My soon to be mother in law acts strange with my fiance, what do you think?

I have been with my fiance for 5 years. We have a 4 year old together. After I found out I was pregnant his mom got really jealous She finally moved away but she constantly sends him messages saying she loves him and send hearts. When she comes to visit she always follows him everywhere he goes. She tries so hard to get him alone. She sends him text while we are all in same house saying she wants to spend alone time with him and sometimes she says our child too but no one else. She wears clothes that are very revealing and bends over with her butt in air and showing herself in front of all of us. When she hugs him she wispers in his ear so I can't hear. She wraps her arms around his waist and kisses him. She won't ever let me get close to him or sit next to him. She call my child her baby. She just does alot of strange things in never seen from a mother in law. Am I over reacting or is this normal for a mams boy?

Wow, thatā€™s a lotā€¦ does your husband not notice all this? Iā€™ve been in situations where she wants to be alone and spend time with just him, but out of the list you gave thatā€™s the only thing. If he doesnā€™t notice this, you really need to bring it up. Hopefully itā€™s not much of an issue since you mentioned she moved away but definitely tell him so heā€™ll be more aware. I would be super weirded out too. Iā€™m sorry you have to deal with that

Honestly? Just sounds like youā€™re jealous and taking this too far into something itā€™s not. She wants to spend time with her son. Let her. Nothing wrong with that.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My soon to be mother in law acts strange with my fiance, what do you think? - Mamas Uncut

That is not normalā€‹:no_mouth::no_mouth::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


His biological mom :thinking:


definitely not normal

Definitely not normal at all . And if heā€™s not saying anything to her .and letting her do that . Than itā€™s very worrisome. Red flag weird .


Not normal Iā€™m afraid

That sounds so weirdā€¦ she probably was molesting him as a kid.


Mmmm what if itā€™s his sugar mommy?


That is pretty odd and not normal to say the least. Hmm.


Reminds me of bates motel


Alrighty, sounds like jocasta complex. Donā€™t run. Stand your ground and talk to your partner. Make it clear.


What in the actualā€¦ :roll_eyes::nauseated_face:


I went through this.
My sons biological father (who I was also with for 5 years), his mom would do the same. Sheā€™d tell me ā€œhe will always be my first loveā€ & ā€œIā€™ll always really have his heartā€. Like, just uneasy shit that felt SO off to me.

Cut to the end. He abandoned my son & left me (which, honestly wasnā€™t an issue. I was so over it years before it actually ended). Iā€™m 26, heā€™s 28. He is now married to a 45 year old woman.

Take the red flags & skedaddle girl. Your gut is not wrong.

Are you sure thatā€™s his Biological mother? Kause if so, that is NOT normal! I mean, I love my son, Butā€¦NO! JUST. NO.


Nothing normal about that. Eek.


Not normal and tbh creepy


Red flag bates motelish


Thank God she moved away.Maybe you should talk to your husband


I wanna know how HE acts in return :face_with_monocle:


Creepy . I get some of it like the one on one time but not the hands around the waist part


Not normal at all šŸ¤¦ i hope its not his bio mom šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦


No, thatā€™s definitely not normal. Thatā€™s more like single white female shit.

Sheā€™s got issues. That is not normal it comes close to obsession. Creepy and incestual


My son is a mommaā€™s boy and Iā€™ll randomly text him that I love him and I call his baby my baby but as in sheā€™s my only grand child and she is her Nanaā€™s girl. But all that other crap is just weird!!! Is your fianceā€™s name Norman?? Itā€™s very odd!


Total weird ass vibe.

Not normal what so everā€¦ If thatā€™s the biological mom she probably was molesting him as a childā€¦ Red flag :triangular_flag_on_post:


I would ask him if sheā€™s ever touched him in an inappropriate way and explain to him that he needs to set boundaries or something :flushed:


I see this type of thing all the time on pornhub.
You should ask her to show you how to please him, and then let the threesome begin.
Looks fun and you might end up with a much better relationship with your mother in law.
Either way good luck. :wink:


How does HE act in return?
Very odd and weird of her doing those things


The better question is what does he do or say?


Yeah thatā€™s not normal at all!! She needs therapy and he probably does too.


Itā€™s not normal not for a biological mum we all love our kids and kiss them but not this way :money_mouth_face::nauseated_face:


Thatā€™s weird as hell


No definitely not normal


Sounds like she is really young and had him really young. I have two daughters-in -law I love like they were my own and they know my sons are Mamaā€™s boys (which is my wish for you) and we have nothing but love and respect for each other. They are my grandchildrenā€™s Mothers and I love and respect them so very much. I would NEVER whisper or be disrespectful to them.

Only normal for Norman


My second ex-husband mom was like that. Our marriage didnā€™t last 9 months. Itā€™s horribly freaking weird.


Too many freaks are allowed to breed.


Two sides to every story. You sound a little too dramatic. I donā€™t believe what youā€™re saying is 100% truth


That kind of behavior is weird. I couldnā€™t even fathom doing that to any of my boys. I think you need to have a conversation with your man about it. Woman can be predators too. I hate to think what his childhood was like, if she acts that way now, around the mother of his child. I was honestly shocked reading this post. But I do agree with the others, it reminds me of the Bates


Mayb sheā€™s testing you: How would you respond if she wasnt his mother?
ā€¦Ok so being that it is his mother Your to be cordial but speak up because sheā€™s demonstrating abnormal behavior that will call for questioning & cause friction in your home.


No itā€™s not normal , you already know sheā€™s off . Sheā€™s not right

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I was like ok she wants time alone with her son, understandable. Then you mentioned the revealing clothing & bending over, not letting you near your husbandā€¦ Not normal, very weird.

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Boy mom here and no definitely not normal


Do you ask him what she whispers into his ears? Should be able to express your feelings to your husband to be.

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I send my son hearts and probably will until I die but the rest sounds like she loves her son too much. My mom calls my kids her babies so that doesnā€™t alarm me but thereā€™s huge re flags I would absolutely bring this up to him. If he doesnā€™t find it odd you may wanna leave


Itā€™s not normal and you should address it with your husband. If it makes you uncomfortable you should let him know

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Yes you are the weird one, that is her son, maybe she would like a minute with him without you there? There is nothing wrong with being affectionate , I call my granddaughters my babies and she shouldnā€™t have to consider someone even entertaining the idea about what she wears in front of her own child to be provocative or revealing.
What are you even suggesting? Are you saying you think your partner has an incest relationship with his mother or that she wants one?
You need to check yourself and ask why you would think such a thing.


Well wut does that tell u go with your instincts hello

She is a sick person I remember hearing about this type of messed up individual.

Where the mother is usually single and sees her son as the man in her life. And these types of individuals are usually very jealous of you and will try to separate you guys as you are taking her ā€œmanā€ son away from herā€¦

Very sick I have seen this before. Heā€™s probably aware of how odd it is but since itā€™s his mother he just goes with itā€¦

Theres a terminology for it I just canā€™t remember it.


Bfs mom is the same. I never understood the revealing clothingā€¦ But her other son wonā€™t talk to her because of their terrible childhoods. Itā€™s like she is overly nice to try making up for it or trying to say it wasnā€™t her fault. But my bfs mom would sit on his lap and hug him or call him into her bedroom when out of the shower.

Honestly I think there is more about his childhood that I donā€™t know because he hates talking about it. In 15 years there is very little I know. Now though, in the last 5 years he has stopped talking to her. Usually wonā€™t even answer her calls and texts now. He though was/is the mommaā€™s boy


As a mom of 3 mommas boys, no, this is not normal.


As a mom of a 23 year old son who has 2 kids my son moved 5 hours away so I donā€™t see him as often but I do not so most of the stuff op mentioned in this post. His kids are my babyā€™s also I have helped raise them and still do I have probably spent more time with his kids then him and their mom they arenā€™t together anymore havenā€™t been for over a year they had an on and off relationship for the last 8 years. I tell him I love him every time we talk on the phone. When he visits along with his new girlfriend I give him a hug when they first get here and when they leave to go home. I donā€™t beg for alone time. That part is weird.

That is definitely not normal, try talking to him first about it.

I would look up emotional incest because usually it becomes worse with marriage and also with the coming of a child


At what age did he quit breast feeding ? Or has he stopped? So many questions here


Is that her son? That sounds susā€¦

He needs to run. Whatā€™s wrong with a mother wanting to spend time with just her child? Whatā€™s wrong with her texting her son?


Follow your radar. Something isnā€™t right.

I agreeā€¦sooo many questions.

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Sounds like my exā€™s mum, I use to tell him I swear sheā€™s ā€œin loveā€ with you. It was freakin weird.


The dressing and bending over is weird . But sounds like she just loves her son and wants one on one time since she moved away. The texting really isnā€™t strange I tell my kids everyday that I love them. They sound like they are just close.


Super weird but I feel the same way about my mother in law. She is weirdly obsessed with her son too. She acts like weā€™re in competition like sheā€™s the other woman fighting to be with him. I defiantly can relate. Letā€™s just say I refuse to bother with anymore and not because of that but because she has been weirdly obsessed with me, talking bad and making up lies to Joe & Mary and Bob on the corner (sarcastic) since I was 18. I would defiantly ask your husband what she whispers to him.

Idk I mean I love the daylights out of my son soon to be (sons due any day now) and I know I will want alone time and to love on them their whole lives. My mom and mil do the same thing with calling the grandkids their babies. I think itā€™s normal our grandparents did it to us also, my husbands Mimi still calls him and his cousins her babies and all of their babies are also her babies :rofl: I think you could be looking into it too much. I would definitely have a conversation with your husband about the whole her not letting you two sit together? That just seems weird to me. She may not think anything of it since he is allowing it though. Idk I love my babies so much all of them the two girls and boys!


Thats creepy ive got a Philippino mil and they are super attached to their sons bit not like that more like still babies them


My man is a mommas boy,but none of this is normal behavior. I myself have 3 sons and I love them more than anything but acting this way is just disgusting


Bate hotel vibes


This is what I immediately thought of


Why do you need to ALWAYS be around? Sometimes moms want alone time their kids and should without sibiligs, spouses etc. If you think someone weird as in sexual is going on, then maybe you should be asking about your husband, not her.


Omg what the f everā€¦ I call my grandkids my baby all the time, I love my son and his wife both.


You get him to yourself all the time you canā€™t spare him for a couple hours? Like sheā€™s trying to have sex with him? So you think your husband would have sex with his mother, gtfoh

I hug my son CLOSE I see him once A year. Youā€™re jealous of her, which is far more concerning


That bs is hillbilly backwoods from the bayouā€¦ girl ā€¦ confront it if they invalidate or gaslight take your baby and run


No it is not natural something wrong with her


All of these comments about, oh thatā€™s her son, & you are jealous and insecure, let me ask you somethingā€¦would YOU behave this same exact way with your son. Would you be texting your son when you are in front of him and his family saying that you want alone time with him, or would you get in the way of your son and his so?! Iā€™m a boy mom as well, and I would NEVER do any of this with my son. I love my son so much, but there are BOUNDARIES! There is a difference between loving your son and doing/behaving the way she is. Shaming this person for what?! This is what SHE sees going on. This is not normal in any way.


Have you watched Smothered?


I would hide cameras to see how they act alone


Reading this posts each day I am damn lucky my mother in law is amazing. :sweat_smile:

Ew. That is so far from normal Iā€™d be taking myself and my child away from the creepy pair. Bates motel vibes hard out :eyes: no mother should be doing that regardless of kids age thatā€™s so weird. And gross. This is not jealousy from you this comes across as your mil trying to have a far more intimate relationship with her son than is legal. I donā€™t even hug my daughter like that :woman_shrugging: sure as hell wouldnā€™t be hugging on my son like that whispering in his ear :flushed: icky vibes. Iā€™d be taking myself and my child out of that equation until thereā€™s some therapy going on. Thatā€™s yuck.


Umā€¦ maā€™am who hurt you?


Itā€™s almost incestual suggestive behavior. I have a 25 year old son and I would never act that way. If I did, he would probably be like ā€œWTFā€ mom.

I would want to see texts between them. Or get cameras to see how they are when you are not around.


Not normal. And those who think it is. :grimacing:


She got issues!!! Get a few cameras and put them around the house when she there and leave her to him for a little while!!

It sounds like sheā€™s crossing all sorts of normal boundaries. Is your husband is ok with it??

Are these real submissions? Lmaoo


Not normal - be vigilant!

Sounds like emotional incest :nauseated_face: very real and sad thing unfortunately


You may be taking it the wrong way. But you may not. She misses him so hugs she may be whispering she loves him or missed him. I can see wanting to spend time together with him one on one. But then all this can not be innocent. Have you spoke to your husband about this at all? If she been always like this he may not notice it.

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No itā€™s not normal. But unfortunately there are quite a lot of these about, youā€™ll find simile issues on lots of forums. . Iā€™m guessing she doesnā€™t have a husband and wants a sonsband instead.

The important thing here isnā€™t her, itā€™s how your husband reacts to her. Does he set boundaries. Does he have a spine and act like your husband, or like her husband when sheā€™s around.

If you donā€™t see her much it should be bearable. Maybe just send her and him out for the day if thatā€™s what she wants and when she interferes with your child and calls them her baby, cut that out and point at your husband and say ā€œthatā€™s your baby. You wouldnā€™t want people to think you had a child with your son would you?.ā€

If she doesnā€™t seem narcissistic in other aspects of her life then maybe she is just lonely and jealous, so a bit of compassion may help, but if she is and she realises you are onto her, she may try to break the marriage up so she can get rid of you and have her sonsband and her baby.


I would call her out in front of everyone after sneaking some evidence for back up cause thatā€™s fucking weird :woozy_face:

Tf that is not normal ! Does you husband not say anything about it ? Have you talked about this issue ? Iā€™d set up a nanny cam without him knowing and see what happens when youā€™re not there and itā€™s just them 2 ā€¦


Are you sure heā€™s her son not just a stepson. Red flags here


Sounds like Smurf off of Animal Kimgdom and she freaks me out with her inappropriate behaviour with her sons

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Thatā€™s creepy as Fuh

The mother in Law has some serious issues. I would tell your husband this will not be allowed in my house and around our child. She sounds like she is trying to get you out of the way. I would have her at your home at all regardless what your husband has to say! Maybe you should let him go with his momma and file for a divorce. I canā€™t understand how he can allow for his mother to act these ways.

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i hug my sons whenever i get the chance and i tell them i love them to. nothing wrong in that, its normal to miss your children once theyve left home. is he her only child perhaps? but bending over in revealing clothes is something else. remember it takes two to tango and you dont say anything about how your husband feels about it all, try talking to him, he may not see a problem.


Wierdo shes obsessed

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