My sister in law told me if I didn't get rid of my pets she wouldn't come over anymore: Advice?

So you are supposed to deny your children the love and pleasure of a pet 365 days a year for someone who might visit once every couple of months? I think not.

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I would say see ya don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya

Also might be using this as excuse not to come over. Tell her they wont be here next time she calls in
Call her bluff. If she does drop over, tell her you forgot or some other excuse.
Once every two years is not a real friend family or not.

Visit at there place!!

The trash took itself out then? Lol

I dont go to my sisters due to her cats. I just meet at a park or playground or something

Had a GF tell me it was either her or my cat. Made the best choice and had my cat for another 12 years.

There is absolutely no way I would take a pet away from MY children for anyone.
Why don’t you meet in neutral places. Restaurants, parks, grandparents house.

I am allergic to pet dander, dogs and cats both. Although, I would never give that ultimatum. Some people do a really good job of keeping their house clean and some don’t. Cat’s really STINK, and many people cannot smell them but I can. My eyes water, nose gets stopped up, and I immediately start sneezing to no end. I hate it because I love animals. Outside visiting for me. People have special bonds with their pets and I understand. I’d never never give them that ultimatum.

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Well I guess you won’t be seeing them, or they can invite you to visit them

Ok, while I agree with most posts that are saying not to get rid of your fur-baby over a person who visits rarely, and that other ways to interact with them can be arranged (like visiting them instead of them visiting you, or meeting at a neutral place),
Please don’t just say “pop an allergy pill” and it will be ok.”
Some people have severe allergies that popping a pill doesn’t help!
My son (who is an adult) has a pretty bad allergy to cats. While taking an allergy pull helps cut most symptoms down, he does have to be careful, s it can (and has) made him break out in pretty bad rashes, and his eyes swell shut! It really depends on the type and length of exposure!
So, allergy meds are not always the answer depending on the severity!

Twice in 2 years? That says it all. She is controlling and selfish

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Tell that karen to go ahead and hit the road…pet’s are for life…your life not hers!

Quick, where’s the quickest place to get some pets???

Bye bye sister in law. I wouldnt get rid of my pets for anyone

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Go visit them at their house

Three words: Go To Hell.

They are in the wrong. They can’t except everyone that they know or visit, to get rid of their pets. That’s totally asinine. Not to mention the outside world does not owe them this. They have allergy shots that the Allergist would administer to your niece. After they preform a series of shots on her to determine what exactly your niece is allergic too. Let me guess your SIL is a self entitled brat. Expects everyone to bow down to her every whim. You should call her bluff. There’s also OTC allergy medicine that your niece can take. What going to happen when your niece starts school? Expect everyone that your niece plays with for their families to get rid of their pets. Also you can be allergic to cats & not dogs. & if someone is allergic to pet dander. Almost always their allergic to something else & possibly food allergies too. My family consists of 5 ppl. All of us are allergic to a few things. Plus we have a dog

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My advice slap both in the face and see who still loves you need I say more.

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Pets are family! Which “family” member do you like more?

Wow. She’s a BITCH. No other way to put it. She has no right to tell anyone how and what they have in their lives. If she was any kind of a decent person. When she does go to visit with her daughter. Give her daughter an allergy pill. They last 12/24 hours. And if she can’t do that. I would disown her. Considering how bitchy she is…

They are wrong don’t u agree?

Your sister in law is completely wrong! Keep your kitty and be thankful your headache sister in law won’t be around. Toxic people don’t need to be around kiddos anyways😁

My pets are members of my family. Don’t like them, move along.

Screw her. Take care of your family and leave her to her neuroses

Throw out the whole sister in law.

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What an asshole family…
My cat’s not going anywhere

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your house and animal—her choice

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The relative would become a distant one real quick. What an arrogant ass.

Bye Bye Sister in law!!!

There medicine for crazy people.

Bye bye :wave:t2: sister in law

Tell them to get over it

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Easy peasy…keep yor pet.

Ah simple… BYE SISTER IN LAW :woman_shrugging:t2:


Bye sis and bro in law have a nice life !

Take care of your family


Your pets live at your home. She doesn’t :woman_shrugging:t2:


They are in the wrong. My son has cats at his dad’s and I’m allergic. I know the risks and I still go sometimes when it comes to my turns in picking him up (partners and us get along so usually we step in each other’s homes for a couple minutes each exchange). His other kids hug on me and I know I’ll be itchy but I don’t complain, I just take a quick wash when I get home and give my kid a bath. Your sis in law is being a witch to demand for ALL family members to get rid of their pets and it’s sad if her husband hasn’t apologized on her behalf yet.


My aunt and grandmother had a fear of cats. When they came over, we just put our cat in another room. I’ll never get rid of a pet that lives with me and is family over someone that doesn’t live with me.


Your pets are your family and an occasional visit from someone who has allergies has to deal with that. They could come for their visit in the summer and have an outside brunch and games. There are ways to work around it. There are meds. Has your niece even been tested that the cat is the issue?


She needs to take her child to see an allergist to find out what the reaction is to. It may not be from the cat. Food allergies can present at any time even if she’s eaten it safely before.


She is in the wrong. She can’t made ultimatums at your home, about your animals. What about your children? A pet is a member of the family as well. She doesnt have to visit your home. You all can see each other else where


Omg she is in the wrong. That is horrible and none of their business!!! What a selfish ultimatum. There are plenty of other ways to get together!


They make allergy medicine for “things” like that. Has her child been allergy tested?
I’m sorry, but if it was me, there is no way that I would get rid of my pets, my cats are my “fur” family.
Meet somewhere outside the house, at a restaurant, a park, an attraction, not at the house.
If the sister-in-law doesn’t like that option, get rid of the sister-in-law, and keep your cats.


My son has severe allergies. Just dont host holidays, let them or someone without a pet handle that. Meet them out, try not to play with the cat right before you go and wash your hands before touching them.


Lmaoooooooo she wants to dictate people owning pets when she doesn’t 1. Own the pet 2. Take care of the pet 3. Pay the bills at the home where the pets reside
honestly the only thing she should feel entitled to say or do is mention the child having a reaction to POSSIBLY pet dander and just say “can you guys come hang out here or want to meet up somewhere.”
Girl is she doesn’t get off that high horse :skull:
I am allergic to ALL my animals but my kids are in love with them so I take allergies medicine around the clock and deal with it in my ways (mostly cleaning and not allowing pets in my room)


It might be that you play with the cousins at a park and go out to eat with this branch of your family tree? Pets are family. No getting rid of them.


Wow. Pets are part of the family, so what she’s demanding is beyond unreasonable and downright rude–especially since she doesn’t live in your home! My sister is allergic to my dogs and guess what? She still comes over to visit her nephew. A rational adult would find a way to make things work.


Cut your losses. Keep the cat. Pets are family and its extremely rude, mean, and ridiculous to ask anyone to get rid of their pet. Especially when they don’t live in the home.

Imagine explaining to someone that you cut your family member off because they refused to get rid of their pet you wanted them to. The freaking audacity


Sounds like the trash just took itself out! She’s wrong for expecting everyone to bend around her. You don’t need people like that.


I am allergic to animals but that is my problem. I would never suggest that someone should get rid of pets in their own home to accommodate me, that is complete madness. Meet anywhere apart from the house or put the pets in a different room when I come round. The possibilities are endless but getting rid of the pets is a definite no for me.

  1. Allergy testing for the child. One just can’t blame like that.
  2. I wouldn’t give my pets up for anyone. Meet them away from your home.
  3. I believe there’s more to the story with this sister-in-law

You keep your animals. My niece is allergic to cats. She takes allergy meds when she comes over. I would NEVER give up my animals due to extended family members having allergies. That’s ridiculous of them to even say that


It sounds like your sister in law needs help. I get that she says her child is allergic, but I doubt the child is never around other people who have cats. Now if you were to bring the cat to her house it would be different. Just meet at a park, place to eat. Or she can have the child’s doctor prescribe meds if she is really bad. I wonder, how old is the child? Is she/he old enough to let her (or someone) know they are having problems?

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Wait, she “swears it’s the animals?” So her daughter hasn’t had an allergy test? Yeah, I’d tell my sister to shove it, that if a cat in someone else’s home is a good enough reason to cut someone out of the family, then good riddance.

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They are drastically in the wrong you can’t force someone to do a damn thing in their own houses, let them cut yall off and when people ask them why and they say “oh because other people wouldn’t get rid of their animals in their own house” they’ll be embarrassed by the reactions


Wow, the Sister in law is completely out of line trying to force people to get rid of pets. Trying to do that tells me this woman is completely self absorbed. She can have her kid take Benadryl or another allergy medicine before going over to someone’s house with a pet.


I would never get rid of
My animal because someone in my family was allergic. I just wouldn’t invite them over and I would ensure I wasn’t covered in pet dander when we hung out. What a weird ask from someone :confused:


Nope. My in laws are the same. I have animals and they hate it. Threatened to not come over or help with the kids. Lolsss then dont :woman_shrugging::upside_down_face: I work my butt off to have my own place, pay the Bill’s and quite frankly, if something like a pet is just that little slice of peace my family needs at the end of a long day so be it.

Never have I thought I wouldnt go to someone’s home or be rude to them because they live differently then me. I’ve lived in all sorts of environments and was grateful to just have a place to rest my head.

Your home. Your rules. Your choices. Getting rid of your pet because other outside family members demand it is ridiculous. That’s like saying they wont come over because you have kids.

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they’re in the wrong, if it bothers her that much you can always put the pet in a kennel when they visit. or they can get over it. I’m allergic to my sister’s dogs, break out in hives after petting them. doesnt stop me from petting them…

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I would get rid of her. I know she’s family and your kids love her but they’re better off. They can always get a new aunt when they’re older :woman_shrugging:t2::joy:


Keep them… i have cousin whos allergic and as long as she doesn’t pet them she is fine. Animals are family… never got rid of one for anyone. I say maybe you go to their home for visits or a outdoor setting…


Then I guess she wouldn’t be coming over cause I’d be damned if I’m getting rid of my pets there my babies …


Don’t come over! I wouldn’t get rid of my animals they don’t live there!


Your pets are a part of your family and live there 24/7. There are ways your SIL could counteract the allergy, such as medicine, her daughter could take before coming over. Don’t feel guilty if she isn’t able to figure out how to see family.

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People like that u don’t need in ur life then if someone can say the will cut u off for that are low life’s . Sorry do urself a favor and cut them off. I would say bye


You keep that damn cat and put cat shit in their shoes. My step sister was allergic to cats and still came over to hang out with us. She just took an allergy pill and got over it. She would even pet the cats

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The pets are family. They’re guests so they don’t have any say on what happens around your house. Hell. My son has a cat and I’m allergic to her(to the point that my eyes will puff up and I get rashes). However, I wash my hands after touching her and wear a mash cleaning her litter box to minimise the reactions. Also, it is possible to build up a tolerance to them from being around them-I had one as a kid from the cat I grew up with, I just lost it after she(the cat) passed away and I didn’t have cats for many years.

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Meet at a restaurant! She does not pay your house note, she does not have the right to tell you to get rid of your pets!


First of all… our pets should be considered to be the same as having children. You don’t just get rid of your children, right?
Second, she needs to bring your niece to a doctor to get allergy testing before making assumptions of what the exact allergen is. Who would just cut off family like that? Consider if this is even a person you want in your life. Is it worth your energy?

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Are they, by any chance…selfish jerks? I mean, I can’t help but wonder :thinking: honestly, no offense intended, but that is such a bizarre, ridiculous, and inappropriate request. My lord, what is wrong with people??

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My son is allergic to cats. We don’t expect anyone to get rid of their animals for us.

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They are wrong it’s your home & It’s good for kids to be raised with pets. If they choose to stay away that is their loss

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Your house, your rules. Meet somewhere neutral where there is no or less likely to be an exposure to the allergen. If you want to be extra considerate, bring a change of clothes with you when you go over to their home and get changed before interacting with your niece, but she’s way out of line by telling you what you need to do in your own home.

She doesn’t need to come over. I have really bad allergies, like break out in hives around dogs and cats bad. There’s some family/ friends that I make exceptions for especially on holidays. I take an extra Benadryl and make sure to carry my eye drops and do my best to not touch the pet and avoid sitting on soft surfaces. Visiting their home is my choice I would never for a second thing to ask them to put their pet in the yard or another room, much less get rid of it for my sake.

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I got a dog and a cat if they don’t like it or if they’re allergic to to them they don’t have to come because I’ve always had pets their family I’ll never get rid of them sometimes pets are more family than family

Get rid of the family… pets are your new family :crazy_face:
I would never put my kids or pets over other people sorry not sorry…
I made that commitment when I got each one of them :raised_hands:t2:

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She is wrong. Tell he to go fly a kite! She comes to your house once or twice a year so she can’t and shouldn’t control what you do in your home.

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I’d be like, fine I don’t want you here anyway… If she intends to cut people put for their pets that’s on her. There are ways to avoid allergy reactions when visiting family with pets.

I’d keep my pet. The cat lives there, they don’t. It sounds like she just wants to make any excuse not to be around your family.

Keep the pets get rid of the sister… Im sorry but its your pets home not hers… if she doesnt like them then she doesnt have to be around them in my opinion. Your pets are your family members probably even closer than the damn sister is…

My sons grandma is this same way about our cat and we litteraly told her not to step foot in our home if she was going to sit and complain and yell at him to leave her alone when he’s across the room. She hasn’t came over in about 2 years we just go over there now and occasionally I still hear why we shouldn’t have a cat that our son who’s 3 adores :woman_shrugging:t3: I also have a SIL that is deathly allergic to cats and she comes over when its nice out and we sit outside so she isn’t around him… not that hard


Ummm, my thought is this! Don’t come over!!! Spare me! I’ve learned to put myself and MY FAMILY FIRST AND FOREMOST ALWAYS! Do the same for the sake of you and the kiddos and it will feel very good to finally stand up!

Good Luck! Stand strong!!

Any person who gives you an ultimatum to be involved in your life doesn’t deserve to be there. Family or not!


My son in law is allergic to my cats. I go visit them 99% of the time and when they visit, I host outdoors and always have allergy tabs on hand.

My pets are like my kids. In fact, I love my pets more than I love people!

Your siste in law can go play on the runway. She is wrong and you don’t need people like that in your life

To bad for her she is going to miss out. Take an allergy pill don’t touch the cat, wash your hands . Don’t touch your eyes. Change your clothes when you get home wash them and believe it or not you will live. I speak from living this. If it is so bad talk to the dr.

My pets are family and they love me unconditionally so sister-in-law would just have to do what she needs to do. Keep the pets.

My dog is part of my family and lives here in my house and can get on our FUR niture

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Sounds like she’s looking for any excuse to cut family out. If it werent the cat and allergies it would be something else. If she’s only been to your home twice i wouldnt miss her much when shes gone.

Well I guess she will have a short list of people she can visit! Get allergy tested & know for sure & get treated according

She should get tested, THEN if there is an allergy just take a pill before visiting. I have severe allergy to perfumes, lavender, smoke, certain cleaners and I don’t make people change their lives. I take my medicine.

Its your pets home as much as it is yours. I say good riddance to her. If i were in this situation i would see it as the trash let itself out. My sister in law would have me f*ck up if she expected me to get rid of one or all of my dogs because HER child has an allergy. :v:

Ummm keep the pet and ditch the sil. For her to demand that it messed up. She can easily get her Benadryl and or other medication that will allow her to be around cats and not break out.

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They’re in the wrong.
The daughter could take benadryl before coming over, you could put the cat in a room when they rately come over. You should definately NOT get rid of your beloved pet.

Tell them sorry you feel this way,but im not gonna traumatize my child to see you twice a year and if she dont like it tell her to kick rocks. If somebody in my family told me that theyd get told way worse.

Wtf??? Do not get rid of your pets! First of all your sister in law doesn’t actually know it’s cats right? And even if she did…she shouldn’t get a cat…that would be the right thing to do for her child —-not cutting her child out of her families life or teaching her child that everyone had to make everything right for her or she cuts them out of her life ——how about the sis in law acts like an adult and speaks to the allergist and gets some advice as to how to manage her child’s allergies and pass that info on to her childs aunts and uncles who also love her and want the nest for her
Are you sure you want that woman who can so easily cut people out of her life around your children??

I wouldn’t get rid of my pets for anyone. It’s not your job to accommodate for allergies like that. You can be courteous and put the cat in a different room, but it’s selfish of her to expect everyone to get rid of their cats for her.

An allergy break out like hives? Hives that could have come ANYWHERE (JUST ASSUMING HIVES) Chances are much lower it came from your fur babies. Let her cut everyone off and figure things out as she goes. Your life boat doesn’t need rocked because what you have in it makes her unhappy.

It’s your house so you can do anything you want. Good way of keeping people away.

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Keep your pets, she sounds like a control freak, either that of wants a reason to justify not visting