My spouse started a gofund me for a house fire and kept the money for himself: Advice?

My s/o recently up and left his family of 20yrs this past July. He has all of his belongings and has been out of the house for around 2.5 months. No explanation was just gone. Fast forward to sept. My daughter and I lost our home to fire…everything we had ruined… My daughter’s father started a go fund me thru his organization and raised a good amount to get us back on our feet…well, once the money came he took half stating since it was his “hook up,” he was entitled. My daughter and I are left to figure out how to pick up the pieces while he runs off with the funds…he lost nothing…We lost it all… My question is …is he entitled to the money raised to help me and my daughter rebuild …just because he started it?

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You could attempt to take him to court. GoFund me has a policy that ensures money goes where it was promised. You should look more into it here:

There is a link to report that you’re the beneficiary of a fundraiser, and the organizer hasn’t delivered the money to you.


Reach out to gofundme & report it.

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Hit him up for child support. They will ask why he took the money

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No,that is fraud,look into an attorney and I would blab to everybody including his supiorors and people he worked with also look into who to contact about the go fund me account he had set up,he is for sure a p.o.s.

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I’d rat him out and tell everyone the news the site everyone

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Sad that some r greedy n do shady things like that knowing others are struggling ;”(

That is horrible and I’m so sorry he is a sad excuse for a man. Go get that money!

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He is not entitled to any of the money. Report him.

I would put him on blast. He basically took his daughters money cause it should go toward getting a roof over her head, new clothing and food.

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Contact go fund me and let them know. Also post a comment on the page so people stop contributing.

Contact your local news station and ask them if they’re interested in your story. Put him on blast


Also depending on what state you are in there are emergency grants available, donations of clothes/food/necessities please reach out to your community.

Fraud. Get a lawyer.

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No it is yours that is not right he is not helping you. That is wrong

Hell no what a jerk!

That is straight fraud. Report him to police and his organization.


Sue his lying greedy ass!!! Are his parents proud of what he’s done???

Screenshot the GO fund me page and blast his ass. Take pictures of conversations post them and blast his ass everywhere!!!

The fact that you’re second guessing if it’s ok, makes me sad. This is fraud.


Did he use your address as his home address and were you married? If nothing else go for child support

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Pretty sure if he states the funds are for you, excepts the donations and doesn’t give you all the donations, that’s fraud. File a police report message go fund me.


He committed fraud! Contact an attorney

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Go to the police station in your city as to speak to someone in the detective bureau about your ex fundraising fraud

What an ugly world we live in. I’m sorry you have to go through this. But don’t forget one thing what goes around comes around sooner or later one way or another.

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Report him to go fund me they will take the money away

He can get sued for that, it’s definitely fraud

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Contact the go-fund-me. I think I’ve heard of other examples of money not being used as stated.

Nope. Fraud. Keep all texts / emails were he states / implies he took the money

That is fraud. Contact a lawyer and go from there

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My first instinct was report his ass. But he is your daughters father (mind you he cares less due to his actions), so mail him a notice asking him to give all the money he kept to you (via certified signature receipt returned) or you will be forced to report him. Warn him that once its been reported its6out of your hands and he will have to face the consequences alone. Give him 30 to 60 days. That makes you look like the person trying every effort to be an adult and caring for your family (unlike him). Good luck and hope all turns around for you. God bless

Go after him for go fund me some child support and say ur daighter entitled since he abandoned his child simple

You can either do as everyone is suggesting and go after him if you want the added stress of a battle with him on top of losing everything and having to rebuild, or you can let the prospect of money go and not have that added drama in your life at this difficult time to add to your stress level. Once upon a time there was no go fund me page and people recovered from such events, it is possible. Sure, the extra money would make it easier materially, but at what cost emotionally?
Let karma take care of him and just get on with life without him infecting your short time on this planet.
Sorry this happened to you and all the very best whatever you decide to do x

No its illegal and you can press charges

Blast his ass! What kind of trash does something like this?

Depends if your married or not. 20 years, one could argue domestic partnership, assuming you both own the home(varies per state).If it’s owned, then yes, he gets half. If renting, then no… domestic partnership has ended previously. He lost nothing in the home since he already moved out. If you’re not married…, it’s fraud.

Umm…isn’t that fraud?


Can you file as fraud with go fund me?! Holy crap :rage:


Absolutely not, he has taken money off people for one reason and not done it. Pretty sure it’s fraud. There was an post a while back about a couple and a homeless guy who lied and was going to split the money and they didn’t and they got in a lot of trouble xx


Uh no? Everybody that donated was donating to your family to replace what you lost in the fire, not donating money to him to spend on himself.

That’s definitely fraud

Don’t they have insurance?

Contact GoFundMe, they will recover the funds. Its fraud and he could do jail time.


100% fraud… not even a question… and because it needs to be said… he’s an asstwat… how tf can you do that to your own kid?!


Report it to gofund me it is fraud

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That’s illegal and part of why so many people are hesitant to donate to Go fund me. Take him to court and get your money. I’m so sorry for everything you lost.


Call the police also


Blast him!!! Call the cops that’s fraud!

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You got some matches? Eye for an eye


Its fraud. Cobtact gofundme and the police


Go find me fraud they will make him pay

Fraud call the police nail his ass

Report him to go fund me


Report it. That is illegal and consider grand theft/fraud.


Nope. Thats fraud report it.

He is by no means entitled to anything of that gofundme that was for you and your daughter’s loss nothing to him and it’s fraud and theft what he did - could possibly be jail time according to how much he took from it - he is a true piece of crap to do that to you and your child.


Nope, he’s not entitled to any of it, it’s fraud on his part!

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Seen court cases (tv) where they money was awarded or returned when used ‘fraudently’-not for the reason claimed. Screenshot as much as you can and file in court


Go fund me will actually go after him for that. It’s fraud. Don’t let him get away with it!


Report his ass… if he has no sympathy for you why should you … I wouldn’t doubt it that money is half way gone… what a piece of s$)@& :rage:

No. He raised it for a cause and it didnt go to that cause. Take it to court.

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No that’s hella illegal and shows what a shitty person he is. Yuck.

That is illegal. Report him to go fund me, he will have to pay that back.


I would blast him and inform everyone who donated money what he did


It’s time to lawyer up!

I would take him for fraud but make sure you have proof that he wasnt living with you. Good luck and I hope you get something back. Prayers to you

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Nope, and I would make sure that you contact your local police department and have him charged!


I hope you’ve discussed this via a provable source like text, email or voicemail. Sue him for the amount he stole.


Nope. Fraud! Report this to GoFundMe!


Not only take him to court, make a public Facebook post and make anyone who donated aware. They deserve to know he lied and stole their money!


Do a Google search after getting screenshots. When you report as fraud, it’s pulled/invisible


He can get done for fraud report him! Cheeky bugger! Hope you and your daughter manage to get back on your feet soon xx


I’m pretty sure you can take him to court for that. I would also make a public post on Facebook letting the people who donated to the fund know the situation and tag him in it. Use screenshots of messages if you have any.


This is why I stopped donating to “ go fund me pages” I’ve seen numerous people keeping the money


Go to the cops. This is fraud.

Hell no ! Call the cops that’s fraud

Call the cops, that’s fraud! Depending on the amount, a felony.


Did he invest in the house? If paid for the mortgage the 20 years you were together I feel like he should deserve some compensation for the cost of the house, just not the materials.


Report him for fraud

100% that’s fraud and I would go to the people above him at his organization to let them know.

Blast him on all social media platforms. Don’t call him bad names, just say EXACTLY what happened so he can’t come back at you for defamation of character. If he doesn’t pay you after that, warn him you’ll file for small claims court AND contact gofundme. Hopefully that will scare him enough to give you the money. If he still doesn’t, stay true to your word and go to small claims court. Make sure you have a screenshot of the gofundme that it was for you and your daughter because of the fire.


Get a lawyer ! HAVE PROOF ! turn him in

Its fraud, I’ve set up go fund mes for numerous places that’s been robbed etc and straight away I set the owners up as the person to have full access and be able to withdraw the fees, I made this aware to the public too, he must have set himself up to have full access to the funds x

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Contact GoFundMe. And dona fraud report

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time for fraud report! contact gofundme asap

No that’s definitely fraud!

Report to gofund asap

Go fund me with go after him for it. File a claim

No if it stayed on the go fund me that the money was for you and your daughter then no if he put in it that the funds raised he would be entitled to half even tho he didn’t live there and lost nothing then yeah he would be but I highly doubt he put that on the go fund me because no one would have donated tbh ,I would put up a public fb post naming and shaming him and tell everyone exactly what he did and let them be judge , u can also report him to go fund me and police because technically if he didn’t include his little scam on the go fund me then it’s fraud

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Wow what a scum bag report his ass

Turn him in and I hope the part where he claimed he was entitled to half was documented and yse it against him.

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No he isn’t entitled to it. People thought they were donating to you not to you and fees for him. Contact the news, put it on social media and try the police.

So sorry. Take his sorry ass to court…

Contact go fund me and I hope he gets for fraud

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Did your Homeowners Insurance not pay out?


It’s not right either way…but depending on how it was all worded depends on the legality.

For now contact GoFundMe and use social media…without calling names or getting too personal.

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That’s fraud and I would contact go fund me and file a claim with him and the police department

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and on a side note what a fricken douche canoe


He has no right to it and i would file a civil case against him for the funds AND court/lawyer fees.


He is a scumbag! Report him immediately!