My spouse refuses to help change diapers: Advice?

Lmaoo plz throw him out. I make my husband change all the poopy ones as soon as he gets home :rofl: after I gave birth he even helped me put my pad on… he’s being very childish. & selfish. You birthed a whole human for him. He can at LEAST change a diaper

I made a deal with my husband I would do the poop diapers if he would handle vomit Remember they become potty trained but continue to vomit. My kids called their Dad when they were sick even when they got sick at school

No. It’s a cop out. He’s lazy as fuck. And using weaponized incompetence. The more you let him get away with, the more he will take. Put your foot down.

My husband never changed diapers when my older kids were little but we had 2 more kids ( oldest & youngest are 22 yrs apart ) and he helped me with them when they wore diapers so I think maybe it’s a maturity thing…but he still doesn’t do dishes or laundry so maybe it was his mommas fault :laughing:

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Some people can’t handle gross.

However that’s something you should find out before having kids.

No sounds about as bad as my ex who said he felt like a pedophile or gay if he changed his children’s diapers. Life with him was worse than these weird statements. But I’ve been divorced now 7 years and have a permanent restraining order.

My oh said no it’s not normal he should man the fuck up pull some weight he made the baby as well . His words and I agree x

Tell him you’ll remember that when he needs help in his life washing his butt.
Nahh but seriously, tell him he needs to step up or move on.

Ok say this loud and clear, any man that refuses to change his own child’s diaper because it’s gross is not a man, he’s a wussy with a p, borderline useless and should be shamed publicly


He’s acting like a child. He helped create the baby. Did that gross him our. Sounds like he’s just being lazy.

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Nope not normal at all, and If there’s anyone here saying otherwise, I feel sorry for them…
Useless boy you got there…

My ex went on an on like this before our daughter was born he has a weak stomach…. I remember going for my first walk with my mom after having her & walking back into the room to him changing her poopy bum , the nurse asking if he needed help “ I think I got it “ he was proud . Yes he said it lots before she was born , I did most of the diaper changes home but he would have never straight refused …. That’s so wrong .

Yes and no. My husband helped change diapers but didnt help with night feedings because if he doesnt get enough sleep he is miserable where as i can function fine. Everybody is different. Maybe it really does gross him out too much. Talk to him. Figure out different things he could help with.

Only really immature ones.

Yes but eventually they’ll do it. Mine would gag with poop diapers. Mine said it made him feel weird when it come to the girl. He finally got use to it though.

My husband change our son diapers when he was first born. I was exhausted and asleep so he changed him for me. Plus I was nervous to do it especially because he was healing from his circumscision.

When our daughter was born I changed her diapers for the most part in the beginning until he got the hang of cleaning through all her areas. She was also cloth diapered and he always put them on wrong so she leaked everywhere :joy:

As for it being gross, it is but a baby is helpless and can’t do it themselves. Tell him to man up and get it done.

Mine never lifted a finger to help me. I did it all and all by myself.

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You didn’t make the baby alone you shouldn’t have to care for it alone.

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Tell him to man up or get out. If you’re going to parent solo you don’t need him.


No my partner changed our sons as soon as he was born. Age has nothing to do with it. My partner was 22 at the time. We worked together and helped eachother.

My uncle used to have to change his daughters nappy (diapers) on the bathroom floor within reach of the toilet so he could vomit as he was changing her as he would get sick almost every time he had to change a poopy one.
He still did it.
Your spouse is a lazy piece of poop.

No. Get rid of him and find a real man that wants to be a real father.


Nope. That would never fly with me. I’d tell him to get over himself and grow a set. He is man enough to make that child, he better damn we’ll be man enough to suck it up and be a father…in every single aspect.

That’s not a spouse. That’s a second child.

It’s an excuse. It’s his child and he should be doing the work too. He knew diaper changes were involved when he chose to participate in making a child.

No. He needs to step up. You can’t be expected to change every poo diaper. He’s being an infant. Moms don’t like it either but it needs to be done so you do it. Same with spit up, blow outs etc.

Not common or acceptable behavior of a husband/father. They should willingly want to help their wife and child regardless of the task at hand.

Doesn’t matter if it’s normal or not, it’s fucked up.

nope. that’s him wanting his cake and the icing too…

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My ex was like this. When I needed a break and would ask him to change the baby he would straight refuse. Hence why he is my ex and I have since found my soulmate :heart: there were many other instances where he thought, “It’s the woman’s job.” I hated it and was so unhappy!

Is just being a p***y. He can do it. His child too. No excuses.


No after I gave birth I did not change a single diaper for the first month both times. He changed every single one until I was feeling like myself again. It’s THE LEAST they could do after we just birthed a whole as person. Childbirth is becoming too much of a “normal, easy part of being a woman” when in reality it isn’t any of those things. Men think that just because we are women that bearing children is what we do and all the responsibilities involving children belong to us. Idk about the rest of you but I am so sick of hearing about men that just ejaculate and go on with their lives without feeling the consequences of their actions. It seems like these types of men completely disassociate them having unprotected sex and their partners giving birth to their babies. So their partners bear the burden of child birth and everything that comes with it by themselves and that is not the way it should be. You helped make this baby so you change some fucking diapers. You remained the same while my body went through the trauma of pregnancy, labor, lactation, hormonal changes, stitches and stretch marks. It’s the LEAST he could do.

Does it gross him out to clean himself up after using the bathroom? If he can clean himself up he can clearly clean up a tiny baby.


Ah an old generation thinking man🤢
No, this is NOT normal. You made that child TOGETHER!! My husband changes diapers, gives baths, gets them dressed, etc. because he is a DAD. This behavior that your “man” is giving is disgusting.


I have changed diapers and I didn’t like helping out friends and family it’s his job to or maybe he doesn’t know how and just take care of your stuff and the baby even just cooking and cleaning your clothes for a while until he start to help more with the baby

Then I would refuse to have sex with him bc that’s how you make MORE babies, and I would refuse to cook for him bc you are too tired from changing diapers. What an ass. Either he can help out or move on. Time to grow up.

He needs to grow up. It’s his child too not just yours. Taking care of the baby is his responsibility too.

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Is he one of those guys that gag at intense smells? Some people are like that, like I can’t clean up my kids puke without getting sick myself, you know? I mean he’s handling it like a child lol but that very well could be a reason.

This man ain’t sh!t. Tell him to step up or f off cause if you’re going to be doing it alone anyway you might as well have 1 less person to take care of (him)

no it’s not normal. My husband and i had our first baby at 19 and not once did he refuse to change the diaper. He did ask me to sit with him while he did it cause he thought he would break the baby lol. He was scared cause our son was so tiny even though he was full term.
He should be helping with diaper changes, it’s part of taking care of the baby and your not always gonna be able to do it. Y’all need to sit down and talk it out. Tell him how it makes you feel then listen to his side and come to a agreement on how diaper changes are gonna go.

No he is right! And you know that he is asshole when you had his kid

My husband was the complete opposite. Our son was a premie and I was the one scared to change him so my husband did most of the changes for the 1st 2 weeks.

Pretty normal. But that is when you gotta toughen them up. Book yourself a spa day, girls day, whatever. Then he will be made to change those nasty diapers lol

No it’s not normal. He needs to grow up

Help??? It’s his kid too. It’s his responsibility just as much as it’s yours.

Listen my biggest flex is I can count on my hands how many times I’ve changed a poopy diaper for our third daughter and we had our third baby 7 months ago … get your self a step daddy for that baby

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Nope you married a child good luck raising both of them


I sure as heck wouldn’t have any thoughts of making more babies with him. If he refuses to do anything that simple, what else is he fighting you on?

Not normal…you now have 2 children. Don’t have anymore with him.


What’s he going to help with if he refuses this chore? He needs to have a chore you never have to do
Too then. Compromise

My husband never changed any diapers

Big no. My husband changed EVERY DIAPER the 3 days (csection) and for the last year an half
We have rotated diaper duty or simply whoever had free hands at the time.
Your husband helped make the baby he can help take care of the baby.

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No it’s not. I never had to ask my sons father to change diapers he literally changed every single one when he was home

No my child’s father changed just as many diapers as I did.

Give him all the other things to do then. I’m talking washing bottles, dishes, laundry, and bottle feeding :woman_shrugging:t2: it’s only fair


No - only to cowards.

No it’s his child too. What would he do if he lost you. Man I hate when this happens.

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My hubby is changing more diapers than me right now because I had a csection and our pack n play is too low for me to comfortably do changes. That’ll change this week when he goes back to work. When we both are at work it’s whoever is available to change the diaper. Whether it’s me or him. Whether we changed the last one or not.

We have friends who alternate who changed the poop diapers and for urine it’s whoever is available.

Wow your spouse is immature and selfish. Of course diaper changes are gross but you do it because you are the parent. He needs to get over himself and stop being a baby himself and help it’s his baby too.

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my boyfriend said his baby mama was like this when they had their baby together… it’s honestly such a stupid excuse to not care for your child. i think your spouse is being a p*ssy tbh. sorry for the hateful words but jeez… you have a kid, you gotta take care of them, that includes changing the shitty diapers

It’s not optional, it’s his kid too!

Some people are just easily grossed out. Make him do a shit load of other things if he doesnt want to change diapers.

No, this is his child too, he should be doing his fair share! Just tell him if he wants to be like that then you’ll do it as a single mum as you already are