My step son watches "huggy wuggy" I overreacting?

How old is this young man? Some people call 5 & 6 year olds “Toddler”…

My 5 and 6 yr old watch it and have the toys lol. We also watch Halloween and go to haunted houses so.

Nope. I hate this show. I’d block it o. His tablet if I could literally

My Grandson watches that creepy ass show. He loves it. He wants it for Christmas. Along with daddy long legs. I was like wth is a daddy long legs. LOL

My son is four and loves huggy wuggy :sob::sob::sob:

My 6 year old also watches that. He’s fine lol

Your kids your rules. Period

It’s a fad, it will fade and be replaced by something else.

Krystal look at these comments :roll_eyes:

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This is why we don’t have tablets. So freaky! My nephew came over and taught my three kids about hubby whatever and that’s when I learned about it. These comments confirm my suspicions. I told him we DO NOT play that game at our house, because they were chasing each other around in the dark and being weird. I’m super strict about YouTube, etc so we had not been introduced to it before then.

It’s not your choice or your business. You literally don’t have a right to say otherwise. Not your child. It’s simple, you are making something out of nothing. Just stop


Instant bashing of the mom because a kid gets mad about getting off tablet makes you sound like a real gem. If mom and dad are okay with it you don’t really get a say.

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Where is his dad. Why are you taking the tablet and not his dad. His father should be taking the lead on this problem.


No i continue to freak out at the amount of parents who buy their kids the merch and let them play the game like wtf he’s creepy. If you are ok with Huggy Wuggy it’s bc you haven’t actually paid attention to what your kid is watching. Some of those videos are posted on youtube by random weirdos and definitely unrelated to the video game. Definitely a good idea to still sensor their huggy wuggy intake js. Honestly any internet usage.

No you’re not overreacting it’s not for toddlers
I find tye comments here about allowing young kids watch it is worrying to be honest

No, you’re not overreacting. I hate huggy wuggy. I don’t let my kids watch it either. There’s a game of it too

take the tablet away and ignore the tantrums. hell go play with his toys eventually :woman_shrugging:t2:

Ohh the sanctamommies on the net all the time but it’s OK for all of us . So fun to read. On another note. Talking smack about the child’s mother on social media, that’s a no. Adrianapumpkin Herrerra right. This woman acts like that is just her house and she rules everyone in it and that not only is the dad not the head of the house hold but that’s his son and his rules. Get out of here with that garbage. The Kaylyn Thompson with the whole we even told the mom and grandma what for. One the " We even told" let me stop you there you mean the “dad”? You got a mouse in your pocket? Not your place to tell the mom and grandma.


Yes, yes you are. It’s weird but my 5 n 3 y.o. love it

If he isn’t scared what’s the problem? Also I’m not one of those moms who believe in limiting screen time. My kids can have as much screen time as they want. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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