My sons teacher refuses to help him wipe: Is that normal?

So my son is 4 and is in Pre-K, today when he got home he informed me that his teacher will not help him wipe his butt which really aggravates me. Yes, he is learning how to wipe his butt, but he’s 4 so obviously he doesn’t always do the best and can’t get it all. Thankfully he didn’t have any streaks in his underwear or left on his butt today, but if he comes home like that at anytime I feel like I’m going to have to have a discussion with the teacher. Moms that have kids in pre-k, do your kids teachers help wipe their butt? I feel like it’s not normal for a pre-k teacher to refuse to help 4 year olds wipe their butt.


In a lot of school settings teachers aren’t allowed to help the child so this can’t be helped. If he’s doing it properly this time just remind him he’s good at it and he needs to do it by himself. Some kids never get it right and will leave streaks. Take the win and just check every so often so he doesn’t know your checking on him. He is old enough to be doing it alone.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My sons teacher refuses to help him wipe: Is that normal?

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that’s pretty normal. are teachers even allowed to wipe students butts? I’ve never known I wiping teacher


In a lot of places they are legally not allowed to


None of my sons pre-k teachers wiped or helped wipe his butt and he started at 3


I think they like kids to be fully independent because it could cause lawsuits for them


If you haven’t taught your child to wipe his own a$$ by 4, the problem is not the teacher’s…

They’re not allowed to in my experience


That is not a teachers responsibility. I would never ever ever expect a teacher to wipe my child’s butt. That’s so not their job.


They’re not allowed.


I know here if a kid isn’t capable of doing it themselves they won’t let them enrol on prek or kindy.
It’s very normal and at 4yrs old he should be more than capable


It’s not legally allowed,


I’m surprised they are letting him attend if he isn’t wiping his own butt.

Unless it’s a special education pre-k, they typically won’t assist with toileting. It’s pretty standard policy.


Would you want a teacher to put their hands on your naked child? Personally I always sent my kids with wipes to make it easier. For many reasons they are not allowed to do that.


That’s a pretty common stipulation for pre-k and preschool that the teachers won’t or can’t help them in the bathroom and that the kids have to be able to do it completely independently.


They aren’t allowed to. I don’t think the nurse is allowed to either

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My son is 4 and same.
The school made it very clear they will not.
Just keep practicing with him.

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I know in preschool my daughters teachers aren’t allowed to help her.

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When I worked as a school nurse we were never allowed to do that. That’s a lawsuit waiting to happen


We are not legally allowed to do so. Sorry!

Never heard of any pre k teacher wiping any kids butt. From my understand it is expected for your child to be self independent when it comes to that .

Here where I live the kids have to be TOTALLY potty trained. None of the teachers wipe the kids for safety issues and probably for no misunderstandings. I personally would not like the teacher to do so and would be absolutely on top of getting the kiddo fully potty trained. I would not speak to the teacher on the matter because it’s not allowed/required in the first place


Why are Earth would you expect a teacher to do this? That’s just asking for trouble.


They don’t have time. Imagine if they did that for every child. By the time children go to preschool they should be independent in the bathroom.
When I signed my son up for preschool/kindergarten one of the requirements was bathroom independence.
I would suggest working with him at home on it.


You’re child should know how to wipe before attending school. That’s what they told me. They won’t help, they aren’t a parent. I don’t blame them, no teachers wants to wipe 20kids butts a day


Nope teachers not aloud to due to the davy the child can go home and say my teacher touched me inappropriate even if it was to wipe the child’s butt

My granddaughter is in pre k. We were told they’re not allowed to touch the kids. Her teacher will stand at door and instruct how to but can not touch the students.


They tell you when you sign up your kid has to be fully 100% potty trained. Yes they have accidents but even still they can not help them change. It’s legally not allowed.

They told me that and my daughter is 3 in k3


When I started my daughter they were really strict on she has to be potty trained no pull up at naptime none of that


I don’t believe they can help them legally … he’s just gonna have to do it himself.

This is why your child is required to be potty trained for pre k. It’s not a daycare & wiping ass is not in the job description.

Nope! They’re not allowed to

Yes that is normal me what they refer to when saying kids have to be fully potty trained when they go to school.

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Its not the teachers job to wipe your kids butt. He/she should already know how before going to school.


No they do not wipe butts, it’s not a daycare it’s a school


Absolutely normal.
School is not daycare. They need to be fully potty trained. Most of the time teachers are not allowed to help.


They don’t let kids start school here if they aren’t fully toilet training…including self cleaning.


Only kids with aides get assistance in that. Has to be in the iep

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A teacher should not have to wipe your kids butt.

Both of mine had to be able to wipe themselves when starting preschool.

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This did not go in the direction OP intended :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


That’s not their jobs… :woozy_face::rofl:


I would think it isn’t Normal for a teacher lol most preschools want ur kid to be potty trained and independent on that way

I coulda had my booty wiped for me in kindergarten? Shoot where is that privilege now​:rofl::rofl: jk y’all but pretty sure that’s not okay bc of lawsuits and u really want a teacher that cld be a pedo seeing g your child like that? Nah ima teach my baby to polish up down there

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That can open up a whole can of worms.


I’m here to say legally, they cannot touch your child in the Netherlands regardless of the intention.


Thats normal. It sucks but they wont wipe for him. Just practise at home

My daughter is in a specialized prek program and they help (there’s still kids in pull-ups as well). But I think it’s different because it’s a special education program.

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Keep practicing wiping at home

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It is not in the teacher’s job description to go around wiping their butts you need to teach your child how to wipe his own butt properly come on now

Lawsuit waiting to happen. Your child unless has a disability should be able to use the washroom on their own.


My daughter had to be fully potty trained .

I feel like this is a troll post based off a TikTok vid


I know at the private school my sister works at, the teachers from Pre-K up aren’t allowed alone in a restroom with students. She is not allowed to go in there and help a student wipe. It might be a school policy?


They are not allowed to. Maybe set up a potty routine for him so he can successfully wipe himself.

He should be taught this at home BEFORE going to school. This is a normal requirement. Preschool is not daycare.


Looks like you may be having a discussion with yourself instead😂


No my kids teachers weren’t allowed

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I’ve worked in childcare for more than 10 years, usually after after the age of 3 in most states you’re not allowed too. That’s why being potty trained is required for enrollment.


My son is 4 and his school helps only bc he goes to a preschool where they help potty train . My son doesn’t need help but if they do they help think it depends on the school and their policies

I sent wet wipes with my son. I wouldn’t want someone wiping my son qnd they don’t get paid enough for all that


It’s not their job to wipe your child’s butts :woman_facepalming:t2:. I couldn’t enroll my child because he was not completely potty trained.


Not their job. Not actually legally allowed to in some areas.

My greatgrandson has to wipe his own butt at his pre pschool.

It’s a measure by which a child is evaluated to determine if the are ready for school; they have to be able to use the bathroom independently.


I teach Pre-K and I don’t have time to be in the bathroom doing this. They should know before they start. Not to mention we aren’t paid enough to deal with that!!!


It’s not allowed. So what if streaks happen from him not wiping the best while learning? Maybe I’m crazy but this is not worth making issues over. Just wash it and move on. Your kid will learn to wipe his butt eventually and if you are lucky you might even get a pair here and there while growing up.:wink::joy::face_with_peeking_eye:

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I don’t believe teachers are allowed to help them wipe private areas.


Yea, I waited til my kid was fully potty trained and knew how to wipe bc they’re not allowed to touch the children, that goes for if they have trouble with their shoe laces or jackets too I think


I work in a prek classroom, and it’s not allowed, just like when men work in this setting they aren’t allowed to take little girls to the restroom even if they are standing outside.


Do you know the scrutiny we are under ALWAYS as teachers??? I don’t help any of my pre-K kids. This day and age you have to be careful with EVERYTHING you say and Do! I urge my parents to practice with them. We talk about it in my class. But I don’t help.


I think it’s a rule that she can’t


It’s actually the law! We are not allowed to help after a certain age. I know it sounds strange but the state will definitely dock you for that.

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:joy::joy:NOPE NO NO NO definitely not :joy::joy: you my dear are a bit much. Sorry but it’s YOUR job to teach him how to wipe his butt. His teachers JOB is to help him learn! NOT wipe his butt! She is there to get him ready for SCHOOL… Sarah Diveley

Where I live, if your kid can’t wipe their butt, they aren’t allowed in school. It’s not a teacher’s job to wipe a kids butt. It’s the parents job to teach the kid how to wipe their own butt

You have to have a potty trained child to start school. I would not want anyone to touch my child’s butt for any reason at all. VPK is voluntary and also they tell you that your child must be potty trained. I have a 6 year old boy and he knows how to do it all but still gonna get skid marks :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:
Wash their ass at home after school… :roll_eyes:

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No absolutely not allowed…

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Should be fully potty trained and it’s a lawsuit waiting to happen on the teacher.


It was a requirement for my kids to be fully independent in the restroom before they were allowed to start Pre-K . I’m not sure as a teacher I’d feel comfortable wiping children , nor a parent comfortable with my child being wiped by someone else.


Most have to be fully potty trained which sucks every child is different

I would never touch a child butt, even if they needed help. I will not be called a pedophile

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My daughter has been wiping herself since she was 3, she is about to be 5. This is your problem, not his teachers.


Why would you WANT someone else wiping YOUR child’s butt?!?!?! That’s a big NO from me.

I wouldn’t want to. One aggravated parent and my whole life could be in shambles. Saying I touched their child or something sick. It isn’t her job. It’s yours.


So in my kids school at 4 years teachers don’t help either as they are expected to be able to do it… my son still struggled so I sent in toilet wipes (kandoo) and it made it easier for him to make sure he was clean as they were wet. It’s not a teachers responsibility to make sure your children are clean at that age.


That one teacher who helped probably got their district sued and fired so sorry. Teachers, not baby sitter. The entitlement.


All 3 of my kids had to do it themselves they are now 9,9,&8!

Teachers are not allowed to wipe kids🤷‍♀️

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I used to be a daycare worker and in my state by law if the child is 4 and up we cannot wipe them and we have to give them privacy.


Teachers are not aloud to touch your child

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They’re not ALLOWED to touch the children like that. Imagine the accusations that could be flung about.


My kids teachers definitely did not help them wipe. I wouldn’t want them to either. The moment we potty trained I pushed the importance of wiping and have never had an issue with my kids wiping. My daughter is 4 and wipes just fine.


They should be fully potty trained before going…


So I worked in child care for many years and the teachers are not required to wipe and some even say that it’s not aloud as a child can say a teacher touched them wrong or something so most don’t even touch the kids well in the bathroom and or they won’t even step foot in the bathroom with the child.


I would say I would not want a teacher or anyone else wiping my child. Yes even a teacher… hell no they are not going to do it!!!

I rather deal with the inconvenience of having some dirty undies then to have a anyone that is my a parent or grandparent touching my child.

I’m general…I just think that no one would do it to avoid any liability of impropriety, misunderstanding, confusion on the adults side and especially the child.

To much room a lawsuit and you just never know what other tendencies people have. To to much of a risk.


I’m in Michigan and when both my kids started pre k they had to be fully potty trained the teachers were allowed to walk them to the bathroom but they weren’t allowed to help wipe

Teachers do not wipe buttons. What would make you think they would or should?


My son is 2 and in school already. He’s in pull-ups and they wipe him and clean him up. Before he goes to the preschool class he will have to use the toilet and wipe independently. I’d work on it at home! Send flushable wipes!