My son has ADHD and his father does not want him medicated: Advice?

I need some help, guys. So my son has ADHD, but my ex-husband that I share 50/50 custody with does not want our son on medicine. It’s very aggravating to me, but I’m not willing to start a war with my ex over medication. So I have started trying him on natural things to help him focus better. It’s been helping a little bit. He went from making really bad grades on his spelling tests to making even a few :100:. He hasn’t failed a spelling test in a few weeks now, but oh my goodness, the principal and vice-principal are constantly on my toes about ADHD medicine. When I tell them about the natural stuff I’m giving him, they have nothing to say, all they want is for him to be on ADHD medicine from a doctor. I understand it’s a small school, and they want to look as good as possible, but it is not their place to tell me that I need to stop letting my ex walk on me and need to get a lawyer, blah blah blah. They have said way too much that is out of place and none of their business. My question is, how do I get these people to understand that I am not going to start problems between me and my ex, especially considering how far we have come on getting along, especially considering my son is making progress. I don’t want the drama, but I don’t want to be getting treated like a child myself. I hate drama, but what is being done to me shouldn’t be getting done, and I know that. My son is only 8. He’s been at other schools, and no other school has treated me like this, but I kind of sit back, let them talk, and somewhat agree just for the simple fact I do not want my son to be targeted more than he already is. I don’t know what to do. I need them to shut up so how do I do that without coming off as a big b**** because I swear when I hit my breaking point, it’s silence in the room because I let it all out and I don’t need to be that person where my kids attend school at lol.


Not the kid, ur husband

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Try CBD gummies. Dont use the girl standard, he is a boy.

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Uhm adhd medicine is basically crack and will change the developing frontal lobe. He needs to learn to naturally outgrow adhd as many kids do, not suppress it. I was on adhd medication for 10 years and only now do I see all the negative affects.


I’d give them my ex number and say call him about any concern u have lol


A good diet, exercise, stag away from fluorescent lights, love him, do not make him nervous


I didn’t give my ex a say with our other son who experienced the same behaviours. And he’s doing well. The school pressured me as well and I went for it. He started to bring home good notes and good marks on tests. I wish I did this with my oldest. I can’t wipe clean a criminal record.


My son has adhd and me and his doctor refuse to medicate, I’ve had friends and family tell me to medicate and I tell them to fuck off :woman_shrugging:t2: pretty simple … honestly we use a specific chair in school like a stool that rocks … he’s been doing much better … also depends on the age my doctor told me to have him exercise and take him to run the track before school… try different techniques before medication it fucked my cousin up and I always hated being medicated myself being a child whom also suffered. Your his mom and you know beat and if he’s progressing that’s all that matters!!

Speak to the school about a IEP (individual education plan) and possibly a 504 plan which gives him extra time on tests in a quiet space. Look into a seat cushion for children with ADHD my son had.


This sounds somewhat similar to me. My daughter is 8, not diagnosed ADHD, but the last 2 years has had trouble focusing in school. They said she wasn’t bad enough for meds, but I never even thought of trying natural things to help with focusing! Please let me know what you use! Thank you!

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You don’t need to go and drug him up. It’s none of their business, if he is acting better then that’s all that matters

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Be a bitch because they are one over stepping boundaries and two targeting your kid as well as the fact that he is making progress

Demand an IEP. Establish that ADHD is a legit diagnosis. If they continue to target file a complaint with the board of education stating he has federal laws protecting him under the Americans with disabilities act. Meet with a nutritionist and develop an ADHD diet. Stand your ground.

My girl has ADHD and the school has done some pretty terrible stuff including encouraging her impulsiveness and she came home one day with someone else’s pants.

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I’d get your pediatrician involved with this, and above all, your the mom, no one ever ever will be able to do what moms do best… your kid, your rules, that’s it…

They are NOT Drs. I have a problem with them constantly pushing pills like they have a PhD. Not their place and with him improving without shows it’s not a need

Talk to a lawyer who will tell you what your rights are

If you want to medicate him JUST because the school is on you, then I don’t agree with you and wouldn’t medicate him either. If it’s because medication would benefit his well being then daddy should be at this appointments and make a decision together but I’m sorry, it seems like the only reason you wanna medicate so badly is to appease his school and they cannot make you medicate him. You are his mother and courts could get involved if you need them too. Everyone should be working together to make sure this boy succeeds in life. My daughter’s cousin was forced into medication for his ADHD by his school and this child’s spirit waa drained away. Medicating CAN HELP but it should be the last option!

Try alternative medicine cbd oils are amazing


Also ask what the school counselor is doing to teach him effective coping and management skills to increase his focus and attention span

Can sign him up with an agency for counseling and case management who would already be in the schools or go into the schools and work with him since the school sou is like they are not

Have your ex handle it

Don’t medicate your son! I have ADHD and struggled as a kid but am so thankful my parents didn’t chose to give me medication. A 504 plan and some extra time helped me tremendously throughout school.

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I don’t know what state your in but in NY State if you refuse meds the school can call CPS and go to court to force you and if you don’t they can take your kid away from you

Research all the many natural methods!!

ADHD medicine is essentially the same thing as meth. You give this to a kid until they are 18 and then they look to other drugs to fill the void as an adult. Schools are quick to want kids drugged so they don’t have to deal with them. They only want to teach one way. Unless your child is violent or has some other severe problems, please consider not medicating.


The school is waaaaay out of line. They are NOT medical professionals and should not be suggesting you medicate your son. Next time it comes up, ask where they attended medical school. I’d get fired for suggesting a parent medicate a student.

DO NOT MEDICATE FOR ADHD… I was diagnosed with it as a kid and I was on the chunkier side growing up and very rambunctious… they put on Foclin 2 times a day every day I was in second grade… I turned into a zombie… I had no energy I stopped eating so much and lost alot of weight, I didn’t care what was going on and I didn’t do anything but sit around because I felt completely drained and honest didn’t care what was happening… its was like all the feelings and emotions I had drained away… I took foclin up until 6th grade when I outgrew it and I hit puberty my hormones over took the medication and I was a normal kid… DO NOT DO IG


I’d tell them to mind their own damn business. They have no say in how YOU choose to help YOUR child deal with it. They are way overstepping their boundaries if you ask me. And I agree with dad I wouldn’t put my kids on that medication.

As someone who has had ADHD since childhood, I can say that I wish they would have put me on meds. I got medicated as an adult just a few months ago. I have noticed such a huge difference in my ability to focus and my memory. I basically flunked every single subject after elementary school. I just didn’t pay attention enough to what was being taught and teachers had no interest in helping me learn.


Go off and tell them to back off it’s your child he is improving that’s all they need to concern themselves with when my siblings and I were in school my mom would stand her ground and tell people how it is to the point that even people that never had us would run and hide when she walked into school

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Well I think from you you’ve said you have allowed them to over step by agreeing with them . So what do you expect ? Tell them firmly that you do not need unsolicited advice and stop agreeing

As someone with severe ADHD the medication has saved my life it’s so hard for me to function every day with out it.


Why don’t u tell ur ex to get involved with the school , cause clearly he wasnt there the days they said all that

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You need a 504 plan. It is the law if he is dx w a disability. Find am advocate for your area. That way the school cant walk all over you.


Tell them you will Medicare your child as you and his father see fit and they do not have any say in the matter. They cannot force you to give your child drugs, tell them to stop harassing you about it and if that’s the only thing they have to say to you then it’s been said and they can move on, and discuss this further with only his father because you have made it clear to them you want to discuss it no more.

Also, ask your child how he feels about the whole situation. If the natural medication is helping great, also remove all Red Dye 40 from his diet, it’s in a lot more than you think, it helps a lot. If he needs something stronger, he should be in on the decision and at least know there is something that could help him focus. It’s not fun not being able to focus, it’s a lifelong struggle.

Serious look at changing schools if i were you

Tell them it is not ip to you but your ex. Let school discuss it with him. Let them know you will not tolerate labeling your son. If theu continue to bring up subject you need to ask to see a advocate

I’ve seen schools report parents to CPS for medical neglect for failing to medicate…get a new school…


Tell them it is none of their business, what you are doing is obviously working and whether a kid is medicated or not is none of their business

Firmly state that you are not going to medicate him at this time. You recognize the issue and exploring routes to remedy it, that does not include medication. You appreciate their cooperation and understanding during this period. And you have said all you have to say at this time.

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Be that bitch. There’s no reason an 8 year old or anyone for that matter should be on such heavy medication. It’s just legal meth honestly. Keep up with what you’re doing. I 100% agree with your ex.

I’m on your husband’s side, sorry. Might as well put a kid on street drugs.

My son has adhd, odd, and iud. I was 100% against drugs but we found an ADHD med that was the complete opposite of stuff like adderall and ritalin. And it did absolute wonders for his learning and behavior. He was on it for 2-3 years is now off it and still doing amazing! It’s called strattera. It is not a stimulant so no dependency or tolerance. It was amazing for us.

The school is on the one person’s side you his “parents” forgot about the poor child that got brought into this childish mess honestly if you want to do right by you’re son then give him the medication that he needs stop trying to “not fight with you’re ex” and actually grow up and get a grip. You should put you’re son first not you’re ex.


Medication for ADHD is basically meth. They put me on it when I was 13 and it lead me down the road of trying other things. Meth feels like a more intense form of adderall.

I ran a childcare center for 25 years and saw this so often with the school and parents disagreeing but I can tell you just having the child medicated while ONLY AT SCHOOL was very beneficial to the child, their teachers and other students. ADHD can be a big disruption in class. Sad but true


Big b**ch has to come out on this one cause I’ll be damned if someone talks to me like a child about my child. On a better note, my son takes Concertaband it helps him tremendously. It took me a long time to accept that my son needed medication. You and dad need to sit down and talk, maybe have dad go to the school and sit in so he can see for himself how much its needed.

My son has adhd. I’m not quiet sure if I ever would of had put my son on ADHD meds if anybody would of had pressured him or me with it. His math teacher actually tried telling me last year I should double the dose, i took him of completely instead :tipping_hand_woman: natural stuff works great (we use it) but he does day dream more then before in class then last year. I think my point is do what’s best for your kid. Take him to go see a child’s psychologist. They give great strategies.

I have two sons ages 7 and 10 both of which have adhd add they have been diagnosed with different medications to help them some med is harder then the others if you decide to medicate there are several diff test your doc can do to diagnose I agree some med does zombie kids but only if it isn’t the accurate one I’ve experienced this with mine I also had problems with there father when they were first diagnosed both were struggling in school home and bus but after treatment and adhd counseling which is available some places he realized that they did need a little help every child is different and like I said some med is hard on them but my best advice is to do testing first through the doctor then maybe try counseling which is mainly to show them how to cope with it then go from there

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If natural stuff worked the school would know good grades don’t mean bad adhd it’s an attention thing

This momma bear would come out full force. My child not theres. Tell them for sure back off because next time you go over head to school board

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My doctor told me not to include the school when it comes down to my daughters ADHD they don’t even know about her diagnoses or that she is medicated she is in Vyvanse and CBD oil …

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Tell them your a grown ass woman an thats your child thanks for the advice I will take it in consideration but I have other avenues I’m weighing too. Please respect me an my child I’m finding whats best for him not whats best for me or you. I love my child I need you to know this . if my child doesnt need to take pills I dnt want him too.

Not all adhd meds are narcotic. My son is on intuniv, a nonstimulant. I prefer to steer away from Adderall and Ritalin, but before medication we tried everything and nothing helped. My son’s meds changed his life. That’s in response to the “meds are meth” moms :roll_eyes: not the OP. To you I would say, don’t let anyone bully you, the school or your ex. It’s not the school’s business how you treat your sons adhd. Even if you put him on meds, it could take a long time to find the right ones, his bahavior definitely wouldn’t immediately change. Medication changes can be hard on the body, especially an 8yo boy. For now my boys meds work, but we have changed the mgs a few times over the last yr because he adjusts to it. Then his grades start slipping, then he stops eating. Then he starts acting crazy.


The next time the principal or the teacher or any other person brings it up, you give them the same speech I understand my son has had difficulties in the past, but he has been making improvements now that we have him on natural things. It is not your place to continue to bring this up when I have already found a solution that is helping. I think you and (insert all staff involved) have already overstepped your position. And we will not be discussing this further unless I see that what we are doing now is no longer working.
Literally end it there and walk away do not give them the chance to apologize do not give them a chance to come up with a rebuttal. Your tone needs to be assertive and whatever you say needs to be direct and to the point. You do not need to involve your ex-husband and whatever you say because the point is it doesn’t matter what you or your ex-husband decide it is none of their business at this point.


If you can avoid meds avoid it


1st off the school can’t force meds on your child. They’re not doctors.
The school can say whatever they want but they actually have no say in this subject. You need to get a 504 plan because that have them lay off. Not medicating your child is not a crime or child neglect.
If you feel its best not medicate, don’t.
Your son is also a little young for those meds. It could do more harm than good because of brain growth. Wait a few years. ADHD isn’t a end all be all. Schools actually do not want to deal with children, hence the med pushing.

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You don’t out grow Adhd you learn to cope with the symptoms an there is other meds out the that doesn’t affect you in that way my son is on a medication that doesn’t do that he is a normal 13 year old living life :relaxed:

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Snap. I suggest you raise holy hell. Get an advocate if you have to and report them for bullying you into putting your child on meds. I agree with the medicine but I also agree with your reasons for your choices. Be a bitch and defend yourself but also, really reflect on this. Are you making this choice for your boy or for your ex?

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Children on medication often become addict in adult life


As an ADHD parent, try giving your child homemade coffee milk. Small amounts of caffeine calm and focus ADHD people. Try 1/3 c coffee, a squirt of chocolate syrup, and finish filling a tall glass with milk, and stir.

Only put your child on medication if HE needs it, not to make the school happy.

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I am not going to give my kids those meds if they ever need it.

Just make sure that your choice not to medicate is what is in your sons best interest and not in the best interest of avoiding conflict.

If your child was near sighted you wouldn’t shrug your shoulders and tell your kid to squint harder because you don’t believe in glasses.

If natural stuff is working for him, great. If not you might want to seek other means of taking care of it. It’s HIS education that’s on the line when he can’t focus.

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I deff understand you wanting to put him on medication, for sure. It also blows my MIND that they are hassling you to do that. if i DONT want to put my kids on meds, i sure as hell aint gonna do it. i’m not opposed to it, personally, but as a mom, having the school tell me i have to? hell naw. nope nope nooooppppeeeeeeee! I’m bipolar 1, so meds are a wonderful thing if you need em, and sounds like he does if you feel like he does, but no one should tell you to do that like omfg.

This happened to me as well. My ex refused to medicate my son so I got together with him, his new wife, my husband, and school officials to build a plan where he would get extra help in certain areas, extra time on tests. So far, things are great and my son even made the honor roll for the first time ever!!! It does take patience though, I went through all the phone calls from school, bad grades and such too. We also have him see a behavioral therapist once a week who helps him learn tricks to focus without meds. Good luck

Small cup of coffee with a little bit of sugar and milk. A lot of parents say this helps their child focus way better than medication. The caffeine calms them down instead of hyping them up.

It was suggested for my son to be on medication, but I didn’t think it was right for him. We worked on mental exercises and personal awareness coupled with incentives to help him learn how to focus on school work. Sometimes adhd kids don’t have a lack of focus, they just have a hyper focus on something other than what they need to be doing. If you’re going to forego medication then I strongly suggest working closely with him to help turn his hyper focus toward the right thing at the right time. Or to work on self awareness and learning cues and reminders to help himself stay focused.

They have essential oils

Far too often we have schools trying to force ADHD meds down kids throats. The real problem is how schools are now. You can’t expect every child to sit down, be quiet and listen for 7 and a half hours a day. Bring back good length lunches and quality recess time! He just needs a space to use his energetic and creative brain! Our schools are failing our active kids!


If the natural stuff is helping then they cant force you to put your son on it. My daughters teachers recommended it to me when my daughter was around 6/7 and I was against it. I went the natural way too . She is now 12 uses no medication at all and is doing great in school. There was never any reason for me to medicate and some just rather have an easy child to deal with in my opinion . Yes some kids do need it but I know my child and I’m glad I did what I felt was best for her not what others thought at the time.

My daughter is 8 and has ADHD and is not medicated. We tried medicine at 1st and she was a zombie we took her off. She has to study more than other kids but is an Honor roll student it takes us hours every afternoon to study, but I don’t want her any other way! Every year I prepare her new teachers about who she is and we constantly talk. Those teachers have no right to tell you to medicate your son! If possible switch schools. If that’s not an option I don’t see why you can’t go momma bear. I do it and a lot of ppl respect my opinion now.

Don’t do it to appease the school! Do it because its what you feel is right for your child! There is a group that is wonderful called adhd support something or other i forget how exactly its worded but its a great group! My boys have been on meds about a year and a half and it was hands down best decision ever!

There are many options. There are medications that are not controlled substance specifically for adhd. Check with your doctor. Also, coffee has been known to help calm some of the tendencies, and changing the kids diet has shown promise. Keep away from simple sugars and artificial sweeteners. I have provided a link that helps explain. Good luck mama

When my husband was a kid they kept pushing his mother to put him on adhd meds, she gave in and he said for years he felt like a zombie, when he was finally able to choose if he wanted to be on them or not he choose not to. Dont let the school bully you

Have you tried CBD oil? Its wonderful, natural, THC free and it works!! I’ve been giving it to my daughter for anxiety.

Yes why dont they talk to your ex

It doesn’t sound like his ADHD is severe enough to need medication. He’s 8, he’s going to be hyper regardless. Of he is doing okay then it is ridiculous that they are bothering you about it. I didn’t take medication for mine until I was an adult. My little sister has it so bad that she needed medication at 6. Everyone is different and not everyone needs to be medicated for it.

I mean if the kid needs it, you should take the ex to court and get it mandated that he give this poor kid some meds that will help.

On another note, if they are bothering you about getting a lawyer to fight your ex I would tell them that if you get a lawyer it will be to sue them for harassment.

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Ok, look. I am ADD, a parent of ADHD (Severe w possible autism), and the child of educators, with education experience myself. They can’t legally tell you to medicate. If they have actively requested you do that, they were very wrong. I’m guessing they haven’t though. I’m guessing that you’ve been asked by a number of the admin and teachers and school psych if he is taking meds, or “has the doctor recommended meds”, or “have you ever discussed meds with his doctor because he might really benefit”, and it feels like they are saying TELL YOUR EX TO F’ OFF AND GET THE CHILD MEDICATION! lol. I’ve been in IEP meetings and FBA’s and evals and it’s alot of repeat questions and repeat suggestions and repeat opinions that you don’t share. I get it. But here’s what you and your ex may not get…
They want your child to succeed. They can only do their job with your help and support.
If your child can’t focus, he is missing out on hours of learning that his 2 100% spelling tests won’t speak to.
And lastly, as a medicated ADD sufferer and a parent, medication, if you find the right one for your kid is A. COMPLETE. GAME. CHANGER.
It doesn’t always work the first time. Sometimes the side effects suck. Sometimes people try 4 or 5 different meds and nothing works. But unless you try, you have NO idea what you are denying this child. I do. And I held off on medicating my daughter as long as I could without destroying her education and crushing her spirit. But I DID medicate her. And it changed EVERYTHING, just like it did for me (in high school, I’m old). Kids who suffer and aren’t treated are more likely to self medicate, and give into impulsive behaviors compared to other kids! There are so many options out there. Some with no stimulants. But stimulating a brain that isn’t getting enough dopamine, is treating the issue, not sparking a drug addiction. Perhaps quite the opposite! If you don’t give him the dopamine fix he needs now, he will find new and creative ways to get that fix in the future. Help your child’s teachers do the job they get underpaid to do, because they so desperately love children. Give your child the step up he needs in life. This is not about your ex’s wants. It’s about your son’s needs. PLEASE. HELP HIM. I beg you.


Yikes. It’s not about you or his father. You need to do what’s best for you son. Period. I have two sons with adhd. One with hyperactive and the other has inattentive. I tried everything under the moon naturally. Cbd gummies. Aba therapy, occupational therapy… the list goes on. I was so against meds. completely! But my son was interrupting the class. Constantly. You have to keep in mind that your child is not the only kid in class… when he interrupts the class, other kids are not being educated. Advocate for him. This started off with you not agreeing with your ex then it went to the school telling you to do it. I’m not sure how you stand on the matter. But I started my boys out on meds and it took trying different ones. But I found ones to work for them. You also said you want them to shut up… but think about how they feel about your son, you are taking it personally. Rightfully so but if you are not actively trying to help your son, what do you expect them to be like? You obviously are not taking care of things. I was exhausted trying to find things that work for them. Evaluation after evaluation… those bad boys are 4 hours a piece. I think you are mad at the wrong person. If you are 100% against medicating him, you need to step up your game and get more help for your son. You are potentially failing him. He needs you. He’s growing up… coping strategies, the list goes on. I understand your frustration. I really do. I remember at my sons IEP meeting they constantly mentioned meds and I was hella offended but I was only thinking about me. I wasn’t thinking about how his behavior was affecting other children’s learning. If you cannot handle them the way they are, homeschool you boy or find another school that you think is best for him. Good luck❤️

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Have your ex come in and tell the school no, then they can resolve the situation like that

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My guess is the school wants him medicated because they get more finding for kids on medication/officially dianosed. My oldest was in a school about that age that the principal dianosed him as ADHD even though the teacher, social worker & my son’s Dr said he wasn’t. His Dr said that the school wants him to go to their phycologist to be tested because that Dr will simply agree with the school/principal & school makes money off IEP kids. I didn’t get him tested. I withdrew him from school (there was more to it). He has been tested twice since. He doesn’t have ADHD. Remember schools are hit hard with finding. They will do anything for extra cash even if it’s forcing kids on narcadicts which cause serious side effects & possible addiction.

On another note I have a child now that has ADHD. I won’t medicate & neither school she’s been to has pushed it. She has an IEP without an official dx or medication. Shes thriving. You can get your child the help he needs without drugs of you go to the right school. You’re working with the wrong school.

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Holistic ways work, ‘diet’ works- do NOT let them convince you otherwise. Educate yourself and share with them what you know. Maybe they are just uneducated- it’s easier to deal with a drugged up child than it is to let a kid have their time. THIS is why the school system is failing our youth!!! They want SOLIDERS that listen, sit still and do not cause “any trouble” because it’s just easier for them.

It’s not true that all kids grow out of ADHD. There are many adults with it.

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If he had cancer would he medicate him? Children with adhd cannot help it, they get very frustrated as do others with them. There are factors to consider, how does he do in school? Does he have friends? Can he follow simple tasks? Maybe have him go to meetings with you at school and the doctors. Children that don’t get help turn into adukts that cannot keep jobs or hold down any kind of relationship. Your child needs help.


Coffee :coffee: 1 cup in morning
will help his concentration Melatonin will help him sleep

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We do a melatonin gummie at bedtime, per our dr. and We also have limited red dye and high sugar and processed food. That has made a huge difference for my kids. Maybe try that?

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I dont know how to help with ur ex but the school tried to bully me into meds and i just stood my ground

It’s your choice to medicate or not. It’s a choice that you need to make after doing all the research. Research medications and how they work. They are not even close to crack or meth.:joy: so much misinformation being put out here. The school can’t force you to medicate. Medication helps the brain circulate and keep neurotransmitters in the brain. Something that an adhd brain can’t do on it’s own. It’s a neurological disability. It’s life saving, but it’s not for everyone, and that’s ok. But I bet you, please do your research.

Have him properly evaluated and tested. I was stubborn but my sons delay in getting treatment definitely affected him in a negative way. He’s a wonderful student now but still struggles with friendship


Talk to your doctor about what is best for your child. If he needs medicated and you are not the school can call CPS for medical neglect, get documentation from a doctor that says he doesn’t need it and give a copy to the school. If your child needs them and your ex refused take it to court with the letter from the doctor saying he needs it. Either way it’s professional advice that has your back with whoever you are battling. Do what is best for your kid and fight who you need to.

Dont explain anything to them. "I am not medicating my child. Period. Have a nice day. "

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Although I feel adhd meds can benefit a child that truly has the medical condition of ADHD, it is very much against the law (at least where I live) for a school official to openly judge your decision. As for your ex maybe have him attend a meeting with your son’s Dr to go over the tests they used to decide he had the condition.


Not all adhd medication has “meth” in it. Do your research. Also you need to quit letting people walk all over you period. Tell the school to back off or they will be talking to a lawyer. You need to have a serious discussion with your sons father and his pediatrician about what to do with or without medication

Dear lord I have to walk away. The amount of misguided bull crap I’m reading on this thread about my own condition. ADHD meds are NOT medical grade meth and you don’t outgrown ADHD. I could go on but FFS…


Some adhd meds have the same affect as cocaine after extended usage. I had this issue with both my kids they are now amazing adults and parents. I did not Medicare even got into an argument over medication with one of my kids teachers.


My child was misdiagnosed with ADHD, and turned out to be severe anxiety and ODD. Medications helped him in the younger years…and lots of therapy. Keeping him in sports and wore out was also a big help.

The school tried to get me to medicate my daughter in kindergarten because she wouldn’t sit still and had to much energy! I said she’s 5 that’s how they act. I moved schools and it was never brought up again