-In-Law comes over. My daughter & her husband has 2 cats & she cleans the house before I come over, cause I am allergic to cats. She puts their cats in a cat room she calls it, while I am there. When I leave then she lets them out of their room.

I would tail her you are keeping the pet because it is part of your family

Never get rid of your pet for someone else to visit. There are so many ways around it from taking meds to meeting up elsewhere or even going to their home instead.

Don’t part with your pets they are good for stress it’s your house

So visit at their house or at a park or something. I would never get rid of my pets

Tell them to send photos because you are keeping your family cat.

You can visit them or g oil to neutral place - restaurant or even outside barbecue away from cat

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Has her child been tested to see if it is cat allergies or allergies? It can be food allergies or dust allergies. She would not dictate what goes on in my home. We have a dog, my niece is scared of dogs. When she comes over we put her in a bed room. If Nina is calm and not jumping all over the place, she can stay in the room with us.

Let your kids keep their pets, get rid of your allergic relatives the world does not revolve around them.

Tell her to

  1. Get off high horse and stop being ridiculous
  2. Grow up
  3. Get some piriton in and get over it

Omg no way are you in the wrong. I’d be like ok byeeeeeee don’t let the door hit you on the way out :wave:t2:

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See ya. Dont come to my house barking orders

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Keep your pets … family and friends can meet up somewhere else.

Sounds like a joy to have in your home!!! Keep your kitty!!!


WHY is she “dictating” for you???

SHE should do whatever she wants BUT, YOUR HOME, YOURS TO RUN!!!

Bye Felicia! Keep the pets and never mind the toxicity.

dont be daft they are your family. xx

Let your family keep the cat’s!!

yup was nice knowin you… but I love my pet— sorry.

You are not wrong. Your house, your decisions. Bye :wave:

They don’t even visit enough fr it to matter

Bye bye! Dont let the door hit you where the sun dont shine!

See ya, sister in law!

Let kids keep their pet, she can take meds before coming over.

Keep ur pets for goodness sake​:fearful::fearful::fearful:who pays for ur home u do…fuck those so called family​:smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:

Bye bye in laws… ya dont pay my bills… my dogs comes first…!

Sounds like you’re better off without them :joy:

Hide the cat. Let them come over then really see if it’s because of the cats or because she’s a crazy demanding b****

Your sister inlaw is crazy. Unless someone like my spouse or my child developed an allergy which would absolutely force me to do it, I would not give up my cats for any reason. I would simply tell your sister in law you are not going to give up the cats but if she would like to continue to have a relationship you guys can go to their house or spend together some where outside your home. If she still insists on the cats going…I guess it is bye-bye to her.