My spouse started a gofund me for a house fire and kept the money for himself: Advice?

Expose him for fraud he has money going into it for a go fund me for a fire and magically the house went in Flames he is. It entitled to anything you have a child together he was with you the money goes 50/50 if it was actually legal and he didn’t purposely burn the house down for the money

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Is his organization a “not for profit”?

He gets nothing! Make a viral post so he can give you the money back and file a civil case as the others stated

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FRAUD!! You can report!

An ex is an ex for a reason

Fraud​:bangbang::bangbang: id contact police an attorney and everyone who donated

Wow dad of the freaking year. He shouldn’t be worried about his hook up or what he can gain it should be about making sure his child has all she needs to be safe in this world… smh. I’m sorry girl! Keep your head up, don’t let him being you down. Positive energy sent! :v::heart::sparkles:

I think you can report it to go fund me as fraud


that coward deserves to be tarred-and-feathered for his deeds! He owes you more than he has to give. Be glad he is gone. Don’t look back.

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Wow I’m so sorry. I woulx definitely be really mad!

What a pos😒 report it to go fund me.

Hell no report him that’s fraud

He broke the law. It’s people like him that is going to make it harder for people who really need it. Turn him in. Or you may end up being responsible for the money he ran off with. Seeing your married to him. Sorry this has happened. I hope your thinking about staying away from him.

Its technically not illegal because you are still married

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Not saying i defend him hes clearly a piece of shit

That sounds like fraud, he seen a situation where he could earn extra cash at the expense of his own fucking child after she lost her home. I’d definitely talk to an attorney or something and see if there’s anything you can do because he shouldn’t be able to get away with shit like that. I’m honestly beyond grateful for my ex, we may have not quite worked out but we both put our son first, shit when we split he was gonna get me my own place just so he knows his child and his child’s mother are okay.

No he deserves nothing

If he’s still your husband how is it fraud :thinking:?

100% fraud. I would go the police and also speak to a lawyer.

Hire an attorney and sue him. It’s not legal to keep funds for reasons other than what they were raised for.

Contact the Red Cross and churches in your area. Tell them about your house fire and ask for help or to be directed to others who can help. Also go to the courthouse and file for temporary full physical custody of your child. If you don’t have legal paper work for custody he has 50/50 rights and could take the child and not give her back. Praying for you.

report his ass for fraud

This is why I won’t donate money to those groups.

The money for go fund me has to be put towards what it was raised for. Otherwise, it is actually illegal, because you’re scamming money from people. Report him immediately. And if you have it in text messages, screen shot them as proof.

Report it to Gofundme and the police. He robbed good intention people and his own child. Don’t let this go. This kind of behavior is what ruins it for others needing help.


How was it stated on the gofundme? Was it stated “our house or our home, etc” or was it stated as “my daughter and her mom, etc” if he put our than he is entitled, people thought than they were donating to the entire family not just the mom and daughter. There are loop holes and it is crappy and so totally wrong. She should of filed divorce when he ran off or atleast separation

You can take him to court for fraud . Because the go fund me was set up for the loss from the house fire . But if he is still on the mortgage he could actually be entitled to half . But if was a rental he would not . Good luck .

What the actual eff…I’m so sorry the fire happened…then more betrayal. Report him everywhere you can. I’m sure there had to be some sort of law about lying for donations.
You and your girl stick together. I’m sure you will. Good luck momma.

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I’m sorry this happened to you. My ex did sneaky things with money too. he took money that was supposed to go towards our daughters funeral. then later when I found out the money hadn’t went to the where it was supposed to he couldn’t explain where the money had went to…? To this day he’s never admitted what he used the money for. I was left having to pay the funeral cost myself.

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So sorry to you and your daughter for the lose of your home. I agree with all and would def report him as well to the authorities. I would post this info in regards to the GoFundMe page he created. Let the ppl who actually donated to YOU & your DAUGHTER see how he handled it. I’m sure they will have some choice words for him , let him know what a scuzzz he really is!!


My sister’s friend set up a gofund me page for my niece when she passed and kept all the money for herself. We took her to court and reported her and nothing happened. This is going on 4 yrs.

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Do not let him get away with this! It was you’re home and he’s shown thru his actions that he doesn’t care about you or you’re child one bit. Once it’s said and done get the hell away from this man. Pure garbage :rage:


I’m not sure what it’s legally considered, but I know you can contact Go Fund me and explain it to them. If it is fraud, they’ll get it taken care of. I know someone who went through a similar situation like yours and they considered it fraud. Im sorry for you and your daughters loss.


It is definitely awful he did this and I hope and pray you and your daughter get back on your feet soon. I would seek legal advice because I think it might make a difference if his name was on the house still. Morally n ethically clearly what he did is beyond disgusting just check though about legally. As shitty as it sounds it may not be legally fraud for him to keep half if he was still on the paperwork for house. You might have to prove he wasn’t living there and had his own residence at the time of the fire. Good luck hun

Pretty sure that’s fraud. I would look into it and call the police and see what they say.
That’s like a charity not giving the money to the people they raised it for. Not legal at all.


It’s illegal! A couple raised money for a homeless man as kept some for themselves and were sued and charges were filed against them. Call go fund me, you’ll probably need proof he didn’t live there and the house wasn’t his.


Omg. Im sooo sorry you and your daughter are going through this. How awful of him… Definitely report him to Gofundme and let Karma do the rest.


Definitely report him to the go fund me and the police. You and your daughter are entitled to that money not him. Plus how could he do that to his child knowing she lost everything and still took the money. He doesn’t have a conscience.

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I would get legal advice, immediately. Not because of the GoFundMe page, but because of the home owners insurance. If he’s still listed on the Deed he’s most likely entitled to half of your settlement.

What he did is illegal. You need to contact GoFundme immediately and report him. Please report him. Do not let him do this to you and your daughter without consequences. I wish you the best in everything and I hope you get all your money from him. You and your daughter will be in my prayers!


No he’s not! It’s fraud and the people who donated won’t be happy as it was under false pretences. I’d contact the go fund me org and see what can be done. Also call the police.


This needs to be turned in- there was a go fund me created a year or so ago that these people stole from after claiming it was for them and they got charged and have to pay it all back. When it comes to using go fund me they don’t mess arouns

No he is not entitled to anything! Anyone who
Donated was donating to you, not him. It’s theft. From the donors and you!


You can contact the go fund me Corp and he can get into serious trouble cause he didn’t put the money to use as what it was tended for. That’s a fraudulent intent.


First off, I am so sorry for the loss of your home. Second, report him for sure to GoFundMe and the local authorities! And last… how does he sleep at night!!!


I believe that’s fraud if you can prove he left the home before the fire what a pos karma is going to raw dog him for sures and they always come running back :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


No he is not! The money was donated to charity not profit (no finders fee)! Take him to court, take all the screenshots and get all the info from the go fund me… document everything! He will have to pay it back


People donated to give YOU. So he’s entitled to nothing. He used your situation as an avenue to make money…smh…you’re better off without him, that’s for sure.


This is why I don’t give money for any charity or anything because it never goes to the right people…I would dob him in because he will do it again

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That’s fraud! Contact an attorney. This is why Steve Bannon got arrested.


So sorry for your loss, you need to report him to GOFUNDME and file a police report. That money DOES NOT BELONG TO HIM!!! It’s fraud…maybe the FBI can help???

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Its gone. Worrying about something that you have no control over isnt what you need right now. Just do what you gotta do and things will work out in end. But on a side note…child support…heehee

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Of course he is not and I’m sure whomever donated would be very disappointed in him. Let karma do him in. It will catch up with him and then he can’t blame you.

File a police report, report to GoFundMe, and hire an attorney.


Blast him publicly. No one likes being mislead on donation sites and most likely, those who donated will crack the whip so to speak. This is honestly why I never donate.

Take him to court there was a story a few years back a couple did the same thing to someone went to court and had to give the money up to the person it was meant for

Well go after him but what does that have to do with s/o up and leaving his family after 20 years

This is why I never donate to go fund me

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People keep being shitty people because no one wants to hold them accountable. Definitely report it to whoever you need to!

Report it to go fund me this is fraud and not being used for it sole purpose

I’d just like to comment…you call him your spouse, but I sincerely hope he’s your ex, regardless of if he’s your daughters father. No decent person does this to his family. Go after him, get the money he owes you, start getting child support and never see him again.

That is absolutely theft. Contact go fund me and the police ASAP.

Well is there insurance money, is half the equity in the house his? Doesn’t sound like a very complete story to me.

Definitely fraud. Please take this advice and get that money for you and your daughter to rebuild.

Nope ! Report him in about the go fund me he took all that money ! He was only thinking of himself.

Turn him in on gofund me and they will refund everyone their money. This is fraud.

Like someone else stated it does depend on the wording of the go fund me. If you and he both owned the home or were renting it will also have a factor. If the wording included him in the explanation he may be entitled to a third of the proceeds…but if he lost nothing in the fire (no equity in the home or no belongings) it was a misleading claim on his part and therefore fraudulent…which would mean he would have to pay you back what he took from it. Unfortunately if he was misleading/fraudulent on the go fund me it could negate the whole thing…I would definitely talk to go fund me and most definitely speak with a lawyer

You need a lawyer but if you are in a state where you share 50/50 then you’re stuck. GoFundMe is dangerous. Get a lawyer! Did you not have insurance at all on the home? Fire insurance is a basic necessity.

It’s fraud report this to them he’ll have to give money back plus legal fees

I could see a third not half. Go for support

And if he started the gofund me, he has to pay taxes on all that money!

So sorry that you went thought that. But I don’t think he can keep that money. And he also needs his back side kicked.

No way. He did it for you and HIS daughter . He is a low life dog

No, report to gofund me.


NO! And he can very much be reported for theft!

That is illegal so contact gofundme


Was the house owned? Did he help pay for it?

No. That’s fraud and he could go to jail


That is wrong on so many levels…turn him in…I hope you are staying somewhere with some nice friends

Not a good look for GOFUNDME, not only did this ah:rage:leave his family high and dry but stole from those who donated​:rage::rage::rage:

It would be good to list his name so people would know what a dirt bug he is.

His karma is going to be off the charts!

Im so sorry for your lost, turn his ass in and let Karma do the rest

No call the authorities immediately how awful I’m so sorry :neutral_face:

That money was to help REBUILD YOUR LIFE…NOT HIS

Definitely contact GoFundMe and police and attorney.

If u don’t file charges for your daughters sake your wrong don’t let him walk on u like that

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Report him what he did is illegal. I hope you and your daughter get back on your feet

Lol blast him and tell everyone what he did

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Not at all! Have him arrested!

I would report him immediately. That’s fraud. And what a POS.

That’s fudged up ! I too have lost everything due to campfire in 2018. :heart::heart::pray::pray::pray::pray:

Contact go fund me. They will take it seriously as its fraud.

That’s fraud. Contact go fund me and report him.

Don’t take any of the money and report him for fraud!

Just down right sorry individual

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He has no right to that money! That’s one awful individual there

I’d file a report with gfm

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I hope we can get an update on this, that is just awful.

No,ma’am. That is fraud and he can be charged. Turn him in.