My SO is way older than me and I feel like our relationship isn't going anywhere: Advice?

Dump him before it’s too late

Normally when you see such an age gap you think, oh its something about the older person’s money. But here, it sounds like he’s basically mooching off of you. If you’re unhappy. I’d definitely split

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Run sweetheart. Your married to an asshole. You have an Rv and money. Run as fast as you can go. Small price to pay for peace of mind.

Sweetie he is a piece of shit and to be honest its your fault that he yrwats you the way he does why would you get pregant with his child? I dont get it. He is not going to change this is him regardless if you hsve s child w/ him. Much luck youre going to need it.

Kick him to the curb.

You need to leave that sadistic narssistic asshole and move away

So you get pregnant again?
I find it Hella funny how people start families and be in whole relationships then decide to figure out who the man is.

It’s not his age or your age difference. He’s a narcissist and abusive. You need to leave momma. And trust me I know that is waaaay easier said than done. Try looking for local help. Try the local DHS office, local counseling or public health office, places like that; they’ll have lists of resources. :purple_heart:


You need to leave and take your money… he will have to pay child support I believe . Do not stay where you’re not valued and loved …dont let your kids see you allow a man to treat you badly. Get rid of him…you’re a young woman there is someone out there who would love you and treat you how you deserve to be treated …also do not spend any money on hom. Alsp make hom leave . You shouldn’t have to


I think it’s time for you to look up narcissistic personality disorder. More than likely you were young and innocent and got taken advantage of. If that’s how he talks to you that’s how he always talked to you. Of course he’s going to make you feel like you’re nothing compared to your child that’s what narcissists do. It took me 10 years to leave please get out. You don’t want your children growing up around that but be aware that somebody like that is going to play a lot of games so I suggest calling legal aid in your area and they will help you for free. Ask a lot of questions. My ex did nothing but play games and court with my son for a good two years before he finally gave it up

I stopped reading when I got to the part where you aren’t working and still giving him money girl STOP! don’t give him anything you don’t owe him shit he has a job and you obviously don’t so he shouldn’t be taking anything from you not to mention he’s abusive mentally leave for you and your babies you deserve better and you’re young my exhusband is older than me 46 and I’m 33 now but when we got together I was 24 or 25 can’t remember exactly but he was abusive and I didn’t see it ended up marrying him and had a child thank God only 1 but I realized that isn’t what I wanted not for me especially my kids so my advice to you is leave for your babies and leave while you’re still young your husband is just an abuser and user and he’ll move on and do it to someone else but at least it won’t be you trust me you’ll be happier without him hugs


I have 4 and 6 yr old girls with a guy that 20 yrs older than me, I got to the same point and I left. It was hard cause I was a stay at home mom at the time to so i felt stuck but things will just continue to get worse and worse and its not good for the kids to see. That why I left is because i didnt want our kids in that environment. It was the best decision iv ever made.

one if he throws your fears in your face that is cruel and disrespectful. you need hugs and love not that. plus you don’t want him doing that to the kids. you deserve better. good luck.

You need to leave. He sounds 100% like my ex except for the age difference. I ended up in debt because of him, my great credit turned into shit credit. Do yourself a favor, save yourself and LEAVE

U gotta go girl. I feel like hes taking advantage of u and ur inheritance money. If i were u, i would be in that motorhome in a heartbeat. Sometimes u just know its time to move on and i think its ur time my friend. Good luck out there!

It sounds like you know what you want and how you need to accomplish it. And now you are putting it out into the universe so it can manifest itself. hugs

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I don’t think it’s the age difference, it’s the man that’s the problem. I have seen people with bigger age gaps have happy, healthy relationships .

I’m almost 14 years OLDER then,my husband. We are going strong 20 years. Its not the age. Its your husband!!!

I was in the same position, 9 years diff. 2 girls, married for 13 years. We also married quite early on. I left and am still struggling a year later but i was and still is more than worth it.

LEAVE! run as far away as possible! he seems like he doesn’t care about your feelings at all. It goes 2 ways in a relationship. He doesn’t seem like he’s doing that.

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That’s unfortunate situation these kind is people never change they only get worse .

You know EXACTLY what needs to be done.

It’s not the age difference,it’s the man.

If you find a other man look him
Over be for you jump in to any thing again

Leave now it won’t get any better it will get worse!

For you and ur kids u need to leave…

I’m so sorry to read all this for you. I agree with do not give him money!!! This was money outside the marriage from your family. An abuser of any kind who treats you this way will overspend and try to drain you financially so you will be stuck and can’t leave. I stayed in this (but worse,also physical abuse) 13 years with 2 babies. Reluctant to leave because I didn’t want to take my children from their dad. People like this don’t love you! The only regret I had when I finally left was I didn’t leave sooner!!!


Stop being a victim and leave ! It doesn’t matter what age he is, he is an asshole period ! You and your children are already living by yourself if he behaves this way , you can get child support, and work too, I did it , you can too .

Leave. Now.



He sounds ike a total LOSER.